Date: 280410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A week after the bombing of he medical center in Mos Carova the GNA received a statement from an as of yet unidentified person claiming that
"The bomb was just one of many to be placed in Mos Carova, the reign of terror has just started".
While there's no infomation about the veracity of this claim the ramifications in case it should turn out to be true are serious - a series of bombings cold threaten the entire town!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Attack on Imperial Outpost
Date: 270410
Planet: Talus
Region: Imperial Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night an explosion rocked the Imperial Outpost on Talus leaving the outer wall slghtly damaged and causing some casualties among the troops on duty. The cause of the explosion - artillery fire, mortar grenade, rocket or missile or hidden bomb - is not clear or has not been made public at this point, but the garrison on Talus has been put on alert.
Planet: Talus
Region: Imperial Outpost
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night an explosion rocked the Imperial Outpost on Talus leaving the outer wall slghtly damaged and causing some casualties among the troops on duty. The cause of the explosion - artillery fire, mortar grenade, rocket or missile or hidden bomb - is not clear or has not been made public at this point, but the garrison on Talus has been put on alert.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Rebel couple sentenced to 15 years imprisonment
Date: 250410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Imperial Oasis
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The twi'lek couple arrested three days ago for spreading rebel propaganda was already tried and sentenced to long prison terms, as shown by this news bulletin we received today:
A few days ago, the news reported on the arrest of a twi'lek couple by Imperial forces. They were indeed guilty of spreading anti-imperial and pro-rebel propaganda, as reported by media. For some time now, Imperial Intelligence have been working on tracking them down as they've broadcasted pirate transmissions and distributed flyers on several worlds throughout the Outer Rim. Ultimately, a fatal error on their part allowed the Empire to pinpoint their location, and an operation to bring them in was then carried out as a cooperative effort between myself and members of the Imperial Intelligence. After some brief hearings, the two twi'leks were found guilty of the charges and were both sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for treason and subversive activities.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
Attached was this footage of the prisoners being escorted to the transport that would carry them off Tatooine. Their current location is as unknown as the state of their teenage daughter.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Imperial Oasis
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The twi'lek couple arrested three days ago for spreading rebel propaganda was already tried and sentenced to long prison terms, as shown by this news bulletin we received today:
A few days ago, the news reported on the arrest of a twi'lek couple by Imperial forces. They were indeed guilty of spreading anti-imperial and pro-rebel propaganda, as reported by media. For some time now, Imperial Intelligence have been working on tracking them down as they've broadcasted pirate transmissions and distributed flyers on several worlds throughout the Outer Rim. Ultimately, a fatal error on their part allowed the Empire to pinpoint their location, and an operation to bring them in was then carried out as a cooperative effort between myself and members of the Imperial Intelligence. After some brief hearings, the two twi'leks were found guilty of the charges and were both sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for treason and subversive activities.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
Attached was this footage of the prisoners being escorted to the transport that would carry them off Tatooine. Their current location is as unknown as the state of their teenage daughter.
Rebel offensive in space
Date: 250410
Planet: Karthakk, Dantooine and Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a major offensive in space. The rebel fleet had gathered a massive strike force numbering A-Wings, X-Wings, B-Wings as well as several Vaskai heavy fighters in order to achieve control of key systems and gain space superiority.
The Imperial Fleet scrambled a smaller task force centered around an interdictor ship from the Onyx Squadron and composed of fighters from the 316th, Onyx, Obsidian Dagger and DFA Sqadrons as well as AI, and met the rebel forces despite their numerical advantage head on.
In the Karthakk system the first clash took place, a short but furios engagement with losses on both sides mounting until the Rebel force hypered out. Other enggements with similar results were reported to have taken place in the Yavin aystem, centered around an Imperial Station there, and in the Dantooine system, near the planet's orbital station.
Despite their aggressive tactics and determination in the face of numerically superiour enemies the Imperial task force had to give ground in the struggle for control of the space lanes, even if it was less than expected.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of last night's battles:
Planet: Karthakk, Dantooine and Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Alliance to restore the Republic launched a major offensive in space. The rebel fleet had gathered a massive strike force numbering A-Wings, X-Wings, B-Wings as well as several Vaskai heavy fighters in order to achieve control of key systems and gain space superiority.
The Imperial Fleet scrambled a smaller task force centered around an interdictor ship from the Onyx Squadron and composed of fighters from the 316th, Onyx, Obsidian Dagger and DFA Sqadrons as well as AI, and met the rebel forces despite their numerical advantage head on.
In the Karthakk system the first clash took place, a short but furios engagement with losses on both sides mounting until the Rebel force hypered out. Other enggements with similar results were reported to have taken place in the Yavin aystem, centered around an Imperial Station there, and in the Dantooine system, near the planet's orbital station.
Despite their aggressive tactics and determination in the face of numerically superiour enemies the Imperial task force had to give ground in the struggle for control of the space lanes, even if it was less than expected.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of last night's battles:
Two officers tie the knot in Fort Keen
Date: 250410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night two outstanding officers of the Imperial Navy, Lt. Commander Drayko Vykes and Ensign Rhiana Fox, both highly-decorated members of the 316th Starfighter Squadron and well-known ace pilots, were wed in hte Imperial Auditorium in Fort Keen, Talus. Officiant was Uwoc Lightdust and the ceremony was a mix of traditional and new elements, including the vows, a fitting testimony to the New Order and Imperial Society, as the officiant put it.
The couple - both looked rather nervous, despite their battle experience - was assisted by Gilie Awrara as maid of honor and Farik Evocatus as the groom's best man. The bride was given away at the altar by Colonel Amodeus DuCar. Among the numerous guests were both members of the military as well as civilians such as HGS member Amul'ette, who was walking with the help of a cane.
