Date: 271108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night pirates prowled the starlanes in the Naboo system again. The AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "The Crystal Mouf", a medium freighter, was attacked close to Naboo's orbit shortly after lift off from Kadara with a cargo of medical instruments and tools.
The pirate, flying an X-Wing, demanded the surrender of the cargo. Despite flying with a skeleton crew Captain Trini'dy refused, and engaged the raider. In the following fight the "Crystal Mouf" took some armor damage but managed to destroy the pirate ship before continuing its flight.
The following footage was recovered from the destroyed astromech of the pirate by the RSF investigators on this case and released to the press.
So far, the RSF declined to comment on questions regarding their apparent inability to effectively battle piracy in their system.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
More attacks on the IMC Convoy
Date: 271108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Naboo system again became the location of an organized pirate attack. The weekly IMC Convoy - this week consisting of Captain Trini'dy's YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue" and the Nova Courier "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie - was ambushed by a TIE Interceptor variant, most likely a deserter of the Imperial Fleet, and an older ARC-170. The pirates damaged the engine and reactor of the "CMS Loco", disabling her, but her crew managed to conduct in-space repairs while the "Lawless Rogue" lured the pirates away. The following footage shows the fight:
After the destruction of both pirates, the "Lawless Rogue" and the "CMS Loco" continued their flight to Ord Mantell, despite the Nova Courier having suffered severe damage to the hull. After the cargo of ore was delivered, the "CMS Loco" was repaired at the shipyards of the station.
IMC stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Naboo system again became the location of an organized pirate attack. The weekly IMC Convoy - this week consisting of Captain Trini'dy's YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue" and the Nova Courier "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie - was ambushed by a TIE Interceptor variant, most likely a deserter of the Imperial Fleet, and an older ARC-170. The pirates damaged the engine and reactor of the "CMS Loco", disabling her, but her crew managed to conduct in-space repairs while the "Lawless Rogue" lured the pirates away. The following footage shows the fight:
After the destruction of both pirates, the "Lawless Rogue" and the "CMS Loco" continued their flight to Ord Mantell, despite the Nova Courier having suffered severe damage to the hull. After the cargo of ore was delivered, the "CMS Loco" was repaired at the shipyards of the station.
IMC stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Imperial Navy sweeps Karthakk system
Date: 241108
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy conducted a search and destroy operation in the Karthakk system as part of their increasing anti-piracy efforts. The Karthakk system was chosen since its main planet, Lok, is notorious for harboring pirates of all sorts.
A task force under the command of commander Tralek was ordered to sweep the system and clear any resistance to further efforts. After a short delay, the task force set out for the system, rallying at the jump point "Nym's Hovel". From there the fighters and bombers started their sweep of the system. They encountered stronger than expected resistance at the hyperspace point "Lurid Dawn", and it soon was discovered that instead of the expected pirates they were facing veteran rebel starfighters and converted freighters.
Despite heavy losses, the task force pressed on, first securing "Lurid Dawn" and then the hyperspace point "Voria's Ember". At this point the rebel forces were retreating to Deep Space, and the task force pursued. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
The sector command did no comment on possible future operations in the Karthakk system.
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy conducted a search and destroy operation in the Karthakk system as part of their increasing anti-piracy efforts. The Karthakk system was chosen since its main planet, Lok, is notorious for harboring pirates of all sorts.
A task force under the command of commander Tralek was ordered to sweep the system and clear any resistance to further efforts. After a short delay, the task force set out for the system, rallying at the jump point "Nym's Hovel". From there the fighters and bombers started their sweep of the system. They encountered stronger than expected resistance at the hyperspace point "Lurid Dawn", and it soon was discovered that instead of the expected pirates they were facing veteran rebel starfighters and converted freighters.
Despite heavy losses, the task force pressed on, first securing "Lurid Dawn" and then the hyperspace point "Voria's Ember". At this point the rebel forces were retreating to Deep Space, and the task force pursued. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
The sector command did no comment on possible future operations in the Karthakk system.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Doctor dies in burning house
Date: 231108
Planet: Rori
Region: Narmle
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Rori is commonly known for its vast swamps, and in the damp climate, not many fires become a probem. Yesterday however Narmle's firefighting brigade received an alert that in a suburb to the east of the town, a house was burning.
