Date: 291208
Planet: Ord Mantell
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy in the local sector went on the ofensive again, after the attack on the Imperial Star Destroyer "ISS Eradicator" some time ago. Reacting on intelligence reports of a rebel fleet of six Corellian Corvettes operating in the Ord Mantell system, a task force was gathered and sent to the system with the order to destroy every last one of those capital ships.
Led by Commander Wezz Jansson, the imperial ships entered the system, and soon engaged rebel escort craft. Despite the heavy resistance by numerous rebel ships the Imperial pilots would not be stopped. Corvette after corvette fell to coordinated strikes by snub fighters while fighter bombers supported by patrol craft of the Onyx Squadron kept the rebel fighters at bay.
Long before the projected time all targetted capital ships had been destroyed - a major success for the task force. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
Monday, December 29, 2008
New Doros Cantina Opens!
Date: 291208
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
9 days ago, the New Doros cantina was opened on Talus, in preparation for the new imperial Navy base being relocated to the town. To celebrate the occasion, the Neutron Pixies, represented by Ramona and Aritana, performed in the cantina, on invitation of Cas-Ru Roben, noted scholar and resdient of the town. Several guests and visitors enjoyed their performance, supported by Wag, who displayed a remarkable talent for music.
Both town and cantina were decorated in the spirit of life day for the occasion, and a large number of storm troopers ensured the safety of both citizens and guests. Accordingly, no fights or violence were reported from the city.
According to rumors however, professor Roben was later wounded in an ambush outside the town area by unidentified assailants. Other, unconfirmed rumors claim that one attacker had been captured, but no further details were forthcoming.
This may be related to repeated reports and rumors of a guerilla war taking place on Talus, although no confirmation of such reports could be managed so far.
Planet: Talus
Region: New Doros
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
9 days ago, the New Doros cantina was opened on Talus, in preparation for the new imperial Navy base being relocated to the town. To celebrate the occasion, the Neutron Pixies, represented by Ramona and Aritana, performed in the cantina, on invitation of Cas-Ru Roben, noted scholar and resdient of the town. Several guests and visitors enjoyed their performance, supported by Wag, who displayed a remarkable talent for music.
Both town and cantina were decorated in the spirit of life day for the occasion, and a large number of storm troopers ensured the safety of both citizens and guests. Accordingly, no fights or violence were reported from the city.
According to rumors however, professor Roben was later wounded in an ambush outside the town area by unidentified assailants. Other, unconfirmed rumors claim that one attacker had been captured, but no further details were forthcoming.
This may be related to repeated reports and rumors of a guerilla war taking place on Talus, although no confirmation of such reports could be managed so far.
IMC Convoy attacked, "Shining Nebula" destroyed
Date: 291208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two weeks ago, another IMC convoy as beset with troubles. Three ships - the Vigo-class "Crimson Eclipse" of captain Drake, the YT-1300 "Black Menace" and the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", set out for the trip from Tatooine to Ord Mantell.
During the rest in the Naboo system, three pirate ships - one X-Wing, one Z-95 and one ARC-170 - attacked. The "Black Menace" was quickly disabled, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula" disabled, then destroyed, with the crew barely able to use their escape pods in time, as seen on the following recording we managed to acquire:
The "Crimson Eclipse" however managed to first elude and then fight off the attackers, and finally escape through hyperspace, delivering the cargo of ore to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion station.
IMC stock fell 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange, TTC stock fell 5%.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two weeks ago, another IMC convoy as beset with troubles. Three ships - the Vigo-class "Crimson Eclipse" of captain Drake, the YT-1300 "Black Menace" and the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", set out for the trip from Tatooine to Ord Mantell.
During the rest in the Naboo system, three pirate ships - one X-Wing, one Z-95 and one ARC-170 - attacked. The "Black Menace" was quickly disabled, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula" disabled, then destroyed, with the crew barely able to use their escape pods in time, as seen on the following recording we managed to acquire:
The "Crimson Eclipse" however managed to first elude and then fight off the attackers, and finally escape through hyperspace, delivering the cargo of ore to Ord Mantell's Nova Orion station.
IMC stock fell 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange, TTC stock fell 5%.
Friday, December 12, 2008
IMC Convoy held for ransom!
Date: 121208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a week after the catastrophic pirate attack that wrecked the last convoy, this week's IMC convoy encountered further difficulties. The chartered light freighter "TTC-Shining Nebula", piloted by Cpatain Aenius Bosk, and its escort, a Vaksai piloted by Waefi, were attacked in the Naboo system on their way to the Ord Mantell system.
Waefi engaged the two pirates, an X-Wing and an ARC-170, allowing the "TTC-Shining Nebula" to distance itself from the two raiders. However he was forced to eject when his craft was disabled after several minutes of intense fighting.
The freighter was not safe though - the pirates were hot on its trail, and the TTC-Shining Nebula's engine and reactor were disabled after a short strafing attack when the X-Wing caught up.
Despite repair attempts the freighter was left disabled and when the pirate attacker demanded a ransom the crew was forced to pay. The pirates left before RSF or Imperial forces arrived on the scene, though the "Shining Nebula" was able to continue towards Ord Mantell after repairs, arriving at the Nova Orion Station with some delay.
IMC stock fell 4% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not disclose how big a ransom had been paid.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a week after the catastrophic pirate attack that wrecked the last convoy, this week's IMC convoy encountered further difficulties. The chartered light freighter "TTC-Shining Nebula", piloted by Cpatain Aenius Bosk, and its escort, a Vaksai piloted by Waefi, were attacked in the Naboo system on their way to the Ord Mantell system.
Waefi engaged the two pirates, an X-Wing and an ARC-170, allowing the "TTC-Shining Nebula" to distance itself from the two raiders. However he was forced to eject when his craft was disabled after several minutes of intense fighting.
The freighter was not safe though - the pirates were hot on its trail, and the TTC-Shining Nebula's engine and reactor were disabled after a short strafing attack when the X-Wing caught up.
Despite repair attempts the freighter was left disabled and when the pirate attacker demanded a ransom the crew was forced to pay. The pirates left before RSF or Imperial forces arrived on the scene, though the "Shining Nebula" was able to continue towards Ord Mantell after repairs, arriving at the Nova Orion Station with some delay.
IMC stock fell 4% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not disclose how big a ransom had been paid.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Jeric Varrit brought down by leotard!
Date: 041208
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric Varrit, (in)famous mercenary and all around trouble maker, added a new entry to his biography. He's been known to take to the dance floor, and doesn't do badly on it either. Last night at Jailbirds though he acted stranger than usual. First he pulled off his shoes and socks - presumably to flirt with a man in the audience who had commented on barefooted dancers - then he tried to pull on a leotard.
What followed was strange even for people used to Tatooine: The fearless mercenary entangled himself in the dancer's garment, and ended up rolling around on the floor, unable to free himself. After a while, the audience had recovered enough from the laughter this caused to cut him out of the leotard with Jeric only receiving minor wounds due to his refusal to hold still.

He was last seen recovering from his ordeal in the hot tub of the club.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jeric Varrit, (in)famous mercenary and all around trouble maker, added a new entry to his biography. He's been known to take to the dance floor, and doesn't do badly on it either. Last night at Jailbirds though he acted stranger than usual. First he pulled off his shoes and socks - presumably to flirt with a man in the audience who had commented on barefooted dancers - then he tried to pull on a leotard.
What followed was strange even for people used to Tatooine: The fearless mercenary entangled himself in the dancer's garment, and ended up rolling around on the floor, unable to free himself. After a while, the audience had recovered enough from the laughter this caused to cut him out of the leotard with Jeric only receiving minor wounds due to his refusal to hold still.
He was last seen recovering from his ordeal in the hot tub of the club.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
IMC Convoy lost in ambush
Date: 021208
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the weekly IMC convoy once again set out for the trip to Ord Mantell, where it was to deliver its cargo of Iron to the Nova Orion Station. The two freighters - the AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "New Vision" under Captain Aenius Bosk, and the "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie were escorted by several TIE Oppressors and Interceptors due to the increased pirate attacks of last week. Expecting further attacks in the Naboo system, the convoy apparently was not ready for an ambush in the Tatooine system itself, close to the hyperspace point "Deep Sea".
Four pirates - a YT-1300 freighter and two Vaksais as well as a TIE Advanced - jumped the convoy, disabling the "CMS Loco" in the first pass and damaging the escorts. In the following dogfight, the three pirate starfighters were destroyed or disabled, but at the loss of all escorts, and the "New Vision" fell to the pirate YT-1300 shortly before being able to hyperjump to safety. The whole cargo of the two freighters was lost.
IMC stock fell 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not yet release any plan on how to repsond to this latest escalation.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the weekly IMC convoy once again set out for the trip to Ord Mantell, where it was to deliver its cargo of Iron to the Nova Orion Station. The two freighters - the AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "New Vision" under Captain Aenius Bosk, and the "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie were escorted by several TIE Oppressors and Interceptors due to the increased pirate attacks of last week. Expecting further attacks in the Naboo system, the convoy apparently was not ready for an ambush in the Tatooine system itself, close to the hyperspace point "Deep Sea".
Four pirates - a YT-1300 freighter and two Vaksais as well as a TIE Advanced - jumped the convoy, disabling the "CMS Loco" in the first pass and damaging the escorts. In the following dogfight, the three pirate starfighters were destroyed or disabled, but at the loss of all escorts, and the "New Vision" fell to the pirate YT-1300 shortly before being able to hyperjump to safety. The whole cargo of the two freighters was lost.
IMC stock fell 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange. The management of the company did not yet release any plan on how to repsond to this latest escalation.
"ISS Eradicator" seriously damaged
Date: 021208
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Star Destroyer class "ISS Eradicator" was attacked in Deep space by a large rebel force. The rebel ships, led by three gunboats, overwhelmed the escorting imperial starfighters as well as a YE-4 gunboat - the "Onyx Mauler" - in the first three waves, managing to damage crucial systems of the "Eradicator".
After the order to evacuate the system was given, the imperial escorts managed to fend off two more attack waves by dropping their close defense tactic and switching to a forward defense, buying the "Eradicator" the time to hyper out of the system and escape its imminent destruction.
Sector command did not comment on questions about the consequences this defeat would have on future operations in Deep Space.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Star Destroyer class "ISS Eradicator" was attacked in Deep space by a large rebel force. The rebel ships, led by three gunboats, overwhelmed the escorting imperial starfighters as well as a YE-4 gunboat - the "Onyx Mauler" - in the first three waves, managing to damage crucial systems of the "Eradicator".
After the order to evacuate the system was given, the imperial escorts managed to fend off two more attack waves by dropping their close defense tactic and switching to a forward defense, buying the "Eradicator" the time to hyper out of the system and escape its imminent destruction.
Sector command did not comment on questions about the consequences this defeat would have on future operations in Deep Space.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Medium freighter attacked in the Naboo system
Date: 271108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night pirates prowled the starlanes in the Naboo system again. The AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "The Crystal Mouf", a medium freighter, was attacked close to Naboo's orbit shortly after lift off from Kadara with a cargo of medical instruments and tools.
The pirate, flying an X-Wing, demanded the surrender of the cargo. Despite flying with a skeleton crew Captain Trini'dy refused, and engaged the raider. In the following fight the "Crystal Mouf" took some armor damage but managed to destroy the pirate ship before continuing its flight.
The following footage was recovered from the destroyed astromech of the pirate by the RSF investigators on this case and released to the press.
So far, the RSF declined to comment on questions regarding their apparent inability to effectively battle piracy in their system.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night pirates prowled the starlanes in the Naboo system again. The AEG-77 "Vigo"-class "The Crystal Mouf", a medium freighter, was attacked close to Naboo's orbit shortly after lift off from Kadara with a cargo of medical instruments and tools.
The pirate, flying an X-Wing, demanded the surrender of the cargo. Despite flying with a skeleton crew Captain Trini'dy refused, and engaged the raider. In the following fight the "Crystal Mouf" took some armor damage but managed to destroy the pirate ship before continuing its flight.
The following footage was recovered from the destroyed astromech of the pirate by the RSF investigators on this case and released to the press.
So far, the RSF declined to comment on questions regarding their apparent inability to effectively battle piracy in their system.
More attacks on the IMC Convoy
Date: 271108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Naboo system again became the location of an organized pirate attack. The weekly IMC Convoy - this week consisting of Captain Trini'dy's YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue" and the Nova Courier "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie - was ambushed by a TIE Interceptor variant, most likely a deserter of the Imperial Fleet, and an older ARC-170. The pirates damaged the engine and reactor of the "CMS Loco", disabling her, but her crew managed to conduct in-space repairs while the "Lawless Rogue" lured the pirates away. The following footage shows the fight:
After the destruction of both pirates, the "Lawless Rogue" and the "CMS Loco" continued their flight to Ord Mantell, despite the Nova Courier having suffered severe damage to the hull. After the cargo of ore was delivered, the "CMS Loco" was repaired at the shipyards of the station.
