Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the Galactic Empire conducted a military assault on an Alliance base on Lok according to a press release by the sector command:
"Recently, Imperial forces under the command of General Welaspic conducted an aerial strike against a rebel stronghold located on an island in central Lok which was followed up by a ground assault to take control of the site."

So far we haven't received any additional details, though given the general state of the Galactic Civil War, with the imperial troops either retreating or fighting holding actions, such offensives might be more aimed at upholding morale than trying to stem the Alliance tide which is, by all accounts, sweeping the Imperials off all planets in the sector.
Though rumors persist that the remaining imperial ground and especially naval assets are being gathered for a decisive action to turn the tide of the war.
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