Colonel Amodeus DuCar announced that the couple would be spending the honeymoon in Lake Retreat, Naboo, before the wedding party made their way to the nearby "Corellian Dream" for the reception.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night two outstanding officers of the Imperial Navy, Lt. Commander Drayko Vykes and Ensign Rhiana Fox, both highly-decorated members of the 316th Starfighter Squadron and well-known ace pilots, were wed in hte Imperial Auditorium in Fort Keen, Talus. Officiant was Uwoc Lightdust and the ceremony was a mix of traditional and new elements, including the vows, a fitting testimony to the New Order and Imperial Society, as the officiant put it.
The couple - both looked rather nervous, despite their battle experience - was assisted by Gilie Awrara as maid of honor and Farik Evocatus as the groom's best man. The bride was given away at the altar by Colonel Amodeus DuCar. Among the numerous guests were both members of the military as well as civilians such as HGS member Amul'ette, who was walking with the help of a cane.
Colonel Amodeus DuCar announced that the couple would be spending the honeymoon in Lake Retreat, Naboo, before the wedding party made their way to the nearby "Corellian Dream" for the reception.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
New Doros City Hall bombed! Civilians evacuated!
Date: 240410
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night Lady Zeranna's club, the Sunrider Destiny, was in full swing, with the Neutron Pixies and the Dirty Little Smugglers on stage, when suddenly security started to sheperd patrons out of the club by orders of Lady Zeranna.
The reason for the early closing, as was discovered later, was the bombing of the New Doros City Hall, and the threat of more bombs hidden in other locations within the city boundaries. In order to ensure the safety of the civilians they were evacuated while security searched the premises.
It is to date unclear how many if any were wounded or killed by the bomb, and if anyone has claimed responsibility.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night Lady Zeranna's club, the Sunrider Destiny, was in full swing, with the Neutron Pixies and the Dirty Little Smugglers on stage, when suddenly security started to sheperd patrons out of the club by orders of Lady Zeranna.
The reason for the early closing, as was discovered later, was the bombing of the New Doros City Hall, and the threat of more bombs hidden in other locations within the city boundaries. In order to ensure the safety of the civilians they were evacuated while security searched the premises.
It is to date unclear how many if any were wounded or killed by the bomb, and if anyone has claimed responsibility.
Friday, April 23, 2010
New capital ships deployed in Kessel
Date: 230410
Planet: Kessel System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For a few weeks now rumors of both sides of the Galactic Civil War preparing to deploy new capital ships in the Kessel system have been going around. Solid information has been scarce though, while tales of veritable "fighter killers" were thrown around.
Last night the first confirmed reports of such deployments reached us. A mixed force of Onyx Squadron and DFA ships encountered a Nebulon-B class frigate under the flag of the Alliance to restore the Republic in the Kesel system. The firepower of the ship and their escorts apparently was without precedent, greatly surpassing that of other common rebel ships and installations, and the imperial forces had some trouble destroying the frigate. The Empire itself has been reported to deploy Lancer frigates, vaunted for their anti-fighter capabilities, as a response.
Both frigate classes have been said to not only sport over a dozen powerful anti-fighter gun turrets but also other defensive systems that affect a fighter's performance even without a direct hit.
In other news several shipyards have announced breakthroughs in shielding technology, greatly improving the resistance of gunboats to blaster fire. Upgrade kits are said to have been wide-spread already and most starfighter squadrons are expected to change some of their tactics in response to this development.
Planet: Kessel System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For a few weeks now rumors of both sides of the Galactic Civil War preparing to deploy new capital ships in the Kessel system have been going around. Solid information has been scarce though, while tales of veritable "fighter killers" were thrown around.
Last night the first confirmed reports of such deployments reached us. A mixed force of Onyx Squadron and DFA ships encountered a Nebulon-B class frigate under the flag of the Alliance to restore the Republic in the Kesel system. The firepower of the ship and their escorts apparently was without precedent, greatly surpassing that of other common rebel ships and installations, and the imperial forces had some trouble destroying the frigate. The Empire itself has been reported to deploy Lancer frigates, vaunted for their anti-fighter capabilities, as a response.
Both frigate classes have been said to not only sport over a dozen powerful anti-fighter gun turrets but also other defensive systems that affect a fighter's performance even without a direct hit.
In other news several shipyards have announced breakthroughs in shielding technology, greatly improving the resistance of gunboats to blaster fire. Upgrade kits are said to have been wide-spread already and most starfighter squadrons are expected to change some of their tactics in response to this development.
Twi'lek couple arrested for rebel propaganda
Date: 230410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Espa
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday stormtroopers arrested a twi'lek couple in the hotel lobby in Mos Espa. The two sentients were arrested after reports of them spreading rebel propaganda had reached the authorities, according to one local source. As cameras in the hotel lobby show the two suspected rebels did not offer resistance and surrendered peacefully to the stormtroopers making the arrest.
Their teenage daughter was left in a state of shock according to the hotel management, and was treated by the staff.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Espa
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday stormtroopers arrested a twi'lek couple in the hotel lobby in Mos Espa. The two sentients were arrested after reports of them spreading rebel propaganda had reached the authorities, according to one local source. As cameras in the hotel lobby show the two suspected rebels did not offer resistance and surrendered peacefully to the stormtroopers making the arrest.
Their teenage daughter was left in a state of shock according to the hotel management, and was treated by the staff.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
New Medical Center opens in Farpoint Valley
Date: 220410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, oocly by Patryn Starfire).
Farpoint Valley Medical, a full service medical facility, is located in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Recently opened, its Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Patryn Starfire, is the only non droid staff on hand, though can be met with by appointment. The medical and surgical droids on hand are fully capable of handling the most severe medical needs, and are reported to be kept in top condition.

