Date: 301209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: By the Tatooine Correspondent
A currently unidentified male with blonde hair cut into a mohawk was found passed out in the entrance to Bestine Spaceport several days ago. Initially, two individuals in civilian attempted to move the man, but were interrupted by an Imperial patrol. Witnesses are unsure of what took place as the patrols quickly secured the area to determine what was going on. Though one witness stated that they overheard one of the individuals in civilian attire comment that they believed this man was invovled in an altercation with imperials some time ago, but that they had found him in his condition.
In the end, the Imperial patrol took control of the unconscious individual, and was last seen dragging him onto a shuttle that landed at the starport a short time later.
Rumor claims the man was a wanted man, but no rumor could agree on what he might have been wanted for - so far.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Life Day Party, Race and Town Meeting in Farpoint Valley
Date: 301209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last evening Farpoint Valley held a Life Day Party which included a town meeting and a swoop and open race. The town meeting started in the City Hall, where mayor Kimisei Bythmi greeted the residents and visitors who attended, giving a short speech before adressing various questions and concerns by the audience.
Afterwards the crowd moved over to the Racing Lounge of Meansa, who had been insturmental in getting the event together, enjoying a few more drinks before the races started.
Smero had picked a long course for the Swoop and Open Race, which was tackled by Falcun Nix, Otaua Ladira, Ichi Senshi, Nee'ki Starr and Jar'ek Cax. After a close race Otaua won the surprize prize.
The open competion where all kinds of vehicles were allowed was undertaken by Ashen Katarna, Otaua Ladira and Smero himself. Ashen Katarna, on a special "One of a kind" speeder bike, won while Smero suffered a crash and had to return on the back of a dewback.
The event ended in the Grindhouse Bar, where more drinks were served - too much for some guests, Falcun Nix even had to be moved to the med center for a quick detoxification.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last evening Farpoint Valley held a Life Day Party which included a town meeting and a swoop and open race. The town meeting started in the City Hall, where mayor Kimisei Bythmi greeted the residents and visitors who attended, giving a short speech before adressing various questions and concerns by the audience.
Afterwards the crowd moved over to the Racing Lounge of Meansa, who had been insturmental in getting the event together, enjoying a few more drinks before the races started.
Smero had picked a long course for the Swoop and Open Race, which was tackled by Falcun Nix, Otaua Ladira, Ichi Senshi, Nee'ki Starr and Jar'ek Cax. After a close race Otaua won the surprize prize.
The open competion where all kinds of vehicles were allowed was undertaken by Ashen Katarna, Otaua Ladira and Smero himself. Ashen Katarna, on a special "One of a kind" speeder bike, won while Smero suffered a crash and had to return on the back of a dewback.
The event ended in the Grindhouse Bar, where more drinks were served - too much for some guests, Falcun Nix even had to be moved to the med center for a quick detoxification.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Radioactive ore lost in Ord Mantell
Date: 291209
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent a cargo of enriched radioactive ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The "TTC-Encilia", a YT-2400 chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, was flown by Azraiel DeShade, escorted by Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander, both in interceptors. Tav'la, Nee'ki Starr and Ramona crewed on the freighter.
The Naboo system was passed without troubles, but upon entering the Ord Mantell System the convoy was beset by an unidentified Vigo-class Gunboat blocking the approach to the Nova Orion Station.
In the following battle Batair Highlander's interceptor suffered crippling damage while the TTC-Encilia was damaged so badly that both the engine and most of the cargo was lost before the ship received halp from the nearby station. Falcun Nix managed to drive the Vigo off, but in turn was shot down by other raiders.
Local authorities claim that there's no danger for the population of Ord Mantell from the radioactive ore lost in space.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent a cargo of enriched radioactive ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The "TTC-Encilia", a YT-2400 chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, was flown by Azraiel DeShade, escorted by Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander, both in interceptors. Tav'la, Nee'ki Starr and Ramona crewed on the freighter.
The Naboo system was passed without troubles, but upon entering the Ord Mantell System the convoy was beset by an unidentified Vigo-class Gunboat blocking the approach to the Nova Orion Station.
In the following battle Batair Highlander's interceptor suffered crippling damage while the TTC-Encilia was damaged so badly that both the engine and most of the cargo was lost before the ship received halp from the nearby station. Falcun Nix managed to drive the Vigo off, but in turn was shot down by other raiders.
Local authorities claim that there's no danger for the population of Ord Mantell from the radioactive ore lost in space.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Casino Owner found killed inside asteroid mine
Date: 291209
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Worlport
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Cuthach Sodo, nicknamed "Cutter", the owner of the Black Rasp Casino in Worlport, Ord Mantell, went missing a few days ago, after he closed the casino for "personal reasons". Contrary to expectations the casino did not reopen the day after, a cause for concern among some of the regular patrons of the venue.
Two days ago the missing casino owner was found - dead. His body was discovered in the "X22" asteroid mine. From what is known his chest was blown out by a powerful energy weapon, then his throat and neck were cut.
The authorities investigating did not comment on possible suspects, but since Sodo's precedessor at the Black Rasp Casino had been arrested for funneling money to the Rebel Alliance, a revenge killing by rebels cannot be ruled out - Sodo's role in the arrest of his precedessor was never fully cleared.
However there are other possilbe suspects since the casino seems to be going though serious financial difficulties as well, having trouble with paying its creditors. Rumors also claim that Sodo may have been killed for losing or stealing money given to him for laundering. Security chief Sjenor Rak was not availale for comment.
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Worlport
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Cuthach Sodo, nicknamed "Cutter", the owner of the Black Rasp Casino in Worlport, Ord Mantell, went missing a few days ago, after he closed the casino for "personal reasons". Contrary to expectations the casino did not reopen the day after, a cause for concern among some of the regular patrons of the venue.
Two days ago the missing casino owner was found - dead. His body was discovered in the "X22" asteroid mine. From what is known his chest was blown out by a powerful energy weapon, then his throat and neck were cut.
The authorities investigating did not comment on possible suspects, but since Sodo's precedessor at the Black Rasp Casino had been arrested for funneling money to the Rebel Alliance, a revenge killing by rebels cannot be ruled out - Sodo's role in the arrest of his precedessor was never fully cleared.
However there are other possilbe suspects since the casino seems to be going though serious financial difficulties as well, having trouble with paying its creditors. Rumors also claim that Sodo may have been killed for losing or stealing money given to him for laundering. Security chief Sjenor Rak was not availale for comment.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Body snatchers in Mos Carova?
Date: 291209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While Tatooine has a reputation as a haven for criminals of all sorts, thieves and murderers prominently among them, such that many claim that any visitor should expect to be killed, robbed, and fed to the local fauna - sometimes not in that order. Most regular visitors state that if one does know how to act around criminal scum - and how to defend oneself - one would not be bothered much by criminals, since most would be rather predictable.
However sometimes there are cases which disprove that, like the still not solved "burning claw murder spree". One of those has happened recently in Mos Carova, when Areta, her sister Rinna'tan and Ikasu Wolf suddenly died. Before the more jaded readers wave this off as the usual fate on a planet populated by pirates, smugglers and giant reptiles who like to dine on sentients, the sudden death in this case was not related to any violence - the three just died. No trace of poison was found either, at least as far as the investigation by the locals - justly afraid it might be catching - went.
The investigation did not go very far though since the bodies were stolen by a man claiming to be Ikasu's brother. From what is known he took the medical professional handling the bodies by surprise and knocked him out, then vanished with all three bodies.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While Tatooine has a reputation as a haven for criminals of all sorts, thieves and murderers prominently among them, such that many claim that any visitor should expect to be killed, robbed, and fed to the local fauna - sometimes not in that order. Most regular visitors state that if one does know how to act around criminal scum - and how to defend oneself - one would not be bothered much by criminals, since most would be rather predictable.
However sometimes there are cases which disprove that, like the still not solved "burning claw murder spree". One of those has happened recently in Mos Carova, when Areta, her sister Rinna'tan and Ikasu Wolf suddenly died. Before the more jaded readers wave this off as the usual fate on a planet populated by pirates, smugglers and giant reptiles who like to dine on sentients, the sudden death in this case was not related to any violence - the three just died. No trace of poison was found either, at least as far as the investigation by the locals - justly afraid it might be catching - went.
The investigation did not go very far though since the bodies were stolen by a man claiming to be Ikasu's brother. From what is known he took the medical professional handling the bodies by surprise and knocked him out, then vanished with all three bodies.
Celox Scorpio - womanizer without peer?
Date: 291209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Social Correspondent, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Celox Scorpio, well-known rodian sabacc player and lawyer for the famous Holowood Galactic Studios, has come a long way from his humble beginnings years ago. Some even claim he is now all but humble, basking in his reputation as a card shark and corporate lawyer, surrounded by holoactresses.
They may very well be right on the money, seeing as Mr. Scorpio was overheard boasting about his love life last night on a visit to Tatooine, telling the other guests of Jailbirds about the seven girlfriends he had, "one for each day", allegedly each more beautiful than the other.
While this may just be empty boasting from the average entient, Celox Scorpio does have the diplomatic skills, lawyer's guile and sabacc face to pull this off - and he is not living in a bachelor's dream home with famous playboy Chiggs Chiggli for nothing!
Now the socialities all over the Galaxy wonder if we'll ever get a more detailed glimpse of Celox' harem - maybe as a holoshow straight from his Love Mansion?
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Social Correspondent, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Celox Scorpio, well-known rodian sabacc player and lawyer for the famous Holowood Galactic Studios, has come a long way from his humble beginnings years ago. Some even claim he is now all but humble, basking in his reputation as a card shark and corporate lawyer, surrounded by holoactresses.
They may very well be right on the money, seeing as Mr. Scorpio was overheard boasting about his love life last night on a visit to Tatooine, telling the other guests of Jailbirds about the seven girlfriends he had, "one for each day", allegedly each more beautiful than the other.
While this may just be empty boasting from the average entient, Celox Scorpio does have the diplomatic skills, lawyer's guile and sabacc face to pull this off - and he is not living in a bachelor's dream home with famous playboy Chiggs Chiggli for nothing!
Now the socialities all over the Galaxy wonder if we'll ever get a more detailed glimpse of Celox' harem - maybe as a holoshow straight from his Love Mansion?
Lifeday Party ends with Fireworks - the real kind
Date: 281209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Social Correspondent, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last evening, Leafbacca and Jiwarri threw their traditional lifeday party in Jiwarri's house north of Mos Eisley. Jiwarri, a noted chef, soon to open her own diner in Farpoint Valley, had cooked up a veritable feast for her guests, who dined surrounded by traditional Kashyyyk life day decor.
While the fine food was only enjoyed by the guests, the crowning end of the evening, a splendid firework, was visible from afar, as caught by one of our reporters:
The guests and the hosts expressed their sincere hope that there would be another party next year.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Social Correspondent, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last evening, Leafbacca and Jiwarri threw their traditional lifeday party in Jiwarri's house north of Mos Eisley. Jiwarri, a noted chef, soon to open her own diner in Farpoint Valley, had cooked up a veritable feast for her guests, who dined surrounded by traditional Kashyyyk life day decor.
While the fine food was only enjoyed by the guests, the crowning end of the evening, a splendid firework, was visible from afar, as caught by one of our reporters:
The guests and the hosts expressed their sincere hope that there would be another party next year.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Fierce fighting over ore transport near Penumbra Omen
Date: 221209
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore transport took off again from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to make the trip to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system.
The convoy consisted of Captain Ashen Katarna's "Crescent Raven", an X-4 medium freighter, escorted by Cris-Om in his Clone Wars vintage ARC-170, Stlian Nix in a Bellubab-22, Sagardon-Kahn in an Ixiyen fast attack craft and Ramona in a Scyk. Kobus, Ahijah. Nu'ro, Batair, Or'dino and Zinaida served as gunners on the "Crescent Raven" and the ARC-170.
The convoy left Tatooine's orbit and reached the Outer Rim hyperspace point without incident, jumping to Penumbra Omen in the Naboo system. They ships had barely arrived though when a number of suspicious starfighters showed up on the scanners, and soon were on an attack vector - two X-Wings, one Rhikxyrk and a TIE Interceptor, likely a deserter gone pirate.
In the following fight the convoy's Ixiyen was heavily damaged and had to be towed to the Naboo Station but all four attackers were shot down and the convoy reached the Nova Orion Station safely.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore transport took off again from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to make the trip to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system.
The convoy consisted of Captain Ashen Katarna's "Crescent Raven", an X-4 medium freighter, escorted by Cris-Om in his Clone Wars vintage ARC-170, Stlian Nix in a Bellubab-22, Sagardon-Kahn in an Ixiyen fast attack craft and Ramona in a Scyk. Kobus, Ahijah. Nu'ro, Batair, Or'dino and Zinaida served as gunners on the "Crescent Raven" and the ARC-170.
The convoy left Tatooine's orbit and reached the Outer Rim hyperspace point without incident, jumping to Penumbra Omen in the Naboo system. They ships had barely arrived though when a number of suspicious starfighters showed up on the scanners, and soon were on an attack vector - two X-Wings, one Rhikxyrk and a TIE Interceptor, likely a deserter gone pirate.
In the following fight the convoy's Ixiyen was heavily damaged and had to be towed to the Naboo Station but all four attackers were shot down and the convoy reached the Nova Orion Station safely.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cas-Ru Roben Kidnapped!
Date: 211209
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros/Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Cas-Ru Roben, Governor of Talus, was kidnapped by unknown assailants. According to a press release by the Talusian Government the politician was saved in extremis in the Spaceport of Dearic by a detachment of storm troopers and the kidnappers were killed.
Anonymous sources however claim that Governor Roben was kidnapped by the infamous pirate Juroden Halcyon, for purposes unknown, and then released at the Dearic starport. Other rumors state that the storm trooper unit actually shot at innocent bystanders and passerbys, not any kidnappers, the Halcyon borthers having disappeared long before the troopers arrivedon the scene. What is known is that Governor Roben was safely brought back to New Doros.
Until there is further information available the whole affair remains shrouded in mystery.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros/Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Cas-Ru Roben, Governor of Talus, was kidnapped by unknown assailants. According to a press release by the Talusian Government the politician was saved in extremis in the Spaceport of Dearic by a detachment of storm troopers and the kidnappers were killed.
Anonymous sources however claim that Governor Roben was kidnapped by the infamous pirate Juroden Halcyon, for purposes unknown, and then released at the Dearic starport. Other rumors state that the storm trooper unit actually shot at innocent bystanders and passerbys, not any kidnappers, the Halcyon borthers having disappeared long before the troopers arrivedon the scene. What is known is that Governor Roben was safely brought back to New Doros.
Until there is further information available the whole affair remains shrouded in mystery.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Aak arrested for Tax Fraud!
Date: 201209
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Aak the toydrian slaver has been accused of many crimes, but hasn't been convicted of even one - either his acts had been legal, or someone else had been responsible, or so the authorities claim. Anonymous sources claim it was all thanks to bribes paid to the authorities.
Whatever the reasons Aak kept his freedom, contrary to the countless slaves he had captured, beaten and sold. His business recently encountered troubles though when he was maimed by Opal Lycanus and had to spend considerable time in a bacta tank. The costs for his treatment must have been greater than expected, and his confinement must have hampered his business further since he started to sell most or all of his slaves in an attempt to quickly get cash.
It was all in vain though - two days ago Aak was arrested by the authorities, for tax fraud! It seems Aak's greed got the better of him, and made him try to shortcharge the Empire itself.
It is widely known that there are just two things that one can count on: Death and Taxes. Therefore one wonders what fate will befall Aak, who was last seen boarding a transport to Dearic, surrounded by a jeering crowd of Talusians all too happy to see him getting his just desserts.
Aak's current location as well as his fate are unknown, but most believe he was either executed or sent to Kessel. Most also agree he earned either fate twice over.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Aak the toydrian slaver has been accused of many crimes, but hasn't been convicted of even one - either his acts had been legal, or someone else had been responsible, or so the authorities claim. Anonymous sources claim it was all thanks to bribes paid to the authorities.
Whatever the reasons Aak kept his freedom, contrary to the countless slaves he had captured, beaten and sold. His business recently encountered troubles though when he was maimed by Opal Lycanus and had to spend considerable time in a bacta tank. The costs for his treatment must have been greater than expected, and his confinement must have hampered his business further since he started to sell most or all of his slaves in an attempt to quickly get cash.
It was all in vain though - two days ago Aak was arrested by the authorities, for tax fraud! It seems Aak's greed got the better of him, and made him try to shortcharge the Empire itself.
It is widely known that there are just two things that one can count on: Death and Taxes. Therefore one wonders what fate will befall Aak, who was last seen boarding a transport to Dearic, surrounded by a jeering crowd of Talusians all too happy to see him getting his just desserts.
Aak's current location as well as his fate are unknown, but most believe he was either executed or sent to Kessel. Most also agree he earned either fate twice over.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Santa Wook Concert a success
Date: 201209
Planet: Corellia
Region: Central Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Santa Wook Workshop near Slater Slums, Corellia, held a Life Day Concert. To facilitate travel a road had been built from the Shuttleport of Slater Slums to the Workshop, where a giant Life Day Tree had been put up.
Organized by Kallabeccani the concert featured several famous artists and bands:
The Red Bocatts started with "Red Bocatts Theme", "Across the Galaxy", and "Life Day Zone".
Lazo Firbyne followed with "Chestnuts on an open fire" and "Let it Snow" and "It's Life Day Now".
The Neutron Pixies then went on stage with Dee'lin and The Dirty Little Smugglers, performing "Six Years of War", "Bounty Hunters" and "Freelancer in Deep Space"
Raiyna was the last act with "Watch the younglings play", "Swoop Race" and "Keeper's of the Fallen".
However, there were a few incidents during the concert and the following speeder race, which was won by Arzesaeth, and the pod race, which was won by Tadpo.
A flock of agressive birds had to be shot by some of the visitors, causing some protests by a few sentients. More disturbing however was the second incident.
Unknown culprits apparently used the opportunity of the race after the concert to make off with one of the YT-2400 that was parked near the event. No one was witnessed boarding the ship, and the first indication that something was wrong was when the ship began to power up, scattering parts of the audience when the engines ignited and the ship took off. As far is known he thieves made off unhindered, though a male human with a mohawk was mentioned as a suspect.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Central Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Santa Wook Workshop near Slater Slums, Corellia, held a Life Day Concert. To facilitate travel a road had been built from the Shuttleport of Slater Slums to the Workshop, where a giant Life Day Tree had been put up.
Organized by Kallabeccani the concert featured several famous artists and bands:
The Red Bocatts started with "Red Bocatts Theme", "Across the Galaxy", and "Life Day Zone".
Lazo Firbyne followed with "Chestnuts on an open fire" and "Let it Snow" and "It's Life Day Now".
The Neutron Pixies then went on stage with Dee'lin and The Dirty Little Smugglers, performing "Six Years of War", "Bounty Hunters" and "Freelancer in Deep Space"
Raiyna was the last act with "Watch the younglings play", "Swoop Race" and "Keeper's of the Fallen".
However, there were a few incidents during the concert and the following speeder race, which was won by Arzesaeth, and the pod race, which was won by Tadpo.
A flock of agressive birds had to be shot by some of the visitors, causing some protests by a few sentients. More disturbing however was the second incident.
Unknown culprits apparently used the opportunity of the race after the concert to make off with one of the YT-2400 that was parked near the event. No one was witnessed boarding the ship, and the first indication that something was wrong was when the ship began to power up, scattering parts of the audience when the engines ignited and the ship took off. As far is known he thieves made off unhindered, though a male human with a mohawk was mentioned as a suspect.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Firefight in Mos Carova
Date: 181209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Carova is a rough town, as many can attest - close to the Krayt Graveyard, most sane people carry blasters with them if they leave their house. Some are even said to sleep with blasters on or under their pillows - or both. It stands to reason that disputes in town can escalate from verbal to deadly violence very quickly.
Two days ago this happened in the local pub. An exchange of words between a man and a woman - the exact reasons are not known, possibly a domestic dispute - turned violent when the woman attacked the man physically, and in short order blasters were drawn, and more people joined the fight on both sides.
As far as is know the two losing sentients managed to escape though they were seriously wounded and their status remains unknown.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Carova is a rough town, as many can attest - close to the Krayt Graveyard, most sane people carry blasters with them if they leave their house. Some are even said to sleep with blasters on or under their pillows - or both. It stands to reason that disputes in town can escalate from verbal to deadly violence very quickly.
Two days ago this happened in the local pub. An exchange of words between a man and a woman - the exact reasons are not known, possibly a domestic dispute - turned violent when the woman attacked the man physically, and in short order blasters were drawn, and more people joined the fight on both sides.
As far as is know the two losing sentients managed to escape though they were seriously wounded and their status remains unknown.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Pirate Invasion of Black Sands meets droid army
Date: 171209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Black Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to several reports two days ago Black Sands, a small town in western Tatooine, wheren the Headquarters of the Remahr Corporation as well as a small Imperial garrison are located, was attacked by a small army of pirates.
Due to conflicting reports the exact events are not known, but all agree that a massive army of well-equipped pirates attacked the town, which was defended by a small squad of stormtroopers, mercenaries in the employ of and members of Remahr Corporation, and a large number of battle droids of clone wars vintage - an astonishing number of droids, in fact, so high one wonders what the Remahr corporation was planning to do with them, apart from defending the town against an invasion.
As it was the two armies clashed at the walls of the town, where the defenders had gathered, and one of the largest battles Tatooine has ever seen since the Tusken Invasion broke out.
Things were further complicated when the Trandoshan Brotherhood as well as other mercenaries joined the fighting on the side of the defenders and a ship crashlanded in town, releasing a horde of what eye witnesses described as "bunch of rabid wookiees that attacked everyone".
What is known that in a tragic twist of fate several visitors of the town, among them a number of entertainers such as Amu'lette from the Holowood galactic Studios as well as Cepill, latest recruit of the Neutron Pixies, were surprised by the attack, and ended up hurt during the fighting. Other reports speak of the pirates deliberatedly shooting unarmed civlians begging to be spared.
Despite the ferocious fighting the town still stands, though the damage from the battle remains, as do the surviving droids. The hospital, which has been fought over at a point itself, is taxed to its limits with all the wounded though.

