Date: 300911
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Three daya ago a member of the New Kestic security forces engaged several masked men in a firefight after they failed to identify themselves and heed his warnings. A day later another skirmish followed, during which one attacker was captured. Data on the cpative led to the location of another mercenary base just south of the Canyon Corsair's territory.
A probe droid revealed that is was not yet completed and CEO Amandiona Masnachwr authorized a pre-emptive strike on the base. A strike team consiting of Iffee, Teneniell, Arzesaeth, HarlieBear and Venderon was sent out and destroyed the base under the supervision of the CEO. More evidence pointing to Hutt involvement was found during this, some of which is still being analyzed.
The residents are becoming increasingly concerned about the invasion into Kestic's region but are being assured that security is tight enough that no one will get through into the town.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Pirate attack beaten back
Date: 290911
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
This week saw another convoy chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company attacked by a pirate. Two YT-2400, Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain Auros Drayen's "Midnight Runner", were escorted Nevrina and Kentt' in snubfighters, transporting ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station.
The convoy was attacked in teh Corellia System by a single pirate, which was quickly dispatched by the escorts and fire from turrets of the freighter. No further trouble was encountered and the convoy reached the Nova Orion Shipyards on schedule.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
This week saw another convoy chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company attacked by a pirate. Two YT-2400, Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and Captain Auros Drayen's "Midnight Runner", were escorted Nevrina and Kentt' in snubfighters, transporting ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station.
The convoy was attacked in teh Corellia System by a single pirate, which was quickly dispatched by the escorts and fire from turrets of the freighter. No further trouble was encountered and the convoy reached the Nova Orion Shipyards on schedule.
IMC shares rose 2,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Violent fight between gungans and nikto on Naboo
Date: 290911
Planet: Naboo
Region: Lake Retreat
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night RSF forces were alarmed by reports of blaster fire coming from residents of the region around Lake retreat. A speeder patrol was dispatched to investigate and discovered a cave with several dead nikto and gungans.
Apparently the nikto had been staying in the cave - possibly for religious purposes, though the investigators are not yet sure about the details - and were attacked by a violent group of gungan extremists which killed all nikto present.
The reason for the attack is not known either but an RSF spokesperson announced that religious fanatics often took offense at the slightest provocation. According to the RSF there's no threat to the population at large but they did not go into details about the weapons used in the cave even though rumors circulate that heavy weapons and energy-based melee weapons numbered prominently among those.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Lake Retreat
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night RSF forces were alarmed by reports of blaster fire coming from residents of the region around Lake retreat. A speeder patrol was dispatched to investigate and discovered a cave with several dead nikto and gungans.
Apparently the nikto had been staying in the cave - possibly for religious purposes, though the investigators are not yet sure about the details - and were attacked by a violent group of gungan extremists which killed all nikto present.
The reason for the attack is not known either but an RSF spokesperson announced that religious fanatics often took offense at the slightest provocation. According to the RSF there's no threat to the population at large but they did not go into details about the weapons used in the cave even though rumors circulate that heavy weapons and energy-based melee weapons numbered prominently among those.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Corruption and murder within RSF - criminal thought dead arrested
Date: 280911
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to a usually reliable source within RSF two high-ranking members of the force were killed recently, their bodies buried in a camp of extremist gungans in southern Naboo. More surprising however is the murderer of the two officers: Prime suspect is a twi'lek identified as Kegana Rimos, who has been thought dead since almost three years, after launching several attacks and threats against Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. It is not yet clear if the bounty placed on the criminal at that time will be awarded to the people who captured her last night, or if it has been considered void after her apparent death three years ago.
Even more disturbing than the twi'lek's reappearance - apparently she had prepared a clone to serve as a decoy corpse in order to escape pursuit - are the rumored circumstances of the murders: According to the claims by the twi'lek she had been hired by the two RSF officers to both lead a group of gungan terrorists as part of a protection racket scheme and pose as another RSF member, K'ora Milaro, in order to frame that woman. As it was said Milaro had discovered evidence of corruption within the organisation and was coming close to uncover the two officers' illegal activities. As a result of Rimos' actions there was a warrant put on officer Milaro a few weeks ago, the twi'lek officer apparently having gone into hiding since.
