Date: 310510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the mon calamari Gybockilodiasto assaulted by an as of yet unidentfied trandoshan male in the Mos Eisley theatre. During the brutal beating two thiords of his bones were broken before he was left on the floor, unconscious and in a serious condition.
Accoridng to rumors a rebel medic managed to save his life but he was placed in a coma that is estimated to last for two months, and would have died without immediate and extensive medical care.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Close battle for asteroids in Deep Space
Date: 300510
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night Deep Space lit up with exploding ships and blaster fire again when the Imperial navy and the fleet of the Alliance to restore the Republic clashed in a bloody struggle for control of three ore-rich asteroids.
The Imperial task force split into three groups and raced ahead to take control of the asteroids at once, only to be struck by a rebel force who swept two of the asteroids clear of any Imperial presence in short order before barely getting stopped at the third asteroid.
Both sides rushed reinforcements in, and a lengthy struggle for the third asteroid ensued. Losses were replaced almost as soon as they were noticed, and even during lulls in the fighting rebel scouts and patrol ships kept skirting around the defending force or straing the asteroid.
During this time the Imperial forces sent out scouts and skirmishers to the other asteroids, but were pushed back again and again by the quickly reacting rebels. In the end the rebel offensive exhausted itself, and the force withdrew.
The following footage released by the Imperial HQ in Fort Keen, Talus, shows some of the battles in the Dathomir System and Deep Space:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night Deep Space lit up with exploding ships and blaster fire again when the Imperial navy and the fleet of the Alliance to restore the Republic clashed in a bloody struggle for control of three ore-rich asteroids.
The Imperial task force split into three groups and raced ahead to take control of the asteroids at once, only to be struck by a rebel force who swept two of the asteroids clear of any Imperial presence in short order before barely getting stopped at the third asteroid.
Both sides rushed reinforcements in, and a lengthy struggle for the third asteroid ensued. Losses were replaced almost as soon as they were noticed, and even during lulls in the fighting rebel scouts and patrol ships kept skirting around the defending force or straing the asteroid.
During this time the Imperial forces sent out scouts and skirmishers to the other asteroids, but were pushed back again and again by the quickly reacting rebels. In the end the rebel offensive exhausted itself, and the force withdrew.
The following footage released by the Imperial HQ in Fort Keen, Talus, shows some of the battles in the Dathomir System and Deep Space:
Imperial Navy on the move in the Dantooine system
Date: 300510
Planet: Dantooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy reinforced their units operating in the Dantooine system a few days ago in order to raffirm their hold on the system. Rebel ships soon opposed the operation, and skirmishes started to take place around the system and near Dantooine's orbit.
After several hours the Imperial Navy kept control of the system.
Planet: Dantooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy reinforced their units operating in the Dantooine system a few days ago in order to raffirm their hold on the system. Rebel ships soon opposed the operation, and skirmishes started to take place around the system and near Dantooine's orbit.
After several hours the Imperial Navy kept control of the system.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Rebel camp destroyed
Date: 250510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Northeastern Tatooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a unit of stormtroopers operating on Tatooine attacked a rebel camp in northeaster Tatooine. The commanding officer had the following to say:
For some time now, scouts under my command have been gathering intelligence and working on pinpointing the locations of several known rebel cells operating on this planet. Some time ago, one such cell was succesfully infiltrated and plans were formed to take it. Yesterday, a squadron under my personal command carried out the assault. After a short but fierce battle, the base was destroyed. None of the rebels survived.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
So far there are no other information about possible collateral damage or civilian casualties.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Northeastern Tatooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a unit of stormtroopers operating on Tatooine attacked a rebel camp in northeaster Tatooine. The commanding officer had the following to say:
For some time now, scouts under my command have been gathering intelligence and working on pinpointing the locations of several known rebel cells operating on this planet. Some time ago, one such cell was succesfully infiltrated and plans were formed to take it. Yesterday, a squadron under my personal command carried out the assault. After a short but fierce battle, the base was destroyed. None of the rebels survived.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
So far there are no other information about possible collateral damage or civilian casualties.
"Liberty's Envoy" sends pirates packing
Date: 250510
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Yt-1300 class light freighter "Liberty's Envoy", captained by Ockeko, transported ore for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion shipyards in Ord mantell.
The freighter was fying without escorts, but had a full crew - especially experienced gunners Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander. That was fortunate since the "Liberty's Envoy" was attacked by a Vaksai heavy fighter and an ARC-170 near Penumbra's Omen in the Naboo system.
The freighter took evasive action and the two unidentified raiders gave chase. In the following fight both attackers were damaged by turret fire and left behind while the "Liberty's Envoy" got away to deliver her cargo to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Yt-1300 class light freighter "Liberty's Envoy", captained by Ockeko, transported ore for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion shipyards in Ord mantell.
The freighter was fying without escorts, but had a full crew - especially experienced gunners Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander. That was fortunate since the "Liberty's Envoy" was attacked by a Vaksai heavy fighter and an ARC-170 near Penumbra's Omen in the Naboo system.
