Date: 310310
Planet: Corellia System/Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Corellian System has seen an increased imperial presence in the last few days, which has caused the rebel presence in system to diminish greatly. This was possible thanks to both the RID troops stationed in Fort Keen, Talus, as well as the DFA squadron concentrating their forces in the system and coordinating with Onyx and Obsidian Dagger Squadron as well as AI in order to keep a constant force in the system - and constant pressure on rebel intruders.
With roaming interceptor patrols and bomber as well as patrol- and gunboats strike units conducting search & destroy missions around the clock, rebel losses have been increasing, and the Empire has remained in control of the system for days by now.
Strategy experts expect a rebel counter-offensive in the near future but are disagreeing on its focus. Whether this offensive will target Corellia directly or if the rebel forces will strike at another system which may be less defended is at this point not known.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Rebels steal nerve gas?
Date: 300310
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Oasis
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to an anonymous source, supposedly an imperial officer or employee, twenty canisters of a type of toxic nerve gas, enough to wipe out a city, recently went missing from the Oasis shuttle base on Tatooine. Authorities are said to be doing all they can to find it, and setting up preventive measures in key cities to ward off against such attacks.
According to the source a small team using a sand-and-silver camo USV-5 speeder, a type often used by special forces teams on both sides of the Galactic Civil War for its ability to cross different terrains, and its quiet nature, drove into the oasis, killing any witnesses and guards present and breaking into multiple storage areas to find the toxin.
The circumstances of the operation hint at it being the result of leaked inside information or outright treason, but there are no suspect names being floated currently. However an internal investigation is underway. Officials refused to comment about the supposed theft, but stated that the use of such despiccable weapons was typical for terrorists in the employ of the Rebel Alliance.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Oasis
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
According to an anonymous source, supposedly an imperial officer or employee, twenty canisters of a type of toxic nerve gas, enough to wipe out a city, recently went missing from the Oasis shuttle base on Tatooine. Authorities are said to be doing all they can to find it, and setting up preventive measures in key cities to ward off against such attacks.
According to the source a small team using a sand-and-silver camo USV-5 speeder, a type often used by special forces teams on both sides of the Galactic Civil War for its ability to cross different terrains, and its quiet nature, drove into the oasis, killing any witnesses and guards present and breaking into multiple storage areas to find the toxin.
The circumstances of the operation hint at it being the result of leaked inside information or outright treason, but there are no suspect names being floated currently. However an internal investigation is underway. Officials refused to comment about the supposed theft, but stated that the use of such despiccable weapons was typical for terrorists in the employ of the Rebel Alliance.
Treachery and Thunder strike cargo convoy
Date: 300310
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Naboo system was one focus point of the recent interdictor operation of the Imperial Navy. Some analysts expected that local pirates would also be affected by the operation, and the general security of the system would improve. Last night's events proved them wrong.
The Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent one YT-1300 freighter, Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray", with a cargo of carbonate ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. As escorts served Traynu, Ramona and Falcun Nix, in two scyks and one interceptor.
Even before the convoy left the Tatooine system they came under attack by an ARC-170 and a scyk. The "Light ray" jumped out while the escorts engaged the raiders, shooting down the ARC-170 and driving the scyk away. One scyk suffered disabling damage, but jury-rigged repairs from Falcun Nix allowed it to reach the Naboo system, where further repairs followed at the Rori Orbital Station.
At that point though treachery struck - Traynu, obviously a pirate plant, switched sides and attacked the remaining two escort in concert with the returned scyk. After a furious fight both escorts were left floating in space, disabled, while the "Light Ray" suffered extensive damage to hull and systems, with the cargo being destroyed.
The pirates then revealed themselves as the infamous Thunder Pirates and left a warning message - threatening to destroy the next transports as well, unless they were paid off. IMC management hasn't yet revealed how the company will react to this demand.
Falcun Nix, who had gone drifting in space following the fight with his disabled interceptor and had lost his distress beacon, was recovered later by Captain Nee'ki Starr in her "Aegis of Farpoint" vigo-class medium freighter after a short search - just in time before his air ran out.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Naboo system was one focus point of the recent interdictor operation of the Imperial Navy. Some analysts expected that local pirates would also be affected by the operation, and the general security of the system would improve. Last night's events proved them wrong.
The Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent one YT-1300 freighter, Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray", with a cargo of carbonate ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. As escorts served Traynu, Ramona and Falcun Nix, in two scyks and one interceptor.
Even before the convoy left the Tatooine system they came under attack by an ARC-170 and a scyk. The "Light ray" jumped out while the escorts engaged the raiders, shooting down the ARC-170 and driving the scyk away. One scyk suffered disabling damage, but jury-rigged repairs from Falcun Nix allowed it to reach the Naboo system, where further repairs followed at the Rori Orbital Station.
At that point though treachery struck - Traynu, obviously a pirate plant, switched sides and attacked the remaining two escort in concert with the returned scyk. After a furious fight both escorts were left floating in space, disabled, while the "Light Ray" suffered extensive damage to hull and systems, with the cargo being destroyed.
The pirates then revealed themselves as the infamous Thunder Pirates and left a warning message - threatening to destroy the next transports as well, unless they were paid off. IMC management hasn't yet revealed how the company will react to this demand.
Falcun Nix, who had gone drifting in space following the fight with his disabled interceptor and had lost his distress beacon, was recovered later by Captain Nee'ki Starr in her "Aegis of Farpoint" vigo-class medium freighter after a short search - just in time before his air ran out.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Rebel couriers interdicted and intercepted
Date: 280310
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy cinducted an interdiction and interception operation - a seek and destroy operation using interdictor vessels in several systems. Formed around the Corellian Sector Fleet, and augmented with units from the Bright Jewel Sector Fleet, notably the famous Onyx Squadron and the Eviscerator, sent to close down smaller systems and out of the way hyperspace points with smaller vessels while the interdictor cruisers controlled the hyperlanes. Ship crews were augmented by ground soldiers where needed,
The smaller interdictor vessels - YE-4s and Decimators - soon came under attack by strong rebel forces, trying to disable or destroy them - likely to allow some valuable cargo or courier to pass through. Escorts and gunners of the vessels engaged them, and while a few vessels were destroyed over the course of more than an hour, the price the rebel forces paid for it was high.
At the same time imperial fighter groups were searching the interdicted systems, seeking and destroying rebel ships of all types. Several suspect ships were encountered, and chased down and destroyed if they did not submit to inspection.
While the sector fleet command did not comment on what exactly was the reason for the interdiction operation, they expressed their pleasure with the way it went, indicating that whatever they wanted they caught.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some combats that took place during the operation:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy cinducted an interdiction and interception operation - a seek and destroy operation using interdictor vessels in several systems. Formed around the Corellian Sector Fleet, and augmented with units from the Bright Jewel Sector Fleet, notably the famous Onyx Squadron and the Eviscerator, sent to close down smaller systems and out of the way hyperspace points with smaller vessels while the interdictor cruisers controlled the hyperlanes. Ship crews were augmented by ground soldiers where needed,
The smaller interdictor vessels - YE-4s and Decimators - soon came under attack by strong rebel forces, trying to disable or destroy them - likely to allow some valuable cargo or courier to pass through. Escorts and gunners of the vessels engaged them, and while a few vessels were destroyed over the course of more than an hour, the price the rebel forces paid for it was high.
