Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Chalmun's saw further violence a few days ago when two unknown males, one dressed as a tusken raider the other appearing to be a zabrak in dark robes were involved in a fight with two twil'lek women and one male human, one of the twi'leks possibly being involved in the attack on the imperial Patrol earlier.
The reasons for this fight are unknown, but when regulars of Chalmun's are involved, not much of a reason is usually needed for a fight to take place. As it happened the man in tattered tusken robes was last seen fleeing the scene while the Zabrak's limp body tossed over the countertop to be left, and ended up behind the bar, with the three other involved people remaining unscathed.
A day later a reinforced imperial patrol arrested a human male for questioning about reported rebel recruitment, but he was released later. It is not known if this is related to the earlier attacks and fights.
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