The freighter took evasive action and the two unidentified raiders gave chase. In the following fight both attackers were damaged by turret fire and left behind while the "Liberty's Envoy" got away to deliver her cargo to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Intense fighting in the Dathomir system and Deep Space
Date: 230510
Planet: Dathomir System/Kessel system/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night intense battles took place in the Dathomir system and Deep Space. A large Imperial task force was first patrolling Deep Space after last week's setback there, but was finding no significant rebel presence. A rebel-operated Nebulon-B class frigate was shot down in the Kessel system before reports of rebels trying to take control of the Dathomir orbital station came in.
Scouting elements led by Commander Zoso engaged the rebels until more ships could be brought in, led by the ISS Retribution, a Decimator-class patrol ship. In furious fighting the rebels were driven out of the system and order restored. During this time rebel presence in Deep Space grew, starting with a flight of Y-Wing bombers engaging Imperial TIE Fighters.
In a short time both sides brought in reinforcements, including patrol ships, and soon a struggle for control of the sector was on where no quarter was asked or given.
The following footage released by the Imperial HQ in Fort Keen, Talus, shows some of the battles in the Dathomir System and Deep Space:
Planet: Dathomir System/Kessel system/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night intense battles took place in the Dathomir system and Deep Space. A large Imperial task force was first patrolling Deep Space after last week's setback there, but was finding no significant rebel presence. A rebel-operated Nebulon-B class frigate was shot down in the Kessel system before reports of rebels trying to take control of the Dathomir orbital station came in.
Scouting elements led by Commander Zoso engaged the rebels until more ships could be brought in, led by the ISS Retribution, a Decimator-class patrol ship. In furious fighting the rebels were driven out of the system and order restored. During this time rebel presence in Deep Space grew, starting with a flight of Y-Wing bombers engaging Imperial TIE Fighters.
In a short time both sides brought in reinforcements, including patrol ships, and soon a struggle for control of the sector was on where no quarter was asked or given.
The following footage released by the Imperial HQ in Fort Keen, Talus, shows some of the battles in the Dathomir System and Deep Space:
Holovid Release Party under Imperial scrutinity?
Date: 230510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a party was held in Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to celebrate the release of a new holovid by the Neutron Pixies. The vid, in typical Neutron Pixie style, was shown on a large screen recently installed in the club and well-received by the guests.
The party was in full swing - Dr. Patryn Starfire won a cameo apperance in the next vid at the raffle - when a large number of stormtroopers started to patrol the town, focusing on the shuttle and starport. This worried a number of the guests, for various reasons often best left unexplored, but most did not let the imperial presence worry them, and since no troopers entered the club it was concluded they were searching for someone or something not related to the party.
Here's the Holovid itself:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a party was held in Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to celebrate the release of a new holovid by the Neutron Pixies. The vid, in typical Neutron Pixie style, was shown on a large screen recently installed in the club and well-received by the guests.
The party was in full swing - Dr. Patryn Starfire won a cameo apperance in the next vid at the raffle - when a large number of stormtroopers started to patrol the town, focusing on the shuttle and starport. This worried a number of the guests, for various reasons often best left unexplored, but most did not let the imperial presence worry them, and since no troopers entered the club it was concluded they were searching for someone or something not related to the party.
Here's the Holovid itself:
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Attack on Bestine linked to stolen explosives
Date: 190510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Following the recent attack on Bestine an imperial investigation discovered new clues accoridng to usually well-informed sources. The blackout was caused by a supplemental generator failure in a powerplant located in Mos Espa - the supplemental generator was destroyed by a bomb placed there. An analysis of the remains of the generator revealed that the explosives used were linked to of a stolen crate of grenades whose casings were found on Corellia six month ago, with their cores removed. The suspected thief at time had been found dead, however.
Who was behind both the theft and the murder as well as the recent attack remains a mystery still. Investigators assume it is a highly organized group, but did not name yet any suspects.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Following the recent attack on Bestine an imperial investigation discovered new clues accoridng to usually well-informed sources. The blackout was caused by a supplemental generator failure in a powerplant located in Mos Espa - the supplemental generator was destroyed by a bomb placed there. An analysis of the remains of the generator revealed that the explosives used were linked to of a stolen crate of grenades whose casings were found on Corellia six month ago, with their cores removed. The suspected thief at time had been found dead, however.
Who was behind both the theft and the murder as well as the recent attack remains a mystery still. Investigators assume it is a highly organized group, but did not name yet any suspects.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Pirate flight shot down
Date: 180510
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite recent setbacks pirates once again attacked an escorted freighter carrying ore for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation while on a stopover in the Naboo system. Captain Inaera Kell's YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice" was escorted by pilot Omothi in his X-Wing and crewed by veteran gunners Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander.