At the same time imperial fighter groups were searching the interdicted systems, seeking and destroying rebel ships of all types. Several suspect ships were encountered, and chased down and destroyed if they did not submit to inspection.
While the sector fleet command did not comment on what exactly was the reason for the interdiction operation, they expressed their pleasure with the way it went, indicating that whatever they wanted they caught.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows some combats that took place during the operation:
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Rodian Clan Meet in Zaken Hub Pool
Date: 230310
Planet: Talus
Region: Zaken Hub
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the town of Zaken Hub - specifically, the Zaken Hub Pool - saw a rodian clan meet. Jeevix, Celox Scorpio, Teesik, Nozumi, Andrula, Isskipuss, and Xalcla gathered in casual - at times very casual - atmosphere to discuss closer relations between the various rodians living in the sector. By all accounts it was a very succesful and enjoyable meeting, especially for members of the rodian disapora.

Only one incident marred the event - apparently Celox Scorpio had a small accident and had to be saved by mouth-to-mouth. An anonymous report claims this was faked thogh, in order to get closer to a rodian girl. As cunning as ever, if this is true!
Planet: Talus
Region: Zaken Hub
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the town of Zaken Hub - specifically, the Zaken Hub Pool - saw a rodian clan meet. Jeevix, Celox Scorpio, Teesik, Nozumi, Andrula, Isskipuss, and Xalcla gathered in casual - at times very casual - atmosphere to discuss closer relations between the various rodians living in the sector. By all accounts it was a very succesful and enjoyable meeting, especially for members of the rodian disapora.
Only one incident marred the event - apparently Celox Scorpio had a small accident and had to be saved by mouth-to-mouth. An anonymous report claims this was faked thogh, in order to get closer to a rodian girl. As cunning as ever, if this is true!
"Light Ray" and "Phoenix" make the trip despite pirates
Date: 230310
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent two more freighters for their weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. By coincidence both were YT-1300 class ships, and both were piloted by twi'lek women - Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray" and Captain Dee'lin Sorla's "Phoenix". The two freighetrs were escorted by a TIE-Bomber during their trip, in anticipation of pirate attacks.
Shortly after reaching the Naboo system the expected attacks did happen when a Vaksai heavy fighter followed by an ARC-170 recon craft attacked the freighters. Both raiders were shot down quickly though by the ships' gunners - Batair Highlander, Kort, Ramona and Aesic - and the escort, after causing armor damage.
After the fight all three ships safely reached the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the TIE Bomber departed for areas unknown and the convoy underwent needed repairs and repainting.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Corporation sent two more freighters for their weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. By coincidence both were YT-1300 class ships, and both were piloted by twi'lek women - Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray" and Captain Dee'lin Sorla's "Phoenix". The two freighetrs were escorted by a TIE-Bomber during their trip, in anticipation of pirate attacks.
Shortly after reaching the Naboo system the expected attacks did happen when a Vaksai heavy fighter followed by an ARC-170 recon craft attacked the freighters. Both raiders were shot down quickly though by the ships' gunners - Batair Highlander, Kort, Ramona and Aesic - and the escort, after causing armor damage.
After the fight all three ships safely reached the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the TIE Bomber departed for areas unknown and the convoy underwent needed repairs and repainting.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Funeral of Major Arev Basten held in Fort Keen
Date: 210310
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the funeral for Major Arev Basten, whose death triggered the bombing of Tasceryn on Dantooine a week ago, was held in Fort Keen, an Imperial Security Bureau Re-education facility on Talus.

Due to the controversional reputation the officer had the funeral was protected by strict and massive security measures - an impressive sight even by Imperial standards. Both the attending officers, stormtroopers and pilots as well as the civilian guests therefore were safe during the event.

A Lieutenant COmmander Drayko Vykes, held the elogy before the Major's replacement, Colonel Amodeus DuCar, took command of the base, relieving acting commander Lieutenant Jerax Teral. In his speech Colonel DuCar expressed his determination and conviction that the Rebellion would soon be squashed and peace and order returned to the galaxy, and called upon everyone to remember and follow Major Basten's example in service to the Emperor. He also announced that he would lead the investigation against the "war criminals Rieme Kerav, Korris Sprint, and Anishor" in person.

Afterwards the funeral concluded in the local cantina, named in honor of Major Basten's Corellian homeworld.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the funeral for Major Arev Basten, whose death triggered the bombing of Tasceryn on Dantooine a week ago, was held in Fort Keen, an Imperial Security Bureau Re-education facility on Talus.
Due to the controversional reputation the officer had the funeral was protected by strict and massive security measures - an impressive sight even by Imperial standards. Both the attending officers, stormtroopers and pilots as well as the civilian guests therefore were safe during the event.
A Lieutenant COmmander Drayko Vykes, held the elogy before the Major's replacement, Colonel Amodeus DuCar, took command of the base, relieving acting commander Lieutenant Jerax Teral. In his speech Colonel DuCar expressed his determination and conviction that the Rebellion would soon be squashed and peace and order returned to the galaxy, and called upon everyone to remember and follow Major Basten's example in service to the Emperor. He also announced that he would lead the investigation against the "war criminals Rieme Kerav, Korris Sprint, and Anishor" in person.
Afterwards the funeral concluded in the local cantina, named in honor of Major Basten's Corellian homeworld.
Imperial command ship lost in Deep Space
Date: 210310
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy sent a task force to Deep Space to take control of the sector and seek out rebel forces. Headed by a "Vigo"-class Gunboat as command ship, the task force was successful at first, but then came under attack by growing numbers of rebel ships until it was overwhelmed despite spirited resistance from both crew and escorting ships. What consequences this loss will have for future operations is not yet clear, but some changes to tactics might be in consideration according to anynymous sources within the sector fleet.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows the last minutes of the command ship:
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy sent a task force to Deep Space to take control of the sector and seek out rebel forces. Headed by a "Vigo"-class Gunboat as command ship, the task force was successful at first, but then came under attack by growing numbers of rebel ships until it was overwhelmed despite spirited resistance from both crew and escorting ships. What consequences this loss will have for future operations is not yet clear, but some changes to tactics might be in consideration according to anynymous sources within the sector fleet.
The following footage was released by the Imperial sector command in Fort Keen, Talus, and shows the last minutes of the command ship:
Soldiers on leave throw wild party in Farpoint Valley
Date: 210310
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While the Galactic Civil War cannot be called anything else than brutal, especially the latest atrocities on Dantooine, the soldiers who fight in it are still sentients, not unfeeling combat droids. And as such they do take leave from the fighting to rest and recover - and to have fun.
A group of soldiers from an unidentified military unit, likely infantry, did just that two days ago in Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley. Led by their Lieutenant they enjoyed all amenities of the club, especially the hot tub in the basement and the bar. Besides horsing around in the tub and hitting on female guests though they soldiers also brawled in the street, though fortunately without any fatalities or serious wounds.
The only complaints came from some of the patrons, which minded the casual nudity displayed by the soldiers in and outside the tub.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While the Galactic Civil War cannot be called anything else than brutal, especially the latest atrocities on Dantooine, the soldiers who fight in it are still sentients, not unfeeling combat droids. And as such they do take leave from the fighting to rest and recover - and to have fun.