The fire fighters rushed to the location, but could neither save the building, nor its owner, Dr. Berin Barlon. The charred remains of him were found inside the buildings. RSF is investigating the fire. So far, it seems as if the fire broke out in the doctor's laboratory, where he had stashed several inflammable liquids for his practise.
Dr. Berin Barlon was a well-known surgeon. He moved to Rori 10 years ago, after rumors appeared that a malpractise suit against him had been squashed thanks to pressure by a noble of the court of Theed, in exchange of silence about cosmetic surgery performed on her by Dr. Barlon. Since then he has lived a quiet existence as a rural doctor. An existence that ended in last night's fire.
Planet: Rori
Region: Narmle
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Rori is commonly known for its vast swamps, and in the damp climate, not many fires become a probem. Yesterday however Narmle's firefighting brigade received an alert that in a suburb to the east of the town, a house was burning.
The fire fighters rushed to the location, but could neither save the building, nor its owner, Dr. Berin Barlon. The charred remains of him were found inside the buildings. RSF is investigating the fire. So far, it seems as if the fire broke out in the doctor's laboratory, where he had stashed several inflammable liquids for his practise.
Dr. Berin Barlon was a well-known surgeon. He moved to Rori 10 years ago, after rumors appeared that a malpractise suit against him had been squashed thanks to pressure by a noble of the court of Theed, in exchange of silence about cosmetic surgery performed on her by Dr. Barlon. Since then he has lived a quiet existence as a rural doctor. An existence that ended in last night's fire.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Cargo convoy escapes catastrophe by a hair
Date: 221108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago the weekly IMC Convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered one of the most dangerous pirate attacks in recent times. The three ships making up the convoy - Captain Ashren Tuleron with his YT-1300 "Outlaw's Fortune", Captain Trini'dy in her YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue", and the "ISS Defiant", a Decimator-class escort piloted by Commander Grodin' Tierce, were ambushed in the Naboo system by three pirate ships - an A-Wing, a Bellubab-22 and an old ARC-170.
In the following fight, both the "Lawless Rogue" and the "Defiant" were disabled while taking out the attacking Bellubab-22. The "Outlaw's Fortune" managed to gain some distance, destroying a pursuing ARC-170, and then returned to the ambush site where it shot down the A-Wing as it was in the process of robbing the "Defiant".
The following footage was taken from a recovered astromech of the ARC-170, showing part of the fight:
After repairs the convoy continued without further incidents to the Nova Orion Station. Commander Tierce announced that his ship would undergo a refit following this battle.
IMC stock reacted erratically to the information about the attack, ending up with a a final plus of 0,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange, with many investors concerned about future losses to pirates.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago the weekly IMC Convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered one of the most dangerous pirate attacks in recent times. The three ships making up the convoy - Captain Ashren Tuleron with his YT-1300 "Outlaw's Fortune", Captain Trini'dy in her YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue", and the "ISS Defiant", a Decimator-class escort piloted by Commander Grodin' Tierce, were ambushed in the Naboo system by three pirate ships - an A-Wing, a Bellubab-22 and an old ARC-170.
In the following fight, both the "Lawless Rogue" and the "Defiant" were disabled while taking out the attacking Bellubab-22. The "Outlaw's Fortune" managed to gain some distance, destroying a pursuing ARC-170, and then returned to the ambush site where it shot down the A-Wing as it was in the process of robbing the "Defiant".
The following footage was taken from a recovered astromech of the ARC-170, showing part of the fight:
After repairs the convoy continued without further incidents to the Nova Orion Station. Commander Tierce announced that his ship would undergo a refit following this battle.
IMC stock reacted erratically to the information about the attack, ending up with a a final plus of 0,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange, with many investors concerned about future losses to pirates.