The reasons for the attack are unknown, though the town has had troubles with Jabba the Hutt in the past - violent troubles, in fact. To launch such a massive attack though Jabba would have had to have a more compelling reason than settling old accounts - or so we think. Unconfirmed reports of several pirate groups among the attackers as well as the Trandoshan Brotherhood reinforcing the defenders lead some people to assume that this is part of a larger power struggle among the gangs and syndicates of Tatooine's underworld - maybe even the start of an all-out gang war.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Black Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to several reports two days ago Black Sands, a small town in western Tatooine, wheren the Headquarters of the Remahr Corporation as well as a small Imperial garrison are located, was attacked by a small army of pirates.
Due to conflicting reports the exact events are not known, but all agree that a massive army of well-equipped pirates attacked the town, which was defended by a small squad of stormtroopers, mercenaries in the employ of and members of Remahr Corporation, and a large number of battle droids of clone wars vintage - an astonishing number of droids, in fact, so high one wonders what the Remahr corporation was planning to do with them, apart from defending the town against an invasion.
As it was the two armies clashed at the walls of the town, where the defenders had gathered, and one of the largest battles Tatooine has ever seen since the Tusken Invasion broke out.
Things were further complicated when the Trandoshan Brotherhood as well as other mercenaries joined the fighting on the side of the defenders and a ship crashlanded in town, releasing a horde of what eye witnesses described as "bunch of rabid wookiees that attacked everyone".
What is known that in a tragic twist of fate several visitors of the town, among them a number of entertainers such as Amu'lette from the Holowood galactic Studios as well as Cepill, latest recruit of the Neutron Pixies, were surprised by the attack, and ended up hurt during the fighting. Other reports speak of the pirates deliberatedly shooting unarmed civlians begging to be spared.
Despite the ferocious fighting the town still stands, though the damage from the battle remains, as do the surviving droids. The hospital, which has been fought over at a point itself, is taxed to its limits with all the wounded though.
The reasons for the attack are unknown, though the town has had troubles with Jabba the Hutt in the past - violent troubles, in fact. To launch such a massive attack though Jabba would have had to have a more compelling reason than settling old accounts - or so we think. Unconfirmed reports of several pirate groups among the attackers as well as the Trandoshan Brotherhood reinforcing the defenders lead some people to assume that this is part of a larger power struggle among the gangs and syndicates of Tatooine's underworld - maybe even the start of an all-out gang war.
Koruni Hischot rescued, Scirzzo captured!
Date: 171209
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to a leaked imperial report from Medical Officer Ichi Senshi, who was called in for medical assistance, a few days ago a large force of unknown origin made an assault on New Dosha, a slaver base on Lok, to rescue Koruni Hischot, which had been kidnapped at an imperial ball some time before by the slavers from the Trandoshan Brotherhood.
The attackers suffered minor casualties in the fighting and managed to save Koruni Hischot, which had been tortured by the trandoshans for hours and was gravely injured, but was still alive when he was broken out and was last said to be in stable conditions at an undisclosed medical facility.
Scirzzo himself, the shaman of the Brotherhood, was captured by the rescue force and according to the report his bounty was cashed in. His current status is unknown. Equally unknown is what triggered this conflict, but given the forces involved - Koruni Hischott is a known member of Jabba the Hutt's Desilijic Cartel - further violence has to be expected.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to a leaked imperial report from Medical Officer Ichi Senshi, who was called in for medical assistance, a few days ago a large force of unknown origin made an assault on New Dosha, a slaver base on Lok, to rescue Koruni Hischot, which had been kidnapped at an imperial ball some time before by the slavers from the Trandoshan Brotherhood.
The attackers suffered minor casualties in the fighting and managed to save Koruni Hischot, which had been tortured by the trandoshans for hours and was gravely injured, but was still alive when he was broken out and was last said to be in stable conditions at an undisclosed medical facility.
Scirzzo himself, the shaman of the Brotherhood, was captured by the rescue force and according to the report his bounty was cashed in. His current status is unknown. Equally unknown is what triggered this conflict, but given the forces involved - Koruni Hischott is a known member of Jabba the Hutt's Desilijic Cartel - further violence has to be expected.
Koruni Hischot kidnapped by the Trandoshan Brotherhood!
Date: 171209
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago, at a ball held at the Imperial League of New Doros, located right next to the New doros city hall, a group of trandoshans assaulted Koruni Hischot, a man allegedly a ranking member of Jabba the Hutt's Desilijic Cartel, when he was trying to enter the building.
Although this happened right under the eyes of Governor Cas-Ru Roben, who had been on the steps leading to the entrance, greeting new arrivals, only a single security droid and a male guest with a mohawk tried to intervene. Their attempts did not succeed and the trandoshans, later identfied as members of the Trandoshan Brotherhood, a Lok-based slaving organization, escaped with their victim.
According to some reports a twi'lek was overrun by a speeder during their escape, and the male guest, which got wounded, loudly blamed Cas-Ru for the lack of security at the ball.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago, at a ball held at the Imperial League of New Doros, located right next to the New doros city hall, a group of trandoshans assaulted Koruni Hischot, a man allegedly a ranking member of Jabba the Hutt's Desilijic Cartel, when he was trying to enter the building.
Although this happened right under the eyes of Governor Cas-Ru Roben, who had been on the steps leading to the entrance, greeting new arrivals, only a single security droid and a male guest with a mohawk tried to intervene. Their attempts did not succeed and the trandoshans, later identfied as members of the Trandoshan Brotherhood, a Lok-based slaving organization, escaped with their victim.
According to some reports a twi'lek was overrun by a speeder during their escape, and the male guest, which got wounded, loudly blamed Cas-Ru for the lack of security at the ball.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Man murdered on Nova Orion Station
Date: 161209
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Adul Fenare, 34 years old, was killed on the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Fenare was said to have had ties to organzied crime, specifically Black Sun, so the authorities suspect that the death was part of a gang war, or a revenge killing.
An armored man had been overheard shortly before the murder, saying that he had a killing to do, but the authorities were tied up in the inspection of recently arrived weekly ore transport from IMC.
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Adul Fenare, 34 years old, was killed on the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Fenare was said to have had ties to organzied crime, specifically Black Sun, so the authorities suspect that the death was part of a gang war, or a revenge killing.
An armored man had been overheard shortly before the murder, saying that he had a killing to do, but the authorities were tied up in the inspection of recently arrived weekly ore transport from IMC.
Pirates wiped out
Date: 161209
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's sent another ore transport from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system, despite the recent fighting around and inside the station.
The ore was tranported in Captain Sarnor Takrome's YT-1300-class light freighter "Swiftshot", escorted by Sagardon-Kahn in his Krayt Gunship "Sovereign" and Ifourq in his Vaksai heavy fighter "Raven-7". Falcun Nix, Ramona and Batair Highlander served as crew. Several pirates attacked in the Naboo system, but were shot down quickly before the freighter was held up by an imperial inspection in Ord Mantell, where an unidentified Vigo almost crashed into the "Swiftshot".
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's sent another ore transport from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system, despite the recent fighting around and inside the station.
The ore was tranported in Captain Sarnor Takrome's YT-1300-class light freighter "Swiftshot", escorted by Sagardon-Kahn in his Krayt Gunship "Sovereign" and Ifourq in his Vaksai heavy fighter "Raven-7". Falcun Nix, Ramona and Batair Highlander served as crew. Several pirates attacked in the Naboo system, but were shot down quickly before the freighter was held up by an imperial inspection in Ord Mantell, where an unidentified Vigo almost crashed into the "Swiftshot".
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Nova Orion Station under attack!
Date: 131209
Planet: Ord Mantell System/Deep Space
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Nova Orion Station came under attack by both rebel and Imperial forces. Both faction sent ground forces escorted by fighters through Deep Space to the Ord Mantell system, boarding the station and engaging in battle. Most of the civilians caught on the station barely managed to evacuate before the hallways and elevators turned into slaughterhouses. Soldiers fought at extreme close range for most of the fights, only spreading out when they managed to break through choke points.
Meanwhile the battle raged on in Deep Space, where the fleets clashed trying to prevent reinforcments from arriving. The 42nd Fighter Wing's Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as DFA and other units took the brunt of this fighting. The following footage was released from the HQ of the 42nd Fighter Wing and shows part of the battle that took place there:
While the Empire held the station for most of the batlte in the end numerically superiour rebel forces overwhelmed the remaining imperials. There were numerous reports of atrocities committed by attacking rebel forces during and after the fight, some confirmed by civilian survivors.
Planet: Ord Mantell System/Deep Space
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Nova Orion Station came under attack by both rebel and Imperial forces. Both faction sent ground forces escorted by fighters through Deep Space to the Ord Mantell system, boarding the station and engaging in battle. Most of the civilians caught on the station barely managed to evacuate before the hallways and elevators turned into slaughterhouses. Soldiers fought at extreme close range for most of the fights, only spreading out when they managed to break through choke points.
Meanwhile the battle raged on in Deep Space, where the fleets clashed trying to prevent reinforcments from arriving. The 42nd Fighter Wing's Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as DFA and other units took the brunt of this fighting. The following footage was released from the HQ of the 42nd Fighter Wing and shows part of the battle that took place there:
While the Empire held the station for most of the batlte in the end numerically superiour rebel forces overwhelmed the remaining imperials. There were numerous reports of atrocities committed by attacking rebel forces during and after the fight, some confirmed by civilian survivors.
Aak disemboweled by Opal Lycanus - noxious fumes released
Date: 131209
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Aak the toydrian slaver has often been called a windbag or floating gasbag. Not everyone might have known that this was a literal description - until a few days ago, when the toydarian was attacked in his own club in New Doros by Opal Lycanus, a well-known violent slaver that was or had been in his employ.
The reasons of the attack may be related to Opal having been enslaved earlier, and abused by Aak, but that's conjecture at this point. What is know is that Opal attacked Aak brutally, and sliced his belly open - releasing a cloud of noxious gas that rapidly filled Club Aak while Aak himself fell to the floor, unable to float anymore.
Opal escaped both the gas cloud as well as pursuit to the roof of the club, where she proceeded to brutalize the slaver until the slaver's security managed to catch up and drive her away. Aak, missing a wing and probably other body parts, received first aid by a veterinarian and was confined to a bacta tank for the time being.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Aak the toydrian slaver has often been called a windbag or floating gasbag. Not everyone might have known that this was a literal description - until a few days ago, when the toydarian was attacked in his own club in New Doros by Opal Lycanus, a well-known violent slaver that was or had been in his employ.
The reasons of the attack may be related to Opal having been enslaved earlier, and abused by Aak, but that's conjecture at this point. What is know is that Opal attacked Aak brutally, and sliced his belly open - releasing a cloud of noxious gas that rapidly filled Club Aak while Aak himself fell to the floor, unable to float anymore.
Opal escaped both the gas cloud as well as pursuit to the roof of the club, where she proceeded to brutalize the slaver until the slaver's security managed to catch up and drive her away. Aak, missing a wing and probably other body parts, received first aid by a veterinarian and was confined to a bacta tank for the time being.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Massive fight in Chalmun's
Date: 121209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: Tatooine Correspondent
Once again, trouble happened in Chalmun's when an unidentified human male had an altercation with three Trandoshans and lost. As the Doshan's attempted to leave with the unconscious male they were stopped just outside the back door. Reports of what followed vary depending upon the witness relaying the information, but what seemed like a typical barfight quickly spiraled out of control into a veritable gangfight.
Apparently there ended up being several groups involved in the fight, with more arriving as the altercation proceeded. On onlooker explained it as "A pile of human, Dosh, and Twi'lek bodies". What is agreed on, however, is that the Doshan's ultimately fled the scene, taking with them one human and Twi'lek who had apparently been assisting them. Several of the Doshan's had to be carried.
The other side, though keeping the male human from being taken, had fared little better, appearing to suffer several more casualties, including the human male and Twi'lek female who are reported to be regulars of Chalmun's, and possibly involved in several recent and not so recent altercations at the club.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: Tatooine Correspondent
Once again, trouble happened in Chalmun's when an unidentified human male had an altercation with three Trandoshans and lost. As the Doshan's attempted to leave with the unconscious male they were stopped just outside the back door. Reports of what followed vary depending upon the witness relaying the information, but what seemed like a typical barfight quickly spiraled out of control into a veritable gangfight.
Apparently there ended up being several groups involved in the fight, with more arriving as the altercation proceeded. On onlooker explained it as "A pile of human, Dosh, and Twi'lek bodies". What is agreed on, however, is that the Doshan's ultimately fled the scene, taking with them one human and Twi'lek who had apparently been assisting them. Several of the Doshan's had to be carried.
The other side, though keeping the male human from being taken, had fared little better, appearing to suffer several more casualties, including the human male and Twi'lek female who are reported to be regulars of Chalmun's, and possibly involved in several recent and not so recent altercations at the club.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mysterious Explosion in Ord Mantell's asteroid field
Date: 091209
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Asteroid field
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night an asteroid mine in Ord Mantell suffered from an internal explosion of unknown cause which disabled the security droid and caused an automated emergency signal to be sent out. A patrol from the Nova Orion Station was sent to investigate the mine, suspecting a pirate attack, but no suspicious ships were detected in the vicinity.
The mining operation in charge of the mine was not available for comment.
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Asteroid field
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night an asteroid mine in Ord Mantell suffered from an internal explosion of unknown cause which disabled the security droid and caused an automated emergency signal to be sent out. A patrol from the Nova Orion Station was sent to investigate the mine, suspecting a pirate attack, but no suspicious ships were detected in the vicinity.
The mining operation in charge of the mine was not available for comment.
"Rumbottle" and "TTC-Tencilia" attacked by pirate
Date: 091209
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Intergalactic Mining Corporation chartered tow ships to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The YT-2400 TTC-Tencilia piloted by Ramona and crewd by Aylia', Nu'ro and Dee'lin, as well as Bulba's Vigo-class medium freighter "Rumbottle", with Niel, Batair and Jenfre serving as crew. Falcun Nix and Ashen' Katarna flew escort.
Near Royal Way in the Naboo system the convoy was attacked by a single Vaksai heavy fighter, which managed to disable the "Rumbottle" before succumbing to fire from the escorts and the "TTC-Tencilia". The "Rumbottle" received emergency repairs from faclun Nix and managed to reach Ord Mantell under her own power.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Intergalactic Mining Corporation chartered tow ships to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The YT-2400 TTC-Tencilia piloted by Ramona and crewd by Aylia', Nu'ro and Dee'lin, as well as Bulba's Vigo-class medium freighter "Rumbottle", with Niel, Batair and Jenfre serving as crew. Falcun Nix and Ashen' Katarna flew escort.
Near Royal Way in the Naboo system the convoy was attacked by a single Vaksai heavy fighter, which managed to disable the "Rumbottle" before succumbing to fire from the escorts and the "TTC-Tencilia". The "Rumbottle" received emergency repairs from faclun Nix and managed to reach Ord Mantell under her own power.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Deep Space sees further bloody battles
Date: 071209
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two and three days ago, Deep Space again saw large-scale battles between Imperial and Rebel forces, though without any clear objective other than both sides trying to destroy the other side in what has become a war of atrition.
The 42nd Fighter Wing's Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron featured prominently in this fight, together with elements from DFA. The following footage was released from the HQ of the 42nd Fighter Wing and shows part of the battle that took place two days ago:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two and three days ago, Deep Space again saw large-scale battles between Imperial and Rebel forces, though without any clear objective other than both sides trying to destroy the other side in what has become a war of atrition.
The 42nd Fighter Wing's Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron featured prominently in this fight, together with elements from DFA. The following footage was released from the HQ of the 42nd Fighter Wing and shows part of the battle that took place two days ago:
Explosive cantina opening on Rori
Date: 071209
Planet: Rori
Region: Free
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the "Slippy Fishy" cantina opened in the village of Free, near Shadow Falls in southern Rori. Visitors were a bit taken aback by reports of a Krayt Dragon sighting, though those could not be verified, and by an apparent ewok gathering near the cantina, but ince inside the cantina, owned by 'Tina, offered a well-stacked stage and bar.

