Date: 310511
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Company sent Captain Britney's YT-2400 class light freighter "Sugar Rush" with a cargo of copper from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Shipyards in the Ord Mantell System. Falcun Nix, Nellari Hoefi and Ahl-Vinn served as escorts.
The convoy reached the Corellia system without incident, but while waiting for the hyperdrives to recharge it was jumped by two pirate ships at the hyperspace jump point "Corellia's Own". All three escorts were lost in the following battle, disabled or shot down, until the "Sugar Rush" was on its own. Despite new gunners - Ozralyyk and Stal Cath - both attackers were shot down and the escort pilots recovered. The freighter safely reached Ord Mantell afterwards.
The following records were taken from the remains of an Astromech found in the debris of one pirate:
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Attack on West Carova!
Date: 310511
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to eye witnesses three days ago the town of West Carova came under attack by so-called "enclave troopers" trying to kill a twi'lek member of the local law enforcement organisation. They failed in this but in the firefight that led to their defeat several citizens and bystanders were hurt.
The exact reason for the attack is not known though according to locals the so-called enclave troopers have been displaying a pathological hatred of aliens in the past and repeatedly attacked non-humans of all kinds without provocation. Fortunately they were usually killed or driven out of the settlements in most cases following such attacks.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to eye witnesses three days ago the town of West Carova came under attack by so-called "enclave troopers" trying to kill a twi'lek member of the local law enforcement organisation. They failed in this but in the firefight that led to their defeat several citizens and bystanders were hurt.
The exact reason for the attack is not known though according to locals the so-called enclave troopers have been displaying a pathological hatred of aliens in the past and repeatedly attacked non-humans of all kinds without provocation. Fortunately they were usually killed or driven out of the settlements in most cases following such attacks.
Keren falls to Alliance army, Imperials defeat rebels on Corellia
Date: 310511
Planet: Naboo/Corellia
Region: Keren/Fayth
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago large-scale ground combat erupted on Naboo and Corellia. Unconfirmed sources claim that the imperial troops were defeated in a pitched battle in Keren, Naboo, with both sides taking heavy losses. An estimate of the collateral damage caused by this battle has not yet been done.
According to the same sources shortly afterwards an attack by elements of the armed forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic on Fayth on Corellia was beaten back by the local imperial garrison and reinforcements, after a bloody battle that again caused severe casualties on both sides.
Planet: Naboo/Corellia
Region: Keren/Fayth
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago large-scale ground combat erupted on Naboo and Corellia. Unconfirmed sources claim that the imperial troops were defeated in a pitched battle in Keren, Naboo, with both sides taking heavy losses. An estimate of the collateral damage caused by this battle has not yet been done.
According to the same sources shortly afterwards an attack by elements of the armed forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic on Fayth on Corellia was beaten back by the local imperial garrison and reinforcements, after a bloody battle that again caused severe casualties on both sides.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Intense battles in the Yavin System and Deep Space
Date: 290511
Planet: Yavin System and Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night saw massive intense battles between naval forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Imperial Navy. The battle in the Yavin System started, as far as is known, when scouting units of the Empire were caught by a large rebel force. Before they were wiped out they managed to call in reinforcements - a task force centered around two gunboats. The imperial reinforcements managed to drive the rebels out of the system after a lengthy battle in the center of the system.
Shortly afterwards hostilities resumed in Deep Space, where ships from both sides clashed all over the system. While the imperial forces had the advantage at the beginning their numbers dwindled over time, and the Alliance ships managed to hold position, then push them back.
Planet: Yavin System and Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night saw massive intense battles between naval forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Imperial Navy. The battle in the Yavin System started, as far as is known, when scouting units of the Empire were caught by a large rebel force. Before they were wiped out they managed to call in reinforcements - a task force centered around two gunboats. The imperial reinforcements managed to drive the rebels out of the system after a lengthy battle in the center of the system.
Shortly afterwards hostilities resumed in Deep Space, where ships from both sides clashed all over the system. While the imperial forces had the advantage at the beginning their numbers dwindled over time, and the Alliance ships managed to hold position, then push them back.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Trash Compactor opens in Crusher's Junction
Date: 280511
Planet: Corellia
Region: Crusher's Junction
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the Trash Compactor opened, a new cantina in Crusher's Junction. The biggest junkyard on Corellia (their words, don't sue us!) has now a very unique cantina as well, catering to their clients with an almost as wide selection of drinks as their selection of junk (or economical spare parts).