Scientist dies in stolen starfighter
Date: 221108
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, BT Inc., a biotech firm located in Kadara, Naboo, alerted the RSF authorities because several millions of credits had disappeared from their R&D accounts. A bit earlier to this dicsovery one of their researchers, Doctor Denow Howa, had gone missing as well.

While the investigation by RSF operatives had just started, Naboo space traffic control alerted Imperial patrols of an unauthorised launch of a Y-Wing starfighter from an orbital station. The Starfighter, which was reported stolen soon afterwards, was immediately pursued by an imperial patrol that happened to be on site.
When the pilot of the starfighter ignored orders to stop and prepare for an inspection, the pursuing craft opened fire, destroying the ship with several volleys of blaster fire.
Subsequent investigation of the debris uncovered human remains, identified by DNA scanning as belonging to the missing Denow Howa.
The RSF has not yet closed the investigation, but according to rumors, BT Inc. had recently canceled doctor Howa's research project, and representatives of the firm let slip that the doctor had not taken well to this decision. They refused to elaborate on the nature of the cancelled research project.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, BT Inc., a biotech firm located in Kadara, Naboo, alerted the RSF authorities because several millions of credits had disappeared from their R&D accounts. A bit earlier to this dicsovery one of their researchers, Doctor Denow Howa, had gone missing as well.

While the investigation by RSF operatives had just started, Naboo space traffic control alerted Imperial patrols of an unauthorised launch of a Y-Wing starfighter from an orbital station. The Starfighter, which was reported stolen soon afterwards, was immediately pursued by an imperial patrol that happened to be on site.
When the pilot of the starfighter ignored orders to stop and prepare for an inspection, the pursuing craft opened fire, destroying the ship with several volleys of blaster fire.
Subsequent investigation of the debris uncovered human remains, identified by DNA scanning as belonging to the missing Denow Howa.
The RSF has not yet closed the investigation, but according to rumors, BT Inc. had recently canceled doctor Howa's research project, and representatives of the firm let slip that the doctor had not taken well to this decision. They refused to elaborate on the nature of the cancelled research project.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Kegana Rimos brought to justice
Date: 151108
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Southeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, was finally brought to justice. For several days, bunty hunters as well as forces from the Talus Government had been searching Lok for the base suspected to be there, their actions fueled as much by righteous anger as well as a desire to collect the bounty on the twi'lek's head.

Two days ago, her base was finally found thanks to orbital observations when a massive droid force was detected. Since it was obvious that an attack on either Talus or Farpoint Valley was imminent, a strike force consisting of volunteers from Tatooine and Talus as well as soldiers and mercenaries was quickly gathered and sent to Lok for a preemptive attack on Keagan Rimos' base.
Ladning near her base in southeastern Lok, the attackers proceeded on foot under cover of a storm to the location, where they faced massive amounts of battle droids as well as several mercenaries, among them suspected force sensitives - and even a number of giant Kimogilas held in pens.
Undaunted, the attackers continued, engaging the droids and troops, and managed to corner Kegana Rimos in her hideout before she could reach the wating transport to make her escape. The following footage shows some of the fighting that took place there.
Kegana Rimos was shot dead while resisting arrest. It's not yet clear who claims the bounty on her head. The additional security measures Holonews had taken in repsonse to her threats were given up however.
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Southeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, was finally brought to justice. For several days, bunty hunters as well as forces from the Talus Government had been searching Lok for the base suspected to be there, their actions fueled as much by righteous anger as well as a desire to collect the bounty on the twi'lek's head.

Two days ago, her base was finally found thanks to orbital observations when a massive droid force was detected. Since it was obvious that an attack on either Talus or Farpoint Valley was imminent, a strike force consisting of volunteers from Tatooine and Talus as well as soldiers and mercenaries was quickly gathered and sent to Lok for a preemptive attack on Keagan Rimos' base.
Ladning near her base in southeastern Lok, the attackers proceeded on foot under cover of a storm to the location, where they faced massive amounts of battle droids as well as several mercenaries, among them suspected force sensitives - and even a number of giant Kimogilas held in pens.