Dee'lin, a talented musician, was entertaining the audience with her songs on stage during the opening, supported by several dancers such as Cepill. Her performance was hampered somewhat by an individual abusing the stage controller to set off pyrotechnic explosions in rapid succession, driving some of the more delicate visitors out of the cantina until steps were taken to prevent further abuse and Dee'lin could continue her gig uninterrupted.
Planet: Rori
Region: Free
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the "Slippy Fishy" cantina opened in the village of Free, near Shadow Falls in southern Rori. Visitors were a bit taken aback by reports of a Krayt Dragon sighting, though those could not be verified, and by an apparent ewok gathering near the cantina, but ince inside the cantina, owned by 'Tina, offered a well-stacked stage and bar.
Dee'lin, a talented musician, was entertaining the audience with her songs on stage during the opening, supported by several dancers such as Cepill. Her performance was hampered somewhat by an individual abusing the stage controller to set off pyrotechnic explosions in rapid succession, driving some of the more delicate visitors out of the cantina until steps were taken to prevent further abuse and Dee'lin could continue her gig uninterrupted.
Jeric Varrit is back - and already in trouble
Date: 071209
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric varrit, troublemaker extraordinaire, has returned to the sector after a lengthy absence - which some speculate was related either to legal troubles, troubles with a patrimony suit, or both - and true to his reputation did not lose time getting into trouble.
From what we heard he had barely stepped off the shuttle three days ago when he managed to become persona non grata in New Doros, Talus - given some of the residents and regular visitors there this is no mean feat, but setting fire to a cantina likely will result in some repercussions even there.
Jeric Varrit maintains it was a very small fire, but small or not, the trouble he found himself in is as big as had to be expected.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric varrit, troublemaker extraordinaire, has returned to the sector after a lengthy absence - which some speculate was related either to legal troubles, troubles with a patrimony suit, or both - and true to his reputation did not lose time getting into trouble.
From what we heard he had barely stepped off the shuttle three days ago when he managed to become persona non grata in New Doros, Talus - given some of the residents and regular visitors there this is no mean feat, but setting fire to a cantina likely will result in some repercussions even there.
Jeric Varrit maintains it was a very small fire, but small or not, the trouble he found himself in is as big as had to be expected.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Prisoner broken out of Imperial HQ
Date: 061209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to rumors three nights ago there was a prisoner break-out in the Imperial HQ in Mos Eisley. Details are sketchy, but it is beleived an unknown male in padded armor was seen fleeing the HQ with two human females, one of whom was limping and needed to be assisted in leaving the area as she was carried by the male.
While the identity of the man is not known the armor worn points at an individual who was involved in several fights and confrotnations with imperial troopers in the past, around Chalmun's in Mos Eisley.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to rumors three nights ago there was a prisoner break-out in the Imperial HQ in Mos Eisley. Details are sketchy, but it is beleived an unknown male in padded armor was seen fleeing the HQ with two human females, one of whom was limping and needed to be assisted in leaving the area as she was carried by the male.
While the identity of the man is not known the armor worn points at an individual who was involved in several fights and confrotnations with imperial troopers in the past, around Chalmun's in Mos Eisley.
Minister thrown out of nightclub
Date: 061209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
New Doros has a colorful reputation, as the town is quite violent and scandal-ridden, despite the imperial presence on Talus. Though this may be related to the people in charge there, as an episode two days ago on Tatooine seems to indicate.
Zaviour the minister of health who runs all medical business in New Doros, visited Jailbirds, a nightclub in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, for the first time, in the company of his second-in-command.
However the eccentric minister soon behaved more like a drunk spicehead than a member of the Talusian Government, and had to be asked several times to stop when he was loudly insulting the people and staff present. When he did not heed this he was told to leave - which he ignored as well, until he was finally thrown out - literally. Even outside the club he kept shouting for some time.
One cannot help but wonder why Governor Cas-Ru Roben tolerates the man, which has been nicknamed "Mad Doc" by others.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
New Doros has a colorful reputation, as the town is quite violent and scandal-ridden, despite the imperial presence on Talus. Though this may be related to the people in charge there, as an episode two days ago on Tatooine seems to indicate.
Zaviour the minister of health who runs all medical business in New Doros, visited Jailbirds, a nightclub in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, for the first time, in the company of his second-in-command.
However the eccentric minister soon behaved more like a drunk spicehead than a member of the Talusian Government, and had to be asked several times to stop when he was loudly insulting the people and staff present. When he did not heed this he was told to leave - which he ignored as well, until he was finally thrown out - literally. Even outside the club he kept shouting for some time.
One cannot help but wonder why Governor Cas-Ru Roben tolerates the man, which has been nicknamed "Mad Doc" by others.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Shootout in Farpoint Valley over twi'lek
Date: 011209
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, right when the usual guests were leaving Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley to head over for the briefing for the IMC Convoy, a firefight broke out in front of the nightclub between two armored men, sending the other leaving patrons scrambling for cover. Blaster fire was exchanged, leaving one of the shooters in need of medical assistance.
While the exact details of the fight are still unclear, according to some witnesses the fight was over a beautiful twi'lek dancer. Unconfirmed reports also claim that another firefight broke out hours later near the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley, involving the same persons.
The management of Jailbirds did not comment on the incident, stating that it happened outside the club.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, right when the usual guests were leaving Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley to head over for the briefing for the IMC Convoy, a firefight broke out in front of the nightclub between two armored men, sending the other leaving patrons scrambling for cover. Blaster fire was exchanged, leaving one of the shooters in need of medical assistance.
While the exact details of the fight are still unclear, according to some witnesses the fight was over a beautiful twi'lek dancer. Unconfirmed reports also claim that another firefight broke out hours later near the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley, involving the same persons.
The management of Jailbirds did not comment on the incident, stating that it happened outside the club.
IMC Convoy beats pirates back
Date: 011209
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the weekly ore convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Corporation from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered pirates again. The freighetr carrying the ore, a YE-4 variant captained by Leaw, was escorted by a Ashen' Katarna in a Y-Wing Longprobe, Falcun Nix in an X-Wing and Ramona in a Scyk.
Shortly after reaching the Naboo system they were attacked by a Vaksai, which tore into the freighter despite its crew's fire from the turrets, and the escorts had some trouble stopping the attacker, but managed it before the freighetr was disabled. The freighter had taken considerable damage though, and one crew member - Tamar' Darkmist from the Red Bocatts - suffered burns helping the ship engineer Jenfre fixing a plasma leak.
The freighter continued into the Ord Mantell system, where the escorts covered the damaged freighter's docking, shooting down an attacking A-Wing in the process.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the weekly ore convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Corporation from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered pirates again. The freighetr carrying the ore, a YE-4 variant captained by Leaw, was escorted by a Ashen' Katarna in a Y-Wing Longprobe, Falcun Nix in an X-Wing and Ramona in a Scyk.
Shortly after reaching the Naboo system they were attacked by a Vaksai, which tore into the freighter despite its crew's fire from the turrets, and the escorts had some trouble stopping the attacker, but managed it before the freighetr was disabled. The freighter had taken considerable damage though, and one crew member - Tamar' Darkmist from the Red Bocatts - suffered burns helping the ship engineer Jenfre fixing a plasma leak.
The freighter continued into the Ord Mantell system, where the escorts covered the damaged freighter's docking, shooting down an attacking A-Wing in the process.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
House blows up south of Mos Eisley - two dead found inside
Date: 291109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: by Tatooine Correspondent
In a small populated though unnamed area just southwest of Mos eisley an explosion caused by an unknown reason destroyed a house last night, setting it on fire. The Mos Eisley Police Department is looking into the incident and stated that the area was usually quiet and not known for what may have been the act of organized crime. First reports indicate that the remains of two individulas were found inside the residence after the blast, their bodies somewhat protected due to the armor they wore, though their features too badly burned to be recognised. A group of three heavily armed men and two female twi'lek's, one which appeared to be drugged, apparently has been been seen exiting the building just before the explosion.
Anyone with information concerning this incident is asked to contact the nearest representative of the Mos Eisley Police Department.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: by Tatooine Correspondent
In a small populated though unnamed area just southwest of Mos eisley an explosion caused by an unknown reason destroyed a house last night, setting it on fire. The Mos Eisley Police Department is looking into the incident and stated that the area was usually quiet and not known for what may have been the act of organized crime. First reports indicate that the remains of two individulas were found inside the residence after the blast, their bodies somewhat protected due to the armor they wore, though their features too badly burned to be recognised. A group of three heavily armed men and two female twi'lek's, one which appeared to be drugged, apparently has been been seen exiting the building just before the explosion.
Anyone with information concerning this incident is asked to contact the nearest representative of the Mos Eisley Police Department.
Pirates rob Charity Cruise!
Date: 291109
Planet: Talus/Naboo/Tatooine System
Region: Dearic/Kaadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Orphan's Charity Cruise laucnhed last night from Dearic, Talus. The charity cruise had the goal to raise money for the orphans of imperial soldiers and men that have lost their lives in the line of duty. All the raised money was to "go directly into maintaining and improving orphanages for the children, and finding them new families".