A group of soldiers from an unidentified military unit, likely infantry, did just that two days ago in Jailbirds in Farpoint Valley. Led by their Lieutenant they enjoyed all amenities of the club, especially the hot tub in the basement and the bar. Besides horsing around in the tub and hitting on female guests though they soldiers also brawled in the street, though fortunately without any fatalities or serious wounds.
The only complaints came from some of the patrons, which minded the casual nudity displayed by the soldiers in and outside the tub.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Great Cash Prizes at the Black Diamond Casino
Date: 190310
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Voth Enterprise's new venue in the city of New Doros, the Black Diamond Casino, is another of Billionaire and ladies' man Thode Voth's projects, and he
has spared no expense to turn this three-story gambling facility into one of the most luxurious attractions on the planet. Between slot machines and table games, a jacuzzi and themed lounges and bars, and with choice entertainment there is something for everyone to spend their hard-earned credits or ill-gotten gains on. In addition to the public facilities there's also the High Rollers Room, which offers even more sophisticated gambling opportunities as well as private entertainment.
After the grand opening last week - featuring the Red Bocatts as the main entertainers! - the casino has not scaled back their attractions. Over 50'000'000 credits in cash prizes were passed out to the patrons that attended last night, and among the various famous entertainers performing were The Sirens as well as Nee'ki Starr from the Neutron Pixies.
Even more notesworthy though was that no violent incident was reported to the authorities - something not every event can boast of in those troubled times. The refugee camp for survivors from Tasceryn which recently opened in New Doros is a sad testament to how much the Galactic Civil War and the crimes and violence it spawned have an impact on the life of everyone in the galaxy.
Next week's special night is bound to see even more people attending, for three exclusive speeders are among the prizes to be won in the casino.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Voth Enterprise's new venue in the city of New Doros, the Black Diamond Casino, is another of Billionaire and ladies' man Thode Voth's projects, and he
has spared no expense to turn this three-story gambling facility into one of the most luxurious attractions on the planet. Between slot machines and table games, a jacuzzi and themed lounges and bars, and with choice entertainment there is something for everyone to spend their hard-earned credits or ill-gotten gains on. In addition to the public facilities there's also the High Rollers Room, which offers even more sophisticated gambling opportunities as well as private entertainment.
After the grand opening last week - featuring the Red Bocatts as the main entertainers! - the casino has not scaled back their attractions. Over 50'000'000 credits in cash prizes were passed out to the patrons that attended last night, and among the various famous entertainers performing were The Sirens as well as Nee'ki Starr from the Neutron Pixies.
Even more notesworthy though was that no violent incident was reported to the authorities - something not every event can boast of in those troubled times. The refugee camp for survivors from Tasceryn which recently opened in New Doros is a sad testament to how much the Galactic Civil War and the crimes and violence it spawned have an impact on the life of everyone in the galaxy.
Next week's special night is bound to see even more people attending, for three exclusive speeders are among the prizes to be won in the casino.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Atrocities on Dantooine
Date: 180310
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Northern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fate of a group of Imperial Stormtroopers gone missing on Dantooine recently was discovered today when their heads were found hanging from trees around the main Imperial outpost on the planet. Upon further investigation of the decapitated bodies the coroner determinded the cause of death to be massive if slow bloodloss through deep wounds on their legs and feet - the troopers were literally bled dry. The autopsy also revealed that the troopers were subjected to electrical shocks prior to getting killed and had suffered blunt trauma to the back of their skulls - they were extensively tortured before getting murdered. The amount of gore found on the scene was on a scale rarely seen even when dealing with the most depraved serial killers, according to an anonymous source.
So far no one has claimed responsibility for this atrocity, but many locals asusme this was done in retaliation for the recent destruction of Tasceryn, even though Dantooine is certainly no stranger to massacres unrelated to the Galactic Civil War. An officer from the Imperial Outpost called the act "a cowardly crime against all civilization stands for", and blamed the Rebellion for it, citing that this was just the latest terrorist attempt to scare the population with heinous murders. So far the Rebel Alliance did not comment on whether such acts were sanctioned by their policy.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Northern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fate of a group of Imperial Stormtroopers gone missing on Dantooine recently was discovered today when their heads were found hanging from trees around the main Imperial outpost on the planet. Upon further investigation of the decapitated bodies the coroner determinded the cause of death to be massive if slow bloodloss through deep wounds on their legs and feet - the troopers were literally bled dry. The autopsy also revealed that the troopers were subjected to electrical shocks prior to getting killed and had suffered blunt trauma to the back of their skulls - they were extensively tortured before getting murdered. The amount of gore found on the scene was on a scale rarely seen even when dealing with the most depraved serial killers, according to an anonymous source.
So far no one has claimed responsibility for this atrocity, but many locals asusme this was done in retaliation for the recent destruction of Tasceryn, even though Dantooine is certainly no stranger to massacres unrelated to the Galactic Civil War. An officer from the Imperial Outpost called the act "a cowardly crime against all civilization stands for", and blamed the Rebellion for it, citing that this was just the latest terrorist attempt to scare the population with heinous murders. So far the Rebel Alliance did not comment on whether such acts were sanctioned by their policy.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Funeral of Major Arev Basten announced
Date: 170310
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Fort Keen, an Imperial Security Bureau Re-education facility on Talus, released a press bulletin today announcing the death of Major Arev Basten:
It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the passing of Major Arev Basten, Commanding Officer of Fort Keen and Hero of the Empire.
Major Basten was killed in action during operations on the planet of Dantooine, when the Major and a small Imperial force discovered the presence of a large Rebel force comprising of high-level command operatives within the supposedly neutral city of Tasceryn. Though Major Basten was able to get off a message indicating that the city was in-fact a secret Rebel base, his small unit was ambushed by Rebel terrorists.
Though heavily outnumbered, Major Basten singlehandedly killed or incapacitated several Rebel agents before he was finally taken down by enemy gunfire. His heroic actions bought time for his unit to escape, and without which all of them would have fallen to the Rebel assault.
Thanks to the Major's discovery of this secret Rebel base, an airstrike was called in to destroy the facility before the Rebels could escape, ending what would have been a threat to the planet of Dantooine and surrounding systems before it could begin. Though Tasceryn had claimed to be a 'neutral' city, the "citizens" were in fact secret Rebel agents, and the local cantina, which had been infiltrated by an Imperial Intelligence agent, was found to be housing a Rebel military briefing led by General Anishor himself, one of the foremost terrorist leaders in the Rebel Alliance. Had Major Basten not discovered this base, the Rebels would have been able to commit heinous crimes in the surrounding system, which likely would have resulted in the destruction of true civilian cities on the surface of Dantooine. For this, we must all be grateful for the Major's service, as he gave his life to save both his unit, the planet, and the surrounding systems from this diabolical Rebel threat.
The Empire thanks Major Basten for his heroic deeds, and he will be honored during a Memorial Service held in his honor at the Fort Keen Auditorium on Saturday, at 2100 hours EST. All loyal Imperial operatives and citizens are encouraged to attend.
Until a replacement can arrive, Lieutenant Jerax Teral has been named Acting Commander of the Fort Keen facility.
We are all deeply saddened by this news. May Major Arev Basten, Hero of the Empire, rest in peace. Your glorious service will not be forgotten.