For the opening the Neutron Pixies performed a song written for the event, "Swoop Racer", and their classic "Coronet, Heart of Corellia" cycle, on the stage, next to the cantina's namesake, the big trash compactor.
As the evening progressed more and more people filtered in, many of them looking for business of various kinds. Some tempers were quite hot - one man was almsot fed to a rancor over 200 credits - but all in all the mood was good. So good that Tee'won's stripping performance on stage did not lead to his untimely demise.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Crusher's Junction
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the Trash Compactor opened, a new cantina in Crusher's Junction. The biggest junkyard on Corellia (their words, don't sue us!) has now a very unique cantina as well, catering to their clients with an almost as wide selection of drinks as their selection of junk (or economical spare parts).
For the opening the Neutron Pixies performed a song written for the event, "Swoop Racer", and their classic "Coronet, Heart of Corellia" cycle, on the stage, next to the cantina's namesake, the big trash compactor.
As the evening progressed more and more people filtered in, many of them looking for business of various kinds. Some tempers were quite hot - one man was almsot fed to a rancor over 200 credits - but all in all the mood was good. So good that Tee'won's stripping performance on stage did not lead to his untimely demise.
Friday, May 27, 2011
CorSec Corellian Corvette infiltrated?
Date: 270511
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to usually well-informed sources in the captial of Corellia a CorSec-operated Corellian Corvette operating as a prisoner transport was boarded last night and the prisoners freed. Supposedly the boarders had help on the inside since several attackers wore CorSec uniforms, but whether those were simple disguises or members of the so-called "rogue CorSec" group remains unclear.
While the identity of the prisoners was not revealed, not even anonymously, according to one rumor the prisoners were not as much freed as kidnapped and there were shootings between the boarders themselves, hinting at either dissension within the ranks or different factions being involved.
A spokesman for CorSec stated today when asked about those rumors that all capital ships operated by CorSec were fully operational and none was currently suffering any troubles of technical or other nature. He did not answer questions whether that was the case yesterday as well.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to usually well-informed sources in the captial of Corellia a CorSec-operated Corellian Corvette operating as a prisoner transport was boarded last night and the prisoners freed. Supposedly the boarders had help on the inside since several attackers wore CorSec uniforms, but whether those were simple disguises or members of the so-called "rogue CorSec" group remains unclear.
While the identity of the prisoners was not revealed, not even anonymously, according to one rumor the prisoners were not as much freed as kidnapped and there were shootings between the boarders themselves, hinting at either dissension within the ranks or different factions being involved.
A spokesman for CorSec stated today when asked about those rumors that all capital ships operated by CorSec were fully operational and none was currently suffering any troubles of technical or other nature. He did not answer questions whether that was the case yesterday as well.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Aak caught!
Date: 260511
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Various
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to the latest reports Aak the Toydarian, on the run since over a month, was finally caught in the town of Hades Inferno last night by four bounty hunters after a hunt all over Tatooine. From what is known the toydarian was hiding in a closet in the basement of a shop and was dragged out without physical resistance after he was found.
Prior to his capture he had been allegedly involved in a theft in the Dock in West Carova, a barfight in Mos Eisley, and a confrontation in Farpoint Valley, using various aliases and disguises in each case to escape pursuit.
He was last reported to be shipped to Rori, but his current whereabouts as well as his final fate are unknown.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Various
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to the latest reports Aak the Toydarian, on the run since over a month, was finally caught in the town of Hades Inferno last night by four bounty hunters after a hunt all over Tatooine. From what is known the toydarian was hiding in a closet in the basement of a shop and was dragged out without physical resistance after he was found.
Prior to his capture he had been allegedly involved in a theft in the Dock in West Carova, a barfight in Mos Eisley, and a confrontation in Farpoint Valley, using various aliases and disguises in each case to escape pursuit.
He was last reported to be shipped to Rori, but his current whereabouts as well as his final fate are unknown.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Bomber dies by own bomb
Date: 250511
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Yesterday security forces from New Kestic, the Headquarters of the Future Droids and Weapons System, and mercenaries in their employ managed to corner the wanted bomber responsible for several attacks on ships and shipping. The bomber had been trying to extort money from the corporation after killing an employee of FDWS last week.