The cruise attracted several wealthy passengers, among them several members of the Holowood Galactic Studios and Talusian governor Cas-Ru Roben, who exited the cruise at the first stop at Kaadara, Naboo though. A wise decision, as became apparent when the yacht carrying the passengers was stopped in the Tatooine system by an unidentified Vigo-class gunboat and armed raiders appeared inside the yacht, relieving the passengers of their valuables at gunpoint.

During this one passenger quick-drew hidden blasters and a short firefight errupted, during which most passengers and one raider fled to the escape pods, landing safely on Tatooine afterwards. One lightly wounded - the man who had drawn the blasters - had to be treated at the Mos Entha Medical Center for a mild concussion. According to the staff there he was later threatened by the other passengers for having endangered them.

The yacht as well as the Vigo disappeared without a trace and when authorities tried to contact the organizers of the cruise they discovered faked adresses and contacts, leading them to the conclusion that this had been a scam all along, organized by the pirates themselves.
Planet: Talus/Naboo/Tatooine System
Region: Dearic/Kaadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Orphan's Charity Cruise laucnhed last night from Dearic, Talus. The charity cruise had the goal to raise money for the orphans of imperial soldiers and men that have lost their lives in the line of duty. All the raised money was to "go directly into maintaining and improving orphanages for the children, and finding them new families".
The cruise attracted several wealthy passengers, among them several members of the Holowood Galactic Studios and Talusian governor Cas-Ru Roben, who exited the cruise at the first stop at Kaadara, Naboo though. A wise decision, as became apparent when the yacht carrying the passengers was stopped in the Tatooine system by an unidentified Vigo-class gunboat and armed raiders appeared inside the yacht, relieving the passengers of their valuables at gunpoint.
During this one passenger quick-drew hidden blasters and a short firefight errupted, during which most passengers and one raider fled to the escape pods, landing safely on Tatooine afterwards. One lightly wounded - the man who had drawn the blasters - had to be treated at the Mos Entha Medical Center for a mild concussion. According to the staff there he was later threatened by the other passengers for having endangered them.
The yacht as well as the Vigo disappeared without a trace and when authorities tried to contact the organizers of the cruise they discovered faked adresses and contacts, leading them to the conclusion that this had been a scam all along, organized by the pirates themselves.
Rebel Forces save spice cargo in Deep Space
Date: 291109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night massive rebel forces launched into Deep Space to assist a suspected spice smuggler that had suffered engine failure there and was on the verge of being arrested by an imperial patrol.
The small imperial force cosisting of units from several squadrons engaging the rebels was wiped out repeatedly during its attempts to prevent the numerically superiour rebel forces from transferring the spice cargo to their own transports. What motive the rebels had for assisting a smuggler carrying such poisenous cargo can only be guessed at but it's not too unlikely that the rebellion is heavily involved in the spice trade, given their massive forces used in this operation.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night massive rebel forces launched into Deep Space to assist a suspected spice smuggler that had suffered engine failure there and was on the verge of being arrested by an imperial patrol.
The small imperial force cosisting of units from several squadrons engaging the rebels was wiped out repeatedly during its attempts to prevent the numerically superiour rebel forces from transferring the spice cargo to their own transports. What motive the rebels had for assisting a smuggler carrying such poisenous cargo can only be guessed at but it's not too unlikely that the rebellion is heavily involved in the spice trade, given their massive forces used in this operation.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ:
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Mob drives Stromtroopers away - robbery follows
Date: 291109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: by Tatooine Correspondent
An imperial patrol in Chalmun's lead by an imperial officer was interrupted by several patrons when they attempted to arrest an as of yet unidentified human man. As the crowd around the incident grew with both armored and unarmored patrons, the troopers apparently determined this was not the man they sought, and departed the premises.
Almost immediately after there was an altercation between the just saved man and his "saviours" when they began to argue over whether or not a reward was justified. The unknown man soon found himself surrounded again, though this time not by troopers. Witnesses indicated that several people, including two females and several males, had drawn weapons on the man, who now appeared to be alone. According to one witness, there were one sword wielding individual in padded armor and one in green armor who are believed to have been in several incidents over the past week, to include several run-ins with Imperial Patrols by the unknown sword bearer.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: by Tatooine Correspondent
An imperial patrol in Chalmun's lead by an imperial officer was interrupted by several patrons when they attempted to arrest an as of yet unidentified human man. As the crowd around the incident grew with both armored and unarmored patrons, the troopers apparently determined this was not the man they sought, and departed the premises.
Almost immediately after there was an altercation between the just saved man and his "saviours" when they began to argue over whether or not a reward was justified. The unknown man soon found himself surrounded again, though this time not by troopers. Witnesses indicated that several people, including two females and several males, had drawn weapons on the man, who now appeared to be alone. According to one witness, there were one sword wielding individual in padded armor and one in green armor who are believed to have been in several incidents over the past week, to include several run-ins with Imperial Patrols by the unknown sword bearer.
Another skirmish in Deep Space - Preparations for a major operation underway?
Date: 281109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night another skirmish took place in Deep Space, according to rumors two reconnaissance in force operations launched in preparation of a major operation engaged each other. On the Imperial Side the 42nd Fighter Wing was making up a considerable part of the force involved in the battle. No clear victor emerged from the long battle.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night another skirmish took place in Deep Space, according to rumors two reconnaissance in force operations launched in preparation of a major operation engaged each other. On the Imperial Side the 42nd Fighter Wing was making up a considerable part of the force involved in the battle. No clear victor emerged from the long battle.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ:
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Corpse found floating on Corellia - suicide?
Date: 271109
Planet: Corellia
Region: Vreni Island
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the body of a human male was found floating towards the shore of a beach of Vreni Island, Corellia. The body was wearing white pants and a white T-shirt, brown haired and looked in his mid-twenties. The dead was identified as "Osrame Zoye".
CorSec officers investigating the case stated that no wounds were found and that they were considering to file it as a suicide. Though according to an anonymous source from CorSec a journal found on the dead man showed he had had trouble with a man named Oelos Takushi. Apparently Takushi had been threatening him constantly to make him stay away from his wife.
It remains to be seen whether this case will be as quickly closed as CorSec seems to want it to be.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Vreni Island
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the body of a human male was found floating towards the shore of a beach of Vreni Island, Corellia. The body was wearing white pants and a white T-shirt, brown haired and looked in his mid-twenties. The dead was identified as "Osrame Zoye".
CorSec officers investigating the case stated that no wounds were found and that they were considering to file it as a suicide. Though according to an anonymous source from CorSec a journal found on the dead man showed he had had trouble with a man named Oelos Takushi. Apparently Takushi had been threatening him constantly to make him stay away from his wife.
It remains to be seen whether this case will be as quickly closed as CorSec seems to want it to be.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Dead cult leader is alive
Date: 241109
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two years ago, Malachae Solace was declared dead after his mutilated body was found in a ditch on Corellia. Yesterday a man claiming to be Malachae reappeared and announced he is 'The Arisen One'. The man claiming to be Malachae Solace told a gathered crowd of his former followers and others his return was the first step in the eventual triumph of his faith and offered sanctuary and comfort to all who wish to join his Temple.
Authorities were at a loss to explain the return of a man whose body they had identified through DNA, and an investigation has been opened according to the spokesman of CorSec, Coronet.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two years ago, Malachae Solace was declared dead after his mutilated body was found in a ditch on Corellia. Yesterday a man claiming to be Malachae reappeared and announced he is 'The Arisen One'. The man claiming to be Malachae Solace told a gathered crowd of his former followers and others his return was the first step in the eventual triumph of his faith and offered sanctuary and comfort to all who wish to join his Temple.
Authorities were at a loss to explain the return of a man whose body they had identified through DNA, and an investigation has been opened according to the spokesman of CorSec, Coronet.
Busahab and TTC-Tencilia repel pirates
Date: 241109
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night IMC sent another pair of freighters with ore cargo from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system - the freshly repaired Nova Courier "Busahab" owned and captained by the wookiee Rasowaro, and the chartered YT-2400 class ship "TTC-Tencilia", flown by Falcun Nix.
The pair of freighters, expecting a pirate attack, were promptly jumped right after entering the Naboo system by a pirate ship - a ARC-170. The attacker was quickly shot down though by the prepared crews, a fate shared by another raider who showed up shortly afterwards, and the convoy reached Ord Mantell safely.
However according to our information the crew of the TTC-Tencilia, or at least one member of it, got drunk on the Nova Orion Station, and the drunk crew member - a wookiee - broke Falcun's arm on the way back to Tatooine and later rampaged in Farpoint Valley. He was apparently suffering from a split personality, but was considered dangerous and aggressive, and driven away with lethal force.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night IMC sent another pair of freighters with ore cargo from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system - the freshly repaired Nova Courier "Busahab" owned and captained by the wookiee Rasowaro, and the chartered YT-2400 class ship "TTC-Tencilia", flown by Falcun Nix.
The pair of freighters, expecting a pirate attack, were promptly jumped right after entering the Naboo system by a pirate ship - a ARC-170. The attacker was quickly shot down though by the prepared crews, a fate shared by another raider who showed up shortly afterwards, and the convoy reached Ord Mantell safely.
However according to our information the crew of the TTC-Tencilia, or at least one member of it, got drunk on the Nova Orion Station, and the drunk crew member - a wookiee - broke Falcun's arm on the way back to Tatooine and later rampaged in Farpoint Valley. He was apparently suffering from a split personality, but was considered dangerous and aggressive, and driven away with lethal force.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
More troubles at Chalmun's
Date: 241109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Chalmun's saw further violence a few days ago when two unknown males, one dressed as a tusken raider the other appearing to be a zabrak in dark robes were involved in a fight with two twil'lek women and one male human, one of the twi'leks possibly being involved in the attack on the imperial Patrol earlier.
The reasons for this fight are unknown, but when regulars of Chalmun's are involved, not much of a reason is usually needed for a fight to take place. As it happened the man in tattered tusken robes was last seen fleeing the scene while the Zabrak's limp body tossed over the countertop to be left, and ended up behind the bar, with the three other involved people remaining unscathed.