The attackers - an A-Wing and an aging ARC-170 - did not manage to deter the convoy, much less overcome its defenses, and ended up as space debris after a short fight. The ore was ssafely delivered to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite recent setbacks pirates once again attacked an escorted freighter carrying ore for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation while on a stopover in the Naboo system. Captain Inaera Kell's YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice" was escorted by pilot Omothi in his X-Wing and crewed by veteran gunners Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander.
The attackers - an A-Wing and an aging ARC-170 - did not manage to deter the convoy, much less overcome its defenses, and ended up as space debris after a short fight. The ore was ssafely delivered to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Imperial Gunboat lost in Deep Space
Date: 180510
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Deep Space once again lit up with blasterfire and explosions as the Imperial Navy and the fleet of the Rebel Alliance clashed. Led by their YE-4-class flagship "Obyx Mauler" the Imperial task force formed around elements from the Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as DFA and AI soon came under pressure from the numerically superiour rebel forces fielding two gunboats.
Despite spirited efforts from both the gunboat crew and the escorting fighters the gunboat was finally lost. Experts stated that the loss was, among other reasons, due to some fundamental flaws in the design of the YE-4, and proposed to limit operations of the entire class until those flaws could be remedied.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Deep Space once again lit up with blasterfire and explosions as the Imperial Navy and the fleet of the Rebel Alliance clashed. Led by their YE-4-class flagship "Obyx Mauler" the Imperial task force formed around elements from the Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as DFA and AI soon came under pressure from the numerically superiour rebel forces fielding two gunboats.
Despite spirited efforts from both the gunboat crew and the escorting fighters the gunboat was finally lost. Experts stated that the loss was, among other reasons, due to some fundamental flaws in the design of the YE-4, and proposed to limit operations of the entire class until those flaws could be remedied.
Bomb explodes in Imperial Outpost
Date: 180510
Planet: Talus
Region: Imperial Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Talus Imperial Outpost once again was shaken by a large explosion, causing numerous casualties, both dead and wounded, among the local troopers and officers. According to the first resuts from the investigation launched shortly after the explosion it was caused by a bomb hidden in a supply crate and smuggled into the outpost by means as of yet not known before being detonated in an ammunition dump.
While no one yet has claimed responsibility for this attack the authorities suspect rebel agents based in Nashal. So far there is no evidence yet that would link this with the recent attack on Fort Keen.
Planet: Talus
Region: Imperial Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Talus Imperial Outpost once again was shaken by a large explosion, causing numerous casualties, both dead and wounded, among the local troopers and officers. According to the first resuts from the investigation launched shortly after the explosion it was caused by a bomb hidden in a supply crate and smuggled into the outpost by means as of yet not known before being detonated in an ammunition dump.
While no one yet has claimed responsibility for this attack the authorities suspect rebel agents based in Nashal. So far there is no evidence yet that would link this with the recent attack on Fort Keen.
Sneak attack on Bestine!
Date: 180510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago the city of Bestine on Tatooine came under attack by a small as of yet unidentified force. A number of sentries were killed by infiltrators using short triangular melee weapons before a partial blackout of the city was caused by sabotage.
Under cover of the blackout and using some rioting as a distraction the attackers moved into the city hall, looting and pilfering and killing several clerks and other civilians present as well as security guards.
Opinions on whether those attackers were terrorists in the employ of the Rebel Alliance, or criminals with a grudge or interest in the current legislature vary. Until it has been determinded what was stolen or destroyed, one might not know. The used weapons - mostly melee weapons and light blasters - did not give up clues either.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago the city of Bestine on Tatooine came under attack by a small as of yet unidentified force. A number of sentries were killed by infiltrators using short triangular melee weapons before a partial blackout of the city was caused by sabotage.
Under cover of the blackout and using some rioting as a distraction the attackers moved into the city hall, looting and pilfering and killing several clerks and other civilians present as well as security guards.
Opinions on whether those attackers were terrorists in the employ of the Rebel Alliance, or criminals with a grudge or interest in the current legislature vary. Until it has been determinded what was stolen or destroyed, one might not know. The used weapons - mostly melee weapons and light blasters - did not give up clues either.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Emotions rise at the HGS trial
Date: 170510
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fifth day of the trial against HGS followed after a two week recess. The prosecution opened the proceeding, presenting a rebel propaganda transmission that has spread over the holonet during the week before:
"Show" Trial by Imperials Reveals The Ugly Truth -- About the Empire
The Imperial Board of Culture has brought a case against members of The Fuse after an ‘edgy’ performance held at Aventine Spaceport. The satirical musical, poking fun at the alliance and empire alike, apparently has the empire up in arms.
The charges?? Incitement to riot, incitement to rebel, owning an unlicensed and dangerous animal, falsification of permits, spreading rebel propaganda, and TREASON!! Yes, treason.
The trial has so far proven to be anything but fair and impartial. This is evident by the many instances of blatant imperial discrimination and hatred of aliens within the court. The comments made from officers in the court, the prosecution and even from the bench itself, are such ones that condone and even encourage such discrimination. At the onset of the trial, the prosecutor, Symane Bar-jona, refers to Studio’s attorney, Celox Scorpio, as a ‘bug’.