From what is known at this point a droid was sent to receive the money. FDWS forces instead shot the droid with an ion gun and then dismantled its core, retrieving the coordinates the droid was programmed to drop the money off - a remote location in the north, almost ten kilometers away from New Kestic. The security forces and mercenaries under command of Amandiona Masnachwr moved swiftly at this point.
A scouting force was sent ahead and revealed the presence of a dozen armed and armored men at the coordinates given. Their camp was then hit with the full force, and the Apparent leader of this group taken prisoner as he was trying to flee in a shuttle.
Bli'Kote, an investigator sent by a insurance firm from the Galactic Core who had been hunting the bomber for years according to his claims and had been investigating the recent affair for weeks, had been forced to remain in New Kestic after the bomber's droid had hit him with a stun gun that triggered a heart attack. While the security forces were hitting the armed camp however he revealed himself to be the until then still unidentified bomber, taking one of the employees of FDWS left behind in New Kestic to treat him as a hostage and forced her to give him access to their main computer databanks - apparently with the intent to steal their research data.
The hostage - Amandiona's sister Lazana - managed to trigger a silent alarm and stall the downloading process long though, and the criminal found himself cornered by the returned security forces. When he was threatening to blow himself and his hostage up with a thermal detonator he was jumped. Staggering back he allegedly lost his grip on the detonator, which went off seconds later, vaporizing himself and the main data banks of the corporation.
While the hostage was safe, having had time to reach cover and/or shielding in the scuffle at least one member of the security force or mercenaries was seriously wounded in the blast and is now in intensive care in New Kestic's med center.
CEO Masnachwr was quoted stating that the databanks had backups and no long-term harm to the corporation's future is expected. No comment was given yet on who is claiming the substantial bounty TTC placed on the bomber earlier.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Yesterday security forces from New Kestic, the Headquarters of the Future Droids and Weapons System, and mercenaries in their employ managed to corner the wanted bomber responsible for several attacks on ships and shipping. The bomber had been trying to extort money from the corporation after killing an employee of FDWS last week.
From what is known at this point a droid was sent to receive the money. FDWS forces instead shot the droid with an ion gun and then dismantled its core, retrieving the coordinates the droid was programmed to drop the money off - a remote location in the north, almost ten kilometers away from New Kestic. The security forces and mercenaries under command of Amandiona Masnachwr moved swiftly at this point.
A scouting force was sent ahead and revealed the presence of a dozen armed and armored men at the coordinates given. Their camp was then hit with the full force, and the Apparent leader of this group taken prisoner as he was trying to flee in a shuttle.
Bli'Kote, an investigator sent by a insurance firm from the Galactic Core who had been hunting the bomber for years according to his claims and had been investigating the recent affair for weeks, had been forced to remain in New Kestic after the bomber's droid had hit him with a stun gun that triggered a heart attack. While the security forces were hitting the armed camp however he revealed himself to be the until then still unidentified bomber, taking one of the employees of FDWS left behind in New Kestic to treat him as a hostage and forced her to give him access to their main computer databanks - apparently with the intent to steal their research data.
The hostage - Amandiona's sister Lazana - managed to trigger a silent alarm and stall the downloading process long though, and the criminal found himself cornered by the returned security forces. When he was threatening to blow himself and his hostage up with a thermal detonator he was jumped. Staggering back he allegedly lost his grip on the detonator, which went off seconds later, vaporizing himself and the main data banks of the corporation.
While the hostage was safe, having had time to reach cover and/or shielding in the scuffle at least one member of the security force or mercenaries was seriously wounded in the blast and is now in intensive care in New Kestic's med center.
CEO Masnachwr was quoted stating that the databanks had backups and no long-term harm to the corporation's future is expected. No comment was given yet on who is claiming the substantial bounty TTC placed on the bomber earlier.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Toydarian trader attacked in Farpoint Valley
Date: 240511
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
Last night Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley was closing, most of the regulars on their way to the IMC office, when two men arrived at the shuttle port. After a short confrontation with the flight crew which almost ended in violence according to eye witnesses the two men proceeded to intimidate and attempt to attack a toydarian trader named "Karr" who was in the company of two dancers and just leaving the club as well.