A day later a reinforced imperial patrol arrested a human male for questioning about reported rebel recruitment, but he was released later. It is not known if this is related to the earlier attacks and fights.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Chalmun's saw further violence a few days ago when two unknown males, one dressed as a tusken raider the other appearing to be a zabrak in dark robes were involved in a fight with two twil'lek women and one male human, one of the twi'leks possibly being involved in the attack on the imperial Patrol earlier.
The reasons for this fight are unknown, but when regulars of Chalmun's are involved, not much of a reason is usually needed for a fight to take place. As it happened the man in tattered tusken robes was last seen fleeing the scene while the Zabrak's limp body tossed over the countertop to be left, and ended up behind the bar, with the three other involved people remaining unscathed.
A day later a reinforced imperial patrol arrested a human male for questioning about reported rebel recruitment, but he was released later. It is not known if this is related to the earlier attacks and fights.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Imperial Patrol attacked in Chalmun's
Date: 231109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a squad of stormtroopers tried to question a suspect - a twi'lek female, according to witnesses - at the bar in Chalmun's cantina in Mos Eisley when two unidentified sentients - one zabrak male, and a humanoid wearing a battle armor suit with face-concealing helmet - intervened. The troopers opened fire on the three people accosting them, but were wounded and driven off after a short firefight.
The local garrison is asking for eye witnesses and any information about the identities of those suspected rebels.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a squad of stormtroopers tried to question a suspect - a twi'lek female, according to witnesses - at the bar in Chalmun's cantina in Mos Eisley when two unidentified sentients - one zabrak male, and a humanoid wearing a battle armor suit with face-concealing helmet - intervened. The troopers opened fire on the three people accosting them, but were wounded and driven off after a short firefight.
The local garrison is asking for eye witnesses and any information about the identities of those suspected rebels.
Smuggler caught and cargo recovered in Deep Space
Date: 221109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Navy received information that a suspected smuggling vessel was left stranded in Deep Space. A task force built around the three Decimator-Class ships of the 42nd Fighter Wing "ISS Eviscerator", "ISS Thunderflare" and "ISS Extinguisher" and supported by the YT-1300 "Long Hard Violator" from Thunder Squadron was dispatched to Deep Space to recover the cargo of the suspected smuggling vessel.
The task force, escorted by two flight groups from various squadrons, started their sweep of the sector and met a rebel task force on the way, dispatching it without taking any losses before starting the recovery operation.
Docking attempts were difficult though when several rebel capital ships including two gunboats and numerous fighter and bombers attacked, often punching through the fighter screen to strike at the docking transports.
Despite the heavy fighting and the increasingly tenacious rebel attacks the cargo recovery under fire was successfully accomplished and the transports safely withdrawn from Deep Space.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Navy received information that a suspected smuggling vessel was left stranded in Deep Space. A task force built around the three Decimator-Class ships of the 42nd Fighter Wing "ISS Eviscerator", "ISS Thunderflare" and "ISS Extinguisher" and supported by the YT-1300 "Long Hard Violator" from Thunder Squadron was dispatched to Deep Space to recover the cargo of the suspected smuggling vessel.
The task force, escorted by two flight groups from various squadrons, started their sweep of the sector and met a rebel task force on the way, dispatching it without taking any losses before starting the recovery operation.
Docking attempts were difficult though when several rebel capital ships including two gunboats and numerous fighter and bombers attacked, often punching through the fighter screen to strike at the docking transports.
Despite the heavy fighting and the increasingly tenacious rebel attacks the cargo recovery under fire was successfully accomplished and the transports safely withdrawn from Deep Space.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Asteroid in the center of another battle in Deep Space
Date: 221109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Imperial Navy and the rebel fleet clashed in Deep Space again, with both sides trying to take control of several asteroids in the sector. Led by the 42nd Fighter Wing, which is cmposed of the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, the 105th "Onyx" Squadron, the 88th "Scimitar" Squadron and the 121st "Spectre" Squadron, imperial ships battled rebel forces for close to an hour in an even fight, narrowingly managing to hold on to the majority of the asteroids.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ and shows a skirmish around one asteroid:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Imperial Navy and the rebel fleet clashed in Deep Space again, with both sides trying to take control of several asteroids in the sector. Led by the 42nd Fighter Wing, which is cmposed of the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, the 105th "Onyx" Squadron, the 88th "Scimitar" Squadron and the 121st "Spectre" Squadron, imperial ships battled rebel forces for close to an hour in an even fight, narrowingly managing to hold on to the majority of the asteroids.
The following footage was released by the 42nd Fighter Wing HQ and shows a skirmish around one asteroid:
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Myxxie Eosad dead? Corpse identified as daughter of General Darkwalter Lotus
Date: 191109
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Recently a dead woman has been found by RSF forces on Naboo. The exact location has not been revealed yet in order to avoid jeopardizing the on-going investigation, or so RSF representatives said at a press conference in Theed today.
From what information was released it's known that the woman died to headwounds caused by a throwing knife - one made from stones found on Dantooine, to be exact. The body was identified thanks to DNA testing and a valid ID found on it as "Myxxie Eosad". Even more interesting is that the testing also revealed that the deceased General Therrid Darkwalker Lotus, and his deceased wife, were infact the biological parents of Myxxie's. The Mystery of Chrystiana's disappearance has been apparently solved.
Myxxie/Chrystiana is not known to have any children to continue her line, nor is it known if she has any other family to speak of. However it has been reported she has faked her own death a dozen times before, working as a career intelligence agent. She is said to have worked for both the Empire and Alliance, as well as the Federation of Double worlds and the Black Sun, so the RSF investigators are loathe to pronounce her dead at this point.
The reasons for the apparent death remain mysterious - the stone knife hints to an elaborate motive behind the killing, not a simple robbery or even an assassination, but so far there haven't been any leads accoridng to the RSF.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Recently a dead woman has been found by RSF forces on Naboo. The exact location has not been revealed yet in order to avoid jeopardizing the on-going investigation, or so RSF representatives said at a press conference in Theed today.
From what information was released it's known that the woman died to headwounds caused by a throwing knife - one made from stones found on Dantooine, to be exact. The body was identified thanks to DNA testing and a valid ID found on it as "Myxxie Eosad". Even more interesting is that the testing also revealed that the deceased General Therrid Darkwalker Lotus, and his deceased wife, were infact the biological parents of Myxxie's. The Mystery of Chrystiana's disappearance has been apparently solved.
Myxxie/Chrystiana is not known to have any children to continue her line, nor is it known if she has any other family to speak of. However it has been reported she has faked her own death a dozen times before, working as a career intelligence agent. She is said to have worked for both the Empire and Alliance, as well as the Federation of Double worlds and the Black Sun, so the RSF investigators are loathe to pronounce her dead at this point.
The reasons for the apparent death remain mysterious - the stone knife hints to an elaborate motive behind the killing, not a simple robbery or even an assassination, but so far there haven't been any leads accoridng to the RSF.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Ore transports robbed by pirate raiders
Date: 171109
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night IMC sent two well-armed ships carrying ore from the Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. In addition to the "Crescent raven", Captain Ashen Katarna's X-4 class medium freighter, the Nova Courier "Busahab" owned and captained by the wookiee Rasowaro.
The convoy entered the Naboo System and soon had a suspect ship in sensor range, a Vaksai fighter. The "Busahab" turned to face it, and it withdrew. Soon afterwards though the Vaksai returned, and with it came another Vaksai as well as a TIE Advanced, likely a deserter.
The "Busahab" broke formation and engaged the three raiders, but was disabled after a fierce dogfight and was forced to surrender the cargo. Soon afterwards the raiders tracked down the "Crescent Raven", attacking the medium freighter from multiple angles, avoiding the turret fire for the most part, and disabled the ship as well, forcing it to jettison its cargo too before withdrawing with the loot.
IMC shares fell 6 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night IMC sent two well-armed ships carrying ore from the Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. In addition to the "Crescent raven", Captain Ashen Katarna's X-4 class medium freighter, the Nova Courier "Busahab" owned and captained by the wookiee Rasowaro.
The convoy entered the Naboo System and soon had a suspect ship in sensor range, a Vaksai fighter. The "Busahab" turned to face it, and it withdrew. Soon afterwards though the Vaksai returned, and with it came another Vaksai as well as a TIE Advanced, likely a deserter.
The "Busahab" broke formation and engaged the three raiders, but was disabled after a fierce dogfight and was forced to surrender the cargo. Soon afterwards the raiders tracked down the "Crescent Raven", attacking the medium freighter from multiple angles, avoiding the turret fire for the most part, and disabled the ship as well, forcing it to jettison its cargo too before withdrawing with the loot.
IMC shares fell 6 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Imperial Task Force wiped out in Ord Mantell
Date: 161109
Planet: Deep Space/Ord Mantell System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Imperial Navy launched an operation, supposedly to retake control of an Imperial Star Destroyer "Blackguard", which reportedly had gone rogue. Spearheaded by the ISS Mauler from Onyx Squadron the task force contained two flights of starfighters and bombers from the DFA, Onyx and Obsidian Dagger squadrons.
The small task force tracked down the "Blackguard" in Ord Mantell space but came under fire from both the capital ship as well as unidentified escorts as soon as it came into range. To compound this naval units from the Rebel Alliance joined the battle as well and despite losing their flagship to a bomber strike managed to wipe out the outnumbered Imperial task force before being driven off by the Blackguard's defnders themselves. Surviving imperial units were chased to Deep Space and decimated there by numerically superiour rebel forces.
Given the force disparity observed in recent battles it seems only a matter of time before the Rebel Alliance takes complete control of the sector - unless the Imperial Sector Fleet receives reinforcements.
Planet: Deep Space/Ord Mantell System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Imperial Navy launched an operation, supposedly to retake control of an Imperial Star Destroyer "Blackguard", which reportedly had gone rogue. Spearheaded by the ISS Mauler from Onyx Squadron the task force contained two flights of starfighters and bombers from the DFA, Onyx and Obsidian Dagger squadrons.
The small task force tracked down the "Blackguard" in Ord Mantell space but came under fire from both the capital ship as well as unidentified escorts as soon as it came into range. To compound this naval units from the Rebel Alliance joined the battle as well and despite losing their flagship to a bomber strike managed to wipe out the outnumbered Imperial task force before being driven off by the Blackguard's defnders themselves. Surviving imperial units were chased to Deep Space and decimated there by numerically superiour rebel forces.
Given the force disparity observed in recent battles it seems only a matter of time before the Rebel Alliance takes complete control of the sector - unless the Imperial Sector Fleet receives reinforcements.
Swoop Racer Romance
Date: 161109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley/Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three weeks ago Falcun Nix and Isuk'ap Sti-La battled for the victory in the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's famous swoop race. The two went all-out - sparks flew when their swoops touched during the race, and tempers flared.
These days it has become obvious that different sorts of sparks flew between the two rival racers as well: The two have been spotted numerous times together, flirting with and kissing each other at several social occasions.
Did Isuk'ap tame the notorious Falcun Nix? Is it just a PR stunt? Will their love survive the next race? Time and this Social Correspondent will tell!
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley/Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three weeks ago Falcun Nix and Isuk'ap Sti-La battled for the victory in the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's famous swoop race. The two went all-out - sparks flew when their swoops touched during the race, and tempers flared.
These days it has become obvious that different sorts of sparks flew between the two rival racers as well: The two have been spotted numerous times together, flirting with and kissing each other at several social occasions.
Did Isuk'ap tame the notorious Falcun Nix? Is it just a PR stunt? Will their love survive the next race? Time and this Social Correspondent will tell!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Cruise ship raided - on Naboo's ocean
Date: 161109
Planet: Naboo System
Region: Ocean north of Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While Naboo has seen its share and then some of space piracy lately, the soil of the planet itself was widely considered safe from the machinations of those criminals, at least in recent years.
An incident last week may have changed this thoug: A cruise ship was raided by pirates while sailing the waters north of Kadara. While the information concerning the robbery is in parts contradictory and at times confusing - involving a force user and a crashed TIE Fighter, according to some rumors - it seems confirmed that the pirates robbed several cases of luxury liquor as well as exotic expensive food.
RSF claimed that the Galactic Moon Festival in Moenia was requiring a lot of manpower when asked why this robbery had not been prevented.
Planet: Naboo System
Region: Ocean north of Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While Naboo has seen its share and then some of space piracy lately, the soil of the planet itself was widely considered safe from the machinations of those criminals, at least in recent years.
An incident last week may have changed this thoug: A cruise ship was raided by pirates while sailing the waters north of Kadara. While the information concerning the robbery is in parts contradictory and at times confusing - involving a force user and a crashed TIE Fighter, according to some rumors - it seems confirmed that the pirates robbed several cases of luxury liquor as well as exotic expensive food.
RSF claimed that the Galactic Moon Festival in Moenia was requiring a lot of manpower when asked why this robbery had not been prevented.
Slavers work during and at Pharple Day Festival
Date: 161109
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago Pharple Day was celebrated on Lok, in New Dosha - known as the headquarters of the slaver organization "Trandoshan Brotherhood", hosted a party in their base, serving freshly hunted Pharple - roasted for those species who did not eat raw meat - in accordance with their hunting tradtions.
The traditional meal attracted many vistors, among them Aak the Toydarian Slaver, and his crew - according to persistent rumors partners of the Brotherhood. Both organizations have a reputation - well-deserved - for brutally enslaving anyone and anything they could get away with.
When a female "near-human" visited the party she promptly got enslaved at the door - according to one source by Aak as tribute to Scirzzo the shaman of the Brotherhood, others claim she was sold to agents of Jabba the Hutt.
In any case everyone familiar with both Aak and the Brotherhood can only speculate why anyone fitting their target profile - i.e. anyone not 100% certified human, and even that seems not too solid - would visit a place crawling with slavers from either organization.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Dosha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago Pharple Day was celebrated on Lok, in New Dosha - known as the headquarters of the slaver organization "Trandoshan Brotherhood", hosted a party in their base, serving freshly hunted Pharple - roasted for those species who did not eat raw meat - in accordance with their hunting tradtions.
The traditional meal attracted many vistors, among them Aak the Toydarian Slaver, and his crew - according to persistent rumors partners of the Brotherhood. Both organizations have a reputation - well-deserved - for brutally enslaving anyone and anything they could get away with.
When a female "near-human" visited the party she promptly got enslaved at the door - according to one source by Aak as tribute to Scirzzo the shaman of the Brotherhood, others claim she was sold to agents of Jabba the Hutt.
In any case everyone familiar with both Aak and the Brotherhood can only speculate why anyone fitting their target profile - i.e. anyone not 100% certified human, and even that seems not too solid - would visit a place crawling with slavers from either organization.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
IMC Convoy repels boarders
Date: 101109
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the "Crescent raven", Captain Ashen Katarna's X-4 class medium freighter, once again transported ore for IMC from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The freighter was escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron.
The trip was uneventful untilt the transport was attacked in the Naboo System nearthe Rori station by an ARC-170, but the raider was shot down quickly. The escort had to leave before the jump to Ord Mantell was made though - and when the "Crescent Raven" entered the system it was ambushed by a Vigo-class gunboat.
The two ships exchanged fire at close range in a furious battle but the pirates managed to disable the "Crescent Raven" and launch a boarding action. The crew of the freighter rallied though and managed to beat the raiders back before they could grab more than half the cargo.
According to some rumors the pirates also suffered a mutiny in the middle of the boarding, but that remains unconfirmed so far. The Crescent Raven's engines were jury-rigged and it arrived at the Nova Orion Station, where the wounded among the crew were treated in the med center.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the "Crescent raven", Captain Ashen Katarna's X-4 class medium freighter, once again transported ore for IMC from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The freighter was escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron.
The trip was uneventful untilt the transport was attacked in the Naboo System nearthe Rori station by an ARC-170, but the raider was shot down quickly. The escort had to leave before the jump to Ord Mantell was made though - and when the "Crescent Raven" entered the system it was ambushed by a Vigo-class gunboat.
The two ships exchanged fire at close range in a furious battle but the pirates managed to disable the "Crescent Raven" and launch a boarding action. The crew of the freighter rallied though and managed to beat the raiders back before they could grab more than half the cargo.
According to some rumors the pirates also suffered a mutiny in the middle of the boarding, but that remains unconfirmed so far. The Crescent Raven's engines were jury-rigged and it arrived at the Nova Orion Station, where the wounded among the crew were treated in the med center.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Farpoint Valley under attack - bounty placed
Date: 101109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the guests inside Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley were enjoying the dance show by the Neutron Pixies when suddenly loud explosions interrupted the evening's entertainment.
As it turned out the square in front of the club was getting hit by a bomber strike, followed by an attack of a pair of battle droids. The droids were quickly taken care of by two visitors of the nightclub though.
According to our information a man named Sy'lor claimed responsibility for this attack, and threatened further and more violent attacks if his demands were not met - his demands being that the Neutron Pixie Senyka Darkeye be turned over to him.
In response to this an open bounty of 2'000'000 credits has been placed on Sy'lor. The man is to be delivered alive, but not neccessarily unharmed, to the Neutron Pixies.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the guests inside Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley were enjoying the dance show by the Neutron Pixies when suddenly loud explosions interrupted the evening's entertainment.
As it turned out the square in front of the club was getting hit by a bomber strike, followed by an attack of a pair of battle droids. The droids were quickly taken care of by two visitors of the nightclub though.
According to our information a man named Sy'lor claimed responsibility for this attack, and threatened further and more violent attacks if his demands were not met - his demands being that the Neutron Pixie Senyka Darkeye be turned over to him.
In response to this an open bounty of 2'000'000 credits has been placed on Sy'lor. The man is to be delivered alive, but not neccessarily unharmed, to the Neutron Pixies.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Imperial Navy launches counter-offensive
Date: 091109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After the recent defeat in the battle for Deep Space the Imeprial Navy launched a counter-offensive two days ago to take back control of Deep Space from the Alliance to restore the Republic.
Elements from DFA, Onyx Squadron and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as other units took the fight to the enemy, gradually taking control of the center of the sector in a series of fierce battles.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows the later part of this battle:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After the recent defeat in the battle for Deep Space the Imeprial Navy launched a counter-offensive two days ago to take back control of Deep Space from the Alliance to restore the Republic.
Elements from DFA, Onyx Squadron and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as other units took the fight to the enemy, gradually taking control of the center of the sector in a series of fierce battles.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows the later part of this battle:
Imperial Navy defeated in Deep Space
Date: 091109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a major offensive in Deep Space, wiping out the imperial forces patrolling the sector in a series of engagements. Tactically and numerically superiour Rebel forces drove the Imperial fighters to the wall. Only quickly hired freelance mercenaries helped stabilize the frontlines before the entirety of the Imperial Task Force was wiped out.
DFA, Onyx Squadron as well as Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other units suffered heavy casualties during the fighting but were still operational according to the latest information from the Sector Fleet Command.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows part of this battle:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a major offensive in Deep Space, wiping out the imperial forces patrolling the sector in a series of engagements. Tactically and numerically superiour Rebel forces drove the Imperial fighters to the wall. Only quickly hired freelance mercenaries helped stabilize the frontlines before the entirety of the Imperial Task Force was wiped out.
DFA, Onyx Squadron as well as Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other units suffered heavy casualties during the fighting but were still operational according to the latest information from the Sector Fleet Command.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows part of this battle:
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Club Aak attacked twice - gang war?
Date: 051109
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to recent reports the Club Aak, a nightclub owned and ran by the infamous Toydarian slaver Aak in New Doros, was attacked a few days ago, suffering extensive damages to furniture and building as well as multiple injuries among the staff.
The exact details are a bit murky still but from what is known two men thought to be in the employ of Borvo the Hutt detonated a bomb at the club. The blast did only minor damage to the club, but was reported as to have killed one of the bombers, the other escaping. According to a rumor a passer-by who had shot at the bombers in an attempt to stop them was arrested during the investigation, and held in prison.
Just a bit after this incident a brawl broke out inside the club, according to unconfirmed reports when a slave provoked some guests. The fight soon turned very violent, with the "guests" using explosives and weapons. The furniture and interiour of the club suffered, as did its employes. The "guests" escaped, leading to some speculation that this might have been a planned attack following the failed first bomb attack.
One cannot help but wonder if this is just the start of a gang war between Aak the Toydarian slaver's organisation and Borvo the Hutt.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to recent reports the Club Aak, a nightclub owned and ran by the infamous Toydarian slaver Aak in New Doros, was attacked a few days ago, suffering extensive damages to furniture and building as well as multiple injuries among the staff.
The exact details are a bit murky still but from what is known two men thought to be in the employ of Borvo the Hutt detonated a bomb at the club. The blast did only minor damage to the club, but was reported as to have killed one of the bombers, the other escaping. According to a rumor a passer-by who had shot at the bombers in an attempt to stop them was arrested during the investigation, and held in prison.
Just a bit after this incident a brawl broke out inside the club, according to unconfirmed reports when a slave provoked some guests. The fight soon turned very violent, with the "guests" using explosives and weapons. The furniture and interiour of the club suffered, as did its employes. The "guests" escaped, leading to some speculation that this might have been a planned attack following the failed first bomb attack.
One cannot help but wonder if this is just the start of a gang war between Aak the Toydarian slaver's organisation and Borvo the Hutt.
Man shot by security - murder or vigilante justice?
Date: 051109
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The violence related to Club Aak does not seem to stop. A not unusual situation - a drunk guest getting unruly and loud - escalated recently, leading to what even the Undersecretary of Internal Affairs, Inaa, calls a murder.
From what is known a yet to be identified man visited Club Aak at night. After he started to cause some troubl he was told to leave at gunpoint by the security staff. The man complied, but one security guard, Fingies, followed him outside - apparently angry.
Outside Fingies shot the man dead him dead. He was quickly arrested and charged with assault and murder and is currently in jail. According to our information he can expect a light sentence though, since he claims that the man drew a weapon and took aim at a trooper.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The violence related to Club Aak does not seem to stop. A not unusual situation - a drunk guest getting unruly and loud - escalated recently, leading to what even the Undersecretary of Internal Affairs, Inaa, calls a murder.
From what is known a yet to be identified man visited Club Aak at night. After he started to cause some troubl he was told to leave at gunpoint by the security staff. The man complied, but one security guard, Fingies, followed him outside - apparently angry.
Outside Fingies shot the man dead him dead. He was quickly arrested and charged with assault and murder and is currently in jail. According to our information he can expect a light sentence though, since he claims that the man drew a weapon and took aim at a trooper.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pirates take out escort, rob ore cargo
Date: 041109
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago IMC sent another freighter carrying ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The freighter, Falcun Nix' "Dae Nunt's Revenge", a Nova Courier class ship, was escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, and a TIE Aggressor from Onyx Squadron.
When it entered the Naboo System at the Sea of Veruna hyperspace jump point it was attacked by an ARC-170, but the two escorts shot it down quickly. However right then a Dunelizard and a Scyk swooped in, disabling both escorts and then the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" in a quick dogfight. The crew of the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" used an escape pod while Captain Nix was forced to jettison his cargo.
Both the ship and the crew were recovered by RSF forces. The crew returned to Tatooine while the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" is undergoing repairs.
IMC shares fell 4 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago IMC sent another freighter carrying ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. The freighter, Falcun Nix' "Dae Nunt's Revenge", a Nova Courier class ship, was escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, and a TIE Aggressor from Onyx Squadron.
When it entered the Naboo System at the Sea of Veruna hyperspace jump point it was attacked by an ARC-170, but the two escorts shot it down quickly. However right then a Dunelizard and a Scyk swooped in, disabling both escorts and then the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" in a quick dogfight. The crew of the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" used an escape pod while Captain Nix was forced to jettison his cargo.
Both the ship and the crew were recovered by RSF forces. The crew returned to Tatooine while the "Dae Nunt's Revenge" is undergoing repairs.
IMC shares fell 4 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
New landing pad opens in Farpoint Valley
Date: 251009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley has boasted of a public landing pad for a while, next to the Pulsar Compound's hangar bay. Since some though the Pulsar Corporation has been in need of larger facilities to handle their traffic and business.