Since then the prosecutor, or should I say persecutor, could barely conceal his contempt, as time and time again he referred to members of the studios as ‘aliens’. His sheer lack of ‘humanity’ as he accused an obvious frail and sickly Miss Breshe of ‘faking’ her illness was appalling.
But this mockery of a trial goes further than just a xenophobic attitude, as charge after charge is added to the case. Rather than prove their case, the prosecution has an apparent desire to deal with former charges that have been dismissed or served than the charges presently accredited to the studios as a corporate unit.
This Compnor justice system that claims you are guilty until proven innocent displays a blatant biased assumption by imperial officers of outcome of trial regardless of guilt or innocence by evidence presented.
"*This* is why the population at large should raise it's voice in protest and join in rejecting the oppressive and xenophobic empire."
After playing the recording, the prosecutor claimed that HGS are behind this propaganda. Celox attempted to deflect these accusations by joking that perhaps, in the prosecution's mind, HGS were behind many other rebel activities. When Prosecutor
Symane agreed the wily rodian had to change his tactic and dropped irony and sarcasm for hard facts, pressing the prosecution to provide evidence for such accusations - evidence the prosecution could not present. The accusation was therefore erased from the trial protocol on orders from the judge.

Following this the judge himself questioned Agent Kiruss Ven'dek of the Imperial Intelligence, Bureau of Operations, on the subject of miss Hou’Kre's alleged force sensitivity. The testimony had doubts cast upon it from the start, since the witness was not sworn in. Agent Ven’dek then confirmed past inspections of miss Hou’Kre, stating that she is indeed not force sensitive.

The next witness was a known and famous holonet anchor – Miss Amitsu Kota.
Miss Kota has been presenting a show called – Around the Galaxy for many years.
Celox has brought up past interviews that she took from various HGS members – such as: Breshe, Nallu, Raiyna, Ib-Eva, Ronin, Dr. Brea and himself – twice.
He then asked miss Kota to confirm that due to her line of work, she must be privy to the personal lives of all HGS holostars.
As she confirmed that statement, Celox has inquired whether she is aware of any activities that are anti-Imperial by HGS members.
Miss Kotas has replied that she has not seen evidence of such activities, and that she would have reported such activities to the authorities.
The prosecution objected, claiming that the witness was obviously operating in HGS interests, being bribed by them & on their payroll - under the table. To the surprise of some this rather wild claim was made, instead of pointing out that the absence of something can't be proven by someone testifying that they did not observe it - one could hardly assume Miss Kota has been living with the HGS members in question 24/7 - and if she did, then her impartiality would have been in doubt anyway.
The prosecution seemd to react rather emotional at this point, and the court became unruly in response. Caer, a Bothan female who has caused unrest on past sessions, was contained by the Warden and his men, being hit by a blaster butt smack into her snout before getting dragged out of the court and thrown into the local prison. Another member of the audience, 50 Credit, a renowned rapstar who was sitting nearby this incident, did not take heed of this and became a disturbance himself and was stun-shot in response.
The trial resumed after things had calmed down. Not surprisingly, Celox defended miss Kota’s objectiveness.

The final witness of the session was another studio holostar – miss Raiyna Starr, who retold her grim family story to the court. As the witness claimed she had been instrumental in taking down an imperial officer, Colonel Kregors, who had gone rogue and was about to defect to the rebel Alliance - and avenged her slain sibling and father at the same time as she rescued her mother from captivity.

The prosecution agreed that the events were indeed tragic, but questioned how they related to the matter at hand. Celox claimed it was another case of a false accusation, as it was the case in the case at hand, and speculated that Symane might have fabricated a high-profile case to boost his career. The rodian withdrew the question before the prosecution could respond though.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fifth day of the trial against HGS followed after a two week recess. The prosecution opened the proceeding, presenting a rebel propaganda transmission that has spread over the holonet during the week before:
"Show" Trial by Imperials Reveals The Ugly Truth -- About the Empire
The Imperial Board of Culture has brought a case against members of The Fuse after an ‘edgy’ performance held at Aventine Spaceport. The satirical musical, poking fun at the alliance and empire alike, apparently has the empire up in arms.
The charges?? Incitement to riot, incitement to rebel, owning an unlicensed and dangerous animal, falsification of permits, spreading rebel propaganda, and TREASON!! Yes, treason.
The trial has so far proven to be anything but fair and impartial. This is evident by the many instances of blatant imperial discrimination and hatred of aliens within the court. The comments made from officers in the court, the prosecution and even from the bench itself, are such ones that condone and even encourage such discrimination. At the onset of the trial, the prosecutor, Symane Bar-jona, refers to Studio’s attorney, Celox Scorpio, as a ‘bug’.
