Planet: Tatooine
Region: Crimson Ridge
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night was "Open Mic Night" in the End of the Road Club in Crimson Ridge, Tatooine. Anyone was free to step on stage and perform - to dance, sing, do a comeday act, or all three together. Dee'lin Sarlo, mayor of the town and owner of the club, ran the show and did perform a cover version of Ramona's song "End of the Road" herself as well, to set an example.

Among the ones taking the stage were Aaron-James, doing more stand-up comedy, Ek'fe with a ballet performance, and Rico Mkoll and Dakrin Mohale, a new human/mon calamari duo dubbed "Off the top of your head" by Dee'lin, who combined comedy and music by performing entertaining if a bit daring songs, their final act together with aspiring dancer Annaleah. The two men were not too shy to show off their bodies either and performed bare-chested for the females among the audience.

The audience itself honored the spirit of the event and the rules of Dee'lin and did not pelt any performer with rotten fruits, bottles, or blaster fire.
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