Lieutenant Jerax Teral
Fort Keen Commanding Officer, Acting
Whether or not Tasceryn was a rebel base or a defenseless civilian city is still in dispute. Rumors of well-armed rebel soldiers using the relief operation as a cover to smuggle in weapons and ordnance contrast with civilian casualty reports of a unprecedent scale - at least for the non-native settlements of Dantooine - and the lack of any ground operation to follow up on the bombardment.
Strategy experts are divided on the issue as well. Some point out that the rebel alliance historically has had bases hidden in cities several times in the past, deliberately risking collateral damage to civilians, while the Galactic Empire has acted brutally in response to even peaceful protests or passive resistance to its policies on numerous occasions.
(Press Release originally written by the player of Rhiana Fox. While credited to Jerax Teral (Apauck), press release is actually ICly written by Rhiana due to her being the Commanding Officer's Personal Aide.)
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Fort Keen, an Imperial Security Bureau Re-education facility on Talus, released a press bulletin today announcing the death of Major Arev Basten:
It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the passing of Major Arev Basten, Commanding Officer of Fort Keen and Hero of the Empire.
Major Basten was killed in action during operations on the planet of Dantooine, when the Major and a small Imperial force discovered the presence of a large Rebel force comprising of high-level command operatives within the supposedly neutral city of Tasceryn. Though Major Basten was able to get off a message indicating that the city was in-fact a secret Rebel base, his small unit was ambushed by Rebel terrorists.
Though heavily outnumbered, Major Basten singlehandedly killed or incapacitated several Rebel agents before he was finally taken down by enemy gunfire. His heroic actions bought time for his unit to escape, and without which all of them would have fallen to the Rebel assault.
Thanks to the Major's discovery of this secret Rebel base, an airstrike was called in to destroy the facility before the Rebels could escape, ending what would have been a threat to the planet of Dantooine and surrounding systems before it could begin. Though Tasceryn had claimed to be a 'neutral' city, the "citizens" were in fact secret Rebel agents, and the local cantina, which had been infiltrated by an Imperial Intelligence agent, was found to be housing a Rebel military briefing led by General Anishor himself, one of the foremost terrorist leaders in the Rebel Alliance. Had Major Basten not discovered this base, the Rebels would have been able to commit heinous crimes in the surrounding system, which likely would have resulted in the destruction of true civilian cities on the surface of Dantooine. For this, we must all be grateful for the Major's service, as he gave his life to save both his unit, the planet, and the surrounding systems from this diabolical Rebel threat.
The Empire thanks Major Basten for his heroic deeds, and he will be honored during a Memorial Service held in his honor at the Fort Keen Auditorium on Saturday, at 2100 hours EST. All loyal Imperial operatives and citizens are encouraged to attend.
Until a replacement can arrive, Lieutenant Jerax Teral has been named Acting Commander of the Fort Keen facility.
We are all deeply saddened by this news. May Major Arev Basten, Hero of the Empire, rest in peace. Your glorious service will not be forgotten.
Lieutenant Jerax Teral
Fort Keen Commanding Officer, Acting
Whether or not Tasceryn was a rebel base or a defenseless civilian city is still in dispute. Rumors of well-armed rebel soldiers using the relief operation as a cover to smuggle in weapons and ordnance contrast with civilian casualty reports of a unprecedent scale - at least for the non-native settlements of Dantooine - and the lack of any ground operation to follow up on the bombardment.
Strategy experts are divided on the issue as well. Some point out that the rebel alliance historically has had bases hidden in cities several times in the past, deliberately risking collateral damage to civilians, while the Galactic Empire has acted brutally in response to even peaceful protests or passive resistance to its policies on numerous occasions.
(Press Release originally written by the player of Rhiana Fox. While credited to Jerax Teral (Apauck), press release is actually ICly written by Rhiana due to her being the Commanding Officer's Personal Aide.)
Geothermal rush on Dantooine
Date: 170310
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Western Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While the city of Tasceryn has been reduced to rubble in the eastern part of Dantooine the western part of the planet sees a resource rush at the same time. A high-yield source of geothermal energy has been discovered there, and prospectors from all parts of the galaxy rushed to Dantooine to harvest it, turning the rolling hills of the area into a forest of extractors.

Planetary authorities are looking into reports of massacres happening to native tribes in the area who might have opposed the harvesting operations, but so far most prospectors either state to not have noticed any natives, or claim self-defense. Such massacres, cynically nicknamed "Janta Juicing" in some circles, keep happening on the planet despite efforts to curtail them.
At various stock exchanges shares of bioengineering corporations as well as mining companies rose significantly.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Western Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While the city of Tasceryn has been reduced to rubble in the eastern part of Dantooine the western part of the planet sees a resource rush at the same time. A high-yield source of geothermal energy has been discovered there, and prospectors from all parts of the galaxy rushed to Dantooine to harvest it, turning the rolling hills of the area into a forest of extractors.
Planetary authorities are looking into reports of massacres happening to native tribes in the area who might have opposed the harvesting operations, but so far most prospectors either state to not have noticed any natives, or claim self-defense. Such massacres, cynically nicknamed "Janta Juicing" in some circles, keep happening on the planet despite efforts to curtail them.
At various stock exchanges shares of bioengineering corporations as well as mining companies rose significantly.
Relief operation starting on Dantooine
Date: 170310
Planet: Dantooine
Region: South-eastern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just days after the destruction of the frontier city of Tasceryn the humanitarian relief operation is getting into gear. Among the first to render aid was the Tatooine Trading Company, which chartered the YT-1300 "Hot Tub" to deliver food and medical supplies, a bacta tank and med droids as well as temporary shelter and heating units to the struck region, and Clan Tani, which had more food delivered through Captain Li'tani, daughter of the clan leader. Fortunately neither ship encountered trouble on the way to Dantooine.
The governor of New Doros, Talus, was said to be preparing a refugee camp, to allow the evacuation of part of the surviving population of Tasceryn. The camp should be ready soon to start sheltering those who want to leave the planet.
The first press reports from the area are not promising. Smoking craters from proton torpedo impacts are everywhere, ruins and debris litter the landscape, and the sickly-sweet smell of decay is starting to overpower everything else. Personal tragedies struck everyone in the region - the sister of the ruined city's mayor Ruvia Syl'rain is said to be in a coma despite medical attention.
At least the surviving citizens are well-protected against the Dantooine wildlife - relief workers reported a sizable military presence guarding the area, though there are conflicting reports concerning that presence's allegiance.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: South-eastern Dantooine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just days after the destruction of the frontier city of Tasceryn the humanitarian relief operation is getting into gear. Among the first to render aid was the Tatooine Trading Company, which chartered the YT-1300 "Hot Tub" to deliver food and medical supplies, a bacta tank and med droids as well as temporary shelter and heating units to the struck region, and Clan Tani, which had more food delivered through Captain Li'tani, daughter of the clan leader. Fortunately neither ship encountered trouble on the way to Dantooine.
The governor of New Doros, Talus, was said to be preparing a refugee camp, to allow the evacuation of part of the surviving population of Tasceryn. The camp should be ready soon to start sheltering those who want to leave the planet.
The first press reports from the area are not promising. Smoking craters from proton torpedo impacts are everywhere, ruins and debris litter the landscape, and the sickly-sweet smell of decay is starting to overpower everything else. Personal tragedies struck everyone in the region - the sister of the ruined city's mayor Ruvia Syl'rain is said to be in a coma despite medical attention.