There was no grand opening ceremony for the hospital. However, in the weeks prior to the opening of the doors, construction of the facility and movement of equipment gave notice that a facility was soon to come. When asked why he chose Tatooine to open the facility, the owner and Chief Medical Officer had the following to say.
"Personally, I believe that there can never be enough medical facilities so long as the war continues. On Tatooine, compared to most planets, there are scarce few. Though my work took me off planet for many years, when it came time to open a practice of my own it was a no brainer. Oh, and lest I forget. I would like to extend my gratitude to Mayor Bythmi and the citizens of Farpoint Valley for welcoming me."
Though, it would appear that Dr. Starfire is well aware of the criminal element on Tatooine and has taken the pirates and want to be pirates into consideration. When asked about possible concerns he had the following to say.
"Let's just say I have a policy of not asking too many questions. People need medical help, and that is what I intend to provide. I adhere to a strict code of patient confidentiality. I believe the necessity of certain cities to report certain injuries has increased the number of fatal and inadequately healed injuries we see daily. Some people will not seek help if they know it will be reported. My purpose is to give medical attention to all who need it."

Though the facility is small, a tour showed that it is well equipped, and seems quite capable of handling any medical concerns, including robotic limb replacement. Though Dr. Starfire is the only non mechanical staff, he has indicated he intends to increase both droids, and sentient staff as needed, and if qualified applicants come available.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, oocly by Patryn Starfire).
Farpoint Valley Medical, a full service medical facility, is located in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Recently opened, its Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Patryn Starfire, is the only non droid staff on hand, though can be met with by appointment. The medical and surgical droids on hand are fully capable of handling the most severe medical needs, and are reported to be kept in top condition.
There was no grand opening ceremony for the hospital. However, in the weeks prior to the opening of the doors, construction of the facility and movement of equipment gave notice that a facility was soon to come. When asked why he chose Tatooine to open the facility, the owner and Chief Medical Officer had the following to say.
"Personally, I believe that there can never be enough medical facilities so long as the war continues. On Tatooine, compared to most planets, there are scarce few. Though my work took me off planet for many years, when it came time to open a practice of my own it was a no brainer. Oh, and lest I forget. I would like to extend my gratitude to Mayor Bythmi and the citizens of Farpoint Valley for welcoming me."
Though, it would appear that Dr. Starfire is well aware of the criminal element on Tatooine and has taken the pirates and want to be pirates into consideration. When asked about possible concerns he had the following to say.
"Let's just say I have a policy of not asking too many questions. People need medical help, and that is what I intend to provide. I adhere to a strict code of patient confidentiality. I believe the necessity of certain cities to report certain injuries has increased the number of fatal and inadequately healed injuries we see daily. Some people will not seek help if they know it will be reported. My purpose is to give medical attention to all who need it."
Though the facility is small, a tour showed that it is well equipped, and seems quite capable of handling any medical concerns, including robotic limb replacement. Though Dr. Starfire is the only non mechanical staff, he has indicated he intends to increase both droids, and sentient staff as needed, and if qualified applicants come available.
Medical Center in Mos Carova bombed!
Date: 220410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the hospital in Mos Carova was heavily damaged by an explosion. There were not fatalities, as far as we know, but several wounded. According to unconfirmed information the explosion was caused by a bomb, and was deliberatedly placed. Whether it was aimed at the hospital, a staff member, or a patient there is unclear, as is the role a Krayt Dragon supposedly played in the whole affair, and whether there was a suspect apprehended or not. Town authorities have not released a statement yet.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the hospital in Mos Carova was heavily damaged by an explosion. There were not fatalities, as far as we know, but several wounded. According to unconfirmed information the explosion was caused by a bomb, and was deliberatedly placed. Whether it was aimed at the hospital, a staff member, or a patient there is unclear, as is the role a Krayt Dragon supposedly played in the whole affair, and whether there was a suspect apprehended or not. Town authorities have not released a statement yet.
"Hand of Sorrow" faces pirate without escorts and wins
Date: 220410
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Captain Lia'ni flew her medium freighter "Hand of Sorrow", a modified "Vigo"-class, for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation with a cargo of copper from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion station in Ord Mantell. Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander served as primary gunners.
An escort from the 316th Regal Squadron was announced, but delayed by military neccessity, and so the "Hand of Sorrow" undertook the voyage by herself, hoping the last massacre of pirates at the hands of the pilots from the 316th would still serve as a lesson, and scare attackers off.
This was not the case, as it turned out - the ship was attacked in the Naboo system near Sea of Veruna by a pirate raider. Fortunately the crew managed to shoot the attacker down in a short fight, and reach Ord Mantell without further troubles.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago Captain Lia'ni flew her medium freighter "Hand of Sorrow", a modified "Vigo"-class, for the Intergalactic Mining Corporation with a cargo of copper from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to the Nova Orion station in Ord Mantell. Falcun Nix and Batair Highlander served as primary gunners.
An escort from the 316th Regal Squadron was announced, but delayed by military neccessity, and so the "Hand of Sorrow" undertook the voyage by herself, hoping the last massacre of pirates at the hands of the pilots from the 316th would still serve as a lesson, and scare attackers off.
This was not the case, as it turned out - the ship was attacked in the Naboo system near Sea of Veruna by a pirate raider. Fortunately the crew managed to shoot the attacker down in a short fight, and reach Ord Mantell without further troubles.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Disaster strikes HGS in court!
Date: 220410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the 3rd trial session of the trial against the Holowood Galactic Studios was held in Fort Keen, Talus. It opened with the cross-examination of the Emergence Medical Technician of HGS, O'Fey.

The prosecution quickly laid out several black marks found in O'Fey's past, ranging from his failure to obtain a MD degree to several convictions. As it was revealed O'Fey had been sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment for "discharging a blaster" at an Imperial officer - commonly called "shooting" in the Rim. He also had been convicted of performing unlicensed medical surgery as well as theft of medical droids and distribution of pharmaceuticals without license, earning a sentence of 5 years incarceration. The defense claimed the surgery had been performed to save lives, and that the pharmaceuticals were procured from licensed apothecaries, and only passed on.

Since O'Fey undoubtly had presented those claims in the past trials as well, without success - or he'd not have been convicted - they failed to leave much of an impression at court this time either.
The trial suffered a short interruption when the audience started to get unruly, but things settled down after a bothan - Caer according to some of her friends - was removed from court.
Next to be questioned was Ronin’Jekknai Medjai, renowned rapper and one of the Fuse holostars. His past drug habits were brought up, countered by the claim he had committed himself in a rehab center. The prosecution did use this to accuse O'fey of supplying Medjai with spice though, and revealed a holorecording showing the rapper nder the influence of spice while conferring with the prosecutor Symane and Celox Scorpio. The latter objected, stating that the prosecutor could not make such medical assumption, not being a medical expert.

The objection was sustained by judge Kartzer and a medical expert called in to elaborate on the point. Tax evasion through lack of reporting a place of residence was added to the charges against Medjai, and the prosecution used a letter of recommendation from the Imperial Military garrison on Lok – Outpost Epsilon – where mr. Medjai served as a bartender for two years as grounds to accuse the bothan of using this position to act as a spy for the Alliance to restore the Republic. Without any facts supporting this claim an objection by the defense was sustained by the judge though.
The defense did not contest the claim of the prosecution that Mr. Medjai was wanted for energy-arms possession without license though.
As a next witness Adasra Efri, part of HGS defense team, was summoned. Her lack of any law degree was cited as grounds enough by the judge to remove her from the defense team, despite the objection by the defense. Then the prosecution laid out claims that Miss Efri had been employed by bounty hunted pirates and smugglers in the past.

