Friday, January 23, 2009

Governor Cas-Ru Roben dies in shuttle accident

Date: 230109
Planet: Talus/Corellia
Region: New Doros/Doaba Guerfel

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Cas-Ru Roben, governor of Talus, was killed four days ago in a shuttle accident in Doaba Guerfel, Corellia. His wife, Lady Ch'sei, which is alos holding the office of minister of Protocol, announced the following:

I am Lady Ch'sei, the Minister of Protocol. Today is a sad day in which I need to inform the citizens of Talus, that our believed Governor has passed away. He died during a tragic shuttle accident in Doaba Guerfel today. He leaves behind a Wife, with child on the way, I, Lady Ch'sei will be taking over, in his place, as Governor. If anyone feels the need to get ahold of me, I will be in New Doros in my office. Again it is a tragedy this happened, and I look forward to serving you, the citizens of Talus, as your Governor. Further more, I will make sure the rebels holding Nashal will be dealt with in short time,we do not take kindly to criminals, and law and order will be brought back to the renegade city.

Investigations of the accident and its causes are still going on. With the recent attack on Old Doros and the rumors of an underground war being fought on Talus, as well as the recent rebel activities in Nashal, any violent death is suspect, and assassinations have been covered up by shuttle accidents in the past already.

The words of Lady Ch'sei also caused concern that renewed fighting may take place on Talus, and even escalate to all-out war on the planet's soil. An anonymous citizen was quoted as stating "no one wishes another Restuss".

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