Undaunted, the attackers continued, engaging the droids and troops, and managed to corner Kegana Rimos in her hideout before she could reach the wating transport to make her escape. The following footage shows some of the fighting that took place there.
Kegana Rimos was shot dead while resisting arrest. It's not yet clear who claims the bounty on her head. The additional security measures Holonews had taken in repsonse to her threats were given up however.
IMC Convoy shrugs off pirate attacks
Date: 151108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy once again left Tatooine, carrying ore to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. A total of four freighters made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, under captain Ainoloe, and the Nova-class "CMS Loco", flown by captain "Slick" Charlie. Three escorting craft protected the convoy - a heavy bomber, an interceptor, and a Z-95.
Despite this massive firepower, two pirate attacks occured, both in the Naboo system. One by a Vigo-class gunboat, and one by a Z-95. Both times, the attackers were dealt with in short order, the gunboat getting shot down by the escorts before even coming into range of the freighters, and the Z-95 being destroyed during its first attack run.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy once again left Tatooine, carrying ore to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. A total of four freighters made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, under captain Ainoloe, and the Nova-class "CMS Loco", flown by captain "Slick" Charlie. Three escorting craft protected the convoy - a heavy bomber, an interceptor, and a Z-95.
Despite this massive firepower, two pirate attacks occured, both in the Naboo system. One by a Vigo-class gunboat, and one by a Z-95. Both times, the attackers were dealt with in short order, the gunboat getting shot down by the escorts before even coming into range of the freighters, and the Z-95 being destroyed during its first attack run.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Smuggler escapes Imperial Navy in Deep Space
Date: 161108
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, the Imperial Navy and the Space forces of the Rebel Alliance clashed in several battles in the Tatoo and Deep Space systems. Cause of those battles was a smuggler. The nature of its cargo - contraband most likely - is classified, but it was important enough to have both warring parties moblize significant parts of their forces in the sector, and send them on a search and recovery operation.
The smuggler was first detected by rebel forces in the Tatoo systems. Their recovery operation was foiled however by Imperial fighters, as shown by the following footage:
In the confusion, the smuggler - an unmarked YT-1300 - managed to escape to Deep Space, whith both forces in pursuit. There, the rebel fleet managed to secure the vessel, and transport it to the safety of Freedom Station. Despite relentless attacks by outnumbered imperial ships, the smuggler's cargo was transferred to the rebel station.
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, the Imperial Navy and the Space forces of the Rebel Alliance clashed in several battles in the Tatoo and Deep Space systems. Cause of those battles was a smuggler. The nature of its cargo - contraband most likely - is classified, but it was important enough to have both warring parties moblize significant parts of their forces in the sector, and send them on a search and recovery operation.
The smuggler was first detected by rebel forces in the Tatoo systems. Their recovery operation was foiled however by Imperial fighters, as shown by the following footage:
In the confusion, the smuggler - an unmarked YT-1300 - managed to escape to Deep Space, whith both forces in pursuit. There, the rebel fleet managed to secure the vessel, and transport it to the safety of Freedom Station. Despite relentless attacks by outnumbered imperial ships, the smuggler's cargo was transferred to the rebel station.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Spice smuggler stopped and destroyed!
Date: 081108
Planet: Karthakk and Ord Mantell system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Secor Fleet announced today that last night, the YE-4 Gunboat class "Onyx Mauler", commanded by captain Quinllan from the famous Onyx Squadron, together with several starfighters from the fleet, intercepted a spice smuggling "Vigo" class converted freighter.
The as if yet unidentified ship was detected in the Karthakk system and when commed to stop and prepare for a search, made an attempt to escape the inspection. The ships in the vicinity converged on it, trying to disable its engines. Despite the freighter - which turned out to sport several high-powered turrets, most likely an illegal modification - taking severe and internal damage, it managed to enter hyperspace while under fire.
Fortunately, the "Onyx Mauler" had matched its speed, and calculated the likely route, and pursued immediately, managing to stop the fleeing suspected smuggler close to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the "Onyx Mauler"'s guns disabled the smuggler's engines. At this point, the crew of the Vigo abandoned ship, using several escape pods, before the Vigo blew up, disrupting capture operations.