After careful planning by Pulsar Corporations CEO, H'oshi QaVam, a new structure was erected, in the center of Farpoint Valley. Boasting of two standard landing lapds for light freighters, three landing pads rated for starfighters, and a semi-enclosed shuttle bay, the new complex can handle far more traffic than its precedessor.

A bridge leads directly to the city hall from the landing pad, and two gates allow access to the shuttle bay and stores inside the complex.

Flanked by the Grinding House and Guilty Pleasures, the new landing pad complex is an impressive sight indeed.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley has boasted of a public landing pad for a while, next to the Pulsar Compound's hangar bay. Since some though the Pulsar Corporation has been in need of larger facilities to handle their traffic and business.
After careful planning by Pulsar Corporations CEO, H'oshi QaVam, a new structure was erected, in the center of Farpoint Valley. Boasting of two standard landing lapds for light freighters, three landing pads rated for starfighters, and a semi-enclosed shuttle bay, the new complex can handle far more traffic than its precedessor.
A bridge leads directly to the city hall from the landing pad, and two gates allow access to the shuttle bay and stores inside the complex.
Flanked by the Grinding House and Guilty Pleasures, the new landing pad complex is an impressive sight indeed.
Battle in Deep Space intensifies
Date: 011109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After the recent skirmishes the battle for Deep Space draws more and more ships from both sides. Last night a fight broke out over control of two areas, quickly turning into a at times confusing mass battle all over the sector.
Elements from DFA, Onyx Squadron - a YT-1300 civilian freighter commandeered by an Officer from Onyx Squadron played a major role in the fighting according to the reports - as well as Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other units took part on the Imperial side.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows part of this battle that lasted for hours and saw no clear victor, but severe losses on both sides:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After the recent skirmishes the battle for Deep Space draws more and more ships from both sides. Last night a fight broke out over control of two areas, quickly turning into a at times confusing mass battle all over the sector.
Elements from DFA, Onyx Squadron - a YT-1300 civilian freighter commandeered by an Officer from Onyx Squadron played a major role in the fighting according to the reports - as well as Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other units took part on the Imperial side.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows part of this battle that lasted for hours and saw no clear victor, but severe losses on both sides:
Obsidian Dagger Squadron skirmishes in Deep Space
Date: 011109
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite the loss of their flagship a week ago the Imperial Navy is not giving up and keeps contesting rebel control of Deep Space. Two days ago fighters from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, supported by a gunboat, patrolled Deep Space, engaging and destroying rebel fighters when encountered despite taking losses.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows one such skirmish:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite the loss of their flagship a week ago the Imperial Navy is not giving up and keeps contesting rebel control of Deep Space. Two days ago fighters from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, supported by a gunboat, patrolled Deep Space, engaging and destroying rebel fighters when encountered despite taking losses.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows one such skirmish:
Krayt Escape sees daring new fashion?
Date: 011109
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Krayt Escape, decorated in a festive if a bit creepy theme, opened its doors again in Mos Carova, Tatooine. Fortunately, none of the club's namesakes attended the event so all visitors were safe - from Krayts, that is. There were other dangers for the numerous visitors though.

