Date: 291210
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Ord Mantell System has been rife with pirate activity for years and remains dangerous even for experienced pilots - as the events three days ago show. Barrenger Fynar, veteran pilot, was on a mission for the Nova Orion shipyards when he was overwhelmed by several pirates in heavy fighters. According to the latest news his ship was destroyed and he barely managed to eject in time. He was later found floating in the midst of a debris field by an Imperial patrol.
Barrenger Fynar is expected to survive but may lose a limb due to the extensive injuries he sustained in the attack. He is currently treated at an undisclosed location.
Travellers to and from Ord Mantell are advised to stay on the patrolled space lanes, and take the neccessary precautions against pirate attack.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Convoy scattered and robbed
Date: 271210
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago a cargo convoy carrying ore for the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell fell prey to pirate attacks in the Corellia system. The convoy was composed of the Y-8-class "Concord Dawn", captained by Therrid Rendar and crewed by Dee'lin, Zheezah, Grenadado and Ramona, Captain Benjam Frail's Decimator "Lucky Silver", with Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander acting as gunners, and the YT-2400-class ship "Blue Rogue" of captain Uuyr Naintul, with Brit and Ichi Senshi acting as gunners. Officer Ahl-Vinn served as escort in a TIE Fighter.
The convoy suffered from communication and navigation problems and the freighters and escort got separated early on. Several pirates - two ARC-170 and one Vaksai - attacked the light freighters in the Corellia System, and despite the escort and freighters putting up a spirited defense which claimed both ARC-170s, both freighters and the TIE Fighter were shot up and lost most of their cargo as a result.
Only the "Concord Dawn" encountered no pirates on her trip and safely reached the Nova Orion Station.
IMC's stock fell 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago a cargo convoy carrying ore for the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell fell prey to pirate attacks in the Corellia system. The convoy was composed of the Y-8-class "Concord Dawn", captained by Therrid Rendar and crewed by Dee'lin, Zheezah, Grenadado and Ramona, Captain Benjam Frail's Decimator "Lucky Silver", with Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander acting as gunners, and the YT-2400-class ship "Blue Rogue" of captain Uuyr Naintul, with Brit and Ichi Senshi acting as gunners. Officer Ahl-Vinn served as escort in a TIE Fighter.
The convoy suffered from communication and navigation problems and the freighters and escort got separated early on. Several pirates - two ARC-170 and one Vaksai - attacked the light freighters in the Corellia System, and despite the escort and freighters putting up a spirited defense which claimed both ARC-170s, both freighters and the TIE Fighter were shot up and lost most of their cargo as a result.
Only the "Concord Dawn" encountered no pirates on her trip and safely reached the Nova Orion Station.
IMC's stock fell 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Clinic in Farpoint Valley shot up
Date: 211210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the med center in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, was damaged by blaster shots and a fire, started according to the latest information by an individual trying to destroy a medical droid. The surgery room as well as the droid staff required some repairs after the attack was ended, but as far as is known no lives were lost.
The reasons for this attack remain unclear. Some rumors claim malpractise on the poart of the droid, others cite droid abuse taken to the extreme was behind the attack.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the med center in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, was damaged by blaster shots and a fire, started according to the latest information by an individual trying to destroy a medical droid. The surgery room as well as the droid staff required some repairs after the attack was ended, but as far as is known no lives were lost.
The reasons for this attack remain unclear. Some rumors claim malpractise on the poart of the droid, others cite droid abuse taken to the extreme was behind the attack.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Life Day Dinner in Jiwarri's Diner
Date: 201210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday Jiwarri threw her traditional Life Day Dinner Party, this time in her Diner in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. The Diner itself was traditionally decorated in the style of Kashyyyk. Among the guests enjoying the great buffet were Amandiona , mayor of New Kestic, and Kimisei Bythmi, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
Before the dessert buffet - a delicious spread of sweets of all kinds - was opened the traditional firework display was launched outside, to the delight of the audience watching from the nearby starport.
