Date: 291208
Planet: Ord Mantell
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy in the local sector went on the ofensive again, after the attack on the Imperial Star Destroyer "ISS Eradicator" some time ago. Reacting on intelligence reports of a rebel fleet of six Corellian Corvettes operating in the Ord Mantell system, a task force was gathered and sent to the system with the order to destroy every last one of those capital ships.
Led by Commander Wezz Jansson, the imperial ships entered the system, and soon engaged rebel escort craft. Despite the heavy resistance by numerous rebel ships the Imperial pilots would not be stopped. Corvette after corvette fell to coordinated strikes by snub fighters while fighter bombers supported by patrol craft of the Onyx Squadron kept the rebel fighters at bay.
Long before the projected time all targetted capital ships had been destroyed - a major success for the task force. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
Monday, December 29, 2008
New Doros Cantina Opens!
Date: 291208
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
9 days ago, the New Doros cantina was opened on Talus, in preparation for the new imperial Navy base being relocated to the town. To celebrate the occasion, the Neutron Pixies, represented by Ramona and Aritana, performed in the cantina, on invitation of Cas-Ru Roben, noted scholar and resdient of the town. Several guests and visitors enjoyed their performance, supported by Wag, who displayed a remarkable talent for music.
Both town and cantina were decorated in the spirit of life day for the occasion, and a large number of storm troopers ensured the safety of both citizens and guests. Accordingly, no fights or violence were reported from the city.
According to rumors however, professor Roben was later wounded in an ambush outside the town area by unidentified assailants. Other, unconfirmed rumors claim that one attacker had been captured, but no further details were forthcoming.
This may be related to repeated reports and rumors of a guerilla war taking place on Talus, although no confirmation of such reports could be managed so far.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
9 days ago, the New Doros cantina was opened on Talus, in preparation for the new imperial Navy base being relocated to the town. To celebrate the occasion, the Neutron Pixies, represented by Ramona and Aritana, performed in the cantina, on invitation of Cas-Ru Roben, noted scholar and resdient of the town. Several guests and visitors enjoyed their performance, supported by Wag, who displayed a remarkable talent for music.
Both town and cantina were decorated in the spirit of life day for the occasion, and a large number of storm troopers ensured the safety of both citizens and guests. Accordingly, no fights or violence were reported from the city.
According to rumors however, professor Roben was later wounded in an ambush outside the town area by unidentified assailants. Other, unconfirmed rumors claim that one attacker had been captured, but no further details were forthcoming.
This may be related to repeated reports and rumors of a guerilla war taking place on Talus, although no confirmation of such reports could be managed so far.
IMC Convoy attacked, "Shining Nebula" destroyed
Date: 291208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two weeks ago, another IMC convoy as beset with troubles. Three ships - the Vigo-class "Crimson Eclipse" of captain Drake, the YT-1300 "Black Menace" and the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", set out for the trip from Tatooine to Ord Mantell.
During the rest in the Naboo system, three pirate ships - one X-Wing, one Z-95 and one ARC-170 - attacked. The "Black Menace" was quickly disabled, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula" disabled, then destroyed, with the crew barely able to use their escape pods in time, as seen on the following recording we managed to acquire:
The "Crimson Eclipse" however managed to first elude and then fight off the attackers, and finally escape through hyperspace, delivering the cargo of ore to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion station.
IMC stock fell 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange, TTC stock fell 5%.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two weeks ago, another IMC convoy as beset with troubles. Three ships - the Vigo-class "Crimson Eclipse" of captain Drake, the YT-1300 "Black Menace" and the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", set out for the trip from Tatooine to Ord Mantell.
During the rest in the Naboo system, three pirate ships - one X-Wing, one Z-95 and one ARC-170 - attacked. The "Black Menace" was quickly disabled, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula" disabled, then destroyed, with the crew barely able to use their escape pods in time, as seen on the following recording we managed to acquire:
The "Crimson Eclipse" however managed to first elude and then fight off the attackers, and finally escape through hyperspace, delivering the cargo of ore to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion station.
IMC stock fell 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange, TTC stock fell 5%.
Friday, December 12, 2008
IMC Convoy held for ransom!
Date: 121208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a week after the catastrophic pirate attack that wrecked the last convoy, this week's IMC convoy encountered further difficulties. The chartered light freighter "TTC-Shining Nebula", piloted by Cpatain Aenius Bosk, and its escort, a Vaksai piloted by Waefi, were attacked in the Naboo system on their way to the Ord Mantell system.
Waefi engaged the two pirates, an X-Wing and an ARC-170, allowing the "TTC-Shining Nebula" to distance itself from the two raiders. However he was forced to eject when his craft was disabled after several minutes of intense fighting.
The freighter was not safe though - the pirates were hot on its trail, and the TTC-Shining Nebula's engine and reactor were disabled after a short strafing attack when the X-Wing caught up.
Despite repair attempts the freighter was left disabled and when the pirate attacker demanded a ransom the crew was forced to pay. The pirates left before RSF or Imperial forces arrived on the scene, though the "Shining Nebula" was able to continue towards Ord Mantell after repairs, arriving at the Nova Orion Station with some delay.
IMC stock fell 4% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not disclose how big a ransom had been paid.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a week after the catastrophic pirate attack that wrecked the last convoy, this week's IMC convoy encountered further difficulties. The chartered light freighter "TTC-Shining Nebula", piloted by Cpatain Aenius Bosk, and its escort, a Vaksai piloted by Waefi, were attacked in the Naboo system on their way to the Ord Mantell system.