So far the investigation has just begun and no official comment has been released, other than a confirmation that the two officers were violently killed. Whether or not Kegana Rimos' story is true and what will happen with the warrant out on K'ora Milaro is still unknown.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
According to a usually reliable source within RSF two high-ranking members of the force were killed recently, their bodies buried in a camp of extremist gungans in southern Naboo. More surprising however is the murderer of the two officers: Prime suspect is a twi'lek identified as Kegana Rimos, who has been thought dead since almost three years, after launching several attacks and threats against Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. It is not yet clear if the bounty placed on the criminal at that time will be awarded to the people who captured her last night, or if it has been considered void after her apparent death three years ago.
Even more disturbing than the twi'lek's reappearance - apparently she had prepared a clone to serve as a decoy corpse in order to escape pursuit - are the rumored circumstances of the murders: According to the claims by the twi'lek she had been hired by the two RSF officers to both lead a group of gungan terrorists as part of a protection racket scheme and pose as another RSF member, K'ora Milaro, in order to frame that woman. As it was said Milaro had discovered evidence of corruption within the organisation and was coming close to uncover the two officers' illegal activities. As a result of Rimos' actions there was a warrant put on officer Milaro a few weeks ago, the twi'lek officer apparently having gone into hiding since.
So far the investigation has just begun and no official comment has been released, other than a confirmation that the two officers were violently killed. Whether or not Kegana Rimos' story is true and what will happen with the warrant out on K'ora Milaro is still unknown.
Krayt invasion at Sarlacc City!
Date: 280911
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Sarlacc City
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a town in western Tatooine, Sarlacc City, cyme under attack by a very special invasion force, so to speak - a great number of krayt dragons prowled the town, putting the lives of both citizens and residents alike in danger.
Fortunately troops, militia and civilian hunters and mercenaries responded to the distress calls sent out and swiftly traveled to the city under siege, engaging the giant animals with grim determination and high-tech weaponry. While there were several casualties among them they did manage to kill all krayt dragons in the area to the last lizard. How many very valuable so-called "krayt pearls" were harvested afterwards from the felled beasts is not known, but prices for krayt hide are expected to drop some given the large amount of hide available for harvesting following the fight.
What exactly attracted the horde of krayt dragons to the town has not yet been discovered, the animals usually do not roam that far south or west.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Sarlacc City
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a town in western Tatooine, Sarlacc City, cyme under attack by a very special invasion force, so to speak - a great number of krayt dragons prowled the town, putting the lives of both citizens and residents alike in danger.
Fortunately troops, militia and civilian hunters and mercenaries responded to the distress calls sent out and swiftly traveled to the city under siege, engaging the giant animals with grim determination and high-tech weaponry. While there were several casualties among them they did manage to kill all krayt dragons in the area to the last lizard. How many very valuable so-called "krayt pearls" were harvested afterwards from the felled beasts is not known, but prices for krayt hide are expected to drop some given the large amount of hide available for harvesting following the fight.
What exactly attracted the horde of krayt dragons to the town has not yet been discovered, the animals usually do not roam that far south or west.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
New Kestic thumbs its nose at pirate threat
Date: 270911
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
New Kestic is a town under siege - or so recent reports claim. Pirate gangs are skirmishing almost daily with the local security forces from the Future Droids and Weapons corporation - usually with fatal results for the criminals. Foot and air patrols have been stepped up as a result, and so far the raiders have been kept in check.
Despite this the town is booming. Just a few days ago the landing pad was enlarged and is now able to handle medium freighters as well as light freighters. FDWS CEO Amandiona Masnachwr, back from a short vacation, is expecting further economical growth with the improved shipping facilities now available.
But business is not all that booms in New Kestic. The groundwork for a new communal pool has been laid already. The new building is expected to be completed in the near future and will offer both visitors and employees of the FDWS corporation a new venue to spend their free time in.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
New Kestic is a town under siege - or so recent reports claim. Pirate gangs are skirmishing almost daily with the local security forces from the Future Droids and Weapons corporation - usually with fatal results for the criminals. Foot and air patrols have been stepped up as a result, and so far the raiders have been kept in check.
Despite this the town is booming. Just a few days ago the landing pad was enlarged and is now able to handle medium freighters as well as light freighters. FDWS CEO Amandiona Masnachwr, back from a short vacation, is expecting further economical growth with the improved shipping facilities now available.
But business is not all that booms in New Kestic. The groundwork for a new communal pool has been laid already. The new building is expected to be completed in the near future and will offer both visitors and employees of the FDWS corporation a new venue to spend their free time in.
Suicide cult ambush in the Dathomir system?
