Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Lucky despot had barely restored its main room after it had been damaged by several grenade explosions a few days ago when last night another explosive dispute took place - between a hunter on black and green armor and a retired combat medic.
Sound familiar? Indeed! Apparently the same pair that had wrecked the interiour once did it again, throwing grenades left and right, this time involving a rodian guest as well, who took offense ot his drink getting blown up.
While most other guests and the dancer on stage fled the rodian and the hunter chased the medic down into the cellars of the casino, knocking him out in a short but violent combat, then starting to work him over when other guests intervened and stopped them - but according to some rumors just so they could beat up the man themselves.
No fatalities were reported and most of the wounds caused apparently were counted as the results of accidents by the authorities. Though the "self-induced stabbing wound in the shoulder during an attempt to sheathe a blade" and "accidentally shocked by own droid trying to help" do not sound that convincing the involved sentients seem to be sticking to their stories.
The Lucky Despot management announced that the casino would be ready for today's regular business hours.
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