At this point Miss Efri jumped up from her seat and charged at the prosecutor, with the warden barely able to stop her with a few well-placed stun shots before she reached Symane. The judge ruled that she was in contempt of the court and placed her under an administrative arrest for 3 days. The session was adjourned afterwards.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the 3rd trial session of the trial against the Holowood Galactic Studios was held in Fort Keen, Talus. It opened with the cross-examination of the Emergence Medical Technician of HGS, O'Fey.
The prosecution quickly laid out several black marks found in O'Fey's past, ranging from his failure to obtain a MD degree to several convictions. As it was revealed O'Fey had been sentenced to 2 years of imprisonment for "discharging a blaster" at an Imperial officer - commonly called "shooting" in the Rim. He also had been convicted of performing unlicensed medical surgery as well as theft of medical droids and distribution of pharmaceuticals without license, earning a sentence of 5 years incarceration. The defense claimed the surgery had been performed to save lives, and that the pharmaceuticals were procured from licensed apothecaries, and only passed on.
Since O'Fey undoubtly had presented those claims in the past trials as well, without success - or he'd not have been convicted - they failed to leave much of an impression at court this time either.
The trial suffered a short interruption when the audience started to get unruly, but things settled down after a bothan - Caer according to some of her friends - was removed from court.
Next to be questioned was Ronin’Jekknai Medjai, renowned rapper and one of the Fuse holostars. His past drug habits were brought up, countered by the claim he had committed himself in a rehab center. The prosecution did use this to accuse O'fey of supplying Medjai with spice though, and revealed a holorecording showing the rapper nder the influence of spice while conferring with the prosecutor Symane and Celox Scorpio. The latter objected, stating that the prosecutor could not make such medical assumption, not being a medical expert.
The objection was sustained by judge Kartzer and a medical expert called in to elaborate on the point. Tax evasion through lack of reporting a place of residence was added to the charges against Medjai, and the prosecution used a letter of recommendation from the Imperial Military garrison on Lok – Outpost Epsilon – where mr. Medjai served as a bartender for two years as grounds to accuse the bothan of using this position to act as a spy for the Alliance to restore the Republic. Without any facts supporting this claim an objection by the defense was sustained by the judge though.
The defense did not contest the claim of the prosecution that Mr. Medjai was wanted for energy-arms possession without license though.
As a next witness Adasra Efri, part of HGS defense team, was summoned. Her lack of any law degree was cited as grounds enough by the judge to remove her from the defense team, despite the objection by the defense. Then the prosecution laid out claims that Miss Efri had been employed by bounty hunted pirates and smugglers in the past.
At this point Miss Efri jumped up from her seat and charged at the prosecutor, with the warden barely able to stop her with a few well-placed stun shots before she reached Symane. The judge ruled that she was in contempt of the court and placed her under an administrative arrest for 3 days. The session was adjourned afterwards.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Tectonic activity in Farpoint Valley?
Date: 200410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ground underneath a residency in the eastern part of Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, was recently found to have risen noticably, elevating the house as well. The cause of this is unknown at the moment, speculation ranges from tectonic activity to some malfunctioning repulsorlifts, or a miscaluclation during the addition of a hidden cellar. The resident, businessman Ikoogy Retoodi, was not available to comment. Mayor Kimisei Bythmi was said to be looking into the issue, but stated that there was no cause for other house owners to be concerned.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ground underneath a residency in the eastern part of Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, was recently found to have risen noticably, elevating the house as well. The cause of this is unknown at the moment, speculation ranges from tectonic activity to some malfunctioning repulsorlifts, or a miscaluclation during the addition of a hidden cellar. The resident, businessman Ikoogy Retoodi, was not available to comment. Mayor Kimisei Bythmi was said to be looking into the issue, but stated that there was no cause for other house owners to be concerned.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Rebel terrorist caught and executed
Date: 180410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: North of Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lt. Colonel Welaspic released the following statement to the press:
A few days ago, a rebel fighter was forced down by a group of local pilots. Ground troops were able to intercept the fighter as it landed, capture the pilot and retrieve the flight droid. Following a period of interrogation, the pilot was then executed on counts of treason and terrorism.
Let this serve as a warning to other rebels out there: Your treachery is not tolerated, and will be dealt with harshly.
Long Live the Empire
Lt. Colonel Welaspic
The following footage of the execution by firing squad was released at the same time:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: North of Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lt. Colonel Welaspic released the following statement to the press:
A few days ago, a rebel fighter was forced down by a group of local pilots. Ground troops were able to intercept the fighter as it landed, capture the pilot and retrieve the flight droid. Following a period of interrogation, the pilot was then executed on counts of treason and terrorism.
Let this serve as a warning to other rebels out there: Your treachery is not tolerated, and will be dealt with harshly.
Long Live the Empire
Lt. Colonel Welaspic
The following footage of the execution by firing squad was released at the same time:
Imperial Navy captures rebel corvette
Date: 180410
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy managed to disable a corvette in the service of the Rebel Alliance in the Yavin system. At once the commander of the operation ordered gunboats carrying marines and stormtroopers brought in to board and capture the corvette, or at least secure the information in the ship's computer systems.
As expected the Rebel Alliance scrambled to prevent this, their bombers attacking the Imperial troop transports while heavily armed transports brought in troops of their own to rescue and repair the corvette. After some initial success they were pushed back though, despite spirited and determinded attacks, and ultimately driven off and the corvette secured by an Imperial task force formed from units from the Onyx and 316th Regal Squadron as well as DFA and AI, who brought in substantial ground troops on their transports.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the final battles of the operation:
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy managed to disable a corvette in the service of the Rebel Alliance in the Yavin system. At once the commander of the operation ordered gunboats carrying marines and stormtroopers brought in to board and capture the corvette, or at least secure the information in the ship's computer systems.
As expected the Rebel Alliance scrambled to prevent this, their bombers attacking the Imperial troop transports while heavily armed transports brought in troops of their own to rescue and repair the corvette. After some initial success they were pushed back though, despite spirited and determinded attacks, and ultimately driven off and the corvette secured by an Imperial task force formed from units from the Onyx and 316th Regal Squadron as well as DFA and AI, who brought in substantial ground troops on their transports.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows part of the final battles of the operation:
Sunrider Destiny opens in New Doros
Date: 180410
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Lady Zeranna's new club, the Sunrider Destiny, opened in New Doros, Talus. Located right next to the shuttleport the big building cannot be missed. Inside classy decor awaits the patrons, and a wide range of drinks and other refreshments are available.