Waefi engaged the two pirates, an X-Wing and an ARC-170, allowing the "TTC-Shining Nebula" to distance itself from the two raiders. However he was forced to eject when his craft was disabled after several minutes of intense fighting.
The freighter was not safe though - the pirates were hot on its trail, and the TTC-Shining Nebula's engine and reactor were disabled after a short strafing attack when the X-Wing caught up.
Despite repair attempts the freighter was left disabled and when the pirate attacker demanded a ransom the crew was forced to pay. The pirates left before RSF or Imperial forces arrived on the scene, though the "Shining Nebula" was able to continue towards Ord Mantell after repairs, arriving at the Nova Orion Station with some delay.
IMC stock fell 4% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not disclose how big a ransom had been paid.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Jeric Varrit brought down by leotard!
Date: 041208
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric Varrit, (in)famous mercenary and all around trouble maker, added a new entry to his biography. He's been known to take to the dance floor, and doesn't do badly on it either. Last night at Jailbirds though he acted stranger than usual. First he pulled off his shoes and socks - presumably to flirt with a man in the audience who had commented on barefooted dancers - then he tried to pull on a leotard.
What followed was strange even for people used to Tatooine: The fearless mercenary entangled himself in the dancer's garment, and ended up rolling around on the floor, unable to free himself. After a while, the audience had recovered enough from the laughter this caused to cut him out of the leotard with Jeric only receiving minor wounds due to his refusal to hold still.

He was last seen recovering from his ordeal in the hot tub of the club.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric Varrit, (in)famous mercenary and all around trouble maker, added a new entry to his biography. He's been known to take to the dance floor, and doesn't do badly on it either. Last night at Jailbirds though he acted stranger than usual. First he pulled off his shoes and socks - presumably to flirt with a man in the audience who had commented on barefooted dancers - then he tried to pull on a leotard.
What followed was strange even for people used to Tatooine: The fearless mercenary entangled himself in the dancer's garment, and ended up rolling around on the floor, unable to free himself. After a while, the audience had recovered enough from the laughter this caused to cut him out of the leotard with Jeric only receiving minor wounds due to his refusal to hold still.
He was last seen recovering from his ordeal in the hot tub of the club.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
IMC Convoy lost in ambush
Date: 021208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the weekly IMC convoy once again set out for the trip to Ord Mantell, where it was to deliver its cargo of Iron to the Nova Orion Station. The two freighters - the AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "New Vision" under Captain Aenius Bosk, and the "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie were escorted by several TIE Oppressors and Interceptors due to the increased pirate attacks of last week. Expecting further attacks in the Naboo system, the convoy apparently was not ready for an ambush in the Tatooine system itself, close to the hyperspace point "Deep Sea".
Four pirates - a YT-1300 freighter and two Vaksais as well as a TIE Advanced - jumped the convoy, disabling the "CMS Loco" in the first pass and damaging the escorts. In the following dogfight, the three pirate starfighters were destroyed or disabled, but at the loss of all escorts, and the "New Vision" fell to the pirate YT-1300 shortly before being able to hyperjump to safety. The whole cargo of the two freighters was lost.
IMC stock fell 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not yet release any plan on how to repsond to this latest escalation.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the weekly IMC convoy once again set out for the trip to Ord Mantell, where it was to deliver its cargo of Iron to the Nova Orion Station. The two freighters - the AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "New Vision" under Captain Aenius Bosk, and the "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie were escorted by several TIE Oppressors and Interceptors due to the increased pirate attacks of last week. Expecting further attacks in the Naboo system, the convoy apparently was not ready for an ambush in the Tatooine system itself, close to the hyperspace point "Deep Sea".
Four pirates - a YT-1300 freighter and two Vaksais as well as a TIE Advanced - jumped the convoy, disabling the "CMS Loco" in the first pass and damaging the escorts. In the following dogfight, the three pirate starfighters were destroyed or disabled, but at the loss of all escorts, and the "New Vision" fell to the pirate YT-1300 shortly before being able to hyperjump to safety. The whole cargo of the two freighters was lost.
IMC stock fell 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not yet release any plan on how to repsond to this latest escalation.
"ISS Eradicator" seriously damaged
Date: 021208
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Star Destroyer class "ISS Eradicator" was attacked in Deep space by a large rebel force. The rebel ships, led by three gunboats, overwhelmed the escorting imperial starfighters as well as a YE-4 gunboat - the "Onyx Mauler" - in the first three waves, managing to damage crucial systems of the "Eradicator".
After the order to evacuate the system was given, the imperial escorts managed to fend off two more attack waves by dropping their close defense tactic and switching to a forward defense, buying the "Eradicator" the time to hyper out of the system and escape its imminent destruction.
Sector command did not comment on questions about the consequences this defeat would have on future operations in Deep Space.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Star Destroyer class "ISS Eradicator" was attacked in Deep space by a large rebel force. The rebel ships, led by three gunboats, overwhelmed the escorting imperial starfighters as well as a YE-4 gunboat - the "Onyx Mauler" - in the first three waves, managing to damage crucial systems of the "Eradicator".
After the order to evacuate the system was given, the imperial escorts managed to fend off two more attack waves by dropping their close defense tactic and switching to a forward defense, buying the "Eradicator" the time to hyper out of the system and escape its imminent destruction.
Sector command did not comment on questions about the consequences this defeat would have on future operations in Deep Space.
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