IMC stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Naboo system again became the location of an organized pirate attack. The weekly IMC Convoy - this week consisting of Captain Trini'dy's YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue" and the Nova Courier "CMS Loco" of Captain "Slick" Charlie - was ambushed by a TIE Interceptor variant, most likely a deserter of the Imperial Fleet, and an older ARC-170. The pirates damaged the engine and reactor of the "CMS Loco", disabling her, but her crew managed to conduct in-space repairs while the "Lawless Rogue" lured the pirates away. The following footage shows the fight:
After the destruction of both pirates, the "Lawless Rogue" and the "CMS Loco" continued their flight to Ord Mantell, despite the Nova Courier having suffered severe damage to the hull. After the cargo of ore was delivered, the "CMS Loco" was repaired at the shipyards of the station.
IMC stock rose 1% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Imperial Navy sweeps Karthakk system
Date: 241108
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy conducted a search and destroy operation in the Karthakk system as part of their increasing anti-piracy efforts. The Karthakk system was chosen since its main planet, Lok, is notorious for harboring pirates of all sorts.
A task force under the command of commander Tralek was ordered to sweep the system and clear any resistance to further efforts. After a short delay, the task force set out for the system, rallying at the jump point "Nym's Hovel". From there the fighters and bombers started their sweep of the system. They encountered stronger than expected resistance at the hyperspace point "Lurid Dawn", and it soon was discovered that instead of the expected pirates they were facing veteran rebel starfighters and converted freighters.
Despite heavy losses, the task force pressed on, first securing "Lurid Dawn" and then the hyperspace point "Voria's Ember". At this point the rebel forces were retreating to Deep Space, and the task force pursued. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
The sector command did no comment on possible future operations in the Karthakk system.
Planet: Karthakk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Imperial Navy conducted a search and destroy operation in the Karthakk system as part of their increasing anti-piracy efforts. The Karthakk system was chosen since its main planet, Lok, is notorious for harboring pirates of all sorts.
A task force under the command of commander Tralek was ordered to sweep the system and clear any resistance to further efforts. After a short delay, the task force set out for the system, rallying at the jump point "Nym's Hovel". From there the fighters and bombers started their sweep of the system. They encountered stronger than expected resistance at the hyperspace point "Lurid Dawn", and it soon was discovered that instead of the expected pirates they were facing veteran rebel starfighters and converted freighters.
Despite heavy losses, the task force pressed on, first securing "Lurid Dawn" and then the hyperspace point "Voria's Ember". At this point the rebel forces were retreating to Deep Space, and the task force pursued. Further skirmishing followed in Deep Space.
The sector command did no comment on possible future operations in the Karthakk system.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Doctor dies in burning house
Date: 231108
Planet: Rori
Region: Narmle
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Rori is commonly known for its vast swamps, and in the damp climate, not many fires become a probem. Yesterday however Narmle's firefighting brigade received an alert that in a suburb to the east of the town, a house was burning.
The fire fighters rushed to the location, but could neither save the building, nor its owner, Dr. Berin Barlon. The charred remains of him were found inside the buildings. RSF is investigating the fire. So far, it seems as if the fire broke out in the doctor's laboratory, where he had stashed several inflammable liquids for his practise.
Dr. Berin Barlon was a well-known surgeon. He moved to Rori 10 years ago, after rumors appeared that a malpractise suit against him had been squashed thanks to pressure by a noble of the court of Theed, in exchange of silence about cosmetic surgery performed on her by Dr. Barlon. Since then he has lived a quiet existence as a rural doctor. An existence that ended in last night's fire.
Planet: Rori
Region: Narmle
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Rori is commonly known for its vast swamps, and in the damp climate, not many fires become a probem. Yesterday however Narmle's firefighting brigade received an alert that in a suburb to the east of the town, a house was burning.
The fire fighters rushed to the location, but could neither save the building, nor its owner, Dr. Berin Barlon. The charred remains of him were found inside the buildings. RSF is investigating the fire. So far, it seems as if the fire broke out in the doctor's laboratory, where he had stashed several inflammable liquids for his practise.
Dr. Berin Barlon was a well-known surgeon. He moved to Rori 10 years ago, after rumors appeared that a malpractise suit against him had been squashed thanks to pressure by a noble of the court of Theed, in exchange of silence about cosmetic surgery performed on her by Dr. Barlon. Since then he has lived a quiet existence as a rural doctor. An existence that ended in last night's fire.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Cargo convoy escapes catastrophe by a hair
Date: 221108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago the weekly IMC Convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered one of the most dangerous pirate attacks in recent times. The three ships making up the convoy - Captain Ashren Tuleron with his YT-1300 "Outlaw's Fortune", Captain Trini'dy in her YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue", and the "ISS Defiant", a Decimator-class escort piloted by Commander Grodin' Tierce, were ambushed in the Naboo system by three pirate ships - an A-Wing, a Bellubab-22 and an old ARC-170.
In the following fight, both the "Lawless Rogue" and the "Defiant" were disabled while taking out the attacking Bellubab-22. The "Outlaw's Fortune" managed to gain some distance, destroying a pursuing ARC-170, and then returned to the ambush site where it shot down the A-Wing as it was in the process of robbing the "Defiant".
The following footage was taken from a recovered astromech of the ARC-170, showing part of the fight:
After repairs the convoy continued without further incidents to the Nova Orion Station. Commander Tierce announced that his ship would undergo a refit following this battle.
IMC stock reacted erratically to the information about the attack, ending up with a a final plus of 0,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange, with many investors concerned about future losses to pirates.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago the weekly IMC Convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system encountered one of the most dangerous pirate attacks in recent times. The three ships making up the convoy - Captain Ashren Tuleron with his YT-1300 "Outlaw's Fortune", Captain Trini'dy in her YT-1300 "Lawless Rogue", and the "ISS Defiant", a Decimator-class escort piloted by Commander Grodin' Tierce, were ambushed in the Naboo system by three pirate ships - an A-Wing, a Bellubab-22 and an old ARC-170.
In the following fight, both the "Lawless Rogue" and the "Defiant" were disabled while taking out the attacking Bellubab-22. The "Outlaw's Fortune" managed to gain some distance, destroying a pursuing ARC-170, and then returned to the ambush site where it shot down the A-Wing as it was in the process of robbing the "Defiant".
The following footage was taken from a recovered astromech of the ARC-170, showing part of the fight:
After repairs the convoy continued without further incidents to the Nova Orion Station. Commander Tierce announced that his ship would undergo a refit following this battle.
IMC stock reacted erratically to the information about the attack, ending up with a a final plus of 0,5 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange, with many investors concerned about future losses to pirates.
Scientist dies in stolen starfighter
Date: 221108
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, BT Inc., a biotech firm located in Kadara, Naboo, alerted the RSF authorities because several millions of credits had disappeared from their R&D accounts. A bit earlier to this dicsovery one of their researchers, Doctor Denow Howa, had gone missing as well.

While the investigation by RSF operatives had just started, Naboo space traffic control alerted Imperial patrols of an unauthorised launch of a Y-Wing starfighter from an orbital station. The Starfighter, which was reported stolen soon afterwards, was immediately pursued by an imperial patrol that happened to be on site.
When the pilot of the starfighter ignored orders to stop and prepare for an inspection, the pursuing craft opened fire, destroying the ship with several volleys of blaster fire.
Subsequent investigation of the debris uncovered human remains, identified by DNA scanning as belonging to the missing Denow Howa.
The RSF has not yet closed the investigation, but according to rumors, BT Inc. had recently canceled doctor Howa's research project, and representatives of the firm let slip that the doctor had not taken well to this decision. They refused to elaborate on the nature of the cancelled research project.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, BT Inc., a biotech firm located in Kadara, Naboo, alerted the RSF authorities because several millions of credits had disappeared from their R&D accounts. A bit earlier to this dicsovery one of their researchers, Doctor Denow Howa, had gone missing as well.

While the investigation by RSF operatives had just started, Naboo space traffic control alerted Imperial patrols of an unauthorised launch of a Y-Wing starfighter from an orbital station. The Starfighter, which was reported stolen soon afterwards, was immediately pursued by an imperial patrol that happened to be on site.
When the pilot of the starfighter ignored orders to stop and prepare for an inspection, the pursuing craft opened fire, destroying the ship with several volleys of blaster fire.
Subsequent investigation of the debris uncovered human remains, identified by DNA scanning as belonging to the missing Denow Howa.
The RSF has not yet closed the investigation, but according to rumors, BT Inc. had recently canceled doctor Howa's research project, and representatives of the firm let slip that the doctor had not taken well to this decision. They refused to elaborate on the nature of the cancelled research project.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Kegana Rimos brought to justice
Date: 151108
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Southeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, was finally brought to justice. For several days, bunty hunters as well as forces from the Talus Government had been searching Lok for the base suspected to be there, their actions fueled as much by righteous anger as well as a desire to collect the bounty on the twi'lek's head.

Two days ago, her base was finally found thanks to orbital observations when a massive droid force was detected. Since it was obvious that an attack on either Talus or Farpoint Valley was imminent, a strike force consisting of volunteers from Tatooine and Talus as well as soldiers and mercenaries was quickly gathered and sent to Lok for a preemptive attack on Keagan Rimos' base.
Ladning near her base in southeastern Lok, the attackers proceeded on foot under cover of a storm to the location, where they faced massive amounts of battle droids as well as several mercenaries, among them suspected force sensitives - and even a number of giant Kimogilas held in pens.
Undaunted, the attackers continued, engaging the droids and troops, and managed to corner Kegana Rimos in her hideout before she could reach the wating transport to make her escape. The following footage shows some of the fighting that took place there.
Kegana Rimos was shot dead while resisting arrest. It's not yet clear who claims the bounty on her head. The additional security measures Holonews had taken in repsonse to her threats were given up however.
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Southeastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, was finally brought to justice. For several days, bunty hunters as well as forces from the Talus Government had been searching Lok for the base suspected to be there, their actions fueled as much by righteous anger as well as a desire to collect the bounty on the twi'lek's head.

Two days ago, her base was finally found thanks to orbital observations when a massive droid force was detected. Since it was obvious that an attack on either Talus or Farpoint Valley was imminent, a strike force consisting of volunteers from Tatooine and Talus as well as soldiers and mercenaries was quickly gathered and sent to Lok for a preemptive attack on Keagan Rimos' base.
Ladning near her base in southeastern Lok, the attackers proceeded on foot under cover of a storm to the location, where they faced massive amounts of battle droids as well as several mercenaries, among them suspected force sensitives - and even a number of giant Kimogilas held in pens.
Undaunted, the attackers continued, engaging the droids and troops, and managed to corner Kegana Rimos in her hideout before she could reach the wating transport to make her escape. The following footage shows some of the fighting that took place there.
Kegana Rimos was shot dead while resisting arrest. It's not yet clear who claims the bounty on her head. The additional security measures Holonews had taken in repsonse to her threats were given up however.
IMC Convoy shrugs off pirate attacks
Date: 151108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy once again left Tatooine, carrying ore to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. A total of four freighters made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, under captain Ainoloe, and the Nova-class "CMS Loco", flown by captain "Slick" Charlie. Three escorting craft protected the convoy - a heavy bomber, an interceptor, and a Z-95.
Despite this massive firepower, two pirate attacks occured, both in the Naboo system. One by a Vigo-class gunboat, and one by a Z-95. Both times, the attackers were dealt with in short order, the gunboat getting shot down by the escorts before even coming into range of the freighters, and the Z-95 being destroyed during its first attack run.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy once again left Tatooine, carrying ore to the shipyard on the Nova Orion Station in the Ord Mantell system. A total of four freighters made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company, under captain Ainoloe, and the Nova-class "CMS Loco", flown by captain "Slick" Charlie. Three escorting craft protected the convoy - a heavy bomber, an interceptor, and a Z-95.
Despite this massive firepower, two pirate attacks occured, both in the Naboo system. One by a Vigo-class gunboat, and one by a Z-95. Both times, the attackers were dealt with in short order, the gunboat getting shot down by the escorts before even coming into range of the freighters, and the Z-95 being destroyed during its first attack run.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Smuggler escapes Imperial Navy in Deep Space
Date: 161108
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, the Imperial Navy and the Space forces of the Rebel Alliance clashed in several battles in the Tatoo and Deep Space systems. Cause of those battles was a smuggler. The nature of its cargo - contraband most likely - is classified, but it was important enough to have both warring parties moblize significant parts of their forces in the sector, and send them on a search and recovery operation.
The smuggler was first detected by rebel forces in the Tatoo systems. Their recovery operation was foiled however by Imperial fighters, as shown by the following footage:
In the confusion, the smuggler - an unmarked YT-1300 - managed to escape to Deep Space, whith both forces in pursuit. There, the rebel fleet managed to secure the vessel, and transport it to the safety of Freedom Station. Despite relentless attacks by outnumbered imperial ships, the smuggler's cargo was transferred to the rebel station.
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, the Imperial Navy and the Space forces of the Rebel Alliance clashed in several battles in the Tatoo and Deep Space systems. Cause of those battles was a smuggler. The nature of its cargo - contraband most likely - is classified, but it was important enough to have both warring parties moblize significant parts of their forces in the sector, and send them on a search and recovery operation.
The smuggler was first detected by rebel forces in the Tatoo systems. Their recovery operation was foiled however by Imperial fighters, as shown by the following footage:
In the confusion, the smuggler - an unmarked YT-1300 - managed to escape to Deep Space, whith both forces in pursuit. There, the rebel fleet managed to secure the vessel, and transport it to the safety of Freedom Station. Despite relentless attacks by outnumbered imperial ships, the smuggler's cargo was transferred to the rebel station.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Spice smuggler stopped and destroyed!