From a spectral analysis of the debris, the cargo was later identified as illegal spice. The crew of the "Onyx Mauler" decided against an investigation of the nearby Nova Orion Station due to lack of ground support personell.
Planet: Karthakk and Ord Mantell system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Secor Fleet announced today that last night, the YE-4 Gunboat class "Onyx Mauler", commanded by captain Quinllan from the famous Onyx Squadron, together with several starfighters from the fleet, intercepted a spice smuggling "Vigo" class converted freighter.
The as if yet unidentified ship was detected in the Karthakk system and when commed to stop and prepare for a search, made an attempt to escape the inspection. The ships in the vicinity converged on it, trying to disable its engines. Despite the freighter - which turned out to sport several high-powered turrets, most likely an illegal modification - taking severe and internal damage, it managed to enter hyperspace while under fire.
Fortunately, the "Onyx Mauler" had matched its speed, and calculated the likely route, and pursued immediately, managing to stop the fleeing suspected smuggler close to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the "Onyx Mauler"'s guns disabled the smuggler's engines. At this point, the crew of the Vigo abandoned ship, using several escape pods, before the Vigo blew up, disrupting capture operations.
From a spectral analysis of the debris, the cargo was later identified as illegal spice. The crew of the "Onyx Mauler" decided against an investigation of the nearby Nova Orion Station due to lack of ground support personell.
Dangerous Twi'lek still at large!
Date: 081108
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, is still active despite several set backs and a 5M credits bounty on her head, courtesy of Clarissa Wrenchturner, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
She hasn't given up on her demands either - this is her latest message:
I hope you're enjoying your little victories. Just so you know, I have not gone away or given up. I'm in the process of building up a new force - and when I'm done I'll reduce your little town to rubble. This is your last chance to surrender and comply to my demands:
1) Withdraw the bounty on me
2) Hand over the rodian and my father's equipment
3) Pay me 5 million credits
In addition, I'd also like directions to the holonews office as well as the home of the Talus governor. I *could* level Talus city by city until I find it, but I think it'd be better for everyone if I could hit the right target on the first attempt.
/ Kegana Rimos
Mayor Wrenchturner was quoted that she saw no cause for being frightened, so far the additional security measures taken by the town and private citzens had proven to be successful. She said she was confident that the criminal would be brought down by a bounty hunter or law enforcement officer sooner or later.
Talus Governor Sanguine released to following statement:
*From the office of Marius Sanguine*
Recently the threats against the much victimized citizens of Farpoint Valley escalated. The terrorist known as Kegani Rimos has waged several demands against those citizens.
So I would like to respond to such demands... Personally.
Kegana Rimos, you are a criminal, and a terrorist. And you are demanding the bounty be removed from you...
Well, I can easily respond to that. No. I am now offering to Match whatever price the citizens of Farpoint Valley may wage against you. I am additionally going to begin discussions with the Imperials who oversee Tatooine to afford myself, and my Operatives control over the investigation in your regards.
You are demanding an innocent citizen be turned over to you... No. You will be hunted, and apprehended, and all the injustices you have commited Will be answered for.
You are demanding five million credits to cease your intolerable actions... No. You do not deserve any compensation for your actions, you deserve to be placed in the darkest prison imaginable.
I will be lobbying for permissions for the Talus Government to hunt you to the ends of the Galaxy. Your assaults on Farpoint Valley and it's fine citizens are intolerable, and in my oppinion merit immediate action against you. I am hereby declaring you an enemy of Talus, and additionally I am hereby stating for the record that you are considered by Myself to be the very origin of wrong.
When the Galaxy turns a blind eye to the injust acts of terrorism the likes of which this woman commits, it becomes no longer merely her at fault... But all of us as a whole. And I am now pleading that any organizations out there who are capable aid in the pursuit of Kegani Rimos.
We can no longer stand idly by and watch as these innocent civilians suffer constant threats, and horrific acts of brutality. On behalf of myself, and the Government of Talus my heart goes out to the citizens of Farpoint Valley... And my plea goes out to all of you wherever you are to help stop this...