Date: 270911
Planet: Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last week patrols reported an engagement between several ships including medium freighters or patrol boats in the Dathomir system. From what is known a "Vigo"-Class medium freighter was ambushed by several snubfighters and larger vessels when scouting a local asteroid field for valuable mining opportunities.
The fight went badly for the attackers, who lost most of their ships in a fierce fight. Strangely the survivors did not retreat but self-destruct, causing authorities to suspect that a fanatical cult is behind the attack - Dathomir is said to be home to several religious fringe groups with fervent adherents. No further details have been revealed so far though.
Planet: Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last week patrols reported an engagement between several ships including medium freighters or patrol boats in the Dathomir system. From what is known a "Vigo"-Class medium freighter was ambushed by several snubfighters and larger vessels when scouting a local asteroid field for valuable mining opportunities.
The fight went badly for the attackers, who lost most of their ships in a fierce fight. Strangely the survivors did not retreat but self-destruct, causing authorities to suspect that a fanatical cult is behind the attack - Dathomir is said to be home to several religious fringe groups with fervent adherents. No further details have been revealed so far though.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Pirate destroyed at Corellia Station
Date: 220911
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Three days ago the Intergalactic Mining Company sent four freighetrs out in a convoy to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. The four freighters - Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol"m both YT-2400 class light freighters, as well as Captain Ace's "Inara's Revenge" and Captain Dee'lin Sarlo's "Phoenix", both YT-1300 light freighter - launched and gathered at the Tatooine orbital station before starting their journey.
Upon entering the Corellia system the convoy was attacked by a single ARC-170 - a pirate. Combined fire from the turrets of the freighters drove the pirate away, and - likely as a response to the devastating attack suffered by many of the spacers on the convoy a week before - the convoy gave chase, pursuing the aging recon fighter to Corellia's orbit, where the pirate tried to hdie within regular traffic. Without success though, the pirate was cornered and shot down and the freighetrs continued to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Three days ago the Intergalactic Mining Company sent four freighetrs out in a convoy to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. The four freighters - Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol"m both YT-2400 class light freighters, as well as Captain Ace's "Inara's Revenge" and Captain Dee'lin Sarlo's "Phoenix", both YT-1300 light freighter - launched and gathered at the Tatooine orbital station before starting their journey.
Upon entering the Corellia system the convoy was attacked by a single ARC-170 - a pirate. Combined fire from the turrets of the freighters drove the pirate away, and - likely as a response to the devastating attack suffered by many of the spacers on the convoy a week before - the convoy gave chase, pursuing the aging recon fighter to Corellia's orbit, where the pirate tried to hdie within regular traffic. Without success though, the pirate was cornered and shot down and the freighetrs continued to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Troops sighted in Farpoint Valley
Date: 220911
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
With the Galactic Civil War rampoing up - and rebel troops advancing on all fronts in the sector, space or ground - imperial troops are scrambling to respond to all attacks. So it comes as a surprise that twice this week a number of stormtrooper were seen gathering in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, with walker and bomber support, instead of closer at the frontlines near Bestine, which has again fallen to the Alliance forces but keeps being fought over.

According to the officer in charge, Lt. Colonel Mareh Welaspic, this was just a "routine patrol", allegedly in response to reports of criminals. Anonymous residents were quoted to the extent of not believing this, and suspecting something else behind the troop concentration.
The following video was taken two days ago by a civilian ship flying over the town:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
With the Galactic Civil War rampoing up - and rebel troops advancing on all fronts in the sector, space or ground - imperial troops are scrambling to respond to all attacks. So it comes as a surprise that twice this week a number of stormtrooper were seen gathering in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, with walker and bomber support, instead of closer at the frontlines near Bestine, which has again fallen to the Alliance forces but keeps being fought over.

According to the officer in charge, Lt. Colonel Mareh Welaspic, this was just a "routine patrol", allegedly in response to reports of criminals. Anonymous residents were quoted to the extent of not believing this, and suspecting something else behind the troop concentration.
The following video was taken two days ago by a civilian ship flying over the town:
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Explosion in Libria
Date: 210911
Planet: Corellia
Region: Libria
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the citizens and residents of Libria on Corellia were shaken by a loud explosion that left a large crater and pretty much destroyed a house in the town. The cause of the explosion is not known yet, but CorSec investigators are not ruling out an explosive device, either hidden in the ground or shot or dropped from a ship.