Date: 081108
Planet: Karthakk and Ord Mantell system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Secor Fleet announced today that last night, the YE-4 Gunboat class "Onyx Mauler", commanded by captain Quinllan from the famous Onyx Squadron, together with several starfighters from the fleet, intercepted a spice smuggling "Vigo" class converted freighter.
The as if yet unidentified ship was detected in the Karthakk system and when commed to stop and prepare for a search, made an attempt to escape the inspection. The ships in the vicinity converged on it, trying to disable its engines. Despite the freighter - which turned out to sport several high-powered turrets, most likely an illegal modification - taking severe and internal damage, it managed to enter hyperspace while under fire.
Fortunately, the "Onyx Mauler" had matched its speed, and calculated the likely route, and pursued immediately, managing to stop the fleeing suspected smuggler close to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the "Onyx Mauler"'s guns disabled the smuggler's engines. At this point, the crew of the Vigo abandoned ship, using several escape pods, before the Vigo blew up, disrupting capture operations.
From a spectral analysis of the debris, the cargo was later identified as illegal spice. The crew of the "Onyx Mauler" decided against an investigation of the nearby Nova Orion Station due to lack of ground support personell.
Planet: Karthakk and Ord Mantell system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Secor Fleet announced today that last night, the YE-4 Gunboat class "Onyx Mauler", commanded by captain Quinllan from the famous Onyx Squadron, together with several starfighters from the fleet, intercepted a spice smuggling "Vigo" class converted freighter.
The as if yet unidentified ship was detected in the Karthakk system and when commed to stop and prepare for a search, made an attempt to escape the inspection. The ships in the vicinity converged on it, trying to disable its engines. Despite the freighter - which turned out to sport several high-powered turrets, most likely an illegal modification - taking severe and internal damage, it managed to enter hyperspace while under fire.
Fortunately, the "Onyx Mauler" had matched its speed, and calculated the likely route, and pursued immediately, managing to stop the fleeing suspected smuggler close to the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell, where the "Onyx Mauler"'s guns disabled the smuggler's engines. At this point, the crew of the Vigo abandoned ship, using several escape pods, before the Vigo blew up, disrupting capture operations.
From a spectral analysis of the debris, the cargo was later identified as illegal spice. The crew of the "Onyx Mauler" decided against an investigation of the nearby Nova Orion Station due to lack of ground support personell.
Dangerous Twi'lek still at large!
Date: 081108
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, is still active despite several set backs and a 5M credits bounty on her head, courtesy of Clarissa Wrenchturner, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
She hasn't given up on her demands either - this is her latest message:
I hope you're enjoying your little victories. Just so you know, I have not gone away or given up. I'm in the process of building up a new force - and when I'm done I'll reduce your little town to rubble. This is your last chance to surrender and comply to my demands:
1) Withdraw the bounty on me
2) Hand over the rodian and my father's equipment
3) Pay me 5 million credits
In addition, I'd also like directions to the holonews office as well as the home of the Talus governor. I *could* level Talus city by city until I find it, but I think it'd be better for everyone if I could hit the right target on the first attempt.
/ Kegana Rimos
Mayor Wrenchturner was quoted that she saw no cause for being frightened, so far the additional security measures taken by the town and private citzens had proven to be successful. She said she was confident that the criminal would be brought down by a bounty hunter or law enforcement officer sooner or later.
Talus Governor Sanguine released to following statement:
*From the office of Marius Sanguine*
Recently the threats against the much victimized citizens of Farpoint Valley escalated. The terrorist known as Kegani Rimos has waged several demands against those citizens.
So I would like to respond to such demands... Personally.
Kegana Rimos, you are a criminal, and a terrorist. And you are demanding the bounty be removed from you...
Well, I can easily respond to that. No. I am now offering to Match whatever price the citizens of Farpoint Valley may wage against you. I am additionally going to begin discussions with the Imperials who oversee Tatooine to afford myself, and my Operatives control over the investigation in your regards.
You are demanding an innocent citizen be turned over to you... No. You will be hunted, and apprehended, and all the injustices you have commited Will be answered for.
You are demanding five million credits to cease your intolerable actions... No. You do not deserve any compensation for your actions, you deserve to be placed in the darkest prison imaginable.
I will be lobbying for permissions for the Talus Government to hunt you to the ends of the Galaxy. Your assaults on Farpoint Valley and it's fine citizens are intolerable, and in my oppinion merit immediate action against you. I am hereby declaring you an enemy of Talus, and additionally I am hereby stating for the record that you are considered by Myself to be the very origin of wrong.
When the Galaxy turns a blind eye to the injust acts of terrorism the likes of which this woman commits, it becomes no longer merely her at fault... But all of us as a whole. And I am now pleading that any organizations out there who are capable aid in the pursuit of Kegani Rimos.
We can no longer stand idly by and watch as these innocent civilians suffer constant threats, and horrific acts of brutality. On behalf of myself, and the Government of Talus my heart goes out to the citizens of Farpoint Valley... And my plea goes out to all of you wherever you are to help stop this...
With now 10'000'000 credits on Kegana Rimos' head, her demise seems just a matter of days. Until she has been brought to jsutice, Holonews is keeping our security measures up, and we'd like to ask everyone in the know not to divulge any information about our offices... just in case...
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Kegana Rimos, the twi'lek criminal behind several attacks by combat droids on Tatooine and on Lok, is still active despite several set backs and a 5M credits bounty on her head, courtesy of Clarissa Wrenchturner, mayor of Farpoint Valley.
She hasn't given up on her demands either - this is her latest message:
I hope you're enjoying your little victories. Just so you know, I have not gone away or given up. I'm in the process of building up a new force - and when I'm done I'll reduce your little town to rubble. This is your last chance to surrender and comply to my demands:
1) Withdraw the bounty on me
2) Hand over the rodian and my father's equipment
3) Pay me 5 million credits
In addition, I'd also like directions to the holonews office as well as the home of the Talus governor. I *could* level Talus city by city until I find it, but I think it'd be better for everyone if I could hit the right target on the first attempt.
/ Kegana Rimos
Mayor Wrenchturner was quoted that she saw no cause for being frightened, so far the additional security measures taken by the town and private citzens had proven to be successful. She said she was confident that the criminal would be brought down by a bounty hunter or law enforcement officer sooner or later.
Talus Governor Sanguine released to following statement:
*From the office of Marius Sanguine*
Recently the threats against the much victimized citizens of Farpoint Valley escalated. The terrorist known as Kegani Rimos has waged several demands against those citizens.
So I would like to respond to such demands... Personally.
Kegana Rimos, you are a criminal, and a terrorist. And you are demanding the bounty be removed from you...
Well, I can easily respond to that. No. I am now offering to Match whatever price the citizens of Farpoint Valley may wage against you. I am additionally going to begin discussions with the Imperials who oversee Tatooine to afford myself, and my Operatives control over the investigation in your regards.
You are demanding an innocent citizen be turned over to you... No. You will be hunted, and apprehended, and all the injustices you have commited Will be answered for.
You are demanding five million credits to cease your intolerable actions... No. You do not deserve any compensation for your actions, you deserve to be placed in the darkest prison imaginable.
I will be lobbying for permissions for the Talus Government to hunt you to the ends of the Galaxy. Your assaults on Farpoint Valley and it's fine citizens are intolerable, and in my oppinion merit immediate action against you. I am hereby declaring you an enemy of Talus, and additionally I am hereby stating for the record that you are considered by Myself to be the very origin of wrong.
When the Galaxy turns a blind eye to the injust acts of terrorism the likes of which this woman commits, it becomes no longer merely her at fault... But all of us as a whole. And I am now pleading that any organizations out there who are capable aid in the pursuit of Kegani Rimos.
We can no longer stand idly by and watch as these innocent civilians suffer constant threats, and horrific acts of brutality. On behalf of myself, and the Government of Talus my heart goes out to the citizens of Farpoint Valley... And my plea goes out to all of you wherever you are to help stop this...
With now 10'000'000 credits on Kegana Rimos' head, her demise seems just a matter of days. Until she has been brought to jsutice, Holonews is keeping our security measures up, and we'd like to ask everyone in the know not to divulge any information about our offices... just in case...
Massive Battle on Corellian Soil
Date: 081108
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia's policy in the Galactic Civil war has long been one of neutrality. Unfortunately, the two warring factions do not agree with this stance, and the trade hub of the galaxy seems to important strategically to leave in peace, and the planet saw numerous battles and skirmished as a result.
Five days ago, the Empire and the Rebel Alliance clashed again in a major battle. From what is known, the battle started when a small group imperial troopers started to take control of a facility suspected to be used for tatical training. While they were still in the process to deal with local resistance, a large number of rebel soldiers arrived and stormed the base.
By then, more imperial troopers started to arrive and took the offensive again, but met fierce resistance. The entrenched rebel soldiers repelled two assaults before getting overrun. Two coutner attacks by the rebel forces were beaten back in the following hours, with losses mounting on both sides, before the fighting moved outside the base to the near river, leaving the Empire in control of the facility.
According to rumors, and observed troop movements, both sides are massing for another battle on one of the five planets, so a number of citizens on Corellia as well as Talus are increasingly concerned about the threat of the Galactic Civil War striking their towns. Talus, with its open Imperial Base, is particularily exposed according to numerous military experts.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Eastern Corellia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia's policy in the Galactic Civil war has long been one of neutrality. Unfortunately, the two warring factions do not agree with this stance, and the trade hub of the galaxy seems to important strategically to leave in peace, and the planet saw numerous battles and skirmished as a result.
Five days ago, the Empire and the Rebel Alliance clashed again in a major battle. From what is known, the battle started when a small group imperial troopers started to take control of a facility suspected to be used for tatical training. While they were still in the process to deal with local resistance, a large number of rebel soldiers arrived and stormed the base.
By then, more imperial troopers started to arrive and took the offensive again, but met fierce resistance. The entrenched rebel soldiers repelled two assaults before getting overrun. Two coutner attacks by the rebel forces were beaten back in the following hours, with losses mounting on both sides, before the fighting moved outside the base to the near river, leaving the Empire in control of the facility.
According to rumors, and observed troop movements, both sides are massing for another battle on one of the five planets, so a number of citizens on Corellia as well as Talus are increasingly concerned about the threat of the Galactic Civil War striking their towns. Talus, with its open Imperial Base, is particularily exposed according to numerous military experts.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Daring bank robbery on Talus!
Date: 021108
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Last night on Talus the opening of the Shadowblade Enterprises First Talusian Bank was marred when the bank was robbed before even opening by a gang of armed and armored people. As it turned out the crafty criminals had exploited the fact that most residents and guards were attending the earlier opening of "Mae'lyn's Gardenhouse", a gift of Lord Sanguine to Mae'lyn of the Neutron Pixies, and assaulted the bank during the former's opening ceremony.
The guards present in the bank stood no chance against the attackers and were overwhelmed in short order, shot down and left to bleed. One guard was saved when his trained corellian sand panther dragged him to the nearby med center.
The attackers had made a slight miscalculation, however, and were still inside when the residents led by governor Sanguine and mayor Bosk arrived and found a grieviously wounded guard on the steps of the bank's entrance. The criminals reacted quickyl though, and threw a stun grenade outside, taking the citizens and vistors by surprise, then stormed out, taking the governor hostage to make their escape.
Despite resistance, they managed to get away. The governor, wounded in the leg, was relased shortly afterwards, and treated with the other wounded in the med center next to the bank.
The Talus government announced that the robbers had also shot up the town's mascot, "Jeminy", and left the dead animal in the vault of the bank. According to unconfirmed reports, the take of the heist was 1 Million imperial credits.
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Last night on Talus the opening of the Shadowblade Enterprises First Talusian Bank was marred when the bank was robbed before even opening by a gang of armed and armored people. As it turned out the crafty criminals had exploited the fact that most residents and guards were attending the earlier opening of "Mae'lyn's Gardenhouse", a gift of Lord Sanguine to Mae'lyn of the Neutron Pixies, and assaulted the bank during the former's opening ceremony.
The guards present in the bank stood no chance against the attackers and were overwhelmed in short order, shot down and left to bleed. One guard was saved when his trained corellian sand panther dragged him to the nearby med center.
The attackers had made a slight miscalculation, however, and were still inside when the residents led by governor Sanguine and mayor Bosk arrived and found a grieviously wounded guard on the steps of the bank's entrance. The criminals reacted quickyl though, and threw a stun grenade outside, taking the citizens and vistors by surprise, then stormed out, taking the governor hostage to make their escape.
Despite resistance, they managed to get away. The governor, wounded in the leg, was relased shortly afterwards, and treated with the other wounded in the med center next to the bank.
The Talus government announced that the robbers had also shot up the town's mascot, "Jeminy", and left the dead animal in the vault of the bank. According to unconfirmed reports, the take of the heist was 1 Million imperial credits.
Eighth Farpoint Valley Karaoke Night sees another tie!
Date: 021108
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the eighth Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As before not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant. The night started with a surprise when Ryian Coron went down to one knee in front of his girlfriend Kayet, but the captian did not offer her a diamond ring, but an oversized bouquet of flowers instead.