With now 10'000'000 credits on Kegana Rimos' head, her demise seems just a matter of days. Until she has been brought to jsutice, Holonews is keeping our security measures up, and we'd like to ask everyone in the know not to divulge any information about our offices... just in case...
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, is still active despite several set backs and a 5M credits bounty on her head, courtesy of Clarissa Wrenchturner, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
She hasn't given up on her demands either - this is her latest message:
I hope you're enjoying your little victories. Just so you know, I have not gone away or given up. I'm in the process of building up a new force - and when I'm done I'll reduce your little town to rubble. This is your last chance to surrender and comply to my demands:
1) Withdraw the bounty on me
2) Hand over the rodian and my father's equipment
3) Pay me 5 million credits
In addition, I'd also like directions to the holonews office as well as the home of the Talus governor. I *could* level Talus city by city until I find it, but I think it'd be better for everyone if I could hit the right target on the first attempt.
/ Kegana Rimos
Mayor Wrenchturner was quoted that she saw no cause for being frightened, so far the additional security measures taken by the town and private citzens had proven to be successful. She said she was confident that the criminal would be brought down by a bounty hunter or law enforcement officer sooner or later.
Talus Governor Sanguine released to following statement:
*From the office of Marius Sanguine*
Recently the threats against the much victimized citizens of Farpoint Valley escalated. The terrorist known as Kegani Rimos has waged several demands against those citizens.
So I would like to respond to such demands... Personally.
Kegana Rimos, you are a criminal, and a terrorist. And you are demanding the bounty be removed from you...
Well, I can easily respond to that. No. I am now offering to Match whatever price the citizens of Farpoint Valley may wage against you. I am additionally going to begin discussions with the Imperials who oversee Tatooine to afford myself, and my Operatives control over the investigation in your regards.
You are demanding an innocent citizen be turned over to you... No. You will be hunted, and apprehended, and all the injustices you have commited Will be answered for.
You are demanding five million credits to cease your intolerable actions... No. You do not deserve any compensation for your actions, you deserve to be placed in the darkest prison imaginable.
I will be lobbying for permissions for the Talus Government to hunt you to the ends of the Galaxy. Your assaults on Farpoint Valley and it's fine citizens are intolerable, and in my oppinion merit immediate action against you. I am hereby declaring you an enemy of Talus, and additionally I am hereby stating for the record that you are considered by Myself to be the very origin of wrong.
When the Galaxy turns a blind eye to the injust acts of terrorism the likes of which this woman commits, it becomes no longer merely her at fault... But all of us as a whole. And I am now pleading that any organizations out there who are capable aid in the pursuit of Kegani Rimos.
We can no longer stand idly by and watch as these innocent civilians suffer constant threats, and horrific acts of brutality. On behalf of myself, and the Government of Talus my heart goes out to the citizens of Farpoint Valley... And my plea goes out to all of you wherever you are to help stop this...
With now 10'000'000 credits on Kegana Rimos' head, her demise seems just a matter of days. Until she has been brought to jsutice, Holonews is keeping our security measures up, and we'd like to ask everyone in the know not to divulge any information about our offices... just in case...
Massive Battle on Corellian Soil
Date: 081108
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia's policy in the Galactic Civil war has long been one of neutrality. Unfortunately, the two warring factions do not agree with this stance, and the trade hub of the galaxy seems to important strategically to leave in peace, and the planet saw numerous battles and skirmished as a result.
Five days ago, the Empire and the Rebel Alliance clashed again in a major battle. From what is known, the battle started when a small group imperial troopers started to take control of a facility suspected to be used for tatical training. While they were still in the process to deal with local resistance, a large number of rebel soldiers arrived and stormed the base.
By then, more imperial troopers started to arrive and took the offensive again, but met fierce resistance. The entrenched rebel soldiers repelled two assaults before getting overrun. Two coutner attacks by the rebel forces were beaten back in the following hours, with losses mounting on both sides, before the fighting moved outside the base to the near river, leaving the Empire in control of the facility.