Witnesses also claimed to have seen several people getting dragged away from the site of the explosion. CorSec so far has not determinded yet whether those were medical evacuations or victims of a kidnapping, and what if any ties they have to the explosion.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Libria
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago the citizens and residents of Libria on Corellia were shaken by a loud explosion that left a large crater and pretty much destroyed a house in the town. The cause of the explosion is not known yet, but CorSec investigators are not ruling out an explosive device, either hidden in the ground or shot or dropped from a ship.
Witnesses also claimed to have seen several people getting dragged away from the site of the explosion. CorSec so far has not determinded yet whether those were medical evacuations or victims of a kidnapping, and what if any ties they have to the explosion.
Pirate attack or plot?
Date: 200911
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
The tension on Lok is rising. About two days ago an AEG-77 "Vigo" class medium freighter was attacked in the Karthakk system by a pirate raider. The freighter fought the raider off but lost a gyrostabilisator and had to land in the factory-city of New Kestic for repairs. The massive ship barely fit the landing and repair facilities in New Kestic and attracted a crowd of spectators.
It's not clear if this was a random attack or an attempt to cut off New Kestic from supplies. New Kestic' management is said to have an arrangement with Nym, the self-styled ruler of Lok, but the raider was seen with Nym's own markings. Although a ploy by rivals of Nym wishing to create strife between the Future Droids and Weapons Systems corporation and Nym's pirate gang cannot be ruled out at this point either.
CEO Amandiona Masnachwr was said to be currently off-planet on a vacation and therefore was not available for a comment.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
The tension on Lok is rising. About two days ago an AEG-77 "Vigo" class medium freighter was attacked in the Karthakk system by a pirate raider. The freighter fought the raider off but lost a gyrostabilisator and had to land in the factory-city of New Kestic for repairs. The massive ship barely fit the landing and repair facilities in New Kestic and attracted a crowd of spectators.
It's not clear if this was a random attack or an attempt to cut off New Kestic from supplies. New Kestic' management is said to have an arrangement with Nym, the self-styled ruler of Lok, but the raider was seen with Nym's own markings. Although a ploy by rivals of Nym wishing to create strife between the Future Droids and Weapons Systems corporation and Nym's pirate gang cannot be ruled out at this point either.
CEO Amandiona Masnachwr was said to be currently off-planet on a vacation and therefore was not available for a comment.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Pitched battle over Massassi Temple
Date: 180911
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Massassi Temple
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Lats night a fierce battle erupted in the airspace over the Massassi Tempel on Yavin IV. Task forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic clashed above the ancient building. Led by powerful gunboats each side struggled to gain air superiority with the help of numerous fighters and bombers.
Despite the amount of ships involved the battle remined inconclusive. Alliance forces had the advantage early on, but were pushed back by a renewed imperial offensive while hampered by system issues on their flagship. But after rallying the rebel forces pushed the imperials back again, resulting in a stalemate.
The following records were released by the Imperial Sector Fleet Command HQ on Talus:
Planet: Yavin IV
Region: Massassi Temple
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Lats night a fierce battle erupted in the airspace over the Massassi Tempel on Yavin IV. Task forces from the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic clashed above the ancient building. Led by powerful gunboats each side struggled to gain air superiority with the help of numerous fighters and bombers.
Despite the amount of ships involved the battle remined inconclusive. Alliance forces had the advantage early on, but were pushed back by a renewed imperial offensive while hampered by system issues on their flagship. But after rallying the rebel forces pushed the imperials back again, resulting in a stalemate.
The following records were released by the Imperial Sector Fleet Command HQ on Talus:
Attack on slaver base on Ryloth
Date: 180911
Planet: Ryloth
Region: Central Ryloth
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a trandoshan slaver base on Ryloth was attacked by an unknown group of raiders. Several slavers were killed in the following firefight with an unknown number of slaves escaping during the battle. According to authorities at least one ship was damaged seriously in the attack as well. According to rumors the attackers suffered several casualties as well, but any dead or wounded were recovered by them before withdrawing.
Shortly after the attack an unidentified YT-1300 lifted off nearby and left Ryloth' atmosphere at high speed.
Planet: Ryloth
Region: Central Ryloth
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a trandoshan slaver base on Ryloth was attacked by an unknown group of raiders. Several slavers were killed in the following firefight with an unknown number of slaves escaping during the battle. According to authorities at least one ship was damaged seriously in the attack as well. According to rumors the attackers suffered several casualties as well, but any dead or wounded were recovered by them before withdrawing.