Since then the prosecutor, or should I say persecutor, could barely conceal his contempt, as time and time again he referred to members of the studios as ‘aliens’. His sheer lack of ‘humanity’ as he accused an obvious frail and sickly Miss Breshe of ‘faking’ her illness was appalling.
But this mockery of a trial goes further than just a xenophobic attitude, as charge after charge is added to the case. Rather than prove their case, the prosecution has an apparent desire to deal with former charges that have been dismissed or served than the charges presently accredited to the studios as a corporate unit.
This Compnor justice system that claims you are guilty until proven innocent displays a blatant biased assumption by imperial officers of outcome of trial regardless of guilt or innocence by evidence presented.
"*This* is why the population at large should raise it's voice in protest and join in rejecting the oppressive and xenophobic empire."
After playing the recording, the prosecutor claimed that HGS are behind this propaganda. Celox attempted to deflect these accusations by joking that perhaps, in the prosecution's mind, HGS were behind many other rebel activities. When Prosecutor
Symane agreed the wily rodian had to change his tactic and dropped irony and sarcasm for hard facts, pressing the prosecution to provide evidence for such accusations - evidence the prosecution could not present. The accusation was therefore erased from the trial protocol on orders from the judge.
Following this the judge himself questioned Agent Kiruss Ven'dek of the Imperial Intelligence, Bureau of Operations, on the subject of miss Hou’Kre's alleged force sensitivity. The testimony had doubts cast upon it from the start, since the witness was not sworn in. Agent Ven’dek then confirmed past inspections of miss Hou’Kre, stating that she is indeed not force sensitive.
The next witness was a known and famous holonet anchor – Miss Amitsu Kota.
Miss Kota has been presenting a show called – Around the Galaxy for many years.
Celox has brought up past interviews that she took from various HGS members – such as: Breshe, Nallu, Raiyna, Ib-Eva, Ronin, Dr. Brea and himself – twice.
He then asked miss Kota to confirm that due to her line of work, she must be privy to the personal lives of all HGS holostars.
As she confirmed that statement, Celox has inquired whether she is aware of any activities that are anti-Imperial by HGS members.
Miss Kotas has replied that she has not seen evidence of such activities, and that she would have reported such activities to the authorities.
The prosecution objected, claiming that the witness was obviously operating in HGS interests, being bribed by them & on their payroll - under the table. To the surprise of some this rather wild claim was made, instead of pointing out that the absence of something can't be proven by someone testifying that they did not observe it - one could hardly assume Miss Kota has been living with the HGS members in question 24/7 - and if she did, then her impartiality would have been in doubt anyway.
The prosecution seemd to react rather emotional at this point, and the court became unruly in response. Caer, a Bothan female who has caused unrest on past sessions, was contained by the Warden and his men, being hit by a blaster butt smack into her snout before getting dragged out of the court and thrown into the local prison. Another member of the audience, 50 Credit, a renowned rapstar who was sitting nearby this incident, did not take heed of this and became a disturbance himself and was stun-shot in response.
The trial resumed after things had calmed down. Not surprisingly, Celox defended miss Kota’s objectiveness.
The final witness of the session was another studio holostar – miss Raiyna Starr, who retold her grim family story to the court. As the witness claimed she had been instrumental in taking down an imperial officer, Colonel Kregors, who had gone rogue and was about to defect to the rebel Alliance - and avenged her slain sibling and father at the same time as she rescued her mother from captivity.
The prosecution agreed that the events were indeed tragic, but questioned how they related to the matter at hand. Celox claimed it was another case of a false accusation, as it was the case in the case at hand, and speculated that Symane might have fabricated a high-profile case to boost his career. The rodian withdrew the question before the prosecution could respond though.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Pirates struck down
Date: 130510
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore transport to the Nova Orion Shipyards once again ran into trouble in the Naboo system. Captain Inaera Kell flew her YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice", recently repaired after last week's attack, but this time she was escorted by Falcun Nix and Racacowlur in escorting fighters.
The attacker - an ARC-170 - was quickly shot down by both escorts working together. The following footage was taken from an astromech recovered from the debris the destroyed raider left:
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore transport to the Nova Orion Shipyards once again ran into trouble in the Naboo system. Captain Inaera Kell flew her YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice", recently repaired after last week's attack, but this time she was escorted by Falcun Nix and Racacowlur in escorting fighters.
The attacker - an ARC-170 - was quickly shot down by both escorts working together. The following footage was taken from an astromech recovered from the debris the destroyed raider left:
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Imperial Navy pushes rebels back in Deep Space
Date: 090510
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy launched a counter-offensive in Deep Space to halt the Rebel advance of the last few weeks. A task force centered around the famous YE-4 class "Onyx Mauler" was formed from ships of the Onyx Squadron, Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and AI.
While the Onyx Mauler engaged two rebel gunboats as well as smaller craft Imperial bombers and fighters struck at the rebel strike fighters, bombers and interceptors to protect and support the flagship and force the Rebel Alliance back.
