Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night Farpoint Valley suddenly saw several shuttles drop Imperial Stormtroopers into the town, centered around the shuttleport and landing pad. Then the residents and visitors enjoying their drinks and the Neutron Pixies' performance in Jailbirds were interrupted by a loud noise - a TIE Bomber landed directly outside.
The pilot exited the craft and entered the club, presenting herself as Lt. Colonel Welaspic, recently stationed on Tatooine - in a base in the desert whose location she was not revealing for security reasons. As she explained to Clarissa Wrenchturner, the manager of the Neutron Pixies, security reasons were the cause for the stormtroopers that were sent in advance as well.
After a short chat and the declaration that she was not there to escort private ships - the IMC convoy was scheduled for the same day - the officer left the club and the town again, leaving the audience to wonder whether this visit had simply been a demonstartion of power, or if there were other reasons for this move.
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