Under the wachtful sensors of security droids of Clone Wars vintage, the numerous guests - among them billionaires and other powerful local and visiting celebrities - could relax and enjoy the performance of the Neutron Pixies and the Dirty Little Smugglers during the opening night.

From what was said the club is expected to be busy every weekend, with varying entertainment.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Lady Zeranna's new club, the Sunrider Destiny, opened in New Doros, Talus. Located right next to the shuttleport the big building cannot be missed. Inside classy decor awaits the patrons, and a wide range of drinks and other refreshments are available.
Under the wachtful sensors of security droids of Clone Wars vintage, the numerous guests - among them billionaires and other powerful local and visiting celebrities - could relax and enjoy the performance of the Neutron Pixies and the Dirty Little Smugglers during the opening night.
From what was said the club is expected to be busy every weekend, with varying entertainment.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Biolab firebombed in New Doros!
Date: 180410
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Residents of New Doros and visitors, many of them gathered for the opening of the Sunrider Destiny, were shocked two days ago when Dr. Jille' Osi's biolab went up in flames. The fire was too quick to save much if anything, and so the destruction of the lab was said to be more or less complete.
As suspected by the speed of the fire, the cause of it was found to be arson - investigators found the remains of a firebomb in the blackened ruins of the lab. Dr. Osi did not comment when asked about possible enemies of hers and did not elaborate on what kind of research she had been doing at the lab either.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Residents of New Doros and visitors, many of them gathered for the opening of the Sunrider Destiny, were shocked two days ago when Dr. Jille' Osi's biolab went up in flames. The fire was too quick to save much if anything, and so the destruction of the lab was said to be more or less complete.
As suspected by the speed of the fire, the cause of it was found to be arson - investigators found the remains of a firebomb in the blackened ruins of the lab. Dr. Osi did not comment when asked about possible enemies of hers and did not elaborate on what kind of research she had been doing at the lab either.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Stormtroopers searching?
Date: 140410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West of Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a massive force of stormtroopers moved to the suburbs west of Mos Eisley, apparently conducting a search operation. Who or what the troopers were hunting for is not known at this point.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West of Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a massive force of stormtroopers moved to the suburbs west of Mos Eisley, apparently conducting a search operation. Who or what the troopers were hunting for is not known at this point.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Siege of Fort Keen lifted!
Date: 130410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite the defeat of the Imperial Navy in the "Talus Gauntlet" battle in the Corellian system the rebel siege of Fort Keen has been lifted. According to recent reports the rebel troops pushed on despite increasing losses and being faced with determinded stormtroopers dug in in defensive position.
When the rebels kept charging into heavy blaster fire, even going as far as climbing over their own dead, the battle became a massacre, and when three siege tanks detonated, their cores breached, and ripped massive holes into the rebel ranks, it became a rout. Rebel casualties were estimated to number about 3000.
According to an unconfirmed report a rebel officer, Captain Cloudrunner, approached the Imperial line sunder a flag of truce, to negotiate a surrender or retreat, but was arrested, tortured and summarly executed instead. So far this report has not been confirmed, the captain being merely listed as missing in action instead.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Despite the defeat of the Imperial Navy in the "Talus Gauntlet" battle in the Corellian system the rebel siege of Fort Keen has been lifted. According to recent reports the rebel troops pushed on despite increasing losses and being faced with determinded stormtroopers dug in in defensive position.
When the rebels kept charging into heavy blaster fire, even going as far as climbing over their own dead, the battle became a massacre, and when three siege tanks detonated, their cores breached, and ripped massive holes into the rebel ranks, it became a rout. Rebel casualties were estimated to number about 3000.
According to an unconfirmed report a rebel officer, Captain Cloudrunner, approached the Imperial line sunder a flag of truce, to negotiate a surrender or retreat, but was arrested, tortured and summarly executed instead. So far this report has not been confirmed, the captain being merely listed as missing in action instead.
HGS trial continues
Date: 120410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).

The trial of the Holowood galacic Studios, accused of treason, continued in Fort Keen, Talus. Celox Scorpio, the defense lawyer as well as one of the main accused himself, adressed the court, sarcastically thanking the garrison commander – Colonel Amodeus, for placing him under protective custody for a night.

The first witness was Amul’ette, who was asked by Celox to elaborate and explain her view of the IBoC rating system. It was noted that the Fuse had recieved their first an so far, and that there had been no response to their motion to lift the ban.
The prosecution presented new evidence – a past personal holo-play that was banned, called the “Enteror”, in order to prove that Amul’ette was a repeating offender with her anti-Imperial art. An objection to this by Celox Scorpio was overruled by the judge. As a repsonse the defense presented a reworked show - "The Dark Lord of Entertainment", which had received a Pro-Imperial rating - and cited the numerous charities Amul'ette contributed to.

The next witness was Thaych, a former Imperial Nova Trooper, whose allegiance to the Empire was questioned by the prosecution. Thoug all the "evidence" presented to support this accusation was the fact that he was now serving as Amul’ette private bodyguard. A sort of circle-proof, which did not convince many.