According to rumors, and observed troop movements, both sides are massing for another battle on one of the five planets, so a number of citizens on Corellia as well as Talus are increasingly concerned about the threat of the Galactic Civil War striking their towns. Talus, with its open Imperial Base, is particularily exposed according to numerous military experts.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia's policy in the Galactic Civil war has long been one of neutrality. Unfortunately, the two warring factions do not agree with this stance, and the trade hub of the galaxy seems to important strategically to leave in peace, and the planet saw numerous battles and skirmished as a result.
Five days ago, the Empire and the Rebel Alliance clashed again in a major battle. From what is known, the battle started when a small group imperial troopers started to take control of a facility suspected to be used for tatical training. While they were still in the process to deal with local resistance, a large number of rebel soldiers arrived and stormed the base.
By then, more imperial troopers started to arrive and took the offensive again, but met fierce resistance. The entrenched rebel soldiers repelled two assaults before getting overrun. Two coutner attacks by the rebel forces were beaten back in the following hours, with losses mounting on both sides, before the fighting moved outside the base to the near river, leaving the Empire in control of the facility.
According to rumors, and observed troop movements, both sides are massing for another battle on one of the five planets, so a number of citizens on Corellia as well as Talus are increasingly concerned about the threat of the Galactic Civil War striking their towns. Talus, with its open Imperial Base, is particularily exposed according to numerous military experts.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Daring bank robbery on Talus!
Date: 021108
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Last night on Talus the opening of the Shadowblade Enterprises First Talusian Bank was marred when the bank was robbed before even opening by a gang of armed and armored people. As it turned out the crafty criminals had exploited the fact that most residents and guards were attending the earlier opening of "Mae'lyn's Gardenhouse", a gift of Lord Sanguine to Mae'lyn of the Neutron Pixies, and assaulted the bank during the former's opening ceremony.
The guards present in the bank stood no chance against the attackers and were overwhelmed in short order, shot down and left to bleed. One guard was saved when his trained corellian sand panther dragged him to the nearby med center.
The attackers had made a slight miscalculation, however, and were still inside when the residents led by governor Sanguine and mayor Bosk arrived and found a grieviously wounded guard on the steps of the bank's entrance. The criminals reacted quickyl though, and threw a stun grenade outside, taking the citizens and vistors by surprise, then stormed out, taking the governor hostage to make their escape.
Despite resistance, they managed to get away. The governor, wounded in the leg, was relased shortly afterwards, and treated with the other wounded in the med center next to the bank.
The Talus government announced that the robbers had also shot up the town's mascot, "Jeminy", and left the dead animal in the vault of the bank. According to unconfirmed reports, the take of the heist was 1 Million imperial credits.
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Last night on Talus the opening of the Shadowblade Enterprises First Talusian Bank was marred when the bank was robbed before even opening by a gang of armed and armored people. As it turned out the crafty criminals had exploited the fact that most residents and guards were attending the earlier opening of "Mae'lyn's Gardenhouse", a gift of Lord Sanguine to Mae'lyn of the Neutron Pixies, and assaulted the bank during the former's opening ceremony.
The guards present in the bank stood no chance against the attackers and were overwhelmed in short order, shot down and left to bleed. One guard was saved when his trained corellian sand panther dragged him to the nearby med center.
The attackers had made a slight miscalculation, however, and were still inside when the residents led by governor Sanguine and mayor Bosk arrived and found a grieviously wounded guard on the steps of the bank's entrance. The criminals reacted quickyl though, and threw a stun grenade outside, taking the citizens and vistors by surprise, then stormed out, taking the governor hostage to make their escape.
Despite resistance, they managed to get away. The governor, wounded in the leg, was relased shortly afterwards, and treated with the other wounded in the med center next to the bank.
The Talus government announced that the robbers had also shot up the town's mascot, "Jeminy", and left the dead animal in the vault of the bank. According to unconfirmed reports, the take of the heist was 1 Million imperial credits.
Eighth Farpoint Valley Karaoke Night sees another tie!
Date: 021108
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the eighth Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As before not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant. The night started with a surprise when Ryian Coron went down to one knee in front of his girlfriend Kayet, but the captian did not offer her a diamond ring, but an oversized bouquet of flowers instead.
