Planet: Tatooine
Region: Black Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to several reports two days ago Black Sands, a small town in western Tatooine, wheren the Headquarters of the Remahr Corporation as well as a small Imperial garrison are located, was attacked by a small army of pirates.
Due to conflicting reports the exact events are not known, but all agree that a massive army of well-equipped pirates attacked the town, which was defended by a small squad of stormtroopers, mercenaries in the employ of and members of Remahr Corporation, and a large number of battle droids of clone wars vintage - an astonishing number of droids, in fact, so high one wonders what the Remahr corporation was planning to do with them, apart from defending the town against an invasion.
As it was the two armies clashed at the walls of the town, where the defenders had gathered, and one of the largest battles Tatooine has ever seen since the Tusken Invasion broke out.
Things were further complicated when the Trandoshan Brotherhood as well as other mercenaries joined the fighting on the side of the defenders and a ship crashlanded in town, releasing a horde of what eye witnesses described as "bunch of rabid wookiees that attacked everyone".
What is known that in a tragic twist of fate several visitors of the town, among them a number of entertainers such as Amu'lette from the Holowood galactic Studios as well as Cepill, latest recruit of the Neutron Pixies, were surprised by the attack, and ended up hurt during the fighting. Other reports speak of the pirates deliberatedly shooting unarmed civlians begging to be spared.
Despite the ferocious fighting the town still stands, though the damage from the battle remains, as do the surviving droids. The hospital, which has been fought over at a point itself, is taxed to its limits with all the wounded though.
The reasons for the attack are unknown, though the town has had troubles with Jabba the Hutt in the past - violent troubles, in fact. To launch such a massive attack though Jabba would have had to have a more compelling reason than settling old accounts - or so we think. Unconfirmed reports of several pirate groups among the attackers as well as the Trandoshan Brotherhood reinforcing the defenders lead some people to assume that this is part of a larger power struggle among the gangs and syndicates of Tatooine's underworld - maybe even the start of an all-out gang war.
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