Afterwards Jiwarri sang an old Song from her home planet while the guests enjoyed the dessert buffet. Finally a not-so-closely guarded secret was lifted when Jiwarri's brother Leafbacca and her manager Ylurra used the occasion to make their relationship public. So far no date has been set for a wedding - yet.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday Jiwarri threw her traditional Life Day Dinner Party, this time in her Diner in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. The Diner itself was traditionally decorated in the style of Kashyyyk. Among the guests enjoying the great buffet were Amandiona , mayor of New Kestic, and Kimisei Bythmi, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
Before the dessert buffet - a delicious spread of sweets of all kinds - was opened the traditional firework display was launched outside, to the delight of the audience watching from the nearby starport.
Afterwards Jiwarri sang an old Song from her home planet while the guests enjoyed the dessert buffet. Finally a not-so-closely guarded secret was lifted when Jiwarri's brother Leafbacca and her manager Ylurra used the occasion to make their relationship public. So far no date has been set for a wedding - yet.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Imperial Navy stops rebels in Tatooine System
Date: 191210
Planet: Tatooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy launched a massive offensive to counter rebel efforts to take control of the Tatooine system while at the same time securing several other systems for the Galactic Empire.
Spearheaded by four capital ships and large numbers of fighters the task force achieved both goals with light losses. The numerically inferiour rebel forces were hampered by a lack of gunboats at the beginning of the battle for Tatooine space. Rumors also claim there was a mutiny among the crew of one gunboat.
After they lost their hold on the Tatooine system the Alliance ships were forced to turn to hit and run skirmishing tactics in order to try to disrupt the Imperial lines - without success. They further took heavy casualties when they were caught in a trap in the Tatooine system following in-system hyperjumps. The remaining rebel forces retreated to Deep Space.
Planet: Tatooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy launched a massive offensive to counter rebel efforts to take control of the Tatooine system while at the same time securing several other systems for the Galactic Empire.
Spearheaded by four capital ships and large numbers of fighters the task force achieved both goals with light losses. The numerically inferiour rebel forces were hampered by a lack of gunboats at the beginning of the battle for Tatooine space. Rumors also claim there was a mutiny among the crew of one gunboat.
After they lost their hold on the Tatooine system the Alliance ships were forced to turn to hit and run skirmishing tactics in order to try to disrupt the Imperial lines - without success. They further took heavy casualties when they were caught in a trap in the Tatooine system following in-system hyperjumps. The remaining rebel forces retreated to Deep Space.
Life Day truce on Talus?
Date: 191210
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dearic on Talus is now fully in the grip of the Life Day festivities. A giant Life Day tree has been erected at the eastern edge of the city and smaller Life Day trees as well as presents dot the town's streets at every corner.

To the surprise of citizens and visitors alike the town, which has been the location many brutal battles between Imperial and Alliance forces in the past, hasn't seen large-scale battles in days. Rumors claim that a truce has been declared for the Life Day festivities, but neither side so far confirmed this.

It could be possible that this is just an informal truce, honored by local forces of both sides in the Galactic Civil War, but no matter the reason, it looks like the citizen of Dearic will be able to celebrate Life Day in peace, hearing the swingy melodies of Figrin Dan instead of the cracks of blaster fire and the screams of the casualties of war.
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dearic on Talus is now fully in the grip of the Life Day festivities. A giant Life Day tree has been erected at the eastern edge of the city and smaller Life Day trees as well as presents dot the town's streets at every corner.
To the surprise of citizens and visitors alike the town, which has been the location many brutal battles between Imperial and Alliance forces in the past, hasn't seen large-scale battles in days. Rumors claim that a truce has been declared for the Life Day festivities, but neither side so far confirmed this.
It could be possible that this is just an informal truce, honored by local forces of both sides in the Galactic Civil War, but no matter the reason, it looks like the citizen of Dearic will be able to celebrate Life Day in peace, hearing the swingy melodies of Figrin Dan instead of the cracks of blaster fire and the screams of the casualties of war.
