Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Chalmun's Cantina has a well-deserved reputation as a haven for criminal scum of all kinds - bounty hunters, smugglers, pirates, slavers, assassins, mercenaries and thieves number prominently among its regulars. The cantina also has a reputation as a very violent place, where fights are common and frequently deadly.
Last night another fight took place in Chalmun's when a group of armed and armored sentients - possibly mercenaries - faced off against a member of the Brotherhood of Trandosha, a well-known slaver organisation, and another sentient in full armor. The fight started after a heated exchange of words and was quickly over, with the trandoshan left standing over the battered bodies of his enemies.
The fate of the victims remains unclear so far - they, alive or dead, were dragged out of the cantina under the eyes of the trandoshan, the survivors possibly ending enslaved judging by some remarks.
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