At least the surviving citizens are well-protected against the Dantooine wildlife - relief workers reported a sizable military presence guarding the area, though there are conflicting reports concerning that presence's allegiance.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
IMC Convoy loses escorts but escapes pirates
Date: 160310
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Corporation, encouraged by the recent success in fending off pirates through escorts, hired more escorts for their weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. Two freighters, Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray" and the "TTC-Tencilia", a YT-2400-class light freighter piloted by Captain Grymnyr, were escorted by an X-Wing piloted by Aerik and a Vaksai heavy fighter piloted by Volatore, later joined by a TIE Oppressor.
The convoy encountered a series of difficulties, starting with delays at launch even before the ships gathered at the Tatooine orbital station. The "Light Ray" then suffered engine trouble, needing in-flight repairs on the way to the hyperspace jump point in the Tatooine system.
Trouble then struck when due to a flight computer glitch Volatore's Vaksai lagged behind when the rest of the convoy jumped to the Naboo system and was promptly attacked and shot down by a pirate raider while still in the Tatooine system.
Things got worse in the Naboo system, at Kylanthia's Whim, when a pirate V-Wing spotted the convoy. The remaining escorts engaged the ship and managed to stall it, then shoot it down, but were then faced with three more pirate interceptors, among them an Imperial deserter in a TIE Fighter, and both escorts were shot down after a brief fight.
Their sacrifice had allowed the two freighters to get out of sensor range though, and hiding in the Naboo system the convoy managed to evade detection by the pirates while their hyperdrives cooled down.
The "Light Ray" and the "TTC-Tencilia" then succeeded in returning to the Kylanthia's Whim hyperspace jump point while still remaining undetected and jumped to Ord Mantell, where they quickly docked at the Nova Orion Station to deliver their cargo.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday the Intergalactic Mining Corporation, encouraged by the recent success in fending off pirates through escorts, hired more escorts for their weekly ore convoy from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. Two freighters, Captain Sive'a Allande's YT-1300 "Light Ray" and the "TTC-Tencilia", a YT-2400-class light freighter piloted by Captain Grymnyr, were escorted by an X-Wing piloted by Aerik and a Vaksai heavy fighter piloted by Volatore, later joined by a TIE Oppressor.
The convoy encountered a series of difficulties, starting with delays at launch even before the ships gathered at the Tatooine orbital station. The "Light Ray" then suffered engine trouble, needing in-flight repairs on the way to the hyperspace jump point in the Tatooine system.
Trouble then struck when due to a flight computer glitch Volatore's Vaksai lagged behind when the rest of the convoy jumped to the Naboo system and was promptly attacked and shot down by a pirate raider while still in the Tatooine system.
Things got worse in the Naboo system, at Kylanthia's Whim, when a pirate V-Wing spotted the convoy. The remaining escorts engaged the ship and managed to stall it, then shoot it down, but were then faced with three more pirate interceptors, among them an Imperial deserter in a TIE Fighter, and both escorts were shot down after a brief fight.
Their sacrifice had allowed the two freighters to get out of sensor range though, and hiding in the Naboo system the convoy managed to evade detection by the pirates while their hyperdrives cooled down.
The "Light Ray" and the "TTC-Tencilia" then succeeded in returning to the Kylanthia's Whim hyperspace jump point while still remaining undetected and jumped to Ord Mantell, where they quickly docked at the Nova Orion Station to deliver their cargo.
IMC shares rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Officer released from prison after witness died
Date: 160310
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tesselia Nyx, an officer of the Imperial Navy under arrest for disobeying direct orders, was released from prison this morning after her former superior officer, Major Arev Basten, had been killed in Tasceryn. The charges against her had been based upon accusations by Major Basten, and with him dead and therefore unable to testify against the suspect, were impossible to prove at this point.
With the charges dropped her name was apparently deemed cleared and according to a source she is being reinstated to work for Imperial Naval Intelligence.
Planet: Talus
Region: Fort Keen
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tesselia Nyx, an officer of the Imperial Navy under arrest for disobeying direct orders, was released from prison this morning after her former superior officer, Major Arev Basten, had been killed in Tasceryn. The charges against her had been based upon accusations by Major Basten, and with him dead and therefore unable to testify against the suspect, were impossible to prove at this point.
With the charges dropped her name was apparently deemed cleared and according to a source she is being reinstated to work for Imperial Naval Intelligence.
City on Dantooine destroyed by orbital bombardment!
Date: 160310
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Tasceryn
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the citizens of Tasceryn on Dantooine celebrated their city's birth. The settlemen had been recently founded, and was all set to receive the Galaxy at large for a night of revelry - frontier style! Booze and a fight club and other entertainment had been organized, and residents and visitors alike were looking forward to a wild party. Galactic civilization was already encroaching on the frontier though, through the presence of Lady Dionne Vao of C.O.V.E.N., whose famous cosmetics lines are in high demand in the Galactic Core, and were sure to appeal to the rougher residents of Tasceryn as well.
Alas, the perils of politics - or, according to some rumor's, a single man's ambitions and machinations - spoiled this. While the city was still gearing up for the festivities an imperial patrol led by Major Arev Basten visited. What exactly happened and why is not known, but after a dispute with a group of locals the patrol came under fire from as of yet unknown assailants, leading to the death of Major Basten while his command managed to retreat.
In retaliation the entire settlement was attacked by TIE Bombers from orbiting ships, causing wide-spread destruction - the entire city was effectively wiped from the planet's surface. Civilian casualties are not yet known, but estimated to be high. At least a partial evacuation was attempted by the local authorities, but it is unclear how successful they were in saving the citizens and residents. The survivors are sure to be in dire need of assistance, requiring food, shelter and medical support.
While confirmed facts - other than the complete destruction of the city - are scarce, rumors are found aplenty. There are claims that the imperial patrol was not on an official mission, but there for personal and very unsavory and highly illegal "business" of their commanding officer. Other sources claim that Major Basten was mutilated - possibly while he was still alive - and that body parts were taken as gruesome trophies by locals. Yet other rumors state that Major Basten had been a war criminal, and was actually eliminated by a squad of storm troopers to avoid a scandal, and that the city was blown up simply to cover this up.
The entire truth has yet to emerge from the fog of speculation, and may never be known. The public has reacted very negatively so far to this retaliation, most Galactic citizens being appalled by the cruel destruction of an entire city in response to the death of a single officer.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Tasceryn
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the citizens of Tasceryn on Dantooine celebrated their city's birth. The settlemen had been recently founded, and was all set to receive the Galaxy at large for a night of revelry - frontier style! Booze and a fight club and other entertainment had been organized, and residents and visitors alike were looking forward to a wild party. Galactic civilization was already encroaching on the frontier though, through the presence of Lady Dionne Vao of C.O.V.E.N., whose famous cosmetics lines are in high demand in the Galactic Core, and were sure to appeal to the rougher residents of Tasceryn as well.
Alas, the perils of politics - or, according to some rumor's, a single man's ambitions and machinations - spoiled this. While the city was still gearing up for the festivities an imperial patrol led by Major Arev Basten visited. What exactly happened and why is not known, but after a dispute with a group of locals the patrol came under fire from as of yet unknown assailants, leading to the death of Major Basten while his command managed to retreat.