Shortly after the attack an unidentified YT-1300 lifted off nearby and left Ryloth' atmosphere at high speed.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Bestine back under imperial control
Date: 160911
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
After almost three weeks under alliance occupation the capital of Tatooine, Bestine, is back in imperial hands. A intense offensive that lasted several days and involved among othrs troops from the Tatooine-based RID managed to dislodge the rebels from their fortified positions, driving them out of the city.
A counter attack is expected any day though - reports claim the rebel forces are preparing an attack on the city from elevated positions around it.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
After almost three weeks under alliance occupation the capital of Tatooine, Bestine, is back in imperial hands. A intense offensive that lasted several days and involved among othrs troops from the Tatooine-based RID managed to dislodge the rebels from their fortified positions, driving them out of the city.
A counter attack is expected any day though - reports claim the rebel forces are preparing an attack on the city from elevated positions around it.
Single pirate wrecks convoy!
Date: 160911
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
This week's convoy chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station started out strong - with three freighters and four escorts. Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol" - both YT-2400 class light freighters and Captain Ace's "Inara's Revenge", an older YT-1300 light freighter, were escorted by two scruggs, one N-1 and an X-Wing.
Unfortunately the convoy, despite the number of ships involved, fell prey to a pirate attack at Trifecta Star. Two fighters, one ARC-170 and a V-Wing, both of Clone Wars vintage, ambushed the convoy shortly after arrival. While the ARC-170 was quickly shot down the V-Wing proceeded to disable all escorts and all but one freighter - the "Kairn Tol" managed to escape and reach Ord Mantell, though not without getting damaged as well.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
This week's convoy chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station started out strong - with three freighters and four escorts. Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush", Captain See'la Tualin's "Kairn Tol" - both YT-2400 class light freighters and Captain Ace's "Inara's Revenge", an older YT-1300 light freighter, were escorted by two scruggs, one N-1 and an X-Wing.
Unfortunately the convoy, despite the number of ships involved, fell prey to a pirate attack at Trifecta Star. Two fighters, one ARC-170 and a V-Wing, both of Clone Wars vintage, ambushed the convoy shortly after arrival. While the ARC-170 was quickly shot down the V-Wing proceeded to disable all escorts and all but one freighter - the "Kairn Tol" managed to escape and reach Ord Mantell, though not without getting damaged as well.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Communication grid failure in Kaadara - sabotage?
Date: 160911
Planet: Naboo
Region: Kaadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the city of Kaadara, Naboo, suffered a failure of the local communication grid when several antennas went offline. Since that happened almost simultaneously and several backup units were also offline foul play was soon suspected - and confirmed when a virus was detected in the controlling computers.
The RSF investigation is now focusing on two ships, an AEG-77 "vigo" class medium freighter and a Nova Courier, that took off from the starport during the blackout and did not answer to an RSF patrol ship that intercepted them within Kaadara's airspace, instead fleeing from inspection into space.
A link to the galactic civil war was not ruled out, though the investigation seems to focus on a possible criminal connection.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Kaadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last night the city of Kaadara, Naboo, suffered a failure of the local communication grid when several antennas went offline. Since that happened almost simultaneously and several backup units were also offline foul play was soon suspected - and confirmed when a virus was detected in the controlling computers.
The RSF investigation is now focusing on two ships, an AEG-77 "vigo" class medium freighter and a Nova Courier, that took off from the starport during the blackout and did not answer to an RSF patrol ship that intercepted them within Kaadara's airspace, instead fleeing from inspection into space.
A link to the galactic civil war was not ruled out, though the investigation seems to focus on a possible criminal connection.
Pirate Base destroyed on Lok!
Date: 160911
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a pirate camp was fond destroyed near New Kestic, Lok. The camp - tents protected by sturdy walls and battle droids common on Lok - was strafed from, air and then suffered a ground assault, reducing the remains to rubble. At least two vehicles were blown up and one shuttle destroyed, or so authorities from New Kestic estimate, and about a dozen suspected pirates were found dead - shot and cut.
According to sources in the know traces found at the camp indicate that the Canyon Corsairs were behind the attack though this has not yet been confirmed. According to several earlier reports the current situation on Lok remains volatile, with Hutt-backed gangs warring with older Lokian groups.
