Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a lengthy hiatus, Farpoint Valley's Karaoke Nights are back! The fourth of those events in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse Bar drew a large crowd, and saw many talented singers take the stage for a chance at the surprise prize.
After an opening song by Ramona, "I am in love with my ship", which was not part of the contest, Auros Drayen started the contest with "soldier boy", causing some specualtion about his private life. The wookiee Sharen'ta was next, with his short but original "Lekku Overture". Neutron Pixie Syrehna, last night's winner, sang "Millionaire Waltz", followed by Atheu with a song about a cowboy on a steel horse, wanted, dead or alive. Metuki was next with a ballad about a corellian martyr, then Shakir, former lead musician of the Vixens, sang "Walkers in a winter wonderland". Hannah, who claims she only sings when drunk, apparently was drunk, and gave a heartfelt version of "I am going slightly drunk". Neutron Pixie Kayet followed up with "Hit me with your best shot". Poe'kunal, stating that unlike last time he was drunk enough to sing since he prepared in advance and came already drunk, sang "Seven deadly Sins", a pirate drinking song. Jeric Varrit remained true to his karaoke reputation and improvised another strange love song. Clarissa Goldear, mayor of the town and manager of the Neutron Pixies, demonstrated her talent with "Love me, don't treat me like a fool". A newcomer named Bize had to struggle with some technical difficulties, but then sang "Living on a prayer". Ryian Coron, known more for his piloting than singing skills, sang a surprising "I am a sith (of power and taste)" that impressed evne his own crew who must have heard him sing before. Kouya was next with "Fight the good fight", before Z'ara finished the contest with "Bleeding Love".
When the votes were tallied up, Shakir had won the night's surprise prize - a green egg of some creature. The musician, who played a number of songs after the contest together with Celox Scorpio, rejected proposals to scramble the egg, or - as it turned out to be hatching - roast the animal, and was, according to last news, happy about her new pet.
Celox himself reportedly narrowly esaped bodily harm in his pursuit of the lovely A'Keti, a female rodian of rare beauty, which had a doshan bodyguard that kept both Celox and his rival Ikoogy Retoodi at bay with dire threats.
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