In retaliation the entire settlement was attacked by TIE Bombers from orbiting ships, causing wide-spread destruction - the entire city was effectively wiped from the planet's surface. Civilian casualties are not yet known, but estimated to be high. At least a partial evacuation was attempted by the local authorities, but it is unclear how successful they were in saving the citizens and residents. The survivors are sure to be in dire need of assistance, requiring food, shelter and medical support.
While confirmed facts - other than the complete destruction of the city - are scarce, rumors are found aplenty. There are claims that the imperial patrol was not on an official mission, but there for personal and very unsavory and highly illegal "business" of their commanding officer. Other sources claim that Major Basten was mutilated - possibly while he was still alive - and that body parts were taken as gruesome trophies by locals. Yet other rumors state that Major Basten had been a war criminal, and was actually eliminated by a squad of storm troopers to avoid a scandal, and that the city was blown up simply to cover this up.
The entire truth has yet to emerge from the fog of speculation, and may never be known. The public has reacted very negatively so far to this retaliation, most Galactic citizens being appalled by the cruel destruction of an entire city in response to the death of a single officer.
Imperial forces chase speeding freighter
Date: 160310
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, one week after their recent defeat, the Imperial Navy started a major operation in the Naboo System again. While the operation is not officially acknowledged by the sector fleet - likely for security reasons - usually informed sources confirm that a large task force was operation in system.
The objective of the operation was apparently catching a fleeing freighter or blockade runner used by the Rebel Alliance. The task that was made more difficult than expected by the freighter's unusual high speed, which allowed it to evade imperial forces time and again until it was finally cornered and shot down.
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, one week after their recent defeat, the Imperial Navy started a major operation in the Naboo System again. While the operation is not officially acknowledged by the sector fleet - likely for security reasons - usually informed sources confirm that a large task force was operation in system.
The objective of the operation was apparently catching a fleeing freighter or blockade runner used by the Rebel Alliance. The task that was made more difficult than expected by the freighter's unusual high speed, which allowed it to evade imperial forces time and again until it was finally cornered and shot down.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Imperial forces raid C.O.V.E.N facilities
Date: 150310
Planet: Dantooine
Region: C.O.V.E.N. Mining Facilities
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Imperial stormtroopers raided the C.O.V.E.N. Mining Facilities on Dantooine. Many employees of the corporation were detained and Lady Dionne Vao, famous for her cosmetics line, was seen being marched off in cuffs to a undisclosed location.
The reasons for this operation are not known at this point, but according to anonymous sources the troops raiding the mining facilities were attacked after a while by marauding pirates and driven out, which raises the possibility of those pirates having been the original target. The mining facilities have now been abandoned, if this was due to the imperial raid or due to the pirate attack is not known at this point.
Lady Dionne Vao was later seen at the Grand Opening of Tasceryn but did not comment on the raid. Given the circumstances of the raid, especially the attack by pirates, her presence was taken as meaning that there were no charges against her corporation. Rumors of C.O.V.E.N. being fined for indecent advertising for their "Lokian Love Yourself Lube" product line were proven to be unfounded.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: C.O.V.E.N. Mining Facilities
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago Imperial stormtroopers raided the C.O.V.E.N. Mining Facilities on Dantooine. Many employees of the corporation were detained and Lady Dionne Vao, famous for her cosmetics line, was seen being marched off in cuffs to a undisclosed location.
The reasons for this operation are not known at this point, but according to anonymous sources the troops raiding the mining facilities were attacked after a while by marauding pirates and driven out, which raises the possibility of those pirates having been the original target. The mining facilities have now been abandoned, if this was due to the imperial raid or due to the pirate attack is not known at this point.
Lady Dionne Vao was later seen at the Grand Opening of Tasceryn but did not comment on the raid. Given the circumstances of the raid, especially the attack by pirates, her presence was taken as meaning that there were no charges against her corporation. Rumors of C.O.V.E.N. being fined for indecent advertising for their "Lokian Love Yourself Lube" product line were proven to be unfounded.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Krayt Escape damaged by crashed freighter - drunk pilot responsible?
Date: 090310
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two nights ago the Krayt Escape, Mos Carova's famous night club, was set on fire when a YT-2400 freighter "made a very bad landing" in town, missing the landing pad and torching the club.
According to a preliminary report the ship belonged to Jason Nezumi but had been hijacked by a pilot under the influence of some undeterminded substance - likely spice given the town's reputation. Neither the name of said pilot nor Nezumi's reaction are known so far, but given the amount of stress Nezumi must be under with his wife Xija missing since weeks this incident's timing could not have been worse if planned.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two nights ago the Krayt Escape, Mos Carova's famous night club, was set on fire when a YT-2400 freighter "made a very bad landing" in town, missing the landing pad and torching the club.
According to a preliminary report the ship belonged to Jason Nezumi but had been hijacked by a pilot under the influence of some undeterminded substance - likely spice given the town's reputation. Neither the name of said pilot nor Nezumi's reaction are known so far, but given the amount of stress Nezumi must be under with his wife Xija missing since weeks this incident's timing could not have been worse if planned.
"Light Ray" reaches Ord Mantell safely - TIE Bomber escort lost
Date: 090310
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After last week's disastrous convoy the Intergalactic Mining Corporation picked a single YT-1300 light freighter, Captain Sive'a Allande's "Light Ray", for this week's ore transport from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. The ship was escorted by Aesic in his Vaksai heavy Fighter, and a TIE Bomber.
Near the Old Trade Federation Route in the Naboo system the "Light Ray" was attacked by an old ARC-170 with scrambled IFF - a pirate. The two escorts engaged, but the Vaksai suffered armor damage and the TIE Bomber was destroyed and the pirate broke through to attack the freighter. Captain Allande's gunners, Batair Highlander and Nee'ki Starr, however managed to shoot the pirate down before the freighter's shields were breached.
Both the "Light Ray" and the Vaksai reached the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell safely afterwards.
IMC shares rose 1,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After last week's disastrous convoy the Intergalactic Mining Corporation picked a single YT-1300 light freighter, Captain Sive'a Allande's "Light Ray", for this week's ore transport from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Nova Orion Station, Ord Mantell. The ship was escorted by Aesic in his Vaksai heavy Fighter, and a TIE Bomber.
Near the Old Trade Federation Route in the Naboo system the "Light Ray" was attacked by an old ARC-170 with scrambled IFF - a pirate. The two escorts engaged, but the Vaksai suffered armor damage and the TIE Bomber was destroyed and the pirate broke through to attack the freighter. Captain Allande's gunners, Batair Highlander and Nee'ki Starr, however managed to shoot the pirate down before the freighter's shields were breached.
Both the "Light Ray" and the Vaksai reached the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell safely afterwards.
IMC shares rose 1,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Pirate conflict blowing up?
Date: 080310
Planet: Lok
Region: Northeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A violent explosion shook an area of Lok northeast of Nym's base. Shortly afterwards an as of yet unidientified AEG-77 "Vigo" class gunboat was spotted taking off from the area of the explosion and disappearing in the Karthakk system.
So far there have no official reports come in from the area in question, and given its location, none are expected. Lok's population is notoriously thight-lipped outside well-liquored pirate tales, whose veracity is always in question, but most rumors agree that there was a base of operations for a pirate group belonging to the "Rneekii pirates" in the area.