Next witness summoned by the prosecution was Breshe – a Bothan who was not present when the studio members had been interogated. As it turned out her excuse, a harsh case of the Zucca boar flu, was proven to be true by Theed medical records.
Despite this Beshe is facing an inspection by the Inquisition, though while her reaction might have been indicating guilt - she was breaking out in tears - she was free to go at her leisure, which means the court does not think she will try to evade this inspection.
So far the case does not seem to be based on solid evidence and since none of the accused have been placed in custody - a clear departure from regulations and practise of other treason chases - some observers wonder why it was brought to trial at all. Others keep hinting at the possibility of this being a publicity stunt.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The trial of the Holowood galacic Studios, accused of treason, continued in Fort Keen, Talus. Celox Scorpio, the defense lawyer as well as one of the main accused himself, adressed the court, sarcastically thanking the garrison commander – Colonel Amodeus, for placing him under protective custody for a night.
The first witness was Amul’ette, who was asked by Celox to elaborate and explain her view of the IBoC rating system. It was noted that the Fuse had recieved their first an so far, and that there had been no response to their motion to lift the ban.
The prosecution presented new evidence – a past personal holo-play that was banned, called the “Enteror”, in order to prove that Amul’ette was a repeating offender with her anti-Imperial art. An objection to this by Celox Scorpio was overruled by the judge. As a repsonse the defense presented a reworked show - "The Dark Lord of Entertainment", which had received a Pro-Imperial rating - and cited the numerous charities Amul'ette contributed to.
The next witness was Thaych, a former Imperial Nova Trooper, whose allegiance to the Empire was questioned by the prosecution. Thoug all the "evidence" presented to support this accusation was the fact that he was now serving as Amul’ette private bodyguard. A sort of circle-proof, which did not convince many.
Next witness summoned by the prosecution was Breshe – a Bothan who was not present when the studio members had been interogated. As it turned out her excuse, a harsh case of the Zucca boar flu, was proven to be true by Theed medical records.
Despite this Beshe is facing an inspection by the Inquisition, though while her reaction might have been indicating guilt - she was breaking out in tears - she was free to go at her leisure, which means the court does not think she will try to evade this inspection.
So far the case does not seem to be based on solid evidence and since none of the accused have been placed in custody - a clear departure from regulations and practise of other treason chases - some observers wonder why it was brought to trial at all. Others keep hinting at the possibility of this being a publicity stunt.
Family Quarrel turns into bar brawl
Date: 120410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a family quarrel turned into a bar brawl in Chalmun's, the infamous cantina in Mos Eisley. Two Mon Calamari brothers, Gybockilodiasto Aho and Ackano, were responsible for the brawl, though as regulars know it does not much to provoke violence in that den of thieves and worse.
Contrary to other such family feuds which turn to murder and worse the two brothers later made up outside the cantina.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago a family quarrel turned into a bar brawl in Chalmun's, the infamous cantina in Mos Eisley. Two Mon Calamari brothers, Gybockilodiasto Aho and Ackano, were responsible for the brawl, though as regulars know it does not much to provoke violence in that den of thieves and worse.
Contrary to other such family feuds which turn to murder and worse the two brothers later made up outside the cantina.
Rebel fleet reinforces siege of Fort Keen
Date: 120410
Planet: Corellia System
Region: Fort Keen, Talus
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The siege of Fort Keen on Talus continues, despite relief efforts of the Empire. Two days ago the Rebel Alliance managed to push back the Imperial Blockade force in the Corellia system, opening the way for reinforcements and support for the forces attacking the Imperial base on Talus.
In an hour-long engagement the rebel forces successfully used hit and run tactics to slowly grind the Imperial task force guarding the Corellia system down. The Imperials, spearheaded by the Onyx and 316th Regal Squadron as well as DFA and AI, could not counter this effectively although they managed to inflict serious but not equal losses on the rebels.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some of the intense fighting that took place:
Planet: Corellia System
Region: Fort Keen, Talus
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The siege of Fort Keen on Talus continues, despite relief efforts of the Empire. Two days ago the Rebel Alliance managed to push back the Imperial Blockade force in the Corellia system, opening the way for reinforcements and support for the forces attacking the Imperial base on Talus.
In an hour-long engagement the rebel forces successfully used hit and run tactics to slowly grind the Imperial task force guarding the Corellia system down. The Imperials, spearheaded by the Onyx and 316th Regal Squadron as well as DFA and AI, could not counter this effectively although they managed to inflict serious but not equal losses on the rebels.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some of the intense fighting that took place:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
X-Wing secured by Imperials on Tatooine
Date: 090410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West of Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Local moisture farmers reported that yesterday a starfighter made a controlled emergency landing in the area west of Farpoint Valley. Shortly afterwards a detachement of stormtroopers was air lifted in and took control of the starfighter.
The pilot of the ship as well as its astromech have not been spotted, and judging from the search parties observed in the vicinity, have not been apprehended by the imperial troopers either. The Imperial authorities so far did not comment on this incident, but asked the population to report any suspicious sightings for their own safety.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: West of Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Local moisture farmers reported that yesterday a starfighter made a controlled emergency landing in the area west of Farpoint Valley. Shortly afterwards a detachement of stormtroopers was air lifted in and took control of the starfighter.
The pilot of the ship as well as its astromech have not been spotted, and judging from the search parties observed in the vicinity, have not been apprehended by the imperial troopers either. The Imperial authorities so far did not comment on this incident, but asked the population to report any suspicious sightings for their own safety.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Fort Keen under Siege!
Date: 080410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Fort Keen, an imperial base on Talus, has come under attack by strong rebel forces two days ago. The main rebel attack was aimed at the trenches north of the city and losses on both sides are mounting. According to one leaked report the attackers keep pushing onward despite losing two armored fighting vehicles. Commanding officers on both sides have been reported killed in action as well, which is a testament of the ferocity of the battle.
Despite the presence of the vaunted 316th Regal Squadron only a single flight of TIE Fighters was launched, which could not gain air superiority, but managed to neutralize the rebel fighters. Rumors claim the squadron suffered from sabotage
in its docking system prior to the battle, preventing them from launching.
The fighting has since turned into a siege, with the base under constant if sporadic long-range artillery and mortar fire while the battle for air and space superiority is heating up.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Fort Keen, an imperial base on Talus, has come under attack by strong rebel forces two days ago. The main rebel attack was aimed at the trenches north of the city and losses on both sides are mounting. According to one leaked report the attackers keep pushing onward despite losing two armored fighting vehicles. Commanding officers on both sides have been reported killed in action as well, which is a testament of the ferocity of the battle.
Despite the presence of the vaunted 316th Regal Squadron only a single flight of TIE Fighters was launched, which could not gain air superiority, but managed to neutralize the rebel fighters. Rumors claim the squadron suffered from sabotage
in its docking system prior to the battle, preventing them from launching.
The fighting has since turned into a siege, with the base under constant if sporadic long-range artillery and mortar fire while the battle for air and space superiority is heating up.
Stormtroopers moving in on Anchorhead?
Date: 080410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Anchorhead
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Reports of stormtrooper sightings on Tatooine continue to come in. The latest, from last night, shows a large force of stormtroopers supported by four AT-ST walkers staging near Anchorhead.
While Anchorhead is known for the rebel leanings of its citizens and has seen many raids and invasions by Imperial forces in the past, so far no combat has been reported, though whether the troops are still staging, or were diverted to defend Bestine from rebel attackers is not clear.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Anchorhead
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Reports of stormtrooper sightings on Tatooine continue to come in. The latest, from last night, shows a large force of stormtroopers supported by four AT-ST walkers staging near Anchorhead.
While Anchorhead is known for the rebel leanings of its citizens and has seen many raids and invasions by Imperial forces in the past, so far no combat has been reported, though whether the troops are still staging, or were diverted to defend Bestine from rebel attackers is not clear.
HGS on trial!
Date: 080410
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Holowood galactic Studios, a household name in the Entertainment scene of the Galaxy, is now under trial. The charges are serious indeed - Treason, Incitement to Riot, Incitement to Rebel, Owning an Unlicensed and Dangerous Animal, 'Falsification of Permits and Spreading Rebel Propaganda. Should the members of HGS be found guilty they are facing incarceration or even execution. Moff Kartzer Dresden of COMPNOR is acting as judge for the case.

