Sunday, May 4, 2008

Jazmine shot by bounty hunter!

Date: 040508
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Black Sands

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Jazmine, fiancée of Ikus Agapor, was shot last night in Black Sands by a bounty hunter supposedly named Krik'k. The bounty hunter, according to some reports a "Gand", an insectoid species, was then taken down by the people present, among them Ikus himself.

The extent of Jazmine's wounds is not known so far, but she had to be taken to a med center - a second, actually, the first being inaccessible due to a gas leak.

The reason for the shooting is not yet known, so far there has not been a confirmed bounty on Jazmine. But it confirms our recent report - guests of Jazmine's and Ikus' wedding should be ready for some hostilities, apparently even bfore the wedding.

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