While full, uncontested control over Deep Space was not achieved the Imperial task force did control the major part of the battle though rebel ships kept coming, striking at the Navy units time and again.
The footage shown was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the battle.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy launched a counter-offensive in Deep Space to halt the Rebel advance of the last few weeks. A task force centered around the famous YE-4 class "Onyx Mauler" was formed from ships of the Onyx Squadron, Obsidian Dagger Squadron, DFA and AI.
While the Onyx Mauler engaged two rebel gunboats as well as smaller craft Imperial bombers and fighters struck at the rebel strike fighters, bombers and interceptors to protect and support the flagship and force the Rebel Alliance back.
While full, uncontested control over Deep Space was not achieved the Imperial task force did control the major part of the battle though rebel ships kept coming, striking at the Navy units time and again.
The footage shown was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the battle.
Rebel troops assault Imperial base on Naboo
Date: 090510
Planet: Naboo
Region: Southern Naboo
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a large ground operation on Naboo. Spearheaded by the 95th Mobile Infantry under command of Captain Caffran Cloudrunner a large number of rebel ground troopers were landed in the southern part of Naboo and attacked an Imperial base.
The following footage was delivered to the news room by an anonymous courier and shows some of the fighting that took place:
Supported by massive siege tanks the rebel soliders breached the compound's walls and drove out or killed the defenders in short but ferocious battle, which serious losses on both sides.
The current status of the operation, whether the rebel troops are holding the base or have withdrawn again to strike elsewhere, is unknown.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Southern Naboo
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a large ground operation on Naboo. Spearheaded by the 95th Mobile Infantry under command of Captain Caffran Cloudrunner a large number of rebel ground troopers were landed in the southern part of Naboo and attacked an Imperial base.
The following footage was delivered to the news room by an anonymous courier and shows some of the fighting that took place:
Supported by massive siege tanks the rebel soliders breached the compound's walls and drove out or killed the defenders in short but ferocious battle, which serious losses on both sides.
The current status of the operation, whether the rebel troops are holding the base or have withdrawn again to strike elsewhere, is unknown.
Inquisitor died in bombing strike?
Date: 090510
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Fort Keen on Talus, a well-known Imperial base that was the target of rebel attacks before, came under fire once again when a bomber strike hit the starport. Damages and casualties were light but among the dead were Victure Purellis and his wife, struck in their home. The bodies were identified by the local authorities.
The fact that Victure Purellis was said to be a member of the Imperial Inquisition and that the attack was attributed to a Mandalorian faction caused some rumors the to extent that this had not be an attack, but an assassination - or that this was a coverup for something else, maybe even a defection.
In any case increased security at Imperial ports for the foreseeable future should be expected.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Fort Keen on Talus, a well-known Imperial base that was the target of rebel attacks before, came under fire once again when a bomber strike hit the starport. Damages and casualties were light but among the dead were Victure Purellis and his wife, struck in their home. The bodies were identified by the local authorities.
The fact that Victure Purellis was said to be a member of the Imperial Inquisition and that the attack was attributed to a Mandalorian faction caused some rumors the to extent that this had not be an attack, but an assassination - or that this was a coverup for something else, maybe even a defection.
In any case increased security at Imperial ports for the foreseeable future should be expected.
"Outlaw's Justice" lost to pirate attack
Date: 090510
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent another freighter on the trip to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell, carrying steel from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Captain Inaera Kell, an experienced spacer, flew her YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice", recently upgraded.
In the Naboo system the ship got jumped by an unidentified YT-2400 and an equally unmarked Rhikxyrk heavy fighter. Despite a daring maneuver the "Outlaw's Justice" got shot up in the following fight. The damages were so serious that the crew had to use an escape pod and the cargo was destroyed along with the cargo bay.
The attackers were not using transponders but some clues hint at them being pirates in the employ of the Hutts.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent another freighter on the trip to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell, carrying steel from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Captain Inaera Kell, an experienced spacer, flew her YT-2400 "Outlaw's Justice", recently upgraded.
In the Naboo system the ship got jumped by an unidentified YT-2400 and an equally unmarked Rhikxyrk heavy fighter. Despite a daring maneuver the "Outlaw's Justice" got shot up in the following fight. The damages were so serious that the crew had to use an escape pod and the cargo was destroyed along with the cargo bay.
The attackers were not using transponders but some clues hint at them being pirates in the employ of the Hutts.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Criminal camp stormed by stormtroopers
Date: 030510
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Northeastern Tatooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday stormtroopers under the command of Lt. Colonel Welaspic stormed a camp of criminals in the desert area between Mos Taike and Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. The operation was launched after receiving several reports of unregistered take-offs and landings of unidentified light freighters in the area. Subsequent investigations discovered a hidden landing site and camp, and tropops were gathered to apprehend the suspected smugglers respectively pirates.
When the stormtroopers attacked the camp several armed sentients were in the process of loading crates on speeders. A number of them had to be shot when they resisted arrest but one female zabrak was taken prisoner and the goods were secured.
