Planet: Tatooine
Region: Central Tatooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jawas are known to roam Tatooine, scavenging and selling all kinds of tech and droids. The small sentients travel in huge vehicles known as sandcrawlers which not just allow them to travel over the dunes but also offer them protection from sandstorms and some - though not all as the burned out sandcrawler near Mos Eisley shows - dangers of the desert.
As safe as the sandcrawlers are for jawas one cannot say they are safe for everyone else, as those pictures prove:
As shown this sandcrawler crashed into a house in central Tatooine, smashing the ramp and blocking the door to the house until the vehicle could be moved thanks to several heavy repulsorlifts brought in from Bestine.
The reasons for the crash are not known - the jawas did not speak basic and left before a translator droid could be procured.
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