Neutron Pixie Ramona opened the night with the first song of the "Coronet - Heart of Corellia" cycle the Neutron Pixies had written for the Coronet Cantina's reopening, "Rise". Then the first contestant stepped on stage, Mekidra of the Neutron Pixies, with "Dancing Queen". Famed musician Shakir followed her with a song about her tuskcat, "Hey Little Sparta". Then it was Halde'kai's turn with "a song about a boy, a girl, and a galaxy in turmoil" - delivered in record time. Kayet was next, performing "I kissed a sith and liked it".
While more singers steadied their nerves, Ramona performed the second song of the Coronet cycle, "Decline". Then Auros Drayen took the stage with "I did it my way", followed by a dance demonstration of Celox to the tunes of Shakir. Ryian Coron closed the night with "I am a sith of power and taste".
When the votes were tallied, Auros and Celox tied for first place. Lucky Shakir won the random prize. All three recevied a surprise prize - a creature egg of unknown content, ready to hatch.
After the prizes were delivered, Celox, who had bet that Ryian would not sing, had to pet the laters giant Gurrek "Ruffy", a dare he took to only hesitantly at first, When it turned out that the animal did not like him as food, but just seemed to like him, he warmed up though.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the eighth Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As before not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant. The night started with a surprise when Ryian Coron went down to one knee in front of his girlfriend Kayet, but the captian did not offer her a diamond ring, but an oversized bouquet of flowers instead.
Neutron Pixie Ramona opened the night with the first song of the "Coronet - Heart of Corellia" cycle the Neutron Pixies had written for the Coronet Cantina's reopening, "Rise". Then the first contestant stepped on stage, Mekidra of the Neutron Pixies, with "Dancing Queen". Famed musician Shakir followed her with a song about her tuskcat, "Hey Little Sparta". Then it was Halde'kai's turn with "a song about a boy, a girl, and a galaxy in turmoil" - delivered in record time. Kayet was next, performing "I kissed a sith and liked it".
While more singers steadied their nerves, Ramona performed the second song of the Coronet cycle, "Decline". Then Auros Drayen took the stage with "I did it my way", followed by a dance demonstration of Celox to the tunes of Shakir. Ryian Coron closed the night with "I am a sith of power and taste".
When the votes were tallied, Auros and Celox tied for first place. Lucky Shakir won the random prize. All three recevied a surprise prize - a creature egg of unknown content, ready to hatch.
After the prizes were delivered, Celox, who had bet that Ryian would not sing, had to pet the laters giant Gurrek "Ruffy", a dare he took to only hesitantly at first, When it turned out that the animal did not like him as food, but just seemed to like him, he warmed up though.
IMC Convoy encounters only light pirate activity
Date: 021108
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy was prepared to face another massive pirate attack, like the one that almost stopped it a week before. A total of four ships made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company and flown by Jamayle Williams and the Vigo-class "Vengeance" of captain Aenius Bosk. Despite having no starfighter escort, the ships' firepower was deemed more than enough to deter or destroy pirate attackers.
The stop over in the Naboo system was passed without trouble - most likely the local pirate elements were still reeling from the losses taken the week before. But when the convoy arrived in Ord Mantell, a lone pirate attacked, causing a slight delay until it was destroyed by accurate fire during a bombing run right at the Nova Orion station. The cargo was delivered in time.
IMC stock rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, the weekly IMC Convoy was prepared to face another massive pirate attack, like the one that almost stopped it a week before. A total of four ships made up the convoy carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell: Veteran Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, the YT-2400 "TTC-Shining Nebula", chartered from the Tatooine Trading Company and flown by Jamayle Williams and the Vigo-class "Vengeance" of captain Aenius Bosk. Despite having no starfighter escort, the ships' firepower was deemed more than enough to deter or destroy pirate attackers.
The stop over in the Naboo system was passed without trouble - most likely the local pirate elements were still reeling from the losses taken the week before. But when the convoy arrived in Ord Mantell, a lone pirate attacked, causing a slight delay until it was destroyed by accurate fire during a bombing run right at the Nova Orion station. The cargo was delivered in time.
IMC stock rose 3 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Coronet Cantina Grand Reopening Party held by Caly
Date: 261008
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A few years ago, Coronet was the center of commerce and trade of the galaxy, and its cantina was packed with guests and entertainers to the point of driving some of the more sensitive visitors out by sheer volume of noise. Since then, both city and cantina quieted down some, but the memories of its glory days are held dear by many. And some even do something about it.
Last night, the cantina was reopened, under new management. Miss Caly, a dedicated entertainer, launched a big reopening party to celebrate the occasion. As a special treat, she had hired The Neutron Pixies, the well-known dance troupe from Tatooine, to hold a show in the cantina, and danced herself with Ramona, Mae'lyn and Mekidra. Music was provided by Hawk'.
The show was centered around a song specially written for the occasion, and performed by Ramona, which traced Coronet's rise, decline, and rebirth as a center of commerce and entertainment. Despite encountering some technical troubles, the show went on for over 30 minutes.
Here's a small clip from the show. Due to aforementioned technical difficulties, Hawk's original soundtrack got lost, and was replaced by a studio soundtrack.
Attendance was good even though the audience did not reach the numbers regular visitors to Chalmun's in Mos Eisley are used to. On the other hand, there were no serious fights reported, and even the infamous Zess behaved - more or less.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A few years ago, Coronet was the center of commerce and trade of the galaxy, and its cantina was packed with guests and entertainers to the point of driving some of the more sensitive visitors out by sheer volume of noise. Since then, both city and cantina quieted down some, but the memories of its glory days are held dear by many. And some even do something about it.
Last night, the cantina was reopened, under new management. Miss Caly, a dedicated entertainer, launched a big reopening party to celebrate the occasion. As a special treat, she had hired The Neutron Pixies, the well-known dance troupe from Tatooine, to hold a show in the cantina, and danced herself with Ramona, Mae'lyn and Mekidra. Music was provided by Hawk'.
The show was centered around a song specially written for the occasion, and performed by Ramona, which traced Coronet's rise, decline, and rebirth as a center of commerce and entertainment. Despite encountering some technical troubles, the show went on for over 30 minutes.
Here's a small clip from the show. Due to aforementioned technical difficulties, Hawk's original soundtrack got lost, and was replaced by a studio soundtrack.
Attendance was good even though the audience did not reach the numbers regular visitors to Chalmun's in Mos Eisley are used to. On the other hand, there were no serious fights reported, and even the infamous Zess behaved - more or less.
Droid attack on trade compound turns into ambush
Date: 261008
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Our readers may remember the threats by Kegana Rimos against the town of Farpoint Valley on Tatooine. After her latest attack, it seems she has moved her focus to Lok, where she is suspected to be hiding.
Two days ago, Farpoint Valley resident and businessman Ikoogy Retoodi lost contact to a compound of his on Lok. Visiting troopers and employees of the Talus Government led by Lord Marius Sanguine volunteered to guard him while he travelled to Lok to check on the compound.
At first it seemed as if a storm had been the reason for the loss of communication, but upon reaching the location, the small group saw the buildings were damaged and the antenna destroyed - and several batlte droids were attacking. Despite the presence of a giant kimogila, the compound was cleared of droids and animals. There was no sign of the staff of the compound, until the kimogila's carcass was cut open, revealing the remains of Mr. Retoodi's staff. How they ended up partially digested, if they were attacked by the kimogila, or killed and fed to the beast, or fed to the animals alive, is not clear at this point.
While the investigation of the compound was still going on, a transport landed suddenly, deploying a number of Droideka combat droids, which proceeded to attack the people present. In the following, desperate fighting, General Tierce was wounded, as were other people, neccessating an immediate evacuation. The following footage was released by the Talus Government:
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Our readers may remember the threats by Kegana Rimos against the town of Farpoint Valley on Tatooine. After her latest attack, it seems she has moved her focus to Lok, where she is suspected to be hiding.
Two days ago, Farpoint Valley resident and businessman Ikoogy Retoodi lost contact to a compound of his on Lok. Visiting troopers and employees of the Talus Government led by Lord Marius Sanguine volunteered to guard him while he travelled to Lok to check on the compound.
At first it seemed as if a storm had been the reason for the loss of communication, but upon reaching the location, the small group saw the buildings were damaged and the antenna destroyed - and several batlte droids were attacking. Despite the presence of a giant kimogila, the compound was cleared of droids and animals. There was no sign of the staff of the compound, until the kimogila's carcass was cut open, revealing the remains of Mr. Retoodi's staff. How they ended up partially digested, if they were attacked by the kimogila, or killed and fed to the beast, or fed to the animals alive, is not clear at this point.
While the investigation of the compound was still going on, a transport landed suddenly, deploying a number of Droideka combat droids, which proceeded to attack the people present. In the following, desperate fighting, General Tierce was wounded, as were other people, neccessating an immediate evacuation. The following footage was released by the Talus Government:
Convoy escapes catastrophe by a hair
Date: 261008
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, another IMC Convoy encountered massive pirate troubles. The two freighters carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell, Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", and Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, were attacked near Rori by four pirate ships, despite having an Imperial TIE Interceptor as escort.
The pirates - an A-Wing, a Y-Wing, an old ARC-170 and a TIE Advanced, most likely a deserter, managed to shoot down the escort, and then fell on the two freighters. In the following battle, the "Midnight Runner" suffered a disabled engine while the "Spinning Cloud" took serious damage to her weapon systems, losing armor plating and a turret and a missile tube each before managing to shoot down the last pirate.
Afterwards, emergency repairs were conducted on the "Midnight Runner", and both freighters reached the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell without further trouble, delivering the cargo on time.
Local IMC manager Kimisei Bythmi was quoted that the company trusted that no matter the odds, Coron Enterprises would deliver the cargo in time.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Six days ago, another IMC Convoy encountered massive pirate troubles. The two freighters carrying ore from Tatooine to Ord Mantell, Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", and Captain Auros Drayen's YT-2400 "Midnight Runner", both flying under the flag of Coron Enterprises, were attacked near Rori by four pirate ships, despite having an Imperial TIE Interceptor as escort.
The pirates - an A-Wing, a Y-Wing, an old ARC-170 and a TIE Advanced, most likely a deserter, managed to shoot down the escort, and then fell on the two freighters. In the following battle, the "Midnight Runner" suffered a disabled engine while the "Spinning Cloud" took serious damage to her weapon systems, losing armor plating and a turret and a missile tube each before managing to shoot down the last pirate.
Afterwards, emergency repairs were conducted on the "Midnight Runner", and both freighters reached the Nova Orion Shipyards in Ord Mantell without further trouble, delivering the cargo on time.
Local IMC manager Kimisei Bythmi was quoted that the company trusted that no matter the odds, Coron Enterprises would deliver the cargo in time.
IMC stock rose 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Battle Droids attack Farpoint Valley!
Date: 211008
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Our readers may be familiar with a mad twi'lek named Kegana Rimos, who has threatened not just Holonews itself, but also the entire town of Farpoint Valley a week ago. While some may consider her a crazy nutcase, her ability to avoid the hunters seeking the bounty of 5 million credits on her head proved that she is not to be taken lightly. Even so, her threat of a droid army seemed more boast than substance - until last night.
Shortly before the regular IMC Convoy set off from the town, several shuttles landed, disgorging waves of battle droids of clone wars vintage - supported by Droidekas and even super battle droids!
The following footage was taken by a surveillance droid we placed in town as part of our increased security measures following last week's threats:
Fortunately, the citizens and visitors that had gathered in Jailbirds had their weapons and hand, and managed to defeat the attacking droids - although not without losses. Lord Marius Sanguine, governor of Talus, was wounded in the attack, as was captain Drake of the "Crimson Eclipse", veteran pilot. Both survived their injuries - and treatment - and are expected to be recovering fully.
Several employes of Coron Enterprises, a business new in town, were crucial in destroying the droids and the company's CEO, captain Ryian Coron, famous for piloting the "Spinning Cloud", was overheard planning to personally hunt down the mad twi'lek behind this.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Our readers may be familiar with a mad twi'lek named Kegana Rimos, who has threatened not just Holonews itself, but also the entire town of Farpoint Valley a week ago. While some may consider her a crazy nutcase, her ability to avoid the hunters seeking the bounty of 5 million credits on her head proved that she is not to be taken lightly. Even so, her threat of a droid army seemed more boast than substance - until last night.
Shortly before the regular IMC Convoy set off from the town, several shuttles landed, disgorging waves of battle droids of clone wars vintage - supported by Droidekas and even super battle droids!
The following footage was taken by a surveillance droid we placed in town as part of our increased security measures following last week's threats:
Fortunately, the citizens and visitors that had gathered in Jailbirds had their weapons and hand, and managed to defeat the attacking droids - although not without losses. Lord Marius Sanguine, governor of Talus, was wounded in the attack, as was captain Drake of the "Crimson Eclipse", veteran pilot. Both survived their injuries - and treatment - and are expected to be recovering fully.
Several employes of Coron Enterprises, a business new in town, were crucial in destroying the droids and the company's CEO, captain Ryian Coron, famous for piloting the "Spinning Cloud", was overheard planning to personally hunt down the mad twi'lek behind this.
Imperial Navy routs rebel space forces
Date: 211008
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Navy struck a heavy blow against the Rebel Alliance. In a roving operation, rebel forces including several gunboats were decimated in the Tatoo system. The task force commanded by Wezz Jansonn - including the restored BSL squadron led by veteran Commanders Bain in his Decimator and Pace - then moved to Deep Space, where it engaged rebel starfighters in a battle over control of key points of the sector.