The following bulletin was released to the press:
For too long now, pirates, smugglers and other criminals on this planet have gone unchecked. This will change. Yesterday, the first of several operations to rid Tatooine of this vermin was carried out, with an operation against a band of pirates. During the strike, one of the two leaders of that group was killed. The other one, who was captured at the same time, was brought to justice today.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
A clip of the execution was provided as well, but deemed too violent to publish. A still was chosen instead:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Northeastern Tatooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday stormtroopers under the command of Lt. Colonel Welaspic stormed a camp of criminals in the desert area between Mos Taike and Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. The operation was launched after receiving several reports of unregistered take-offs and landings of unidentified light freighters in the area. Subsequent investigations discovered a hidden landing site and camp, and tropops were gathered to apprehend the suspected smugglers respectively pirates.
When the stormtroopers attacked the camp several armed sentients were in the process of loading crates on speeders. A number of them had to be shot when they resisted arrest but one female zabrak was taken prisoner and the goods were secured.
The following bulletin was released to the press:
For too long now, pirates, smugglers and other criminals on this planet have gone unchecked. This will change. Yesterday, the first of several operations to rid Tatooine of this vermin was carried out, with an operation against a band of pirates. During the strike, one of the two leaders of that group was killed. The other one, who was captured at the same time, was brought to justice today.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
A clip of the execution was provided as well, but deemed too violent to publish. A still was chosen instead:
HGS gets help from ISB
Date: 030510
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The 4th day of the trial against the Holowood Galactic Studios started with an exchange of barbs and insults between the defense and the prosecution before the session even started, a testament to the less and less civilized manner in which the trial is held.

An attempt by the defense to have Dr. Eabha Brea testify about various spices and their uses, but the witness was disqualified since Dr. Brea is actually under contract by HGS and therefore not an unbiased expert by any means. As a replacement another doctor was called to testify, a bothan named Caer.

Dr. Caer confirmed that there were variations of spice which are used for medical needs, particularly the type that was administered to Mr. Medjai - Sedative H4b. As expected Dr. Caer stated as well that she'd break the law and perform unlicensed surgery to save human lives, as O'Fey had done. Since this was just her personal view it was, after an objection by the Prosecution, deemed irrelevant and struck from the record.

The next defense witness was bothan holostar Khalana. Originally mute from birth the sentient recently had a cybernetic implant installed which allowed her to speak. In a touching scene she stated, upon being questioned by the defense, that she had done this - allegedly dangerous and invasive procedure - since "her voice is needed to be heard to help her friends in the studio in this trial". This statement was not challenged, though Mr. Scorpio was almost filed as in contempt of the court when he asked the judge to focus on the performance of the Fuse in question, not their members' past.
Another exchange of barbs followed over the matter of whether or not the prosecution already charged Miss Khalana with impersonating an Imperial officer or not when the prosecutor tried to have those charges added.

Then this exchange was overshadowed by the next witness of the defense, Lieutenant John Koizumi, of the ISB, currently assigned to the Fort Keen garrison under the command of Colonel Amodeus DuCar, catching the prosecution by surprise.
The officer had been personally present at the Imperial Yell show in Aventine, and was questioned about his personal opinion on that show, and whether or not it was, in his opinion, an attempt to spread rebellious propaganda.
The agent replied that he had taken the show as humoristic and done in complete jest, and that he did not object to HGS' existence, nor its entertainment shows, even despite the fact that he disliked a few of its members. Then the defense's final question dropped a bomb, to borrow a more military term:
Asked why HGS was on trial, Agent Koizumi answered “Because they are Aliens”.
The defense did not have any more questions to the witness.
The prosecution tried to respond by inquiring if the agent was bribed to give these answers while the imperials present were obviously displeased by the testimony, but
Judge Kartzer reprimanded Symane for such insulting comments towards a superior officer and a distinguished ISB agent before he adjourned the court.

Opinions about those events varied. Some who followed the trial claimed it was proof that this was a staged trial, done to either create publicity for HGS or to discredit certain xenophic elements within the Empire, or both, and was directed by the ISB. Others did question Koizumi's integrity, wondering whether or not he would still be around by the 5th day of the trial. A few muttered about shapechangers impersonating various people involved in the trial for goals unknown.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The 4th day of the trial against the Holowood Galactic Studios started with an exchange of barbs and insults between the defense and the prosecution before the session even started, a testament to the less and less civilized manner in which the trial is held.
An attempt by the defense to have Dr. Eabha Brea testify about various spices and their uses, but the witness was disqualified since Dr. Brea is actually under contract by HGS and therefore not an unbiased expert by any means. As a replacement another doctor was called to testify, a bothan named Caer.
Dr. Caer confirmed that there were variations of spice which are used for medical needs, particularly the type that was administered to Mr. Medjai - Sedative H4b. As expected Dr. Caer stated as well that she'd break the law and perform unlicensed surgery to save human lives, as O'Fey had done. Since this was just her personal view it was, after an objection by the Prosecution, deemed irrelevant and struck from the record.