Imperial Troops conducting extensive drills on Tatooine
Date: 191210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to our sources the Imperial troops stationed on Tatooine started extensive exercises and drills last week. This included deploying ground troops by shuttles as well as support vehicles such as AT-STs at various locations. A reporter managed to capture one such deployment in Farpoint Valley:
The purpose of those exercises and drills - apart from keeping the troops at a high state of readiness - was not made public so far, but it has led to a reduction of the regular patrols in towns according to some citizens.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to our sources the Imperial troops stationed on Tatooine started extensive exercises and drills last week. This included deploying ground troops by shuttles as well as support vehicles such as AT-STs at various locations. A reporter managed to capture one such deployment in Farpoint Valley:
The purpose of those exercises and drills - apart from keeping the troops at a high state of readiness - was not made public so far, but it has led to a reduction of the regular patrols in towns according to some citizens.
Kidnapping on Dantooine
Date: 191210
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Southern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week the usually quiet planet of Dantooine reported what seems to be a kidnapping. According to the scarce information a brutal firefight broke out in southern Dantooine near a pirate starport when a group of mercenaries attacked the bodyguards of a little girl. The bodyguards took several casualties and did not manage to save their charge, which was said to have been taken off-planet. Neither attacker nor the victim were identified so far, which fueled speculations about a criminal background of both sides.
Anyone with further information was asked to contact the planetary authorities.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Southern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week the usually quiet planet of Dantooine reported what seems to be a kidnapping. According to the scarce information a brutal firefight broke out in southern Dantooine near a pirate starport when a group of mercenaries attacked the bodyguards of a little girl. The bodyguards took several casualties and did not manage to save their charge, which was said to have been taken off-planet. Neither attacker nor the victim were identified so far, which fueled speculations about a criminal background of both sides.
Anyone with further information was asked to contact the planetary authorities.
IMC Convoy attacked by Imperial Deserters
Date: 191210
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week the Intergalactic Mining Company chartered two armed light freighters to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell. Veteran Captain Inaera Kell flew her YT-2400 "Outrider" with Barrenger Fynar and Batair Highlander as gunners. The YT-2400 class ship "TTC Tencilia" was crewed by Ramona, Falcun Nix and Alesc.
The two freighters entered the Corellia system and were quickly attacked by what seemed to be deserters from the Imperial Navy - a TIE Advanced and a TIE Oppressor. Despite taking serious damage and requiring emergency repairs the Outrider and the TTC-Tencilia shot both raiders down and continued their voyage to Ord Mantell.
At the Nova Orion Station Falcun Nix was treated in the med center for the burns he had suffered during the repairs while the staff of the shipyards started to repair the damage done to the freighters.
IMC's stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week the Intergalactic Mining Company chartered two armed light freighters to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell. Veteran Captain Inaera Kell flew her YT-2400 "Outrider" with Barrenger Fynar and Batair Highlander as gunners. The YT-2400 class ship "TTC Tencilia" was crewed by Ramona, Falcun Nix and Alesc.
The two freighters entered the Corellia system and were quickly attacked by what seemed to be deserters from the Imperial Navy - a TIE Advanced and a TIE Oppressor. Despite taking serious damage and requiring emergency repairs the Outrider and the TTC-Tencilia shot both raiders down and continued their voyage to Ord Mantell.
At the Nova Orion Station Falcun Nix was treated in the med center for the burns he had suffered during the repairs while the staff of the shipyards started to repair the damage done to the freighters.
IMC's stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Massive but inconclusive battle in the Naboo System
Date: 121210
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Naboo system saw a massive battle between the naval forces of the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Captial ships were deployed on both sides, as well as supporting patrol crafts and large numbers of snubfighters. The focus of the battle were three points roughly in the middle between Rori and Naboo. For more than one hour all three points were hotly contested and changed hands several times.
Despite the number of ships deployed and lost, the battle ended inconclusive, with neither side gaining control of the system. Rumors claim though that both sides are already preparing for a renewed offensive in the system at a later date.
The following holovid was released by the Sector Fleet HQ in Outpost Kappa, Talus:
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Naboo system saw a massive battle between the naval forces of the Galactic Empire and the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Captial ships were deployed on both sides, as well as supporting patrol crafts and large numbers of snubfighters. The focus of the battle were three points roughly in the middle between Rori and Naboo. For more than one hour all three points were hotly contested and changed hands several times.
Despite the number of ships deployed and lost, the battle ended inconclusive, with neither side gaining control of the system. Rumors claim though that both sides are already preparing for a renewed offensive in the system at a later date.