Despite courageous efforts on their part the rebel forces ended up routed and driven from the sector after a lengthy battle, leaving the Empire in control of Deep Space.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Navy, showing fighting in Deep space:
As of now it's unclear whether or not this resurging might of the Imperial Navy is a lasting change of the power balance of the sector, or if the Rebel Alliance will shift more ships back to the sector and regain the upper hand.
Planet: Tatoo System/Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, the Imperial Navy struck a heavy blow against the Rebel Alliance. In a roving operation, rebel forces including several gunboats were decimated in the Tatoo system. The task force commanded by Wezz Jansonn - including the restored BSL squadron led by veteran Commanders Bain in his Decimator and Pace - then moved to Deep Space, where it engaged rebel starfighters in a battle over control of key points of the sector.
Despite courageous efforts on their part the rebel forces ended up routed and driven from the sector after a lengthy battle, leaving the Empire in control of Deep Space.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Navy, showing fighting in Deep space:
As of now it's unclear whether or not this resurging might of the Imperial Navy is a lasting change of the power balance of the sector, or if the Rebel Alliance will shift more ships back to the sector and regain the upper hand.
Two Imperial Freighters lost - Coincidence?
Date: 201008
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Sources usually in the know leaked today that two weeks ago, an imperial freighter nicknamed "Torrent" dissappeared in the Kessel system after departing an Imperial Star Destroyer referred to as "Tormentor", and stationed in the Dathomir system. The cargo was not known, but rumored to be "experimental".
From what was leaked, the probable reason for the disappearance is an internal mechanical failure that occured while passing through the Corellian system en route to the core worlds. All crew are assumed to be lost. So far an investigation turned up nothing.
Then, a week ago, an imperial freighter being used as a scientific vessel was lost in the Endor system. All hands on board are assumed to have perished in an explosion, likely burned alive and incinerated.
While there are no links between those incidents - although the last freighter's flight computer and onboard database was lost, either in the explosion or later by illegal scavenging, which means any proof for a link may have disappeared - it seems quite the coincidence that in that short a time two vessels involved in experiments are lost.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Sources usually in the know leaked today that two weeks ago, an imperial freighter nicknamed "Torrent" dissappeared in the Kessel system after departing an Imperial Star Destroyer referred to as "Tormentor", and stationed in the Dathomir system. The cargo was not known, but rumored to be "experimental".
From what was leaked, the probable reason for the disappearance is an internal mechanical failure that occured while passing through the Corellian system en route to the core worlds. All crew are assumed to be lost. So far an investigation turned up nothing.
Then, a week ago, an imperial freighter being used as a scientific vessel was lost in the Endor system. All hands on board are assumed to have perished in an explosion, likely burned alive and incinerated.
While there are no links between those incidents - although the last freighter's flight computer and onboard database was lost, either in the explosion or later by illegal scavenging, which means any proof for a link may have disappeared - it seems quite the coincidence that in that short a time two vessels involved in experiments are lost.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Freighter transporting Rancors crashes west of Farpoint Valley
Date: 201008
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, a YT-2400 class freighter later identified as the "Serpent Strike" crashlanded west of Farpoint Valley. As it turned out the freighter carried several live rancors from Dathomir, one of which wandered into the town threatening the population until he was shot by an ad-hoc posse made up of visitors of Jailbirds, the local night club.
The people present - many of them members of the Talus garrison on leave, with the governor, Lord Sanguine himself present - quickly investigated the strange occurance, and following the tracks of the dead animal they arrived at the site of the crash landing, where they found more of the ferocious beasts. They attacked the large animals before they could threaten more civilians.
During the attack on the animals, however, they were attacked themselves by unidentified force users - presumed to be witches of Dathomir. Despite the surprise attack, the animals and their probable handlers were dealt with - permanently.
Then the freighter was searched, and the crew was found dead inside - electrocuted according to the first results from the coroner of the town. Investigations are continuing, even though the freighter was towed off the are soon after being secured. So far, the destiantion of the freighter was not released yet, nor the circumstances behind the strange cargo.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, a YT-2400 class freighter later identified as the "Serpent Strike" crashlanded west of Farpoint Valley. As it turned out the freighter carried several live rancors from Dathomir, one of which wandered into the town threatening the population until he was shot by an ad-hoc posse made up of visitors of Jailbirds, the local night club.
The people present - many of them members of the Talus garrison on leave, with the governor, Lord Sanguine himself present - quickly investigated the strange occurance, and following the tracks of the dead animal they arrived at the site of the crash landing, where they found more of the ferocious beasts. They attacked the large animals before they could threaten more civilians.
During the attack on the animals, however, they were attacked themselves by unidentified force users - presumed to be witches of Dathomir. Despite the surprise attack, the animals and their probable handlers were dealt with - permanently.
Then the freighter was searched, and the crew was found dead inside - electrocuted according to the first results from the coroner of the town. Investigations are continuing, even though the freighter was towed off the are soon after being secured. So far, the destiantion of the freighter was not released yet, nor the circumstances behind the strange cargo.
More pirate attacks than ever!
Date: 201008
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week's IMC Convoy, consisting of Captian Ryian Coron's "Spinning Cloud", Captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", recently repaired from damage taken the week before, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula", a chartered ship piloted by Jamayle, encountered more pirates than ever. Three pirate ships attacked the convoy in the Naboo system, disabling the "Shining Nebula" before being driven off or shot down by the other two convoy vessels.
After emergency repairs had been conducted, the convoy continued to the Ord Mantell system, where three more pirates ambushed it - an X-Wing, a Y-Wing and an older ARC-170. In a furious fight, all three pirates were destroyed, allowing the freighters to safely land on the station.
IMC stock fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last week's IMC Convoy, consisting of Captian Ryian Coron's "Spinning Cloud", Captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", recently repaired from damage taken the week before, and the "TTC-Shining Nebula", a chartered ship piloted by Jamayle, encountered more pirates than ever. Three pirate ships attacked the convoy in the Naboo system, disabling the "Shining Nebula" before being driven off or shot down by the other two convoy vessels.
After emergency repairs had been conducted, the convoy continued to the Ord Mantell system, where three more pirates ambushed it - an X-Wing, a Y-Wing and an older ARC-170. In a furious fight, all three pirates were destroyed, allowing the freighters to safely land on the station.
IMC stock fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Holonews threatened!
Date: 131008
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
It is not often that we report news concerning ourselves, but sometimes, even the news agencies make news. This one of those occasions. A few days ago, we reported a droid attack on Farpoint Valley, carried on the orders of one Kegana Rimos. Business as usual, or so we thought.
This is a letter we recieved three days ago:
I see from the holonews that you got my little show the other day. Rejoice in your little victory while you can, because there's a lot more where that came from - this was just a small demonstration. There's no need for things to get ugly though. If you hand over the rodian along with my father's equipment and withdraw the bounty on me within a week, considerable property damage and causulties can be avoided. It's your choice, but don't underestimate me.
On another note: While the reporter that did the story seems a bit confused (those were not "several" droids, just a small handfull), I don't quite appreciate seeing my name in the news. So if you could direct me to the local news office, I'll show them just how many droids "several" is unless they stop printing my name in their stories.
/ Kegana Rimos
Following a long tradition of delivering news without giving in to pressure, the holonews will not be pressured into suppressing information by criminals. So, whatever crimes this woman commits, we will continue to report them.
However, out of concern for our reporters, and innocent bystanders that could be hurt in those mad attacks we are threatened with, we'll be revising our security procedures and are looking to expand our security division. Interested persons please contact our office.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
It is not often that we report news concerning ourselves, but sometimes, even the news agencies make news. This one of those occasions. A few days ago, we reported a droid attack on Farpoint Valley, carried on the orders of one Kegana Rimos. Business as usual, or so we thought.
This is a letter we recieved three days ago:
I see from the holonews that you got my little show the other day. Rejoice in your little victory while you can, because there's a lot more where that came from - this was just a small demonstration. There's no need for things to get ugly though. If you hand over the rodian along with my father's equipment and withdraw the bounty on me within a week, considerable property damage and causulties can be avoided. It's your choice, but don't underestimate me.
On another note: While the reporter that did the story seems a bit confused (those were not "several" droids, just a small handfull), I don't quite appreciate seeing my name in the news. So if you could direct me to the local news office, I'll show them just how many droids "several" is unless they stop printing my name in their stories.
/ Kegana Rimos
Following a long tradition of delivering news without giving in to pressure, the holonews will not be pressured into suppressing information by criminals. So, whatever crimes this woman commits, we will continue to report them.
However, out of concern for our reporters, and innocent bystanders that could be hurt in those mad attacks we are threatened with, we'll be revising our security procedures and are looking to expand our security division. Interested persons please contact our office.
Talus government sponsors party in Dearic
Date: 131008
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lord Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises, dispelled any myth about his government facing serious troubles due to sabotage, rebel attacks and terrorist activities by throwing a party in the cantina in Dearic three days ago. Only days after his kidnapping, the acting governor was showing up in public without any sign of his ordeal, chatting with several businessmen and other important people.
Hightlight of the party was a performance of the Neutron Pixies, Tatooine's famous dancing troupe. Ramona, Mae'lyn, Ki'iana and the new recruit Mekidra presented an impressive display of synchronised dancing interspersed with solo acts to the music of famous artist Shakir.
Contrary to some expectations, no disturbances were reported during the party - a tribute to the security provided by the authorities, as well as the privately hired bodyguards.
Planet: Talus
Region: Dearic
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lord Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises, dispelled any myth about his government facing serious troubles due to sabotage, rebel attacks and terrorist activities by throwing a party in the cantina in Dearic three days ago. Only days after his kidnapping, the acting governor was showing up in public without any sign of his ordeal, chatting with several businessmen and other important people.
Hightlight of the party was a performance of the Neutron Pixies, Tatooine's famous dancing troupe. Ramona, Mae'lyn, Ki'iana and the new recruit Mekidra presented an impressive display of synchronised dancing interspersed with solo acts to the music of famous artist Shakir.
Contrary to some expectations, no disturbances were reported during the party - a tribute to the security provided by the authorities, as well as the privately hired bodyguards.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Lord Marius Sanguine rescued from kidnapping!
Date: 091008
Planet: Lok
Region: Eastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lord Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises after Lord Blade's death, was reported to have fallen victim to a kidnapping by unknown assailants a day or two ago. The imperial forces at the service of of the government of Talus reacted swiftly though and managed to track the kidnapped politician, with the help of civilians. The lord was being held captive in an underground complex on Lok, east of the infamous slaver camp "New Dosha".
While the rescuers, dropped on location by a shuttle and a YT-1300, worked on cracking the heavily fortified complex, other troops secured the area. This was needed, as was shown when they were attacked by several people and droids just as Lord Marius was led out of the installation. It is not sure if those attackers were the original kidnappers, or just one of the numerous mercenary bands of Lok, but they were no match for the rescue forces, which held them off until Lord Marius had been carried to safety.
Here's footage of the rescue operation taken from the helmet camera of a trooper:
Planet: Lok
Region: Eastern Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lord Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises after Lord Blade's death, was reported to have fallen victim to a kidnapping by unknown assailants a day or two ago. The imperial forces at the service of of the government of Talus reacted swiftly though and managed to track the kidnapped politician, with the help of civilians. The lord was being held captive in an underground complex on Lok, east of the infamous slaver camp "New Dosha".
While the rescuers, dropped on location by a shuttle and a YT-1300, worked on cracking the heavily fortified complex, other troops secured the area. This was needed, as was shown when they were attacked by several people and droids just as Lord Marius was led out of the installation. It is not sure if those attackers were the original kidnappers, or just one of the numerous mercenary bands of Lok, but they were no match for the rescue forces, which held them off until Lord Marius had been carried to safety.
Here's footage of the rescue operation taken from the helmet camera of a trooper:
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Rebels escape imperial attack
Date: 071008
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, an imperial strike force conducted an attack on a suspected rebel base on Lok. The ISD "Victory Assured" under Rear Admiral Marcus Rot, together with four Carrack-class cruisers and three Dreadnaught-class cruisers, was called in after the local garrison had detected a suspicious outpost.
After arriving in the Karthakk system, a dozen Sentinel-class transports and Theta-class transports dropped two companies of troops on Lok, east of the unidentified but heavily fortified base, and started moving towards their objective.
Automated defenses in a canyon did not manage to stop the advance for more than a short time, and soon the 200 imperial troopers were within range of the objective. The outpost confirmed its allegiance to the rebel alliance by opening fire on the storm troopers with turbolaser turrets supported by battle droids and droidekas as well as a number of armored soldiers sniping from covered positions.
Despite heavy losses, the storm troopers pressed on, supported by TIE Bombers, but their attack was stopped by the massive firepower and good defensinve tactics of the defenders for more than 10 minutes, until the defenders finally were pushed back and forced to retreat.
The surviving rebels evacuated their base in a stolen Lambda class shuttle and a YT-2400 freighter, covered by a Vaksai, a Dunelizard and an Incom-made X-wing as well as an older model Z-95.
When orbitting TIE fighters moved in to cut the fleeing rebels off the YT-2400 sacrificed itself on a suicide run towards the "Victory Assured", allowing the rest of the rebel forces to escape.