One of such was the very daring fashion statement Poe'kunal made - his suit was an eye catcher, but might have scared a few people not used to such avant-garde fashion:

Entertainment was provided by Areta and Dia'ani, two skilled dancers in pirate costumes, while Daofi served as bartender, keeping the visitors well lubricated. The only violence seen happened when a bounty hunter came for the twi'lek Ki'mi - though the residents of Mos Carova took care of the hunter before he could reach her.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Krayt Escape, decorated in a festive if a bit creepy theme, opened its doors again in Mos Carova, Tatooine. Fortunately, none of the club's namesakes attended the event so all visitors were safe - from Krayts, that is. There were other dangers for the numerous visitors though.
One of such was the very daring fashion statement Poe'kunal made - his suit was an eye catcher, but might have scared a few people not used to such avant-garde fashion:
Entertainment was provided by Areta and Dia'ani, two skilled dancers in pirate costumes, while Daofi served as bartender, keeping the visitors well lubricated. The only violence seen happened when a bounty hunter came for the twi'lek Ki'mi - though the residents of Mos Carova took care of the hunter before he could reach her.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Pirate Ambush foiled!
Date: 271009
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC ore transport from Tatooine to Ord Mantell last night consisted of Fish-Tec Industries'"Aluminum Falcon", a modified YT-1300, Captained by Zakor and piloted by Oblin, and escorted by Falcun Nix - of recent Tusken Trophy fame - in his X-Wing "Justice" and Ramona in her Scyk "Flo". Ichi Senshi and Senyka Darkeye crewed on the "Aluminum Falcon".
The convoy entered the Naboo System and flew around while the hyperdrives cooled without encountering any trouble when it suddenly received a grabled distress call. Suspicious because of the timing Falcun Nix proceeded to check on the distressed ship by himself while the "Aluminum Falcon" and "Flo" prepared to hyper out towards Ord Mantell.
When "Justice" reached the coordinates given - near an asteroid field - it was ambushed by two X-Wings. While a dogfight ensued the "Aluminum Falcun" hypered to the Ord Mantell system, where it landed safely on the Nova Orion Station.
Meanwhile Falcun Nix had succeeded in shooting down both pirate craft while taking armor damage to his ship himself. He managed to make it to the Nova Orion Station under his own power though, and his X-Wing underwent repairs there.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC ore transport from Tatooine to Ord Mantell last night consisted of Fish-Tec Industries'"Aluminum Falcon", a modified YT-1300, Captained by Zakor and piloted by Oblin, and escorted by Falcun Nix - of recent Tusken Trophy fame - in his X-Wing "Justice" and Ramona in her Scyk "Flo". Ichi Senshi and Senyka Darkeye crewed on the "Aluminum Falcon".
The convoy entered the Naboo System and flew around while the hyperdrives cooled without encountering any trouble when it suddenly received a grabled distress call. Suspicious because of the timing Falcun Nix proceeded to check on the distressed ship by himself while the "Aluminum Falcon" and "Flo" prepared to hyper out towards Ord Mantell.
When "Justice" reached the coordinates given - near an asteroid field - it was ambushed by two X-Wings. While a dogfight ensued the "Aluminum Falcun" hypered to the Ord Mantell system, where it landed safely on the Nova Orion Station.
Meanwhile Falcun Nix had succeeded in shooting down both pirate craft while taking armor damage to his ship himself. He managed to make it to the Nova Orion Station under his own power though, and his X-Wing underwent repairs there.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Tusken Trophy won by Falcun Nix!
Date: 251009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the finals of the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's fabled Swoop Race, took place. Falcun Nix and Isuk'ap Sti-La, who together won the qualifying last night, started from the pole positions, with Skalui Urison, TK-SixtySix, Smero and Ist'es Irvist starting from second row.
The race took off, with Falcun and Isuk'ap battling for lead, when suddenly some natives of Tatooine started taking potshots at the racers - Tuskens and Jawas, for reasons unknown, seemed to have taken offense at the race. Tuskens have been reported to have attacked travellers in the area before, and are known to be violent, but the reasons for the agression by the Jawas remain a mystery.
Falcun was hit, and even wounded, but did continue the race, entering the final lap still battling Isuk'ap, and managed to beat her by a hair to the finishing line, earning the 10'000'000 credits for first prize. Isuk'ap won second prize, 6'000'000 and her team, RID Racing, also won the team competition, another 1'000'000. Third place went to Skalui, 4'000'000 credits.
After the race Falcun Nix received medical attention for his wound but it was not serious according to a first check.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the finals of the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's fabled Swoop Race, took place. Falcun Nix and Isuk'ap Sti-La, who together won the qualifying last night, started from the pole positions, with Skalui Urison, TK-SixtySix, Smero and Ist'es Irvist starting from second row.
The race took off, with Falcun and Isuk'ap battling for lead, when suddenly some natives of Tatooine started taking potshots at the racers - Tuskens and Jawas, for reasons unknown, seemed to have taken offense at the race. Tuskens have been reported to have attacked travellers in the area before, and are known to be violent, but the reasons for the agression by the Jawas remain a mystery.
Falcun was hit, and even wounded, but did continue the race, entering the final lap still battling Isuk'ap, and managed to beat her by a hair to the finishing line, earning the 10'000'000 credits for first prize. Isuk'ap won second prize, 6'000'000 and her team, RID Racing, also won the team competition, another 1'000'000. Third place went to Skalui, 4'000'000 credits.
After the race Falcun Nix received medical attention for his wound but it was not serious according to a first check.
Rogue AT-AT sighted in Quarantine Zone on Dathomir
Date: 251009
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Quarantine Zone
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today reports reached us that an AT-AT walker had gone rogue inside the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir. Information is sscarce whether the AT-AT was hijacked by rebels, or if the crew has gone rogue, but a few anonymous sources claim the crew has been afflicted by the plague, and was now a danger to everyone inside the zone.
We have lost contact to our source inside the zone shortly afterwards and fear the worst. Any information about this AT-AT is appreciated.
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Quarantine Zone
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today reports reached us that an AT-AT walker had gone rogue inside the Quarantine Zone on Dathomir. Information is sscarce whether the AT-AT was hijacked by rebels, or if the crew has gone rogue, but a few anonymous sources claim the crew has been afflicted by the plague, and was now a danger to everyone inside the zone.
We have lost contact to our source inside the zone shortly afterwards and fear the worst. Any information about this AT-AT is appreciated.
Imperial Flagship lost in Deep Space
Date: 251009
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Navy sent a task force to Deep Space to hunt down the rebel command ship sighted there. Led by Commander Wezz Jansson of the Onyx Squadron the Imperial task force consisted of two gunships, one of them, the "ISS Onyx Mauler" being the flagship of the force, and about 10 escorting fighters from various units such as DFA, Onyx Squadron and Obsidian Squadron.
The task force ran into a numerically superiour rebel force and according to recent reports the flagship was ripped appart by waves of attacking B-Wings despite the brave actions of the escorting fighters.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows a skirmish after the main battle had ended:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Imperial Navy sent a task force to Deep Space to hunt down the rebel command ship sighted there. Led by Commander Wezz Jansson of the Onyx Squadron the Imperial task force consisted of two gunships, one of them, the "ISS Onyx Mauler" being the flagship of the force, and about 10 escorting fighters from various units such as DFA, Onyx Squadron and Obsidian Squadron.
The task force ran into a numerically superiour rebel force and according to recent reports the flagship was ripped appart by waves of attacking B-Wings despite the brave actions of the escorting fighters.
The following footage, released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine, shows a skirmish after the main battle had ended:
Skirmishes in Deep Space remain undecisive
Date: 251009
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago there were furher skirmishes in Deep Space, with changing fortunes for both sides of the Galactic Civil War. Imperial fighters from Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as from other units battled rebel starfighters and captial ships for hours, inflicting and suffering substantial losses without any objective gained or lost.
The following footage was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows ships from DFA, Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other imperial Units in action:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago there were furher skirmishes in Deep Space, with changing fortunes for both sides of the Galactic Civil War. Imperial fighters from Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as from other units battled rebel starfighters and captial ships for hours, inflicting and suffering substantial losses without any objective gained or lost.
The following footage was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows ships from DFA, Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other imperial Units in action:
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tusken Trophy practise started in Farpoint Valley!
Date: 231009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the Free Practice Session for tomorrows qualifying of the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's fabled Swoop Race, opened!
Anyone can practice the track as much as they like for 24 hours, completly free of charge, with any vehicle, by simply using the terminal found near the Race Droid in front of the City Hall and giving it a shot.
One of our reporters tried the track with a camera on his speeder bike:
With this course the qualifying tomorrow, and the finals the day after tomorrow promise to be exciting indeed!
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the Free Practice Session for tomorrows qualifying of the Tusken Trophy, Farpoint Valley's fabled Swoop Race, opened!
Anyone can practice the track as much as they like for 24 hours, completly free of charge, with any vehicle, by simply using the terminal found near the Race Droid in front of the City Hall and giving it a shot.
One of our reporters tried the track with a camera on his speeder bike:
With this course the qualifying tomorrow, and the finals the day after tomorrow promise to be exciting indeed!
Historian discovers sword of wookiee hero
Date: 231009
Planet: Kashyyyk
Region: Shadowed Lands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday an archeological expedition on Kashyyyk led by Stlian Nix reached the planet's surface - the so-called "Shadowed Lands" - and discovered a sword that according to first analysis was likely to have been owned by the famous wookiee hero Zaalbar.
Zaalbar is said to have led the revolt to free the Wookies from the yoke of the Czerka Corporation during the Great Jedi Civil War four thousand years ago and was said to have marked all his personal equipment with his initial - and such an initial was found on the sword. Further checks will be needed to determine if the sword is genuine.

The expedition encountered a couple of obstacles and problems on the way down to the surface, such as hostile poachers and wildlife, which forced a number of members to return to the canopy regions prematurely. The archeological site itself had been turned into a predator's lair according to the reports from the expedition and the dangerous animal had to be slain to allow the historian to safely search the site.
Planet: Kashyyyk
Region: Shadowed Lands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday an archeological expedition on Kashyyyk led by Stlian Nix reached the planet's surface - the so-called "Shadowed Lands" - and discovered a sword that according to first analysis was likely to have been owned by the famous wookiee hero Zaalbar.
Zaalbar is said to have led the revolt to free the Wookies from the yoke of the Czerka Corporation during the Great Jedi Civil War four thousand years ago and was said to have marked all his personal equipment with his initial - and such an initial was found on the sword. Further checks will be needed to determine if the sword is genuine.
The expedition encountered a couple of obstacles and problems on the way down to the surface, such as hostile poachers and wildlife, which forced a number of members to return to the canopy regions prematurely. The archeological site itself had been turned into a predator's lair according to the reports from the expedition and the dangerous animal had to be slain to allow the historian to safely search the site.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Janta village slaughtered on Dantooine - ties to crimes on Tatooine and Lok?
Date: 221009
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Central Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An entire village of Janta - men, women and children - were found slaughtered by a local traveling merchant last night on Dantooine. Jantas are a humanoid sentient species native to the planet and generally live a simple, even primitive life in small villages. A few years ago many Jantas were killed en masse by ruthless hunters since their blood was a commodity very much sought after to create enhanced stims from it, but after advances in medicine made this obsolete the hunting stopped.

Investigations and obductions showed that the Jantas had been killed by what appears to have been a 5-clawed hand, with one of the victims hurled through a rock wall, landing several dozen feet away and killed on impact. The vast majority however were found as withered husks, including one vicitm that was found bound to a tree.

This "withering" shows remarkable similarities to a string of gang-related killings on Tatooine and Lok. It is still not clear whether those killings were committed by a sentient, or an animal, but with the death count rising, finding out who or what is behind this becomes more and more important.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Central Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An entire village of Janta - men, women and children - were found slaughtered by a local traveling merchant last night on Dantooine. Jantas are a humanoid sentient species native to the planet and generally live a simple, even primitive life in small villages. A few years ago many Jantas were killed en masse by ruthless hunters since their blood was a commodity very much sought after to create enhanced stims from it, but after advances in medicine made this obsolete the hunting stopped.
Investigations and obductions showed that the Jantas had been killed by what appears to have been a 5-clawed hand, with one of the victims hurled through a rock wall, landing several dozen feet away and killed on impact. The vast majority however were found as withered husks, including one vicitm that was found bound to a tree.
This "withering" shows remarkable similarities to a string of gang-related killings on Tatooine and Lok. It is still not clear whether those killings were committed by a sentient, or an animal, but with the death count rising, finding out who or what is behind this becomes more and more important.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Galactic Moon Festival turns Mos Eisley into a Madhouse
Date: 221009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Eisley has had a reputation as a chaotic and violent town for a long time now, a place where the residents and regulars did not blink an eye at even the most exotic visitors and where violent confrontations often happened to draw attention.
With the advent of the Galactic Moon Festival though the city has turned into what can only be described as a nuthouse, the noise from countless costumed celebrants drowning out even the advertising droids.
According to reports Moenia on Naboo is in a similar state.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Eisley has had a reputation as a chaotic and violent town for a long time now, a place where the residents and regulars did not blink an eye at even the most exotic visitors and where violent confrontations often happened to draw attention.
With the advent of the Galactic Moon Festival though the city has turned into what can only be described as a nuthouse, the noise from countless costumed celebrants drowning out even the advertising droids.
According to reports Moenia on Naboo is in a similar state.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Pirate shot down in Naboo
Date: 201009
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC Convoy, this time consisting of Captain Falcun Nix' Nova Courier "Dae Nunt's Revenge", crewed by Nu'ro, Cosdassk and Ramona, and escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, set off from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, last night again.
The convoy reached the Naboo system without trouble through the Royal Way hyperspace jump point, but later got attacked near Sea of Veruna by an unidentfied heavy Scyk. The raider achieved surprise thanks to some miscommunication between the escort craft and the freighter over fire control but could not exploit the surprise and was shot down by the escorting TIE Oppressor after a short dogfight.
The "Dae Nunt's Revenge" reached the Nova Orion Station safely. According to unconfirmed rumors captain Falcun Nix was wounded in a barfight on the station shortly after arriving though the details are unclear so far and it's not known if that had any relation to the pirate attack.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC Convoy, this time consisting of Captain Falcun Nix' Nova Courier "Dae Nunt's Revenge", crewed by Nu'ro, Cosdassk and Ramona, and escorted by a TIE Oppressor from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, set off from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, last night again.
The convoy reached the Naboo system without trouble through the Royal Way hyperspace jump point, but later got attacked near Sea of Veruna by an unidentfied heavy Scyk. The raider achieved surprise thanks to some miscommunication between the escort craft and the freighter over fire control but could not exploit the surprise and was shot down by the escorting TIE Oppressor after a short dogfight.
The "Dae Nunt's Revenge" reached the Nova Orion Station safely. According to unconfirmed rumors captain Falcun Nix was wounded in a barfight on the station shortly after arriving though the details are unclear so far and it's not known if that had any relation to the pirate attack.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Rebels destroy Imperial Star Destroyer
Date: 181009
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A day after the last battle in Deep Space the Rebel Alliance launched a major offensive aimed staright at the Imperial Star Destroyer supporting the on going operations of the Imperial Navy in the sector.
The escorting starfighters - elements of the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and Onyx Squaron - launched a counter attack but were overwhelmed by superiour numbers and the the Star Destroyer was destroyed by a bomber strike supported by a rebel Nova Courier.
The surviving imperial starfighetrs conducted a fighting retreat, covering the evacuation of the crew of the Star Destroyer until they too fell. So far it's unclear how the Imperial Naval Command will react to the disaster.
The footage presented here was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows the battles following the destruction of the Star Destroyer.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A day after the last battle in Deep Space the Rebel Alliance launched a major offensive aimed staright at the Imperial Star Destroyer supporting the on going operations of the Imperial Navy in the sector.
The escorting starfighters - elements of the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and Onyx Squaron - launched a counter attack but were overwhelmed by superiour numbers and the the Star Destroyer was destroyed by a bomber strike supported by a rebel Nova Courier.
The surviving imperial starfighetrs conducted a fighting retreat, covering the evacuation of the crew of the Star Destroyer until they too fell. So far it's unclear how the Imperial Naval Command will react to the disaster.
The footage presented here was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows the battles following the destruction of the Star Destroyer.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Widow of General Darkwalker-Lotus passes away
Date: 171009
Planet: Naboo
Region: Moenia
Story: Moenia Press Agency
Meredith Darkwalker-Lotus passed away last night, at the age of 75, the widow of Lieutenant General Therrid Darkwalker-Lotus of the Royal Security Forces on Naboo. The deceased general was a war hero during the Trade Federation blockade on the planet, one of the original street fighters of the resistance during the time, he was highly decorated and revered between both the human and Gungan societies after the war for fostering cooperation and a change of relations. He passed away at the age of eighty six three years ago from a heart attack.