If this was an internal split which blew up into open conflict or two pirate groups who decided to settle their differences in the traditional Lokian way is not sure, and may never be known, but most major gangs and bands of pirates on Lok can be expected to watch their friends, foes and backs more closely for a while, to see if this was just a start of something else.
Planet: Lok
Region: Northeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A violent explosion shook an area of Lok northeast of Nym's base. Shortly afterwards an as of yet unidientified AEG-77 "Vigo" class gunboat was spotted taking off from the area of the explosion and disappearing in the Karthakk system.
So far there have no official reports come in from the area in question, and given its location, none are expected. Lok's population is notoriously thight-lipped outside well-liquored pirate tales, whose veracity is always in question, but most rumors agree that there was a base of operations for a pirate group belonging to the "Rneekii pirates" in the area.
If this was an internal split which blew up into open conflict or two pirate groups who decided to settle their differences in the traditional Lokian way is not sure, and may never be known, but most major gangs and bands of pirates on Lok can be expected to watch their friends, foes and backs more closely for a while, to see if this was just a start of something else.
Terrorist strikes on Rori and Naboo!
Date: 080310
Planet: Rori/Naboo
Region: Narmle/Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night at about 2.30 Core Standard time Narmle on Rori was shaken by two explosions which destroyed the Narmle Theatre and the town's medical center, killing thrity people and injuring countless others. A first suspect was announced by RSF investigators shortly afterwards, based on reports of a figure in black Black Sun Armor carrying two backpacks in those locations and leaving without them 30 minutes prior to the blasts.
Thirty minutes after the blasts that rocked Narmle, another two blasts rocked Kaadara, again spreading death and destruction among innocent civlians. This time a note was found, left in the rubble in Kaadara, claiming it was a Gungan retaliation for the blasts on Rori.
As of yet, there are no current suspects that the RSF or Empire has, outside of radical factions on each side. Some RSF investigators though consider the timing of the two strikes to be too close for the Kadara blasts to be an actual retaliation - the gungans would have had to plan the retaliations strikes, travel and execute them in just 30 minutes, a feat almost impossible.
Notably, this violence comes on the fourty-fifth anniversary week of the week the Gungans and settlers from Naboo signed a peace treaty and mutually vowed to work together to build a society.
Planet: Rori/Naboo
Region: Narmle/Kadara
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night at about 2.30 Core Standard time Narmle on Rori was shaken by two explosions which destroyed the Narmle Theatre and the town's medical center, killing thrity people and injuring countless others. A first suspect was announced by RSF investigators shortly afterwards, based on reports of a figure in black Black Sun Armor carrying two backpacks in those locations and leaving without them 30 minutes prior to the blasts.
Thirty minutes after the blasts that rocked Narmle, another two blasts rocked Kaadara, again spreading death and destruction among innocent civlians. This time a note was found, left in the rubble in Kaadara, claiming it was a Gungan retaliation for the blasts on Rori.
As of yet, there are no current suspects that the RSF or Empire has, outside of radical factions on each side. Some RSF investigators though consider the timing of the two strikes to be too close for the Kadara blasts to be an actual retaliation - the gungans would have had to plan the retaliations strikes, travel and execute them in just 30 minutes, a feat almost impossible.
Notably, this violence comes on the fourty-fifth anniversary week of the week the Gungans and settlers from Naboo signed a peace treaty and mutually vowed to work together to build a society.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Imperial Fleet defeated in Naboo System
Date: 070310
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy conducted scanning operations in the Naboo system to ferret out rebel smugglers and blockade runners supplying the Alliance troops on Rori and those involved in the fighting near Keren on Naboo.
The scanning ships, modified patrol boats of the Decimator Class, came under almost immediate attack by numerous rebel ships though, both heavy bombers as well as fast interceptors, and despite the presence of escort units including a gunboat the majority of the scanner ships were quickly destroyed.
Rebel losses were said to be severe, especially among bombers, but stacked up against the loss of the scanner ships and their specialized crew, and the defeat the Imperial Navy suffered in its attempt to hinder rebel movements in the Naboo System, that's a minor point.
The following footage from the fighting was released by the Imperial Sector Fleet HQ in New Doros, Talus:
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Imperial Navy conducted scanning operations in the Naboo system to ferret out rebel smugglers and blockade runners supplying the Alliance troops on Rori and those involved in the fighting near Keren on Naboo.
The scanning ships, modified patrol boats of the Decimator Class, came under almost immediate attack by numerous rebel ships though, both heavy bombers as well as fast interceptors, and despite the presence of escort units including a gunboat the majority of the scanner ships were quickly destroyed.
Rebel losses were said to be severe, especially among bombers, but stacked up against the loss of the scanner ships and their specialized crew, and the defeat the Imperial Navy suffered in its attempt to hinder rebel movements in the Naboo System, that's a minor point.
The following footage from the fighting was released by the Imperial Sector Fleet HQ in New Doros, Talus:
Missing noblewoman safely returned!
Date: 070310
Planet: Mantiar
Region: Capital
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two months after her disappearance during a pirate attack in the Tatooine system, Lady Tesier Isariani safely returned to her family on Mantiar. Her twin sister and her parents stated they were overjoyed, and that the noblewoman was recovering from her - unspecified - ordeal in the privacy of the family's ancestral mansion. Questions regarding her health were answered with that "given the circumstances" Lady Isariani was in good health. Further questions by the local press were not commented upon.
No details regarding the circumstances of the loss of the "Pearl of Mantiar", the personal yacht of the Isariani Family, or how the noble survived this event, nor more informations about what Lady Isariani did in the two months since, and how she arrived safely back on Mantiar were given out either.
Planet: Mantiar
Region: Capital
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two months after her disappearance during a pirate attack in the Tatooine system, Lady Tesier Isariani safely returned to her family on Mantiar. Her twin sister and her parents stated they were overjoyed, and that the noblewoman was recovering from her - unspecified - ordeal in the privacy of the family's ancestral mansion. Questions regarding her health were answered with that "given the circumstances" Lady Isariani was in good health. Further questions by the local press were not commented upon.
No details regarding the circumstances of the loss of the "Pearl of Mantiar", the personal yacht of the Isariani Family, or how the noble survived this event, nor more informations about what Lady Isariani did in the two months since, and how she arrived safely back on Mantiar were given out either.
Massacres and mysterious cave-in on Dathomir
Date: 070310
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Western Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A huntiung party on Dathomir exploring the western part made a disturbing report a few days ago. While travelling the group encountered the remains of several massacres of native tribes. Both roaming parties and settlemens were brutally killed as the party's scout determinded from the corpses they found.
Since some experts rate the planet's natives as among the most dangerous and agressive of the known indigenous non-spacefaring populations the hunters might have even be very lucky that what was likely another flare-up of the long-running struggle between two religious factions of the tribes happened on their path.
More disappointing for the hunters was that the cave system where the party hoped to hunt Dathomir's largest predators, the ferocious rancors, was discovered to have collapsed in its entirety. The cause for the cave-in has not yet been found - there was no residue of chemical explosives or blast charges, and no earthquake has been reported either.
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Western Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A huntiung party on Dathomir exploring the western part made a disturbing report a few days ago. While travelling the group encountered the remains of several massacres of native tribes. Both roaming parties and settlemens were brutally killed as the party's scout determinded from the corpses they found.