The toydarian, claiming a case of mistaken identity, managed to escape after an offer to buy the two men off did not cause them to stop their attack. His current whereabouts are not known.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
Last night Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley was closing, most of the regulars on their way to the IMC office, when two men arrived at the shuttle port. After a short confrontation with the flight crew which almost ended in violence according to eye witnesses the two men proceeded to intimidate and attempt to attack a toydarian trader named "Karr" who was in the company of two dancers and just leaving the club as well.
The toydarian, claiming a case of mistaken identity, managed to escape after an offer to buy the two men off did not cause them to stop their attack. His current whereabouts are not known.
Defiant Glory reaches Ord Mantell safely
Date: 240511
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Company hired the "Defiant Glory", piloted by Captain Arzesaeth Ernebee, to transport non-ferrous ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Shipyards in the Ord Mantell System. The ship, an Incom built medium freighter, was escorted by the "Lekku Lass", an ARC-170 piloted by Nellari Hoefi, and left Tatooine's orbit after a slight delay brought on by stricter security measures due to a persisting bomb threat.
The following voyage suffered no further trouble until an ARC-170 attacked the freighter in the Corellia system, near iron asteroids. The ship's gunners kept the attacker at bay for over 5 minutes until it finally was shot down and the ship continued its journey to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Company hired the "Defiant Glory", piloted by Captain Arzesaeth Ernebee, to transport non-ferrous ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Shipyards in the Ord Mantell System. The ship, an Incom built medium freighter, was escorted by the "Lekku Lass", an ARC-170 piloted by Nellari Hoefi, and left Tatooine's orbit after a slight delay brought on by stricter security measures due to a persisting bomb threat.
The following voyage suffered no further trouble until an ARC-170 attacked the freighter in the Corellia system, near iron asteroids. The ship's gunners kept the attacker at bay for over 5 minutes until it finally was shot down and the ship continued its journey to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Freighter missing over Lok
Date: 240511
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Tatooine Trading Corporation announced that they lost the TTC-Javasen, a YT-2400, in the Karthakk System. The ship suffered a catastrophical system malfunction which caused the loss of steering, life support and reactor containment, causing the crew to use the escape pod to avoid being killed. According to the crew, which was recovered, they did not see any explosion while flying away, and no debris has been found so far. If anyone is coming across the YT-2400 approach it with the utmost caution.
TTC denied claims that overloading the engine caused the incident, stating that the ship had been running with overloads without problems since it was put into service. No pirates were reported in the vicinity of the ship either.
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Tatooine Trading Corporation announced that they lost the TTC-Javasen, a YT-2400, in the Karthakk System. The ship suffered a catastrophical system malfunction which caused the loss of steering, life support and reactor containment, causing the crew to use the escape pod to avoid being killed. According to the crew, which was recovered, they did not see any explosion while flying away, and no debris has been found so far. If anyone is coming across the YT-2400 approach it with the utmost caution.
TTC denied claims that overloading the engine caused the incident, stating that the ship had been running with overloads without problems since it was put into service. No pirates were reported in the vicinity of the ship either.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Combat in Deep Space picking up
Date: 230511
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After weeks of relative quiet (if not peace) the Galactic Civil War is heating up again. Squadrons from both sides clashed in Deep Space two days ago, battling for hours for space superiority. According to preliminary reports the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, led by at least two gunboats, had the upper hand during most of the battle, despite stiff imperial resistance.
The struggle for control of Deep Space is expected to heat up in the near future, according to several strategy experts who predict a renewed offensive in the local sector.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After weeks of relative quiet (if not peace) the Galactic Civil War is heating up again. Squadrons from both sides clashed in Deep Space two days ago, battling for hours for space superiority. According to preliminary reports the forces of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, led by at least two gunboats, had the upper hand during most of the battle, despite stiff imperial resistance.
The struggle for control of Deep Space is expected to heat up in the near future, according to several strategy experts who predict a renewed offensive in the local sector.
Friday, May 20, 2011
XTS ship attacked on Yavin IV?
Date: 200511
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Southwestern coast
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night prospectors in the southwestern jungles of Yavin IV reported hearing a lot of blaster fire at the southern shores. When authorities investigated they found the remains of a prolonged firefight, several unidentified corpses and scorch marks of a light freighter and a shuttle. Traffic records show a XTS ship in the area prior to the firefight.