The widow, who was also rather highly respected in both societies as a diplomat, passed away in her home in Moenia, due to old age and natural causes. Eight years ago, her only daughter, who was 21 at the time, disappeared and was never found again, she was a student at the Theed Royal Institute of Space Studies, studying Astrogeology, Astrobiology and Astrophysics.

A public funeral is to be held for her and she is to be buried next to her husband in a private mausoleum on burial ground reserved for close friends to the Royal Family of Naboo. She leaves no heirs to her name or legacy that are known to be alive besides her daughter, who was presumed dead long ago.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Moenia
Story: Moenia Press Agency
Meredith Darkwalker-Lotus passed away last night, at the age of 75, the widow of Lieutenant General Therrid Darkwalker-Lotus of the Royal Security Forces on Naboo. The deceased general was a war hero during the Trade Federation blockade on the planet, one of the original street fighters of the resistance during the time, he was highly decorated and revered between both the human and Gungan societies after the war for fostering cooperation and a change of relations. He passed away at the age of eighty six three years ago from a heart attack.
The widow, who was also rather highly respected in both societies as a diplomat, passed away in her home in Moenia, due to old age and natural causes. Eight years ago, her only daughter, who was 21 at the time, disappeared and was never found again, she was a student at the Theed Royal Institute of Space Studies, studying Astrogeology, Astrobiology and Astrophysics.
A public funeral is to be held for her and she is to be buried next to her husband in a private mausoleum on burial ground reserved for close friends to the Royal Family of Naboo. She leaves no heirs to her name or legacy that are known to be alive besides her daughter, who was presumed dead long ago.
More fighting in Deep Space over asteroids
Date: 171009
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The asteroids in Deep Space are starting to become a focal point for the Galactic Civil War. Last night there was another clash over control of the asteroids and their ore in Deep Space, a battle which saw even more tactical maneuvers than those last week.
Spearheaded by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and Onyx Squaron the Imperial Starfighters battled the rebels throughout the sector, gaining the upper hand in a war of atrition and fast attacks and counter attacks.
This was just a temporary victory though, since the rebel forces struck back with even more guile and determination. Supported by an Incom X-4 Gunship and its massive firepower their quick and agile A-Wings kept the pressure up, slowly turning the tide until both sides were back where they had started.
The footage presented here was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows ships from DFA, Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other imperial Units in action.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The asteroids in Deep Space are starting to become a focal point for the Galactic Civil War. Last night there was another clash over control of the asteroids and their ore in Deep Space, a battle which saw even more tactical maneuvers than those last week.
Spearheaded by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and Onyx Squaron the Imperial Starfighters battled the rebels throughout the sector, gaining the upper hand in a war of atrition and fast attacks and counter attacks.
This was just a temporary victory though, since the rebel forces struck back with even more guile and determination. Supported by an Incom X-4 Gunship and its massive firepower their quick and agile A-Wings kept the pressure up, slowly turning the tide until both sides were back where they had started.
The footage presented here was released by the Obsidian Dagger Squadron Headquarters on Dantooine and shows ships from DFA, Obsidian Dagger Squadron and other imperial Units in action.
Slavers struck down in Lucky Despot
Date: 171009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Not long after the zeltron Nirii was violently freed on Lok Aak's slavers met with more adversity. Apparently they had come to the Lucky Despot after the fight on Lok to recuperate some, and tempers must have still running high since the treatment of their slaves present was worse than usual - in public, which led to visible resentment and anger among the other guests.
Undeterred the abuse of the slaves continued until the last straw broke the eopie's back when a slave was punished by one slaver for following Aak's orders. While the wily Toydarian himself had left the casino already, his second in command, Lady Haruka, had stayed behind for some more abuse over a tea brewed by a slave, and was struck down by a bald (and apparently blind) man with a lightsaber.

a twi'lek woman tried to help her but was not quick enough and quickly left the casino before the bald man and his friends could turn on her. The security detail of Aak returned quickly and the infamous Opal and a man in ubese armor atacked the bald man that had struck down Haruka and his two female friends.
Both Opal and her fellow slaver were defeated and the trio left the casino, leaving the slavers and slaves to their fate. At this point it is not known whether or not this attack is related to the fight on Lok, though one thing seems sure - abusing your slave in public is riskier than some of the slavers may have thought.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Not long after the zeltron Nirii was violently freed on Lok Aak's slavers met with more adversity. Apparently they had come to the Lucky Despot after the fight on Lok to recuperate some, and tempers must have still running high since the treatment of their slaves present was worse than usual - in public, which led to visible resentment and anger among the other guests.
Undeterred the abuse of the slaves continued until the last straw broke the eopie's back when a slave was punished by one slaver for following Aak's orders. While the wily Toydarian himself had left the casino already, his second in command, Lady Haruka, had stayed behind for some more abuse over a tea brewed by a slave, and was struck down by a bald (and apparently blind) man with a lightsaber.
a twi'lek woman tried to help her but was not quick enough and quickly left the casino before the bald man and his friends could turn on her. The security detail of Aak returned quickly and the infamous Opal and a man in ubese armor atacked the bald man that had struck down Haruka and his two female friends.
Both Opal and her fellow slaver were defeated and the trio left the casino, leaving the slavers and slaves to their fate. At this point it is not known whether or not this attack is related to the fight on Lok, though one thing seems sure - abusing your slave in public is riskier than some of the slavers may have thought.
Slave rescued on Lok
Date: 171009
Planet: Lok
Region: Nym's Base
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Nirii, the slave recaptured two days ago in the Lucky Despot was apparently freed by force yesterday in Nym's cantina on Lok. From what is known there was a meeting of the owners of the zeltron with an interested buyer - a twi'lek in full armor - in the cantina.

Aak in person, in the company of his employees and seurity detail, met the twi'lek. The negotiations were still going on when suddenly two armored twi'leks opened fire with scatterguns, scattering the slavers and wounding a zabrak woman who seemed to be Nirii's handler.

The "interested buyer" used the confusion to grab Nirii and flee with her while a number of other sentients started a firefight with the rest of the slavers.

The security detail of Aak reacted fast though and struck back, wounding, maybe killing some attackers before they managed to get away. The slavers stuck not around for long either though, since one of their numbers was gravely wounded, and they made haste to the starport to get her to a med center off-planet.

According to rumors the slavers swore revenge though and are already hunting both the rescuers as well as the escaped slave.
Planet: Lok
Region: Nym's Base
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Nirii, the slave recaptured two days ago in the Lucky Despot was apparently freed by force yesterday in Nym's cantina on Lok. From what is known there was a meeting of the owners of the zeltron with an interested buyer - a twi'lek in full armor - in the cantina.
Aak in person, in the company of his employees and seurity detail, met the twi'lek. The negotiations were still going on when suddenly two armored twi'leks opened fire with scatterguns, scattering the slavers and wounding a zabrak woman who seemed to be Nirii's handler.
The "interested buyer" used the confusion to grab Nirii and flee with her while a number of other sentients started a firefight with the rest of the slavers.
The security detail of Aak reacted fast though and struck back, wounding, maybe killing some attackers before they managed to get away. The slavers stuck not around for long either though, since one of their numbers was gravely wounded, and they made haste to the starport to get her to a med center off-planet.
According to rumors the slavers swore revenge though and are already hunting both the rescuers as well as the escaped slave.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Escaped slave recaptured in Lucky Despot
Date: 161009
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Nirri, the zeltron who was kidnapped by employes of Aak the Toydarian in Farpoint Valley earlier this week, apparently managed to escape the clutches of the slavers - but not for long.

Last night the girl visited the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley, Tatooine when a group of Aak's slavers spotted her and quickly cornered her. One man - a slaver according to rumors - tried to intervene but was chased off by Opal Lycanus while the girl was knocked down and tied up, then dragged to Aak.

Aak had the zeltorn on display for a while afterwards, kept tied to a table, when an armored woman stepped up and claimed Nirri was her slave, demaning her back.

Aak and his employees disagreed, doubted the veracity of the claim, and refused to hand Nirri over. The dispute turned violent and the woman was quickly overwhelmed by the entire security detail of the Toydarian and left bleeding on the floor.

Bystanders tried to treat the wounded woman but she refused their help, even threatenend them with her blaster while dragging herself out of the casino. In the meantime Nirri was moved off planet.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Nirri, the zeltron who was kidnapped by employes of Aak the Toydarian in Farpoint Valley earlier this week, apparently managed to escape the clutches of the slavers - but not for long.
Last night the girl visited the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley, Tatooine when a group of Aak's slavers spotted her and quickly cornered her. One man - a slaver according to rumors - tried to intervene but was chased off by Opal Lycanus while the girl was knocked down and tied up, then dragged to Aak.
Aak had the zeltorn on display for a while afterwards, kept tied to a table, when an armored woman stepped up and claimed Nirri was her slave, demaning her back.
Aak and his employees disagreed, doubted the veracity of the claim, and refused to hand Nirri over. The dispute turned violent and the woman was quickly overwhelmed by the entire security detail of the Toydarian and left bleeding on the floor.
Bystanders tried to treat the wounded woman but she refused their help, even threatenend them with her blaster while dragging herself out of the casino. In the meantime Nirri was moved off planet.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Suspected grenade thief found dead in Tyrena!
Date: 151009
Planet: Corellia
Region: Tyrena
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Contrary to some opinions CorSec has not been idle regarding the mystery of the grenade crate that was found a week ago in Doaba Guerfel but their efforts suffered a setback last night when the main suspect in the case, going by the name Affus Ohab, was found slain in the Cantina in Tyrena. According to our information he was shot multiple times in the head and chest with large caliber projectile weapon and left to bleed out to his death. No witnesses are known at this point.

The cantina in Tyrena, Corellia
As records show Affus Ohab, a known underworld figure, was the brother of Nardi Ohab, another well-known criminal who was killed in an execution style murder on Endor in the Science outpost a year ago by an unknown assassin in black Black Sun style bounty hunter armor using a heavy weapon and a droideka, presumably for the bounty worth 85'000 imperial credits placed on him at the time.
The CorSec spokesperson did not comment on whether or not Affus was killed by someone involved in the case to silence him before he could be interrogated by the authorities or if he was killed for other reasons, possibly involving his brother's death. Rumors and speculations abound however.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Tyrena
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Contrary to some opinions CorSec has not been idle regarding the mystery of the grenade crate that was found a week ago in Doaba Guerfel but their efforts suffered a setback last night when the main suspect in the case, going by the name Affus Ohab, was found slain in the Cantina in Tyrena. According to our information he was shot multiple times in the head and chest with large caliber projectile weapon and left to bleed out to his death. No witnesses are known at this point.
The cantina in Tyrena, Corellia
As records show Affus Ohab, a known underworld figure, was the brother of Nardi Ohab, another well-known criminal who was killed in an execution style murder on Endor in the Science outpost a year ago by an unknown assassin in black Black Sun style bounty hunter armor using a heavy weapon and a droideka, presumably for the bounty worth 85'000 imperial credits placed on him at the time.
The CorSec spokesperson did not comment on whether or not Affus was killed by someone involved in the case to silence him before he could be interrogated by the authorities or if he was killed for other reasons, possibly involving his brother's death. Rumors and speculations abound however.
Quarantine on Dathomir?
Date: 151009
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Southeastern Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dathomir hasn't had the best reputation for some time. From being inhabitated by xenophic violent force users and a fauna that seems to consider all sentients their favorite prey to the horrible weather and dark skies the planet is not exactly a top choice for any vacation.
But since a few days there's a new, ugly rumor going on about even worse troubles on Dathomir - a rumor about a quarantine zone, a deathly virus and a massive military presence of the Empire.

Information is scarce since the quarantine zone is enforced with deadly violence but what we could gather does not look good: Substantial amounts of troops and medical assets have been deployed, draconic measures are taken with regards to disinfection, and prominent officers have been put in charge.

Something must have gone really wrong on Dathomir.
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Southeastern Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dathomir hasn't had the best reputation for some time. From being inhabitated by xenophic violent force users and a fauna that seems to consider all sentients their favorite prey to the horrible weather and dark skies the planet is not exactly a top choice for any vacation.
But since a few days there's a new, ugly rumor going on about even worse troubles on Dathomir - a rumor about a quarantine zone, a deathly virus and a massive military presence of the Empire.
Information is scarce since the quarantine zone is enforced with deadly violence but what we could gather does not look good: Substantial amounts of troops and medical assets have been deployed, draconic measures are taken with regards to disinfection, and prominent officers have been put in charge.
Something must have gone really wrong on Dathomir.
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