Since some experts rate the planet's natives as among the most dangerous and agressive of the known indigenous non-spacefaring populations the hunters might have even be very lucky that what was likely another flare-up of the long-running struggle between two religious factions of the tribes happened on their path.
More disappointing for the hunters was that the cave system where the party hoped to hunt Dathomir's largest predators, the ferocious rancors, was discovered to have collapsed in its entirety. The cause for the cave-in has not yet been found - there was no residue of chemical explosives or blast charges, and no earthquake has been reported either.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Pirate ship found on Tatooine
Date: 030310
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night local moisture farmers reported flashes and explosions north-west of Mos Entha. A patrol sent to investigate found a damaged Vigo-class gunboat and a YT-1300 light freighter, both damaged and already in the process of being looted by jawas.

During the following investigation a number of bodies were found, many of them mangled or burned to the point of being impossible to identify. From the scene found it looks like the YT-1300 opened fire with the ventral turret on the vigo and the surrounding camp. The jawas denied having seen anything.

The vigo was later identified as the pirate ship that was involved in the attack on a luxury yacht some time ago in Tatooine space. Some personal items belonging to the Lady Isariani, missing since that attack, have been found as well, but there was no trace of herself.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night local moisture farmers reported flashes and explosions north-west of Mos Entha. A patrol sent to investigate found a damaged Vigo-class gunboat and a YT-1300 light freighter, both damaged and already in the process of being looted by jawas.
During the following investigation a number of bodies were found, many of them mangled or burned to the point of being impossible to identify. From the scene found it looks like the YT-1300 opened fire with the ventral turret on the vigo and the surrounding camp. The jawas denied having seen anything.
The vigo was later identified as the pirate ship that was involved in the attack on a luxury yacht some time ago in Tatooine space. Some personal items belonging to the Lady Isariani, missing since that attack, have been found as well, but there was no trace of herself.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Aylia' Ven safe!
Date: 020310
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two months after she disappeared on the way to her house in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, Neutron Pixie Aylia' Ven - Lia to her friends - is back. For the time being she is said to be recovering in an undisclosed location, surrounded by her friends and family.
While the details surrounding her disappearance are still not fully known, enough information has come to the light to confirm that she was kidnapped and possibly enslaved by mercenaries in the employ of a man named "J'uro Kaas". This man's fate remains as unknown as his reasons for having the entertainer kidnapped, but with a total bounty placed on his head of close to 30'000'000 credits it's a safe bet he is no more among the living.
Lia's family and friends so far did not comment any further on the affair, other than to state they were happy to see her back and safe.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two months after she disappeared on the way to her house in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, Neutron Pixie Aylia' Ven - Lia to her friends - is back. For the time being she is said to be recovering in an undisclosed location, surrounded by her friends and family.
While the details surrounding her disappearance are still not fully known, enough information has come to the light to confirm that she was kidnapped and possibly enslaved by mercenaries in the employ of a man named "J'uro Kaas". This man's fate remains as unknown as his reasons for having the entertainer kidnapped, but with a total bounty placed on his head of close to 30'000'000 credits it's a safe bet he is no more among the living.
Lia's family and friends so far did not comment any further on the affair, other than to state they were happy to see her back and safe.
Ore convoy mauled - Death Watch involved?
Date: 020310
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore convoy was particularly large - two YT-1300 light freighters, Captain Sive'a's "Light Ray" and Captain Li'tani's "Heatstorm", and an AEG-77 "Vigo"-class medium freighter, Captain Kyr'ex' "Kote II", were escorted by Tomeateeje Sunb in an X-Wing and Ad'hemar Voltin in a Dunelizard.
A first attack by pirates happened near the Hyperspace point "Miner's Yard" in the Tatooine system, causing the loss of an escorting fighter. But the worst attack was still to come - in the Naboo system, the three freighters split up under attack, and both the "Heatstorm" and the "Kote II" were seriously damaged and disabled, with the last escort being shot down. Only the "Light Ray" managed to escape and reach the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell safely.
The pirates - two ARC-170 and one Z-95 modified fighter - then approached the disabled Kote II, demanding the cargo. The Kote's skipper stalled them, then managed to convince one of them to dock to transfer the cargo - at which point the crew of the Kote II launched their escape pods and blew their own ship up. The pirates were reported to be caught and destroyed in the explosion, but pending further investigation this is still unconfirmed. One ARC-170 was definetly destroyed though - the following footage was recovered from its gun cameras:
The pirates identified themselves as members of the "Death Watch", which caused further speculation about their origin.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night the Intergalactic Mining Corporation's weekly ore convoy was particularly large - two YT-1300 light freighters, Captain Sive'a's "Light Ray" and Captain Li'tani's "Heatstorm", and an AEG-77 "Vigo"-class medium freighter, Captain Kyr'ex' "Kote II", were escorted by Tomeateeje Sunb in an X-Wing and Ad'hemar Voltin in a Dunelizard.
A first attack by pirates happened near the Hyperspace point "Miner's Yard" in the Tatooine system, causing the loss of an escorting fighter. But the worst attack was still to come - in the Naboo system, the three freighters split up under attack, and both the "Heatstorm" and the "Kote II" were seriously damaged and disabled, with the last escort being shot down. Only the "Light Ray" managed to escape and reach the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell safely.
The pirates - two ARC-170 and one Z-95 modified fighter - then approached the disabled Kote II, demanding the cargo. The Kote's skipper stalled them, then managed to convince one of them to dock to transfer the cargo - at which point the crew of the Kote II launched their escape pods and blew their own ship up. The pirates were reported to be caught and destroyed in the explosion, but pending further investigation this is still unconfirmed. One ARC-170 was definetly destroyed though - the following footage was recovered from its gun cameras:
The pirates identified themselves as members of the "Death Watch", which caused further speculation about their origin.
IMC shares fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exchange following the news.
Nova Orion Station hosts big promotion event by C.O.V.E.N. Inc.
Date: 020310
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the C.O.V.E.N. Inc. hosted a promotion event in the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Under the guidance of Lady Dionne, who also signed autographs, products and various body parts, hostesses distributed promotion samples of the company's famous lekku massage oil and other cosmetics and similar products and answered any questions prospective clients might have.
The entertainment was provided by Holowood Galactic Studios and attracted a big crowd, straining the stations life support cycle, and rendering individual conversation impossible at times due to the sheer volume of the combined voices.
There was no incident reported though some people said weapons were drawn at the bar at one point, and a garbled comm message about snowglobes and kittens and explosives was caught by a patrol passing by. Due to the masses present further investigation was impossible though.
Planet: Ord Mantell
Region: Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago the C.O.V.E.N. Inc. hosted a promotion event in the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell. Under the guidance of Lady Dionne, who also signed autographs, products and various body parts, hostesses distributed promotion samples of the company's famous lekku massage oil and other cosmetics and similar products and answered any questions prospective clients might have.
The entertainment was provided by Holowood Galactic Studios and attracted a big crowd, straining the stations life support cycle, and rendering individual conversation impossible at times due to the sheer volume of the combined voices.
There was no incident reported though some people said weapons were drawn at the bar at one point, and a garbled comm message about snowglobes and kittens and explosives was caught by a patrol passing by. Due to the masses present further investigation was impossible though.
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