Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Coronet has come under attack by what might be the last remaining Imperial Troops on the planet. Supported by two "Lancer" frigates who bomb the city from above the stormtroopers attempt to take the capital of Coronet. Given the defeat of the Imperial troops in the sector, their motives for this attack are unclear.
Troop carriers are landing stormtroopers in the middle of the city, where Alliance troops and citizens face them, holding them off for now.
Units of the Alliance Fleet are currently bombing Theed. One Nebulon-B class ship supported by two corvette and a few transports are bombing the city to root out the remaining Imperial troops. So far casualties among military and civilians are unknown.
Meanwhile the Emperor's Retreat has been taken by Alliance troops. The troops are celebrating their victory with fireworks and overflights by Alliance sships.
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Today the Alliance to Restore the Republic announced that their armed forces controlled the entire sector, and declared the Republic restored. The announcement came as no surprise to anyone following the Galactic Civial War news in the local sector - the Imperial forces have been retreating on all planetary fronts for months.
The Imperial Sector Fleet might not surrender yet, morale raised due to their victory in the Battle in the Endor System a few days ago, but without planetary bases to receive supplies from their future does not look promising.
In a communique the Galactic Empire announced that plans were in motion to turn the tide of the war, but analysts remain sceptical as to the ability of the remaining Imperial forces to back those claims.
As far as civilians can tell the Galactic Civil War is over but for some mopping op operations against die-hard Imperial holdouts
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
As hinted at after their last gig in Coronet before starting their tour through the core worlds, The Raving Rodians & Ikoogy Retoodi have released a music video to promote their tour:
Date: 131211 Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the three YT-2400 light freighters "Sugar Rush", piloted by Captain Britney', "Rampageous Rochry", piloted by Captain Kavilap Rochry, and Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol" were sent by the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion shipyards in the Ord Mantell system with a heavy cargo of ore.
The convoy arrived at the Binayre Razorcat jump point in the Corellia System, where it was attacked by a Scurrg fighter/bomber almost at once. The "Rampageous Rochry" suffered armor damage in the following fight, but no internal damage, until a plasma leak damaged the engine room. The other two freighters protected the struck ships from several waves of pirate fighters while the crew repaired the engines - though during the repairs both Kavilpa Rochry as well as her gunner and engineer Golrin Lightingstar suffered burns from the leaking plasma.
After arriving at the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell the burns were treated in the med center before the crews of all ships celebrated their arival at the local cantina.
IMC shares rose 1 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night an intense battle took place in the Endor System. What appeared to be the entire Imperial fleet left in the sector faced a large Alliance force in a fierce struggle for control of the system.
Each side attempted to eliminate the enemy command structure by targeting their flagships. The Imperial Fleet was successful in shooting down three key Alliance craft and numerous other capital ships and fighters without losing one of their own flag ships - though losses among fighters and bombers were substantial.
The following records were released by the HQ of the Imperial Sector Fleet on Talus and show part of the battle:
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago, as announced, Amandiona Masnachwr and Arzesaeth Ernebee were wed on Naboo, in a peaceful and moving ceremony held under the open sky. Kahla Oakeage performed the wedding - a classic exchange of vows. Prior to the event Lord Ernebee had to ask for the approval of the Queen of Naboo, which was granted in an expedient manner.
To the surprise of some of the more violently inclined guests unfamiliar with Galactic society, no ritual combat was performed, though gifts - some of them procured in the very lst second, to the dismay of flower fields close by - were given and a buffet was consumed by the select guests.
To the surprise of everyone who knows here, Lynese Shysa was even wearing a dress - though not for long. Long enough to be recorded though.