Planet: Lok
Region: New Kestic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago a pirate camp was fond destroyed near New Kestic, Lok. The camp - tents protected by sturdy walls and battle droids common on Lok - was strafed from, air and then suffered a ground assault, reducing the remains to rubble. At least two vehicles were blown up and one shuttle destroyed, or so authorities from New Kestic estimate, and about a dozen suspected pirates were found dead - shot and cut.
According to sources in the know traces found at the camp indicate that the Canyon Corsairs were behind the attack though this has not yet been confirmed. According to several earlier reports the current situation on Lok remains volatile, with Hutt-backed gangs warring with older Lokian groups.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Pirates attack convoy at Corellia's Own
Date: 120911
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last week the ore cargo convoy sent by the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station came under attack by pirates again. The convoy was led by Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", followed by Captain Benjam Frails "Lucky Silver", Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and the Y-8 class "Last Call" of Captain Bulthos Dorrir. Two imperial fighters flew escort.
The convoy was attacked in the Corellia systme, near the "Corellia's Own" hyperspace point. The attackers - one scyk and one ARC-170 - managed to disable the "Last Call" and one TIE, but were both shot down during the fight. After repairs all ships continued towards Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Last week the ore cargo convoy sent by the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station came under attack by pirates again. The convoy was led by Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", followed by Captain Benjam Frails "Lucky Silver", Captain Britney's "Sugar Rush" and the Y-8 class "Last Call" of Captain Bulthos Dorrir. Two imperial fighters flew escort.
The convoy was attacked in the Corellia systme, near the "Corellia's Own" hyperspace point. The attackers - one scyk and one ARC-170 - managed to disable the "Last Call" and one TIE, but were both shot down during the fight. After repairs all ships continued towards Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Freighter crews fired at while responding to emergency
Date: 080911
Planet: Kashyyyk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago two YT-1300 class light freighters escorted by a Dunelizard picked up a weak distress call shortly after entering the Kashyyyk system, The signal was traced to a space station built on and into an asteroid in one of the systems asteroid fields. Both freighters landed, intent on rendering assistance to the station's crew, but found themselves shot at by trandoshans and had to withdraw from the station.
The origin of the signal and the nature of the emergency is not known at this point, though usually well-informed sources from the planet claim that the station serves as a processing facility for trandoshan slavers preying on the planet's native population and that the captive wookiees may have tried to sabotage it or break out.
The wookiee resistance used the opportunity to remind the galaxy that several trandoshan slaver clans are still raiding Kashyyyk for wookiee slaves, often killing most of the warriors and the elderly of a village and enslaving the rest. Reports of horrible abuses up to trandoshans eating their captives also keep surfacing.
Planet: Kashyyyk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Two days ago two YT-1300 class light freighters escorted by a Dunelizard picked up a weak distress call shortly after entering the Kashyyyk system, The signal was traced to a space station built on and into an asteroid in one of the systems asteroid fields. Both freighters landed, intent on rendering assistance to the station's crew, but found themselves shot at by trandoshans and had to withdraw from the station.
The origin of the signal and the nature of the emergency is not known at this point, though usually well-informed sources from the planet claim that the station serves as a processing facility for trandoshan slavers preying on the planet's native population and that the captive wookiees may have tried to sabotage it or break out.
The wookiee resistance used the opportunity to remind the galaxy that several trandoshan slaver clans are still raiding Kashyyyk for wookiee slaves, often killing most of the warriors and the elderly of a village and enslaving the rest. Reports of horrible abuses up to trandoshans eating their captives also keep surfacing.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Millionaire dies on Nova Orion Station!
Date: 050911
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written oocly by Celox.)
Simon Greyshade, a former Galactic Republic & Imperial Senator for the Vorzyd sector who has left politics to manage the infamous gambling resort - the Wheel, has died last night on board the Nova Orion space station. Jonas Nova (one of the station administrators) has issued the following public announcement:
"Mr. Greyshade has arrived to our station last night, at 7PM Empire Standard Time. He was accompanied by his Wookiee bodyguard. Following a short business meeting with the station administration, he has dined and danced in the station cantina. According to my cantina staff, mr. Grayshade has ordered a few drinks from the bar and then retired to a private table to dine. Approximately at 7:52PM his bodyguard rushed mr. Greyshade to the station medical ward.