Two days ago the first day of the trial took place in the court room in Fort Keen, Talus, with heavy scurity measures in place. Any visitors (apart from the imperial officers attending such as the garrison commander Colonel Amodeus) were searched, and electronic devices confiscated.

The prosecution based the cases on the following:
* HGS “Imperial Yell” Fuse show in Aventine was banned, violating IBoC ratings under 4 accounts.
* Following up a questioning of HGS in their HQ, evidence which implicates ties to the Rebellion - has surfaced.
* HGS have 9 previous IBoC bans, standing against them.

The main defendants are Nallu Koras, the studio president, Amulana Duvette, the manager of the Fuse, and Celox Scorpio, the studio attorney, who allegedly did not submit the show for an IBoC review prior to the show, but Judge Kartzer has reviewed the evidence and declared that each and every one of HGS employees will be a defendant in this trial, as the accusations concern them all. The prosecution has submitted the bans and the report of HGS questioning/interrogation session.

HGS is defended by Celox Scorpio himself, supported by Adasra, even though most experienced lawyers would advise against representing yourself in a trial. The defendants refused a court-proposed laywer though.
Celox stated that he will be proving that HGS has no ties or sympathy towards the Rebellion, and that the show was not anti-Imperial.
Shortly after the session ended Celox Scorpio was arrested, then later released. This drew attention to the fact that despite the serious charges none of the defendants are in custody. This has caused more experienced - or cynical - observers to speculate about possible dealing going on behind the scenes. One even speculated that the entire trial was just a publicity stunt.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Holowood galactic Studios, a household name in the Entertainment scene of the Galaxy, is now under trial. The charges are serious indeed - Treason, Incitement to Riot, Incitement to Rebel, Owning an Unlicensed and Dangerous Animal, 'Falsification of Permits and Spreading Rebel Propaganda. Should the members of HGS be found guilty they are facing incarceration or even execution. Moff Kartzer Dresden of COMPNOR is acting as judge for the case.
Two days ago the first day of the trial took place in the court room in Fort Keen, Talus, with heavy scurity measures in place. Any visitors (apart from the imperial officers attending such as the garrison commander Colonel Amodeus) were searched, and electronic devices confiscated.
The prosecution based the cases on the following:
* HGS “Imperial Yell” Fuse show in Aventine was banned, violating IBoC ratings under 4 accounts.
* Following up a questioning of HGS in their HQ, evidence which implicates ties to the Rebellion - has surfaced.
* HGS have 9 previous IBoC bans, standing against them.
The main defendants are Nallu Koras, the studio president, Amulana Duvette, the manager of the Fuse, and Celox Scorpio, the studio attorney, who allegedly did not submit the show for an IBoC review prior to the show, but Judge Kartzer has reviewed the evidence and declared that each and every one of HGS employees will be a defendant in this trial, as the accusations concern them all. The prosecution has submitted the bans and the report of HGS questioning/interrogation session.
HGS is defended by Celox Scorpio himself, supported by Adasra, even though most experienced lawyers would advise against representing yourself in a trial. The defendants refused a court-proposed laywer though.
Celox stated that he will be proving that HGS has no ties or sympathy towards the Rebellion, and that the show was not anti-Imperial.
Shortly after the session ended Celox Scorpio was arrested, then later released. This drew attention to the fact that despite the serious charges none of the defendants are in custody. This has caused more experienced - or cynical - observers to speculate about possible dealing going on behind the scenes. One even speculated that the entire trial was just a publicity stunt.
Pirates massacred by 316th Regal Squadron
Date: 080410
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The 316th Regal Squadron is rapidly gaining a reputation as an elite outfit. One of their pilots, Commander Vykes, contributed to that three days ago when he, together with a pilot from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron and freelance pilot Seli in her KSE Firespray "Pirate's Prayer" flew escort for the weekly IMC convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell.
The freighter that was escorted, the TTC-Tencilia, recently upgraded with a faster engine and piloted by Batair Highlander, with Kort and Falcun Nix as gunners, had barely reached the hyperspace point Sea of Veruna in the Naboo system when a group of pirates made up by a B-Wing, an X-Wing and a Scyk attacked. The raiders have not been identified so far, but they are suspected to be members of the Thunder Pirates group.
Contrary to the week before this time the pirates discovered they had bitten off more than they could chew. In a short but ferocious dogfight Commander Vykes shot down all three attackers. The other two escorting starfighters took damage, Seli being forced to land for repairs, but the freighter reached Ord Mantell without further troubles.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The 316th Regal Squadron is rapidly gaining a reputation as an elite outfit. One of their pilots, Commander Vykes, contributed to that three days ago when he, together with a pilot from the Obsidian Dagger Squadron and freelance pilot Seli in her KSE Firespray "Pirate's Prayer" flew escort for the weekly IMC convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell.
The freighter that was escorted, the TTC-Tencilia, recently upgraded with a faster engine and piloted by Batair Highlander, with Kort and Falcun Nix as gunners, had barely reached the hyperspace point Sea of Veruna in the Naboo system when a group of pirates made up by a B-Wing, an X-Wing and a Scyk attacked. The raiders have not been identified so far, but they are suspected to be members of the Thunder Pirates group.
Contrary to the week before this time the pirates discovered they had bitten off more than they could chew. In a short but ferocious dogfight Commander Vykes shot down all three attackers. The other two escorting starfighters took damage, Seli being forced to land for repairs, but the freighter reached Ord Mantell without further troubles.
IMC shares rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Roving Battles in Space
Date: 280310
Planet: Entire Sector
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the space lit up with blasters and missile trails in many systems all over the galaxy while rebel and Imperial forces clashed in deadly combat. Imperial task forces searched systems and were repeatedly lured into ambushes and faced with hit and run tactics by rebel starfighters.
The outcome of the fights is unclear, due to the number of combats taking place over so many systems, but the losses on both sides were reported to be high.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some combats that took place during the operation:
Planet: Entire Sector
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago the space lit up with blasters and missile trails in many systems all over the galaxy while rebel and Imperial forces clashed in deadly combat. Imperial task forces searched systems and were repeatedly lured into ambushes and faced with hit and run tactics by rebel starfighters.
The outcome of the fights is unclear, due to the number of combats taking place over so many systems, but the losses on both sides were reported to be high.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some combats that took place during the operation:
Sunday, April 4, 2010
More troops massing
Date: 030410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