The next defense witness was bothan holostar Khalana. Originally mute from birth the sentient recently had a cybernetic implant installed which allowed her to speak. In a touching scene she stated, upon being questioned by the defense, that she had done this - allegedly dangerous and invasive procedure - since "her voice is needed to be heard to help her friends in the studio in this trial". This statement was not challenged, though Mr. Scorpio was almost filed as in contempt of the court when he asked the judge to focus on the performance of the Fuse in question, not their members' past.
Another exchange of barbs followed over the matter of whether or not the prosecution already charged Miss Khalana with impersonating an Imperial officer or not when the prosecutor tried to have those charges added.
Then this exchange was overshadowed by the next witness of the defense, Lieutenant John Koizumi, of the ISB, currently assigned to the Fort Keen garrison under the command of Colonel Amodeus DuCar, catching the prosecution by surprise.
The officer had been personally present at the Imperial Yell show in Aventine, and was questioned about his personal opinion on that show, and whether or not it was, in his opinion, an attempt to spread rebellious propaganda.
The agent replied that he had taken the show as humoristic and done in complete jest, and that he did not object to HGS' existence, nor its entertainment shows, even despite the fact that he disliked a few of its members. Then the defense's final question dropped a bomb, to borrow a more military term:
Asked why HGS was on trial, Agent Koizumi answered “Because they are Aliens”.
The defense did not have any more questions to the witness.
The prosecution tried to respond by inquiring if the agent was bribed to give these answers while the imperials present were obviously displeased by the testimony, but
Judge Kartzer reprimanded Symane for such insulting comments towards a superior officer and a distinguished ISB agent before he adjourned the court.
Opinions about those events varied. Some who followed the trial claimed it was proof that this was a staged trial, done to either create publicity for HGS or to discredit certain xenophic elements within the Empire, or both, and was directed by the ISB. Others did question Koizumi's integrity, wondering whether or not he would still be around by the 5th day of the trial. A few muttered about shapechangers impersonating various people involved in the trial for goals unknown.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Rebel push in Corellia System
Date: 020510
Planet: Karthakk, Dantooine and Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the navy of the Alliance to restore the Republic followed up on their earlier offensive in the sector with another offensive operation. The rebel fleet swept through the Corellia system with massed forces including capital ships to take control of key points in the system.
The response of the Imperial Fleet was a scrambled task force about half the strength of the rebel forces, made up of ships from serveral units. Despite the numerical disadvantage and despite serious losses the imperial starfighters and patrol ships engaged the rebels constantly for over an hour before being forced to withdraw.
Strategy experts did comment on the numerical superiority the Rebel Fleet demonstrated repeatedly in recented battles in the local sector, and speculated whether or not the Imperial Navy would be able to bring in reinforcements to even the odds again.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the battle:
Planet: Karthakk, Dantooine and Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the navy of the Alliance to restore the Republic followed up on their earlier offensive in the sector with another offensive operation. The rebel fleet swept through the Corellia system with massed forces including capital ships to take control of key points in the system.
The response of the Imperial Fleet was a scrambled task force about half the strength of the rebel forces, made up of ships from serveral units. Despite the numerical disadvantage and despite serious losses the imperial starfighters and patrol ships engaged the rebels constantly for over an hour before being forced to withdraw.
Strategy experts did comment on the numerical superiority the Rebel Fleet demonstrated repeatedly in recented battles in the local sector, and speculated whether or not the Imperial Navy would be able to bring in reinforcements to even the odds again.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the battle:
316th escorts "Peregrine"
Date: 020510
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation hired the "Peregrine", the YT-2400 class light freighter of captain Ad'hemar Voltin, to transport their weekly shipment of ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion station in Ord Mantell. Stlian Nix and Batair Highlander served as primary gunners.
An escort from the 316th Starfighter Squadron provided protection from pirates - needed, as it turned out when an ARC-170 attacked near the hyperspace point Sea of Veruna. The TIE Hunter reported a weapon capacitor failure, but continued to escort the freighter to Ord Mantell.
Another pirate attacked in Ord Mantell, but was dispatched by ordnance and blaster fire before the freighter delivered the ore to the Nova Orion Station.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago the Intergalactic Mining Corporation hired the "Peregrine", the YT-2400 class light freighter of captain Ad'hemar Voltin, to transport their weekly shipment of ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion station in Ord Mantell. Stlian Nix and Batair Highlander served as primary gunners.
An escort from the 316th Starfighter Squadron provided protection from pirates - needed, as it turned out when an ARC-170 attacked near the hyperspace point Sea of Veruna. The TIE Hunter reported a weapon capacitor failure, but continued to escort the freighter to Ord Mantell.
Another pirate attacked in Ord Mantell, but was dispatched by ordnance and blaster fire before the freighter delivered the ore to the Nova Orion Station.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
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