My medical staff reported that mr. Greyshade had a fatal cardial trauma, commonly known as a heart attack - upon his arrival to the ward. My staff took all possible measures to save his life, alas – his heart gave in and he was pronounced dead at 7:57PM Empire Standard Time. His bodyguard demanded an on-spot autopsy and a full analysis of toxins and venoms in the deceased.My staff has complied, alas - there were no signs of poisoning or any other unnatural trauma, thus, any criminal grounds for his unfortunate death - were ruled out. I would like to extend my personal condolences to mr. Greyshade's family, our hearts are with them."
Cantina eye witnesses have reported that mr. Greyshade was seen dancing and dining in the company of a well dressed human lady prior to his hasty departure to the medical ward. There was also an incident on the dance floor, when a Rodian couple accidently bumped into mr. Greyshade and his female companion, while dancing. His bodyguard has immediately intervened, as the two terrified Rodians left the floor promptly after being physically threatened by the Wookiee. According to station security, they have been unable to track mr. Greyshade's female companion, who was only identified as a 5'8 brunette human female by the name – Sola. However, as his autopsy proved that the death was from natural reasons, the security investigation was discontinued.
Simon Greyshade has been notoriously known for his hedonistic lifestyle which included numerous love affairs, public scandals and questionable legislations (such as introducing legislation to legalize gambling in the entire Republic). This incident seems to raise many questions, as mr, Grayshade's cousin - Senator Jheramahd Greyshade, has been assassinated 25 years ago because of political agendas. Despite many years in the private sector, Simon Greyshade still had many former political & current business rivals which might hint for the real reason of his sudden demise. His financial net worth was estimated at 27 million galactic credits and the Wheel resort has flourished under his business administration as one of the galaxy premier gambling resorts.
Planet: Ord Mantell System
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written oocly by Celox.)
Simon Greyshade, a former Galactic Republic & Imperial Senator for the Vorzyd sector who has left politics to manage the infamous gambling resort - the Wheel, has died last night on board the Nova Orion space station. Jonas Nova (one of the station administrators) has issued the following public announcement:
"Mr. Greyshade has arrived to our station last night, at 7PM Empire Standard Time. He was accompanied by his Wookiee bodyguard. Following a short business meeting with the station administration, he has dined and danced in the station cantina. According to my cantina staff, mr. Grayshade has ordered a few drinks from the bar and then retired to a private table to dine. Approximately at 7:52PM his bodyguard rushed mr. Greyshade to the station medical ward.
My medical staff reported that mr. Greyshade had a fatal cardial trauma, commonly known as a heart attack - upon his arrival to the ward. My staff took all possible measures to save his life, alas – his heart gave in and he was pronounced dead at 7:57PM Empire Standard Time. His bodyguard demanded an on-spot autopsy and a full analysis of toxins and venoms in the deceased.My staff has complied, alas - there were no signs of poisoning or any other unnatural trauma, thus, any criminal grounds for his unfortunate death - were ruled out. I would like to extend my personal condolences to mr. Greyshade's family, our hearts are with them."
Cantina eye witnesses have reported that mr. Greyshade was seen dancing and dining in the company of a well dressed human lady prior to his hasty departure to the medical ward. There was also an incident on the dance floor, when a Rodian couple accidently bumped into mr. Greyshade and his female companion, while dancing. His bodyguard has immediately intervened, as the two terrified Rodians left the floor promptly after being physically threatened by the Wookiee. According to station security, they have been unable to track mr. Greyshade's female companion, who was only identified as a 5'8 brunette human female by the name – Sola. However, as his autopsy proved that the death was from natural reasons, the security investigation was discontinued.
Simon Greyshade has been notoriously known for his hedonistic lifestyle which included numerous love affairs, public scandals and questionable legislations (such as introducing legislation to legalize gambling in the entire Republic). This incident seems to raise many questions, as mr, Grayshade's cousin - Senator Jheramahd Greyshade, has been assassinated 25 years ago because of political agendas. Despite many years in the private sector, Simon Greyshade still had many former political & current business rivals which might hint for the real reason of his sudden demise. His financial net worth was estimated at 27 million galactic credits and the Wheel resort has flourished under his business administration as one of the galaxy premier gambling resorts.
Bombings in Theed! RSF building evacuated
Date: 050911
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Three days ago the outskirts of Theed were rocked with seemingly random attacks committed by what eye witnesses described a cyborg on a swoop. Mansions and bridges arund Theed were targetted with heavy weapons.