More stormtroopers staging were sighted on Tatooine last night, near Bestine. Whether those were reserves in case the city was taken by rebel mechanized attackers, or massing for another operation was not clear by the time this report was published, but the numbers sighted indicated a massive force.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
More stormtroopers staging were sighted on Tatooine last night, near Bestine. Whether those were reserves in case the city was taken by rebel mechanized attackers, or massing for another operation was not clear by the time this report was published, but the numbers sighted indicated a massive force.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Imperial officer announces stepped-up patrols
Date: 020410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley and Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The local garrison of Tatooine released the following statemnt to the press, in response to repeated questions regarding the latest trooper deployments:
Due to the recent increase in rebel activity and widespread insurgency it is once again time to step up the effort to combat this. As such, there will again be frequent patrols in various areas of Tatooine in an effort to restore peace and stability to the planet. More information on this and additional measures will be released soon.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
Lt. Colonel Welaspic has been leading such operations in the past, with quite the fervor, so this new operation is sure to run for some time.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley and Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The local garrison of Tatooine released the following statemnt to the press, in response to repeated questions regarding the latest trooper deployments:
Due to the recent increase in rebel activity and widespread insurgency it is once again time to step up the effort to combat this. As such, there will again be frequent patrols in various areas of Tatooine in an effort to restore peace and stability to the planet. More information on this and additional measures will be released soon.
Long Live the Empire
- Lt. Colonel Welaspic
Lt. Colonel Welaspic has been leading such operations in the past, with quite the fervor, so this new operation is sure to run for some time.
Stormtroopers staging?
Date: 020410
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley and Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago about 200 stormtroopers were reported to have taken up positions west of Mos Eisley, followed by reports yesterday of 100 stormtroopers being sighted north of Mos Eisley and about 40 in Farpoint Valley. The troopers looked, according to eye witnesses, as if staging for a bigger operation, but so far no information concerning the possible objective of such an operation has been released.
Most observers and witnesses were of the opinion it was a raid on a suspected rebel or smuggler facility, but at this point this is pure conjuncture. Some speculated that it may be related to past, similar patrols.
Farpoint's Mayor, Kimisei Bythmi, stated that he was not aware of any Imperial operation in the city, and commented that the troopers most likely were just passing through.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley and Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago about 200 stormtroopers were reported to have taken up positions west of Mos Eisley, followed by reports yesterday of 100 stormtroopers being sighted north of Mos Eisley and about 40 in Farpoint Valley. The troopers looked, according to eye witnesses, as if staging for a bigger operation, but so far no information concerning the possible objective of such an operation has been released.
Most observers and witnesses were of the opinion it was a raid on a suspected rebel or smuggler facility, but at this point this is pure conjuncture. Some speculated that it may be related to past, similar patrols.
Farpoint's Mayor, Kimisei Bythmi, stated that he was not aware of any Imperial operation in the city, and commented that the troopers most likely were just passing through.
Massacre on Dathomir!
Date: 020410
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Northern Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The natives of Dathomir have a reputation as violent and bloodthirsty as the rest of the planet. Organized in many clans they often feud with each other, and one apparently religious schism has caused several bloody battles already, dring which little if any quarter is asked for, or granted.
Recently the remains of another massacre were found by galactic prospectors. According to their local guide the victims, many of their bodies had already been mangled by the local wildlife, belonged to a "Frenzied River Clan".
The cause of death was not clear in many cases due, though at least three women were beheaded, likely trophies taken according to the gruesome customs of the natives. Some of the quite well-known local lances were also apparently taken, if as trophies or by scavengers to sell to collectors is not clear.
So far it's not sure if anyone from the "Frenzied River Clan" survived, or if the clan was extermianted in the massacre.
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Northern Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The natives of Dathomir have a reputation as violent and bloodthirsty as the rest of the planet. Organized in many clans they often feud with each other, and one apparently religious schism has caused several bloody battles already, dring which little if any quarter is asked for, or granted.
Recently the remains of another massacre were found by galactic prospectors. According to their local guide the victims, many of their bodies had already been mangled by the local wildlife, belonged to a "Frenzied River Clan".
The cause of death was not clear in many cases due, though at least three women were beheaded, likely trophies taken according to the gruesome customs of the natives. Some of the quite well-known local lances were also apparently taken, if as trophies or by scavengers to sell to collectors is not clear.
So far it's not sure if anyone from the "Frenzied River Clan" survived, or if the clan was extermianted in the massacre.
Yacht party visited by sea monster
Date: 020410
Planet: Naboo
Region: Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Sonfax' yacht party, a gathering on a luxury ship near the beach of Kadara, Naboo, last week, was quite the success. The numerous guests arrived by their private speeders to enjoy excellent catering and entertainment. Among the entertainer that performed were Netache Novashot from the Sunrunners, Ldy Zeranna's girls, and Ramona and Aicha from the Neutron Pixies.

There was some unrest when a giant sea monster appeared, but while the security was on the ball, the monster did not attack, but left after a cursory glance. Biologists are still debating if it was a native Nabooian sea creature, some bioengineered artificial beast, or a foreign animal released to Naboo's oceans for purposes unknown.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Sonfax' yacht party, a gathering on a luxury ship near the beach of Kadara, Naboo, last week, was quite the success. The numerous guests arrived by their private speeders to enjoy excellent catering and entertainment. Among the entertainer that performed were Netache Novashot from the Sunrunners, Ldy Zeranna's girls, and Ramona and Aicha from the Neutron Pixies.
There was some unrest when a giant sea monster appeared, but while the security was on the ball, the monster did not attack, but left after a cursory glance. Biologists are still debating if it was a native Nabooian sea creature, some bioengineered artificial beast, or a foreign animal released to Naboo's oceans for purposes unknown.
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