Planet: Rori
By Freina Bolun, Holonews
Holonews: „Thank you for granting me an interview, mylord. It was very interesting to attend the meeting, though a few questions I have were not answered."
Cain Vlock: „I’ll do my best."
Holonews: „First, would you like to tell me something about the history of the brotherhood? Where, when and by whom was it founded?"
Cain Vlock: „The brotherhood of Sith originates from the Farstar sector. It was founded by Armada Skies, AkA rosignal Skies. Skies betrayed the order and laid waste to it. Few were left to pick up the pieces. No one willing. I took the responsibility even though I was only a knight at the time. We have been through several generations since the inception. This is generation 5. We moved from farstar, came here and have flourished. Of course, after the bumpy road of securing power for myself that is. We have several of the loyal ones with us now."
Holonews: „Oh? would you like to elaborate on this road a bit?"
Cain Vlock: „Of course being a Knight meant that the older, more experienced members weren’t going to just submit to the new leader. I created a separate order to remedy the problem. Wars of course were fought over the title "Sith Lord". In the end, my sith prevailed, and they submitted to my rule. Those who submitted serve with us now, here."
Holonews: „What are the goals of the brotherhood? It was alluded to rule the galaxy."
Cain Vlock: „Ruling the galaxy? Not neccessarily. Securing a place for ourselves is the goal. Our mission, and objective is to prove our worth and value to the galaxy, to remedy the false, and failed sith of the past."
Holonews: „How do you view the force? it seems a central tenet of your faith, so to speak."
Cain Vlock: „The Force is a weapon. More than a weapon. It is a means to secure our freedom, and our ways of life. The Jedi view the force in segments, Light, and Dark. Those who have been enlightened in the rule of the Sith understand the Force is a whole, not separate. Therefore, the Jedi are weak. We view the force in its entirety. The Jedi would have us killed simply for viewing the force as we do."
Holonews: „Which brings us to the jedi. Are they the enemies of you?"
Cain Vlock: „That depends. The Jedi are indeed a threat to our survival, and many of them are corrupted."
Holonews: „Do you have particular enemies among the jedi? A number lay claim to that name, but they seem scattered."
Cain Vlock: „We seek the chance to bring peace to the galaxy. The Jedi want us killed for nothing more than discovering our full potential. They would limit us from our power out of fear - yet it is fear they claim leads to the darkside. Corruption, hypocricy. Currently, we have laid waste to the Jedi Order. They are now broken and scattered, and of no further threat to us and our survival. We at one point were wary of the Order of Light, yet they have been seeminlgy ended from within their own ranks. Another example of why the Jedi Order is broken."
Holonews: „Any current threats?"
Cain Vlock: „No, all those we viewed as a threat have been removed. The only threat facing our people is the possibility of the Jedi uniting under a singular banner - much as the Sith have. But the Jedi refuse to work together, viewing one another as false and incorrect in their views. Therefore we have nothing to fear unless the Jedi unite."
Holonews: „And other than the jedi, there are no groups opposing you?"
Cain Vlock: „We have in all aspects, won our war. We simply gain further power in anticipation of the inevitable confrontations. The rebellion is always a threat to us. We have heard rumors of the rebellion keeping safe several Jedi of vast power. Therefore, the rebellion is our enemy. However we are not yet capable to fight that war. Soon, we will achieve victory over our enemies. But all in due time."
Holonews: „Speaking of the brotherhood, is it open for all species?"
Cain Vlock: „The answer to that question would harm our operation. We have non human species serving us."
Holonews: „What then is the criteria to become a member of the brotherhood?"
Cain Vlock: „The desire to realize your full potential. The chance to stand against the Jedi, and fight for the right to learn the force in all of its glory. If you are of no use, unable to fight and defend our ways, you will be denied, possibly exiled for your weakness. We do not have time to train everyone. therefore we only accept those with the most potential to succeed. The rest will be denied the glory of the brotherhood."
Holonews: „Force sensitives, that is, right?"
Cain Vlock: „That is correct. If you are weak, you will be left behind. We do however allow those without power to serve those who command it. But they will be nothing more than servants. Never able to achieve the greatness of the title of "Sith Lord". You saw many today. Those who are not strong, do not progress into the higher ranks. they sit idly in there seats of servitude."
Holonews: „There seem to be challenges and tests for rising in rank. How many and what ranks do you have, and what are those tests?"
Cain Vlock: „The trials to progress in rank are meant to prove your worth and your training. The trials are determined by those who hold power to test those without it. Failing the trials will result in remaining in your place of servitude with no chance to progress until you have completed the task assigned."
Holonews: „Are they often fatal?"
Cain Vlock: „Rarely do we waste our people. Everyone here has meaning and purpose - lest they wouldnt be here in the first place. On several occasions, we have simply exiled those who are unfit for the order."
Holonews: „What are the ranks?"
Cain Vlock: „The lowest rank of the brotherhood is the sith hopeful. It is a temporary rank, one which determines your value to us. Once you have completed the hopeful phase, you become an initiate and begin your training. Hopefuls become acolytes, then eventually opressors. Those who show potential to lead are selected for council seating as Sith Knights. Sith Knights may progress and earn the title Sith Lord, in time. No one is granted overnight "Sith Lord" status. It is earned, through hardship and strife. And it takes a very long time.
Those above Sith Lord are the ones who have proven themselves above average in their respective roles. Marauders are those who are simply machines bent on slaughter. Inquisitors are those who seek the more...political...route to defeating our enemies. Sentinels become teachers and mentors."
Holonews: „So, Inquisitors, Marauders, and Sentinels are above Sith Lords?"
Cain Vlock: „They are Sith Lords, with a prestige status. They are superior to the average Sith Lord. They serve on the high council."
Holonews: „And above them the overlord?"
Cain Vlock: „Above the prestige ranks is my personal council. These are the highlords and overlords. They share..."equal"...power with myself. The highlords overse the guild as a while. The overlords oversee the lower council. They are equals as a whole."
Holonews: „One hears, although those are rumors, that Sith kill to get promoted, and backstabbing is a way to get ahead. What do you say to this?"
Cain Vlock: „The weak deserve their fate."
Holonews: „What is your stance towards the empire?"
Cain Vlock: „We serve the empire as it suits our needs. The empire hunts the Jedi. The Jedi are enemies to us. Therefore we will serve the Empire as it suits our own agenda."
Holonews: „As a final question, is this settlement restricted to your brotherhood?"
Cain Vlock: „The city is a refuge for all those in the brotherhood. Those not within our brotherhood are not welcome to become citizens."
Holonews: „Mylord, I thank you for this interview."
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