The identity of the rebel group that had been occupying the base has not yet been released by the imperial authorities.
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, an imperial strike force conducted an attack on a suspected rebel base on Lok. The ISD "Victory Assured" under Rear Admiral Marcus Rot, together with four Carrack-class cruisers and three Dreadnaught-class cruisers, was called in after the local garrison had detected a suspicious outpost.
After arriving in the Karthakk system, a dozen Sentinel-class transports and Theta-class transports dropped two companies of troops on Lok, east of the unidentified but heavily fortified base, and started moving towards their objective.
Automated defenses in a canyon did not manage to stop the advance for more than a short time, and soon the 200 imperial troopers were within range of the objective. The outpost confirmed its allegiance to the rebel alliance by opening fire on the storm troopers with turbolaser turrets supported by battle droids and droidekas as well as a number of armored soldiers sniping from covered positions.
Despite heavy losses, the storm troopers pressed on, supported by TIE Bombers, but their attack was stopped by the massive firepower and good defensinve tactics of the defenders for more than 10 minutes, until the defenders finally were pushed back and forced to retreat.
The surviving rebels evacuated their base in a stolen Lambda class shuttle and a YT-2400 freighter, covered by a Vaksai, a Dunelizard and an Incom-made X-wing as well as an older model Z-95.
When orbitting TIE fighters moved in to cut the fleeing rebels off the YT-2400 sacrificed itself on a suicide run towards the "Victory Assured", allowing the rest of the rebel forces to escape.
The identity of the rebel group that had been occupying the base has not yet been released by the imperial authorities.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
IMC Convoy ambushed at Ord Mantell
Date: 061008
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The pirate activity in the Naboo system might have tapered off, but the pirates did not vanish - they just moved their hunting grounds. Today's IMC convoy, ferrying steel from Tatooine to Ord Mantell, encountered no pirates in the Naboo system.
But when the three ships - captain Ryian Coron's X-4 "Defiance", captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", escorted by pilot Motoko Isawa - arrived in the Ord Mantell system, four pirates jumped them. The "Defiance" boosted straight at the station upon contact, and made a rushed but successful landing under fire. The "Crimson Eclipse" did not fare as well, depsite the help from hte escort, and came under heavy fire, After the escort was taken out, the vigo-class freighter crashed into the station, losing her cargo to the raiders. Fortunately no crew member died during the crash, and the ship was deemed repairable by the experts of the Nova Orion shipyard.
The escort pilot, Isawa, was in more dire straits though - disabled, and without communication, drifting in hostile space. So the "Defiance" launched from the station in order to recover the fighter - or what was left of it. The ship came under attack soon, and had to fight off several pirates, shooting down an ARC-170, before the escort pilot was saved and delivered to the med bay of the station. Her injuries were deemed serious, but not life threatening.
IMC stock fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The pirate activity in the Naboo system might have tapered off, but the pirates did not vanish - they just moved their hunting grounds. Today's IMC convoy, ferrying steel from Tatooine to Ord Mantell, encountered no pirates in the Naboo system.
But when the three ships - captain Ryian Coron's X-4 "Defiance", captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", escorted by pilot Motoko Isawa - arrived in the Ord Mantell system, four pirates jumped them. The "Defiance" boosted straight at the station upon contact, and made a rushed but successful landing under fire. The "Crimson Eclipse" did not fare as well, depsite the help from hte escort, and came under heavy fire, After the escort was taken out, the vigo-class freighter crashed into the station, losing her cargo to the raiders. Fortunately no crew member died during the crash, and the ship was deemed repairable by the experts of the Nova Orion shipyard.
The escort pilot, Isawa, was in more dire straits though - disabled, and without communication, drifting in hostile space. So the "Defiance" launched from the station in order to recover the fighter - or what was left of it. The ship came under attack soon, and had to fight off several pirates, shooting down an ARC-170, before the escort pilot was saved and delivered to the med bay of the station. Her injuries were deemed serious, but not life threatening.
IMC stock fell 2 % at the Coronet Stock Exhange.
Talus government announces decisive strike on terrorist group
Date: 061008
Planet: Yavin IV/Talus
Region: Central Yavin IV/Central Talus
Story: Talus News Agency
Live from Talus reporting on the situation in Nashal. This press conference recorded earlier today at the office of Governor Marius Sanguine*
People of Talus, and the Galaxy at large. It is with esteemed joy that I report to you today that the final nail in the coffin of the terrorist resistance forces that murdered Lord Blade's daughter, Gabbana Blade and are responsible for unleashing countless horrors on the citizens of Talus is laid.
We will be striking at this terrorist group in their last base located in Nashal. At present, Nashal is officially declared under a state of Martial Law. To the residents of Nashal Please cooperate with our forces there this is for your protection.
As many of you know this coalition several months ago were responsible for assaulting the ship carrying young Gabbana Blade to her party on Naboo, which resulted in her untimely, and mournful death.
It was this intolerable action of sadition that inspired Lord Blade to declare full war with this group, and during the investigation of such uncovered the Federation of Double Worlds involvement. This war was hard fought, and without any outside aid it has been draining on the corporate funds of Shadow Blade Enterprises.
But this war is to end. We have run them to their last safe haven, and it is my promise to all of you that we will end their reign of terror, and insure the absolute peace, and prosperity of Talus, and all citizens thereof.
*The holocast fades from view*
Planet: Yavin IV/Talus
Region: Central Yavin IV/Central Talus
Story: Talus News Agency
Live from Talus reporting on the situation in Nashal. This press conference recorded earlier today at the office of Governor Marius Sanguine*
People of Talus, and the Galaxy at large. It is with esteemed joy that I report to you today that the final nail in the coffin of the terrorist resistance forces that murdered Lord Blade's daughter, Gabbana Blade and are responsible for unleashing countless horrors on the citizens of Talus is laid.
We will be striking at this terrorist group in their last base located in Nashal. At present, Nashal is officially declared under a state of Martial Law. To the residents of Nashal Please cooperate with our forces there this is for your protection.
As many of you know this coalition several months ago were responsible for assaulting the ship carrying young Gabbana Blade to her party on Naboo, which resulted in her untimely, and mournful death.
It was this intolerable action of sadition that inspired Lord Blade to declare full war with this group, and during the investigation of such uncovered the Federation of Double Worlds involvement. This war was hard fought, and without any outside aid it has been draining on the corporate funds of Shadow Blade Enterprises.
But this war is to end. We have run them to their last safe haven, and it is my promise to all of you that we will end their reign of terror, and insure the absolute peace, and prosperity of Talus, and all citizens thereof.
*The holocast fades from view*
Droid Attack on Farpoint Valley
Date: 061008
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There have been rumors about a twi'lek woman named Kegana Rimos threatening Farpoint Valley after her attack on merchant Ikoogy Retoodi failed. In response, mayor Clarissa Wrenchturner put a bounty of 5'000'000 on the head of Rimos.
The twi'lek, rumored to be part of a powerful criminal organisation, retaliated today, and tried to follow through with her threats. The usual gathering at Jailbirds prior to the IMC convoy was interrupted when a shuttle landed in the middle of the town and deployed several battledroids.
Fortunately, the crowd at Jailbirds was as skilled in self-defense as their manners and boasts promised, and the droids were dispatched in a short but furnious battle. Afterwards, Tao volunteered to inspect the remote-controlled shuttle for hidden traps or explosives, and deemed it safe.
As it turned out, this was not all that was to this attack. When Ikoogy Retoodi returned to his home after the attack he was beset by several thugs. Fortunately for him, he was in the company of several employees of Coron Enterprises, which managed to kill the thugs before the alerted help from the town arrived.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There have been rumors about a twi'lek woman named Kegana Rimos threatening Farpoint Valley after her attack on merchant Ikoogy Retoodi failed. In response, mayor Clarissa Wrenchturner put a bounty of 5'000'000 on the head of Rimos.
The twi'lek, rumored to be part of a powerful criminal organisation, retaliated today, and tried to follow through with her threats. The usual gathering at Jailbirds prior to the IMC convoy was interrupted when a shuttle landed in the middle of the town and deployed several battledroids.
Fortunately, the crowd at Jailbirds was as skilled in self-defense as their manners and boasts promised, and the droids were dispatched in a short but furnious battle. Afterwards, Tao volunteered to inspect the remote-controlled shuttle for hidden traps or explosives, and deemed it safe.
As it turned out, this was not all that was to this attack. When Ikoogy Retoodi returned to his home after the attack he was beset by several thugs. Fortunately for him, he was in the company of several employees of Coron Enterprises, which managed to kill the thugs before the alerted help from the town arrived.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Governor of Talus killed!
Date: 061008
Planet: Yavin IV/Talus
Region: Central Yavin IV/Central Talus
Story: Talus News Agency
*Incoming live news feed from the Talus Governors Office.*
*Marius Sanguine stands with the Talus Military, Domestic, and Economic advisors behind him. His face is solemn as he reads from a prepared statement*
Hello to you all, I am Marius Sanguine. It is my unfortunate duty to report to everyone that last night, the Governor of Talus, Lord Revenant Blade was killed.
He was lured into a trap striving to insure the defense of Talus by a cult of Dark Force users. And was reported deceased due to a structural collapse caused by an explosion inside a grouping of ruins on Yavin IV.
This Dark Side terrorist group has been identified as a cult calling themselves simply, "Dread". And it is uncertain their exact plans in all of this, but I am sure of one thing...
I have been appointed via, Lord Blade's will and testament to assume command over all he held. And with the Empires approval I am now the acting Governor of Talus as well. And I can promise all Talus Citizens, as well as the Galaxy at large one thing...
Lord Blade Will Be Avenged. I am calling to all bounty hunters, and all of our allies to ready yourselves to be mobilized. This Dark Side threat which has recently emerged must be hunted down, and destroyed.
This is not only an act against us, the Talus Government. But against the Empire, and all peaceful citizens of the Galaxy. And this will not go unpunished.
I will be meeting with several of our allies, and supporters over the coming week to discuss a strategy, and for now I ask for the support of everyone. This is a dark time that has befallen us, but a bright dawn comes. That I promise.
We would like to wish, Aymeh'lee Blade our sincerest condolences on the loss of her father, and Lady Ski'bo Dosni on the loss of her fiancee. This affects all of us here, as it is something I know none of us ever expected.
For now, this is Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus, and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises thanking everyone in advance for their support.
*The view fades as the cameras turn off.*
Planet: Yavin IV/Talus
Region: Central Yavin IV/Central Talus
Story: Talus News Agency
*Incoming live news feed from the Talus Governors Office.*
*Marius Sanguine stands with the Talus Military, Domestic, and Economic advisors behind him. His face is solemn as he reads from a prepared statement*
Hello to you all, I am Marius Sanguine. It is my unfortunate duty to report to everyone that last night, the Governor of Talus, Lord Revenant Blade was killed.
He was lured into a trap striving to insure the defense of Talus by a cult of Dark Force users. And was reported deceased due to a structural collapse caused by an explosion inside a grouping of ruins on Yavin IV.
This Dark Side terrorist group has been identified as a cult calling themselves simply, "Dread". And it is uncertain their exact plans in all of this, but I am sure of one thing...
I have been appointed via, Lord Blade's will and testament to assume command over all he held. And with the Empires approval I am now the acting Governor of Talus as well. And I can promise all Talus Citizens, as well as the Galaxy at large one thing...
Lord Blade Will Be Avenged. I am calling to all bounty hunters, and all of our allies to ready yourselves to be mobilized. This Dark Side threat which has recently emerged must be hunted down, and destroyed.
This is not only an act against us, the Talus Government. But against the Empire, and all peaceful citizens of the Galaxy. And this will not go unpunished.
I will be meeting with several of our allies, and supporters over the coming week to discuss a strategy, and for now I ask for the support of everyone. This is a dark time that has befallen us, but a bright dawn comes. That I promise.
We would like to wish, Aymeh'lee Blade our sincerest condolences on the loss of her father, and Lady Ski'bo Dosni on the loss of her fiancee. This affects all of us here, as it is something I know none of us ever expected.
For now, this is Marius Sanguine, Acting Governor of Talus, and CEO of Shadow Blade Enterprises thanking everyone in advance for their support.
*The view fades as the cameras turn off.*
Pirates try to rob liquor transport!
Date: 061008
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly ore convoys from Tatooine to Ord Mantell are known to attract pirates, and are armed and escorted as a result of this. The publicity those attacks receive might have cuased other ships to assume a relative safety - despite pirates being known to go after such unlikely cargo as panties and cement. As the TTC-Shinging Nebula, a YT-2400, found out three days ago, booze is also sought by pirates - which is no surprise to those with knowledge of certain pirate bands...
The TTC-Shining Nebula had been chartered by the management of Jailbirds, Farpoint Valley, to deliver a cargo of various liquors and other drinks from Keren to Tatooine. With an ad-hoc crew and no escort, the ship obviously expected no danger even while travelling through the Karthakk system.
However, near Lok the freighter was attacked by two pirates, first by a KSE Firespray, and then by an older Y-Wing. Fortunately, the crew had no sampled the cargo, and was on the ball, shooting down both attackers without taking more than some armor damage, and the ship made it to Tatooine without further troubles.
