Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Krayt Escape, decorated in a festive if a bit creepy theme, opened its doors again in Mos Carova, Tatooine. Fortunately, none of the club's namesakes attended the event so all visitors were safe - from Krayts, that is. There were other dangers for the numerous visitors though.
One of such was the very daring fashion statement Poe'kunal made - his suit was an eye catcher, but might have scared a few people not used to such avant-garde fashion:
Entertainment was provided by Areta and Dia'ani, two skilled dancers in pirate costumes, while Daofi served as bartender, keeping the visitors well lubricated. The only violence seen happened when a bounty hunter came for the twi'lek Ki'mi - though the residents of Mos Carova took care of the hunter before he could reach her.
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