Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fifth day of the trial against HGS followed after a two week recess. The prosecution opened the proceeding, presenting a rebel propaganda transmission that has spread over the holonet during the week before:
"Show" Trial by Imperials Reveals The Ugly Truth -- About the Empire
The Imperial Board of Culture has brought a case against members of The Fuse after an ‘edgy’ performance held at Aventine Spaceport. The satirical musical, poking fun at the alliance and empire alike, apparently has the empire up in arms.
The charges?? Incitement to riot, incitement to rebel, owning an unlicensed and dangerous animal, falsification of permits, spreading rebel propaganda, and TREASON!! Yes, treason.
The trial has so far proven to be anything but fair and impartial. This is evident by the many instances of blatant imperial discrimination and hatred of aliens within the court. The comments made from officers in the court, the prosecution and even from the bench itself, are such ones that condone and even encourage such discrimination. At the onset of the trial, the prosecutor, Symane Bar-jona, refers to Studio’s attorney, Celox Scorpio, as a ‘bug’.
Since then the prosecutor, or should I say persecutor, could barely conceal his contempt, as time and time again he referred to members of the studios as ‘aliens’. His sheer lack of ‘humanity’ as he accused an obvious frail and sickly Miss Breshe of ‘faking’ her illness was appalling.
But this mockery of a trial goes further than just a xenophobic attitude, as charge after charge is added to the case. Rather than prove their case, the prosecution has an apparent desire to deal with former charges that have been dismissed or served than the charges presently accredited to the studios as a corporate unit.
This Compnor justice system that claims you are guilty until proven innocent displays a blatant biased assumption by imperial officers of outcome of trial regardless of guilt or innocence by evidence presented.
"*This* is why the population at large should raise it's voice in protest and join in rejecting the oppressive and xenophobic empire."
After playing the recording, the prosecutor claimed that HGS are behind this propaganda. Celox attempted to deflect these accusations by joking that perhaps, in the prosecution's mind, HGS were behind many other rebel activities. When Prosecutor
Symane agreed the wily rodian had to change his tactic and dropped irony and sarcasm for hard facts, pressing the prosecution to provide evidence for such accusations - evidence the prosecution could not present. The accusation was therefore erased from the trial protocol on orders from the judge.
Following this the judge himself questioned Agent Kiruss Ven'dek of the Imperial Intelligence, Bureau of Operations, on the subject of miss Hou’Kre's alleged force sensitivity. The testimony had doubts cast upon it from the start, since the witness was not sworn in. Agent Ven’dek then confirmed past inspections of miss Hou’Kre, stating that she is indeed not force sensitive.
The next witness was a known and famous holonet anchor – Miss Amitsu Kota.
Miss Kota has been presenting a show called – Around the Galaxy for many years.
Celox has brought up past interviews that she took from various HGS members – such as: Breshe, Nallu, Raiyna, Ib-Eva, Ronin, Dr. Brea and himself – twice.
He then asked miss Kota to confirm that due to her line of work, she must be privy to the personal lives of all HGS holostars.
As she confirmed that statement, Celox has inquired whether she is aware of any activities that are anti-Imperial by HGS members.
Miss Kotas has replied that she has not seen evidence of such activities, and that she would have reported such activities to the authorities.
The prosecution objected, claiming that the witness was obviously operating in HGS interests, being bribed by them & on their payroll - under the table. To the surprise of some this rather wild claim was made, instead of pointing out that the absence of something can't be proven by someone testifying that they did not observe it - one could hardly assume Miss Kota has been living with the HGS members in question 24/7 - and if she did, then her impartiality would have been in doubt anyway.
The prosecution seemd to react rather emotional at this point, and the court became unruly in response. Caer, a Bothan female who has caused unrest on past sessions, was contained by the Warden and his men, being hit by a blaster butt smack into her snout before getting dragged out of the court and thrown into the local prison. Another member of the audience, 50 Credit, a renowned rapstar who was sitting nearby this incident, did not take heed of this and became a disturbance himself and was stun-shot in response.
The trial resumed after things had calmed down. Not surprisingly, Celox defended miss Kota’s objectiveness.
The final witness of the session was another studio holostar – miss Raiyna Starr, who retold her grim family story to the court. As the witness claimed she had been instrumental in taking down an imperial officer, Colonel Kregors, who had gone rogue and was about to defect to the rebel Alliance - and avenged her slain sibling and father at the same time as she rescued her mother from captivity.
The prosecution agreed that the events were indeed tragic, but questioned how they related to the matter at hand. Celox claimed it was another case of a false accusation, as it was the case in the case at hand, and speculated that Symane might have fabricated a high-profile case to boost his career. The rodian withdrew the question before the prosecution could respond though.
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