The customers of Jailbirds can rest assured that the club's bar remains well-stocked.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly ore convoys from Tatooine to Ord Mantell are known to attract pirates, and are armed and escorted as a result of this. The publicity those attacks receive might have cuased other ships to assume a relative safety - despite pirates being known to go after such unlikely cargo as panties and cement. As the TTC-Shinging Nebula, a YT-2400, found out three days ago, booze is also sought by pirates - which is no surprise to those with knowledge of certain pirate bands...
The TTC-Shining Nebula had been chartered by the management of Jailbirds, Farpoint Valley, to deliver a cargo of various liquors and other drinks from Keren to Tatooine. With an ad-hoc crew and no escort, the ship obviously expected no danger even while travelling through the Karthakk system.
However, near Lok the freighter was attacked by two pirates, first by a KSE Firespray, and then by an older Y-Wing. Fortunately, the crew had no sampled the cargo, and was on the ball, shooting down both attackers without taking more than some armor damage, and the ship made it to Tatooine without further troubles.
The customers of Jailbirds can rest assured that the club's bar remains well-stocked.
IMC Convoy reaches Nova Orion Station without losses
Date: 061008
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Naboo system remains a hotbed of piracy attacks, but their intensitiy is lessening greatly. A week ago, the regular IMC convoy encountered just a lone pirate raider in an outdated ship that tried to attack the ore freighters.
The convoy, led by captain Ryian Corons X-4 "Defiance" and composed of captain Aenius Bosk's vigo-class "Vengeance" as well as captain Qel-Gin's YT-1300 "Pure Pazaak", had no difficulties dispatching the pirate. The lead ship even ran the pirate down when he tried to flee with engine damage, and brought it to explosive justice near the Naboo station:
The convoy encountered minimal troubles in the Ord Mantell system, and delivered the ore shippment on time and without losses to the Nova Orion Station.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Naboo system remains a hotbed of piracy attacks, but their intensitiy is lessening greatly. A week ago, the regular IMC convoy encountered just a lone pirate raider in an outdated ship that tried to attack the ore freighters.
The convoy, led by captain Ryian Corons X-4 "Defiance" and composed of captain Aenius Bosk's vigo-class "Vengeance" as well as captain Qel-Gin's YT-1300 "Pure Pazaak", had no difficulties dispatching the pirate. The lead ship even ran the pirate down when he tried to flee with engine damage, and brought it to explosive justice near the Naboo station:
The convoy encountered minimal troubles in the Ord Mantell system, and delivered the ore shippment on time and without losses to the Nova Orion Station.
IMC shares rose 2% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Mysterious Incidents on Talus
Date: 061008
Planet: Talus
Region: Central Talus
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Talus, usually a quiet planet, has been getting more attention lately, namely with the recent change in government - a transition that happened without troubles, as far as it is known - or the upcoming tournament in Dearic.
Recently however, more sinister things are rumored to have taken place on Talus. There are reports of mysterious attacks on several cities under direct control of Lord Blade. So far nothing more is known about those raiders, but some sources claim they call themselves "sith".
In other news, unrelated as far as we know, the entire computer network of Talus' government was said to have suffered blackouts and malfunctions, leading to violent attacks by droids in half a dozen cities: Shadow Blade Central, Vvardenfell, Talus Government Office, Shadow Blade Retreat, And Ravenwind and Fort Shadows Wake all were reported to have suffered from droid violence breaking out. If this was the result of a computer virus, sabotage, or both is not yet known. Some travellers claimed that they encountered similar droid attacks on Mustafar.
The Talus Government stated that the situation was under control and that there was no cause for alarm.
Planet: Talus
Region: Central Talus
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Talus, usually a quiet planet, has been getting more attention lately, namely with the recent change in government - a transition that happened without troubles, as far as it is known - or the upcoming tournament in Dearic.
Recently however, more sinister things are rumored to have taken place on Talus. There are reports of mysterious attacks on several cities under direct control of Lord Blade. So far nothing more is known about those raiders, but some sources claim they call themselves "sith".
In other news, unrelated as far as we know, the entire computer network of Talus' government was said to have suffered blackouts and malfunctions, leading to violent attacks by droids in half a dozen cities: Shadow Blade Central, Vvardenfell, Talus Government Office, Shadow Blade Retreat, And Ravenwind and Fort Shadows Wake all were reported to have suffered from droid violence breaking out. If this was the result of a computer virus, sabotage, or both is not yet known. Some travellers claimed that they encountered similar droid attacks on Mustafar.
The Talus Government stated that the situation was under control and that there was no cause for alarm.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Cult Leader murdered?
Date: 011008
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The body of Malachae Solace, the leader of the fringe cult Temple of Adonae was found in a ditch just outside Coronet. According to CorSec, the decomposing body was barely recognizable and was only able to be identified by a tatoo on the forearm. The spokesman refused to validate reports the religious leader had been tortured and dismembered.
Malachae Solace leaves an estranged daughter, Senyka, whose whereabouts are unknown. CorSec did not comment on specualtions whether the woman was involved in this incident, or already a victim.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The body of Malachae Solace, the leader of the fringe cult Temple of Adonae was found in a ditch just outside Coronet. According to CorSec, the decomposing body was barely recognizable and was only able to be identified by a tatoo on the forearm. The spokesman refused to validate reports the religious leader had been tortured and dismembered.
Malachae Solace leaves an estranged daughter, Senyka, whose whereabouts are unknown. CorSec did not comment on specualtions whether the woman was involved in this incident, or already a victim.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Attack on Merchant in Farpoint Valley
Date: 300908
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley saw another firefight last night when the home of local businessman Ikoogy Retoodi was attacked by several thugs. The merchant's droid guards were quickly dispatched, and just the quick intervention of a group of people which had been visiting the club "Jailbirds" in town and had noticed the attack saved the rodian from getting robbed - or worse.
Here's footage from the attack, saved from a droid which was destroyed during the fight:
Neither Ikoogy nor his pet kusak were hurt during the attack, but the property damage was not neglible, and all attackers were shot during the battle.
It is not yet sure if this attack has any connection to another attack over a week ago, but the authorities are looking into this possibility. Mayor Clarissa Wrenchturner was overheard pondering the placement of a substantial bounty on the suspected backers of those attacks, if there is a connection.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley saw another firefight last night when the home of local businessman Ikoogy Retoodi was attacked by several thugs. The merchant's droid guards were quickly dispatched, and just the quick intervention of a group of people which had been visiting the club "Jailbirds" in town and had noticed the attack saved the rodian from getting robbed - or worse.
Here's footage from the attack, saved from a droid which was destroyed during the fight:
Neither Ikoogy nor his pet kusak were hurt during the attack, but the property damage was not neglible, and all attackers were shot during the battle.
It is not yet sure if this attack has any connection to another attack over a week ago, but the authorities are looking into this possibility. Mayor Clarissa Wrenchturner was overheard pondering the placement of a substantial bounty on the suspected backers of those attacks, if there is a connection.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Five ships shot down in the act of piracy
Date: 290908
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Pirate attacks are on the rise again in the Naboo system, despite strong measures taken by authorities. One week ago the weekly IMC Convoy transporting ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell, was attacked by five pirate raiders - according to eye witnesses two KSE Firesprays, one older Bellubab-22, an even older ARC-170 recon ship and a N-1 Starfighter, most likely a deserter from the RSF.
The convoy, however, was ready for them. The three freighters - Captain Ryian Coron's "Defiance", a X4-class class vessel, a well as the two AEG-77 "Vigo" class ships "Vengeance", piloted by veteran captain Aenius Bosk, and Captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", were escorted by Captan Amillo in his Vaksai heavy fighter and a TIE Oppressor on detched duty from the Imperial Sector Fleet, together with a Kimogila fighter.
When the pirates attacked the convoy, the escorts engaged and broke up their formation, allowing the freighters to remain undamaged in the following fight while all pirate ships were destroyed or disabled.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Sector Fleet:
IMC stock rose 5% following the delivery.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Pirate attacks are on the rise again in the Naboo system, despite strong measures taken by authorities. One week ago the weekly IMC Convoy transporting ore from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, to Ord Mantell, was attacked by five pirate raiders - according to eye witnesses two KSE Firesprays, one older Bellubab-22, an even older ARC-170 recon ship and a N-1 Starfighter, most likely a deserter from the RSF.
The convoy, however, was ready for them. The three freighters - Captain Ryian Coron's "Defiance", a X4-class class vessel, a well as the two AEG-77 "Vigo" class ships "Vengeance", piloted by veteran captain Aenius Bosk, and Captain Drake's "Crimson Eclipse", were escorted by Captan Amillo in his Vaksai heavy fighter and a TIE Oppressor on detched duty from the Imperial Sector Fleet, together with a Kimogila fighter.
When the pirates attacked the convoy, the escorts engaged and broke up their formation, allowing the freighters to remain undamaged in the following fight while all pirate ships were destroyed or disabled.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Sector Fleet:
IMC stock rose 5% following the delivery.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Imperial forces storm rebel base on Yavin IV
Date: 240908
Planet: Yavin IV
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, the armed forces of the Galactic Empire conducted a massive attack on Yavin IV. By all accounts, it was a planetary assault on a rebel base in an abandonned temple.
The rebel alliance put up a strong blockade, but could not prevent the first wave of the troop transports of the strike force from making planetfall. The assault forces quickly rallied on ground, and rapidly took the objective, defending it against multiple assaults by rebel ground forces.
Rebel starfighters and capital ships continued to control Yavin's orbit, engaged with less numerous imperial fighters and capital ships. Thanks to the efforts of the navy pilots however, curcial reinforcements managed to reach the forces on ground depsite the heavy blockade, and after an hour, the rebel space crews were called down on the ground and sent into battle as additional infantry. But not even then could the rebels dislodge the imperial troopers from the objective.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Navy, showing the last minutes of the battle in space:
Planet: Yavin IV
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, the armed forces of the Galactic Empire conducted a massive attack on Yavin IV. By all accounts, it was a planetary assault on a rebel base in an abandonned temple.
The rebel alliance put up a strong blockade, but could not prevent the first wave of the troop transports of the strike force from making planetfall. The assault forces quickly rallied on ground, and rapidly took the objective, defending it against multiple assaults by rebel ground forces.
Rebel starfighters and capital ships continued to control Yavin's orbit, engaged with less numerous imperial fighters and capital ships. Thanks to the efforts of the navy pilots however, curcial reinforcements managed to reach the forces on ground depsite the heavy blockade, and after an hour, the rebel space crews were called down on the ground and sent into battle as additional infantry. But not even then could the rebels dislodge the imperial troopers from the objective.
The following footage was released by the Imperial Navy, showing the last minutes of the battle in space:
Monday, September 22, 2008
Firefight in Farpoint Valley
Date: 220908
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, a firefight between the Shuttleport and Jailbirds shook up the peaceful town of Farpoint Valley. Information is sketchy, from what was gathered from citizens, the shuttleport had been under observation by a number of armed residents and visitors, probably expecting an attack for some time when two armed and armored men arrived and were confronted.
After an exchange of words for several minutes, the two opened fire on the people present and a short but intense blasterfight followed. The two attackers were taken down quickly by about ten "concerned citizens", and then medically treated before being sent away.
Half an hour later, a corpse was found at the place of the firefight. The man, identified as "Ehaefi", was shot dead after suffering previous wounds. According to some reports he had been attacked in Mos Eisley earlier.
While the authorities did not comment on the case - although the body was, for sanitary reasons, cremated - the imperial garrison in Mos Eisley announced that the man had been in the process of getting transferred into their custoy by a deptutised trandoshan citizen on imperial orders by General Bosk when the suspect was shot trying to escape.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Three days ago, a firefight between the Shuttleport and Jailbirds shook up the peaceful town of Farpoint Valley. Information is sketchy, from what was gathered from citizens, the shuttleport had been under observation by a number of armed residents and visitors, probably expecting an attack for some time when two armed and armored men arrived and were confronted.
After an exchange of words for several minutes, the two opened fire on the people present and a short but intense blasterfight followed. The two attackers were taken down quickly by about ten "concerned citizens", and then medically treated before being sent away.
Half an hour later, a corpse was found at the place of the firefight. The man, identified as "Ehaefi", was shot dead after suffering previous wounds. According to some reports he had been attacked in Mos Eisley earlier.
While the authorities did not comment on the case - although the body was, for sanitary reasons, cremated - the imperial garrison in Mos Eisley announced that the man had been in the process of getting transferred into their custoy by a deptutised trandoshan citizen on imperial orders by General Bosk when the suspect was shot trying to escape.
Tie in the seventh Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley
Date: 220908
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ten days ago, the seventh Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As is now the custom not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant.
After the introduction song by Ramona "Oh Baby" Newcomer Bwab started the competition with "ain't gonna work on Owen's farm no more", followed by Jeric with the sort-of-rap "Your kisses are like cookies". Neutron Pixie Mae'Lyn then sang "Fire Eyes", followed by Shakir with "One season more". The town's sheriff, returned from a trip to the core, K'yna Mont'yr, then stepped on stage with "Girls just wanna have lunch" to conclude the performances.
When all the votes were tallied, a surprise was the result: Shakir and K'yna tied for first place! Both received a surprise prize, and Jeric won the random prize.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ten days ago, the seventh Karaoke Night was held in the Grindhouse Bar in Farpoint Valley. As is now the custom not just the winner received a prize, but also a random contestant.