Neutron Pixie Ramona opened the night with the first song of the "Coronet - Heart of Corellia" cycle the Neutron Pixies had written for the Coronet Cantina's reopening, "Rise". Then the first contestant stepped on stage, Mekidra of the Neutron Pixies, with "Dancing Queen". Famed musician Shakir followed her with a song about her tuskcat, "Hey Little Sparta". Then it was Halde'kai's turn with "a song about a boy, a girl, and a galaxy in turmoil" - delivered in record time. Kayet was next, performing "I kissed a sith and liked it".
While more singers steadied their nerves, Ramona performed the second song of the Coronet cycle, "Decline". Then Auros Drayen took the stage with "I did it my way", followed by a dance demonstration of Celox to the tunes of Shakir. Ryian Coron closed the night with "I am a sith of power and taste".
When the votes were tallied, Auros and Celox tied for first place. Lucky Shakir won the random prize. All three recevied a surprise prize - a creature egg of unknown content, ready to hatch.
After the prizes were delivered, Celox, who had bet that Ryian would not sing, had to pet the laters giant Gurrek "Ruffy", a dare he took to only hesitantly at first, When it turned out that the animal did not like him as food, but just seemed to like him, he warmed up though.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the eighth Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As before not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant. The night started with a surprise when Ryian Coron went down to one knee in front of his girlfriend Kayet, but the captian did not offer her a diamond ring, but an oversized bouquet of flowers instead.
Neutron Pixie Ramona opened the night with the first song of the "Coronet - Heart of Corellia" cycle the Neutron Pixies had written for the Coronet Cantina's reopening, "Rise". Then the first contestant stepped on stage, Mekidra of the Neutron Pixies, with "Dancing Queen". Famed musician Shakir followed her with a song about her tuskcat, "Hey Little Sparta". Then it was Halde'kai's turn with "a song about a boy, a girl, and a galaxy in turmoil" - delivered in record time. Kayet was next, performing "I kissed a sith and liked it".
While more singers steadied their nerves, Ramona performed the second song of the Coronet cycle, "Decline". Then Auros Drayen took the stage with "I did it my way", followed by a dance demonstration of Celox to the tunes of Shakir. Ryian Coron closed the night with "I am a sith of power and taste".
When the votes were tallied, Auros and Celox tied for first place. Lucky Shakir won the random prize. All three recevied a surprise prize - a creature egg of unknown content, ready to hatch.
After the prizes were delivered, Celox, who had bet that Ryian would not sing, had to pet the laters giant Gurrek "Ruffy", a dare he took to only hesitantly at first, When it turned out that the animal did not like him as food, but just seemed to like him, he warmed up though.
IMC Convoy encounters only light pirate activity
Date: 021108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy was prepared to face another massive pirate attack, like the one that almost stopped it a week before. A total of four ships made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company and flown by Jamayle Williams and the Vigo-class "Vengeance" of captain Aenius Bosk. Despite having no starfighter escort, the ships' firepower was deemed more than enough to deter or destroy pirate attackers.
The stop over in the Naboo system was passed without trouble - most likely the local pirate elements were still reeling from the losses taken the week before. But when the convoy arrived in Ord Mantell, a lone pirate attacked, causing a slight delay until it was destroyed by accurate fire during a bombing run right at the Nova Orion station. The cargo was delivered in time.
IMC stock rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy was prepared to face another massive pirate attack, like the one that almost stopped it a week before. A total of four ships made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company and flown by Jamayle Williams and the Vigo-class "Vengeance" of captain Aenius Bosk. Despite having no starfighter escort, the ships' firepower was deemed more than enough to deter or destroy pirate attackers.
The stop over in the Naboo system was passed without trouble - most likely the local pirate elements were still reeling from the losses taken the week before. But when the convoy arrived in Ord Mantell, a lone pirate attacked, causing a slight delay until it was destroyed by accurate fire during a bombing run right at the Nova Orion station. The cargo was delivered in time.
IMC stock rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
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