Thursday, April 3, 2008

Jeric Varrit Sued?

Date: 030408
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley

Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

Jeric Varrit, driving force behind the founding of Twin Rivers, and known as a troublemaker in various circles, is getting sued by the Siltar group after he stabbed the famous Mon Calamari musician and entertainer Htrah a few days ago.

The incident in question is convulted, Mr. Varrit apparently claiming that he was acting in defense of a woman Htrah had been threatening with a sword, a weapon illegal in Twin Rivers, while the Siltar group considers the attack completely unprovoked.

Among people familiar with Jeric, the chances of the man attending court, much less adhering to any ruling not in favor of him, are considered slim to none, but the Siltar Group's management cited several incidents in the past where Jeric submitted to the law, so it remains optimistic.

In any case, for the Outer Rim, where "taking it to court" usually means Jabba's court, where his bounty hunters and thugs are hired to deal with problems, the plan to use a civilian court to deal with violence is a novel idea indeed. It remains to be seen, however, if it is a valid solution, especially in the light of the Civil War's eroding of society all over the galaxy.

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