The following holovid was released by the Sector Fleet HQ in Outpost Kappa, Talus:
"Galaxy Pearl" shoots down pirate vigo
Date: 121210
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A week ago the Intergalactic Mining Company hired Captain Ironhide's "Galaxy Pearl" Vigo-Class medium freighter to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell. Barrenger Fynar flew escort in his Vaksai "Krayt Dancer III" and Batair Highlander, Inaera Kell and Falcun Nix served as gunners on the "Galaxy Pearl".
In the Corellia system the two ships were attacked by a pirate Vigo, but shot the raider down in a short, brutal engagement.
The cargo was delivered to the Nova Orion Station, where Falcun Nix suffered a medical emergency. According to a source in the med center it involved blunt trauma and stims, but no details were given.
IMC's stock rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A week ago the Intergalactic Mining Company hired Captain Ironhide's "Galaxy Pearl" Vigo-Class medium freighter to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell. Barrenger Fynar flew escort in his Vaksai "Krayt Dancer III" and Batair Highlander, Inaera Kell and Falcun Nix served as gunners on the "Galaxy Pearl".
In the Corellia system the two ships were attacked by a pirate Vigo, but shot the raider down in a short, brutal engagement.
The cargo was delivered to the Nova Orion Station, where Falcun Nix suffered a medical emergency. According to a source in the med center it involved blunt trauma and stims, but no details were given.
IMC's stock rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
New Imperial Embassy in Farpoint Valley
Date: 051210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Empire erected a new building in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, with a small force of stormtroopers guarding it. Whether it serves as an embassy, office, staging base or supply depot is at this point unclear, but several shuttles have been seen landing nearby.
Some rumors claim the frequent patrols in the past weeks may be related to this new development.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Empire erected a new building in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, with a small force of stormtroopers guarding it. Whether it serves as an embassy, office, staging base or supply depot is at this point unclear, but several shuttles have been seen landing nearby.
Some rumors claim the frequent patrols in the past weeks may be related to this new development.
IMC Convoy reaches Ord Mantell after pirate attack
Date: 051210
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago a convoy was chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Captain Ironhide flew his YT-2400 "Night Hawk" and captain Dee'lin Sarlos piloted her own YT-1300 "Phoenix". Barrenger Fynar and Ahl-Vinn acted as escort. Batair Highlander and Falcun Nix served as crew.
In the Corellia system two pirates, one ARC-170 and one Rhikxyrk, attacked, but both were shot down in a short engagement. Ahl-Vinn's TIE Fighter was disabled during the battle though and Falcun Nix had to conduct emergency repeairs in vacuum, during which a power surge fried his cybernetic arm.
After reapirs all ships continued to Ord Mantell, where the cargo was delivered to a representative of the Nova Orion Shipyards.
IMC's stock rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago a convoy was chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company to transport ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Captain Ironhide flew his YT-2400 "Night Hawk" and captain Dee'lin Sarlos piloted her own YT-1300 "Phoenix". Barrenger Fynar and Ahl-Vinn acted as escort. Batair Highlander and Falcun Nix served as crew.
In the Corellia system two pirates, one ARC-170 and one Rhikxyrk, attacked, but both were shot down in a short engagement. Ahl-Vinn's TIE Fighter was disabled during the battle though and Falcun Nix had to conduct emergency repeairs in vacuum, during which a power surge fried his cybernetic arm.
After reapirs all ships continued to Ord Mantell, where the cargo was delivered to a representative of the Nova Orion Shipyards.
IMC's stock rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
House blows up in Mos Carova
Date: 011210
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago an explosion took place in a small house located in central Mos Carova, destroying the building completely and revealing that there might have been a large storage area hidden under the foundation. Who is behind the explosion and if this is linked to the race about Garux Reitor's assets is unclear - Mos Carova has a history of bomb explosions of various kinds.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago an explosion took place in a small house located in central Mos Carova, destroying the building completely and revealing that there might have been a large storage area hidden under the foundation. Who is behind the explosion and if this is linked to the race about Garux Reitor's assets is unclear - Mos Carova has a history of bomb explosions of various kinds.
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