RSF forces responded but were unable to pinpoint the attacker, or determine his next target. Instead a RSF building in Theed had to be evacuated after a group disguised as RSF officers had infiltrated the place since there was a threat of bombs left behind.
No bombs were found according to the latest press release of the RSF Headquarters, but the search for the culprits is still going on.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Three days ago the outskirts of Theed were rocked with seemingly random attacks committed by what eye witnesses described a cyborg on a swoop. Mansions and bridges arund Theed were targetted with heavy weapons.
RSF forces responded but were unable to pinpoint the attacker, or determine his next target. Instead a RSF building in Theed had to be evacuated after a group disguised as RSF officers had infiltrated the place since there was a threat of bombs left behind.
No bombs were found according to the latest press release of the RSF Headquarters, but the search for the culprits is still going on.
Pirate trap almost succeeds
Date: 050911
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
A week ago the Intergalactic Mining Company's weekly convoy set out with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station. The convoy consisted of Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Benjam Frails "Lucky Silver" and Captain Dee'lin Sarlo's YT-1300 "Phoenix", escorted by Valchris in an ARC-170.
The three ships reached the Corellia System safely, where they received a distress call from a freighter named "Zero Velocity". Upon approaching the freighter the YT-1300 revealed itself to be the "Meteor Crisis" however, a disguised pirate ship. At the same time the convoy was attacked by an ARC-170 and a YT-2400 "Pink Pearl".
Fortunately the crews of the convoy were alert. In the following fight the "Phoenix" was disabled and lost part of her cargo, but the pirates were driven off by the remaining ships of the convoy and both the YT-2400 and the ARC-170 were shot down while the Meteor crisis escaped. The remaining cargo was safely delivered to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
A week ago the Intergalactic Mining Company's weekly convoy set out with ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion Station. The convoy consisted of Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Benjam Frails "Lucky Silver" and Captain Dee'lin Sarlo's YT-1300 "Phoenix", escorted by Valchris in an ARC-170.
The three ships reached the Corellia System safely, where they received a distress call from a freighter named "Zero Velocity". Upon approaching the freighter the YT-1300 revealed itself to be the "Meteor Crisis" however, a disguised pirate ship. At the same time the convoy was attacked by an ARC-170 and a YT-2400 "Pink Pearl".
Fortunately the crews of the convoy were alert. In the following fight the "Phoenix" was disabled and lost part of her cargo, but the pirates were driven off by the remaining ships of the convoy and both the YT-2400 and the ARC-170 were shot down while the Meteor crisis escaped. The remaining cargo was safely delivered to Ord Mantell.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Suicide attacks on Coruscant - bounty on ring leader
Date: 010911
Planet: Coruscant
Region: Entertainment and Old Senate District
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Four days ago Coruscant was shaken by a series of suicide bombings, causing untold damages and significant loss of life as men and woman of various species with explosives of all sorts strapped to their bodies ran into what seemj to be pre-determined buildings, especially corporate buildings before setting off the detonators.
Debris rained down upon many unfortuante citizens on the lower levels, and accoridng to some reports the bombers even tried to use the chaos to strike at the Imperial Palace itself, though they were easily stopped by the Royal Guards.
According to eye witnesses a Falleen female had been leading the attack on the palace, armed with a lightsaber, and managed to escape when Stormtroopers restored order.
A reward has been offered for any information regarding the attacks and a 250,000 credit bounty has been put on all of those involed in this attack that are found and brought to Imperial Forces alive. A 1,000,000 credit bounty was placed on the head of the Falleen leader, who is considered extremely dangerous and armed.
Planet: Coruscant
Region: Entertainment and Old Senate District
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC.)
Four days ago Coruscant was shaken by a series of suicide bombings, causing untold damages and significant loss of life as men and woman of various species with explosives of all sorts strapped to their bodies ran into what seemj to be pre-determined buildings, especially corporate buildings before setting off the detonators.
Debris rained down upon many unfortuante citizens on the lower levels, and accoridng to some reports the bombers even tried to use the chaos to strike at the Imperial Palace itself, though they were easily stopped by the Royal Guards.
According to eye witnesses a Falleen female had been leading the attack on the palace, armed with a lightsaber, and managed to escape when Stormtroopers restored order.
A reward has been offered for any information regarding the attacks and a 250,000 credit bounty has been put on all of those involed in this attack that are found and brought to Imperial Forces alive. A 1,000,000 credit bounty was placed on the head of the Falleen leader, who is considered extremely dangerous and armed.
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