Xizor Transport Systems announced when questioned that one of their ships was attacked by pirates on the planet, but did not reveal any details concerning the reasons for their ship's presence, citing "trade secrets".
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Southwestern coast
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night prospectors in the southwestern jungles of Yavin IV reported hearing a lot of blaster fire at the southern shores. When authorities investigated they found the remains of a prolonged firefight, several unidentified corpses and scorch marks of a light freighter and a shuttle. Traffic records show a XTS ship in the area prior to the firefight.
Xizor Transport Systems announced when questioned that one of their ships was attacked by pirates on the planet, but did not reveal any details concerning the reasons for their ship's presence, citing "trade secrets".
Thursday, May 19, 2011
FDWS employee killed by bomb
Date: 190511
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tragedy struck on Lok last night when a planetary transport reported a system failure in mid-flight and had to crash-land near New Kestic in south-eastern Lok. A rescue team from New Kestic made up from employees of the Future Droids and Weapons Systems was dispatched at once and quickly reached the crash site, securing it against looters and starting rescue operations despite the danger the still burning wreck posed to their own lives.

Jerint Shysa was at the forefront of the rescue efforts, looking for survivors first. While he was attempting to recover the transport's pilot the ship's fuel cells suddenly exploded. The remaining employees of FDWS watched helplessly as the ship's remains were wrecked even further. Their worst fears were realized when they managed to reach the transports bridge. Jerint was still conscious, but his wounds were too grave for him to survive transport to the local med center. He died in the arms of his sister, Lynn Shysa.

The transport's pilot was transferred to the med center in New Kestic, his current status is not known. According to the preliminary results of the investigation the transport was sabotaged. A virus took the flight controls offline when the transport entered New Kestic air space, causing the crash. The fuel cell explosion though was caused by a thermal detonator. Given that such devices were used in earlier attacks on the city the prime suspect is the mad bomber trying to extort money from the corporation.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tragedy struck on Lok last night when a planetary transport reported a system failure in mid-flight and had to crash-land near New Kestic in south-eastern Lok. A rescue team from New Kestic made up from employees of the Future Droids and Weapons Systems was dispatched at once and quickly reached the crash site, securing it against looters and starting rescue operations despite the danger the still burning wreck posed to their own lives.
Jerint Shysa was at the forefront of the rescue efforts, looking for survivors first. While he was attempting to recover the transport's pilot the ship's fuel cells suddenly exploded. The remaining employees of FDWS watched helplessly as the ship's remains were wrecked even further. Their worst fears were realized when they managed to reach the transports bridge. Jerint was still conscious, but his wounds were too grave for him to survive transport to the local med center. He died in the arms of his sister, Lynn Shysa.
The transport's pilot was transferred to the med center in New Kestic, his current status is not known. According to the preliminary results of the investigation the transport was sabotaged. A virus took the flight controls offline when the transport entered New Kestic air space, causing the crash. The fuel cell explosion though was caused by a thermal detonator. Given that such devices were used in earlier attacks on the city the prime suspect is the mad bomber trying to extort money from the corporation.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
New dojo opens on Dantooine
Date: 180511
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Northern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Martial Arts have been a part of the culture of the galaxy for thousands of years, be it as means to defend oneself, a sport, or a way of living. Teras Kasi is one of the most famous of the galaxy-wide practised martial arts, and often named as one of the most powerful styles, sometimes said to be on par with lightsaber fencing. This art was very wide spread just a few years ago, but as the war progressed its use has faltered some lately. Still it has many practioners, and even more fans. And for either we have good news!

Located in a quiet valley in northern Dantooine is the "Rising Rancor Dojo", where students can learn and practise teras kasi once the dojo opens its doors next week. Jakt'rar is leading the dojo, but he has several teachers.

As you can see on the pictures the dojo has a humble outside appearance, but is offering all the accomodations needed to study the art inside.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Northern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Martial Arts have been a part of the culture of the galaxy for thousands of years, be it as means to defend oneself, a sport, or a way of living. Teras Kasi is one of the most famous of the galaxy-wide practised martial arts, and often named as one of the most powerful styles, sometimes said to be on par with lightsaber fencing. This art was very wide spread just a few years ago, but as the war progressed its use has faltered some lately. Still it has many practioners, and even more fans. And for either we have good news!
Located in a quiet valley in northern Dantooine is the "Rising Rancor Dojo", where students can learn and practise teras kasi once the dojo opens its doors next week. Jakt'rar is leading the dojo, but he has several teachers.
As you can see on the pictures the dojo has a humble outside appearance, but is offering all the accomodations needed to study the art inside.
IMC Convoy reaches Nova Orion Station on schedule
Date: 180511
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
After the computer troubles that neccessitated a rescheduling of the weekly convoys, the Intergalactic Mining Company sent two YT-2400 class frighters with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell last night. Britney's pink "Sugar Rush" and See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol" were escorted by Kentt' in his ARC-170.
The convoy encountered technical troubles on the way early on - the "Sugar Rush" suffered a hyperdrive failure and was delayed some - and the ships were jumped by a pirate raider almost at once after they entered the Corellia system. The raider managed to cripple the escorting fighter but was shot down by the "Kairn Tol". After helping Kentt' with repairs the convoy reached the Ord Mantell system safely.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC)
After the computer troubles that neccessitated a rescheduling of the weekly convoys, the Intergalactic Mining Company sent two YT-2400 class frighters with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell last night. Britney's pink "Sugar Rush" and See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol" were escorted by Kentt' in his ARC-170.
The convoy encountered technical troubles on the way early on - the "Sugar Rush" suffered a hyperdrive failure and was delayed some - and the ships were jumped by a pirate raider almost at once after they entered the Corellia system. The raider managed to cripple the escorting fighter but was shot down by the "Kairn Tol". After helping Kentt' with repairs the convoy reached the Ord Mantell system safely.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
IMC convoy delayed - company claims computer trouble, not extortion
Date: 150511
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company announced today that the company would be returning to regular business schedules as soon as possible after their link to the galactic financial transacton system was restored today. Due to a needed scan of the system for possible troubles the weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell would be one day late though.
Manager Kimisei Bythmi said he did not expect any further troubles for the company. He stated the delay was not linked to the mad bomber still at large.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company announced today that the company would be returning to regular business schedules as soon as possible after their link to the galactic financial transacton system was restored today. Due to a needed scan of the system for possible troubles the weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell would be one day late though.
Manager Kimisei Bythmi said he did not expect any further troubles for the company. He stated the delay was not linked to the mad bomber still at large.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Arklem Qeq wanted again!
Date: 020511
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Arklem Qeq, infamous pirate captain, has had a price on his head several times in the recent past, but so far has always managed to "settle matters" one way or the other - only to start right on earning the next price.
Currently the walls of Bestine are plastered with wanted posters faturing his face. While the exact details are not known rumors claim that he has managed to steal a large sum of credits from the Galactic Empire it self - or at least someone of high rank within that Empire.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Arklem Qeq, infamous pirate captain, has had a price on his head several times in the recent past, but so far has always managed to "settle matters" one way or the other - only to start right on earning the next price.
Currently the walls of Bestine are plastered with wanted posters faturing his face. While the exact details are not known rumors claim that he has managed to steal a large sum of credits from the Galactic Empire it self - or at least someone of high rank within that Empire.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Alliance Fleet secures supply lines
Date: 010511
Planet: Naboo and Karthakk systems
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Sector fleet and naval units of the Alliance to Restore the Republic battled for control of critical hyperlane choke points vital to their supply lines in the Karthakk and Naboo systems. For almost two hours the battles in those systems went back and forth, causing casualties but no victor, until the Alliance fleet managed to gain a small but decisive advantage, partially aided by a mistake in the communication lines of the Imperial task force.
After the respective forces had withdrawn again the rebel units went on to defeat the imperial ships which had remained in Deep Space.
The following recordings were released by the Imperial Sector Fleet Command and show part of the battles that raged last night:
Planet: Naboo and Karthakk systems
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Sector fleet and naval units of the Alliance to Restore the Republic battled for control of critical hyperlane choke points vital to their supply lines in the Karthakk and Naboo systems. For almost two hours the battles in those systems went back and forth, causing casualties but no victor, until the Alliance fleet managed to gain a small but decisive advantage, partially aided by a mistake in the communication lines of the Imperial task force.
After the respective forces had withdrawn again the rebel units went on to defeat the imperial ships which had remained in Deep Space.
The following recordings were released by the Imperial Sector Fleet Command and show part of the battles that raged last night:
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