After the introduction song by Ramona "Oh Baby" Newcomer Bwab started the competition with "ain't gonna work on Owen's farm no more", followed by Jeric with the sort-of-rap "Your kisses are like cookies". Neutron Pixie Mae'Lyn then sang "Fire Eyes", followed by Shakir with "One season more". The town's sheriff, returned from a trip to the core, K'yna Mont'yr, then stepped on stage with "Girls just wanna have lunch" to conclude the performances.
When all the votes were tallied, a surprise was the result: Shakir and K'yna tied for first place! Both received a surprise prize, and Jeric won the random prize.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Miners Save TIE Pilot!
Date: 170908
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Dantooine Plains
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A group of local miners and an Imperial regulations officer rescued an Imperial pilot who crashed on the Dantooine plains. The miners, along with the officer, were out prospecting for new claims when they came across the crashed remains of an Imperial TIE starfighter. The miners found the unconscious pilot a short distance from the craft and were able to transport her back to the Imperial Outpost without further injury.
An Imperial sergeant was quoted as saying "The young pilot was out on a routine training exercise with a TIE craft. She lost control and was forced to eject before the craft crashed. Doctors expect her to make a full recovery. We are conducting an investigation to find the cause of the crash." The sergeant declined to comment on rumors of rebel attacks in the Dantooine system.
If the miners had not found the pilot when they did she may have succumbed to her injuries or the wildlife on the plains. Several settlers and more numerous visitors are hurt or even killed by Dantooine's fauna each year, and the native tribes are known for their hostility towards other species - some of the hatred the result of ruthless mercenaries hunting down the natives for their blood, which was a prized component in the production of stims a few years ago, until medical advances made it obsolete.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Dantooine Plains
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
A group of local miners and an Imperial regulations officer rescued an Imperial pilot who crashed on the Dantooine plains. The miners, along with the officer, were out prospecting for new claims when they came across the crashed remains of an Imperial TIE starfighter. The miners found the unconscious pilot a short distance from the craft and were able to transport her back to the Imperial Outpost without further injury.
An Imperial sergeant was quoted as saying "The young pilot was out on a routine training exercise with a TIE craft. She lost control and was forced to eject before the craft crashed. Doctors expect her to make a full recovery. We are conducting an investigation to find the cause of the crash." The sergeant declined to comment on rumors of rebel attacks in the Dantooine system.
If the miners had not found the pilot when they did she may have succumbed to her injuries or the wildlife on the plains. Several settlers and more numerous visitors are hurt or even killed by Dantooine's fauna each year, and the native tribes are known for their hostility towards other species - some of the hatred the result of ruthless mercenaries hunting down the natives for their blood, which was a prized component in the production of stims a few years ago, until medical advances made it obsolete.
Massive convoy battle in Naboo
Date: 160908
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a few weeks of few piracy incidents, today's IMC convoy - led by Captain Ryain Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", with the two vigo-class freighters "Vengeance" of Captain Aenius Bosk and "Crimson Eclipse" of Captain Drake, escorted by the Decimator-class patrol boat "Ruby" commanded by Pilot officer Ek'ieth - encountered a large pirate force. The four ships were attacked by two Vaksais, one ARC-170 and a Krayt Gunship during their stop-over in the Naboo system on the way from Tatooine to Ord Mantell. The pirates concentrated their fire on the "Vengeance", but the convoy closed ranks, all ships using blaster turrets and missiles to defend the freighter under attack. In the following fight, all four pirates were defeated or destroyed, among them most likely the ARC-120 that has attacked so stubbornly during the last two convoys. The "Vengeance" took armor damage but remained operational, and the entire convoy reached the Nova Orion Station with the cargo intact.
Here's footage from the battle:
IMC regional manager Kimisei Bythmi expressed the hope that the Imperial Navy would continue to increase their anti-piracy operations.
IMC shares rose 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a few weeks of few piracy incidents, today's IMC convoy - led by Captain Ryain Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud", with the two vigo-class freighters "Vengeance" of Captain Aenius Bosk and "Crimson Eclipse" of Captain Drake, escorted by the Decimator-class patrol boat "Ruby" commanded by Pilot officer Ek'ieth - encountered a large pirate force. The four ships were attacked by two Vaksais, one ARC-170 and a Krayt Gunship during their stop-over in the Naboo system on the way from Tatooine to Ord Mantell. The pirates concentrated their fire on the "Vengeance", but the convoy closed ranks, all ships using blaster turrets and missiles to defend the freighter under attack. In the following fight, all four pirates were defeated or destroyed, among them most likely the ARC-120 that has attacked so stubbornly during the last two convoys. The "Vengeance" took armor damage but remained operational, and the entire convoy reached the Nova Orion Station with the cargo intact.
Here's footage from the battle:
IMC regional manager Kimisei Bythmi expressed the hope that the Imperial Navy would continue to increase their anti-piracy operations.
IMC shares rose 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
"Vengeance" gets through again
Date: 160908
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" is earning quite the reputation in the sector. A week ago, it made another solo run through pirate territory carrying steel from Tatooine to Ord Mantell. Despite not having a full crew, the freighter fought off another lengthy pirate attack in the Naboo and Ord Mantell system, made by an older recon ship.
The following footage was recovered by authorities investigating the incident. It is unclear of the people the recording was taken from are in custody of the RSF or not - the spokesman of the RSF cited security reasons for withholding this information.
IMC stock rose 2% at the Coronet stock exchange. Despite this, a representative of the company complained about lack of patrols to combat the growing pirate threat.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" is earning quite the reputation in the sector. A week ago, it made another solo run through pirate territory carrying steel from Tatooine to Ord Mantell. Despite not having a full crew, the freighter fought off another lengthy pirate attack in the Naboo and Ord Mantell system, made by an older recon ship.
The following footage was recovered by authorities investigating the incident. It is unclear of the people the recording was taken from are in custody of the RSF or not - the spokesman of the RSF cited security reasons for withholding this information.
IMC stock rose 2% at the Coronet stock exchange. Despite this, a representative of the company complained about lack of patrols to combat the growing pirate threat.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Tenacious pirate pursues freighter
Date: 090908
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Civil war is making life harder for everyone as more and more money is spent on the war. Those who do not have anything are often driven to desperate measures by it. At least this might be the reason for what happened during the last IMC cargo convoy a week ago.
Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" had been in Naboo for some time, recharging its hyperdrive on the way to Ord Mantell, when it was jumped near Rori space station by a lone ARC-170. The pirate kept attacking the freighter, despite serious damage taken by the freighter's turrets, and even followed the ship to Ord mantell, trying to prevent the freighter from docking to the Nova Orion Station, finally relenting when the "Vengeance" reached the hangar.
Other sources claim the attacker was on spice, or suffering from some mental instability. No matter its reasons, the pirate did not manage to stop the cargo from getting delivered. IMC's stock rose 2% following those news.
The following footage was recovered from an astro droid that was blown off the pirate in Ord Mantell:
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Galactic Civil war is making life harder for everyone as more and more money is spent on the war. Those who do not have anything are often driven to desperate measures by it. At least this might be the reason for what happened during the last IMC cargo convoy a week ago.
Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" had been in Naboo for some time, recharging its hyperdrive on the way to Ord Mantell, when it was jumped near Rori space station by a lone ARC-170. The pirate kept attacking the freighter, despite serious damage taken by the freighter's turrets, and even followed the ship to Ord mantell, trying to prevent the freighter from docking to the Nova Orion Station, finally relenting when the "Vengeance" reached the hangar.
Other sources claim the attacker was on spice, or suffering from some mental instability. No matter its reasons, the pirate did not manage to stop the cargo from getting delivered. IMC's stock rose 2% following those news.
The following footage was recovered from an astro droid that was blown off the pirate in Ord Mantell:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Deserters going pirate?
Date: 260808
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
With the galactic civil war dragging on for years, morale is becoming a problem for both sides and both forces are losing men to desertion. In the case of pilots, they often seem to take their ships with them - from starfighter to corvettes.
In a galaxy torn apart by war, what will those deserters do? Some may change sides, and re-enter the war. Others however will most likely fend for themselves any way they can - and in the case of soldiers, this is usually a violent way. And among those kind of deserters, old hostility often is dropped together with the old rank.
This might explain the odd case of an A-Wing and a TIE Bomber attacking the last IMC Convoy one week ago in the Naboo system. The IMC Convoy consisting of Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" and Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" had already met with problems when engine troubles on the "Vengeance" had delayed it. Then a scouting escort had been engaged upon entering the system at Penumbra Omen, and had been disabled after taking out the TIE Bomber. And when the Convoy arrived in the Naboo system at Kylanthia's whim, the A-Wing attacked them damaging the "Vengeance" before it was taken out.
The following footage was taken from a civilian craft which witnessed this attack:
After conducting emergency repairs the convoy continued to Ord Mantell, arriving safely and with the cargo intact.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
With the galactic civil war dragging on for years, morale is becoming a problem for both sides and both forces are losing men to desertion. In the case of pilots, they often seem to take their ships with them - from starfighter to corvettes.
In a galaxy torn apart by war, what will those deserters do? Some may change sides, and re-enter the war. Others however will most likely fend for themselves any way they can - and in the case of soldiers, this is usually a violent way. And among those kind of deserters, old hostility often is dropped together with the old rank.
This might explain the odd case of an A-Wing and a TIE Bomber attacking the last IMC Convoy one week ago in the Naboo system. The IMC Convoy consisting of Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" and Captain Aenius Bosk's Vigo-class freighter "Vengeance" had already met with problems when engine troubles on the "Vengeance" had delayed it. Then a scouting escort had been engaged upon entering the system at Penumbra Omen, and had been disabled after taking out the TIE Bomber. And when the Convoy arrived in the Naboo system at Kylanthia's whim, the A-Wing attacked them damaging the "Vengeance" before it was taken out.
The following footage was taken from a civilian craft which witnessed this attack:
After conducting emergency repairs the convoy continued to Ord Mantell, arriving safely and with the cargo intact.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Korris Sprint attacked!
Date: 210808
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Entha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Blackwater employee Korris Sprint and five of his co-workers were attacked by a man in a black cloak, with googles masking his upper face. From what witnesses told, the fight started after Sprint pushed the cloaked man away, and there may have been an exchange of words prior to that.
The fight itself lasted no longer than 2 minutes, and saw Sprint and his co-workers knocked out in short order. Unconfirmed reports speak of lightsabers and force powers being used during the fight.
Once the group was unconscious, another man in a dark cloak placed a figurine of a dragon on the chest of Korris Sprint and the two men disappeared. There is speculation that this was a warning or retaliation related to Blackwater's mercenary work.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Entha
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Blackwater employee Korris Sprint and five of his co-workers were attacked by a man in a black cloak, with googles masking his upper face. From what witnesses told, the fight started after Sprint pushed the cloaked man away, and there may have been an exchange of words prior to that.
The fight itself lasted no longer than 2 minutes, and saw Sprint and his co-workers knocked out in short order. Unconfirmed reports speak of lightsabers and force powers being used during the fight.
Once the group was unconscious, another man in a dark cloak placed a figurine of a dragon on the chest of Korris Sprint and the two men disappeared. There is speculation that this was a warning or retaliation related to Blackwater's mercenary work.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
An Interview with Korris Sprint
Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Sila Synergy, Galactic News Agency
GNA: "Greetings, Mister Sprint."
Korris Sprint: "Evening, Ma'am."
Korris Sprint smiles at you.
GNA: "Thank you for this interview"
Korris Sprint: "My pleasure. Always happy to answer questions for the media."
GNA: "Now, you've led a very interesting life so far. A military career, and some turbulent civilian enterprises. What made you enter the military?"
Korris Sprint smirks at that as he sits back. He rubs at his jaw a moment, looking slightly amused.
Korris Sprint: "Um, well I was about sixteen when I did so. My father served in the Republic Navy... and I had a wife that was killed in a Rebel attack. So, as you can imagine I was highly motivated."
GNA: "And you rose through the ranks."
Korris Sprint nods at you.
GNA: "You led the sector fleet in a few battles, if our information is correct."
Korris Sprint: "That's correct, while in command of the I.A.S Event Horizon."
GNA: "What made you resign from service?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat slightly and quirks his lips in thought.
Korris Sprint: "Well, I had a couple of them. Primarily though, I had a family, settling down and what not. Adopted son and all. Didn't think it was appropriate anymore."
GNA: "Was it a big change, going from the military to the civilian life?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly and nods.
Korris Sprint: "Yeah, you could say that."
GNA: "What was the biggest change?"
Korris Sprint: "Hrmmm. The loss of the steady paycheck and some misunderstandings with the Imperial goverment, I think. Actually, I ended up being wanted. But, that's all been cleared up."
GNA: "Which brings us to our next question. Those misunderstandings. What exactly happened?"
Korris Sprint smiles every so softly.
Korris Sprint: "Actually, it was a bit of a mess with an ex girlfriend...."
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "They actually took a simple tailor, for a slicer."
GNA: "Who?"
Korris Sprint: "Toshiko Western. Most knew her as Treble, from Vagabond's Rest, and Soul's Peace."
GNA: "And what happened with her?"
Korris Sprint: "Oh, her and I have long sense parted ways. last I heard, she'd setup a little shop somewhere near the core worlds."
GNA: "I mean, what happened to lead to this misunderstanding which did keep a number of people busy tracking you?"
Korris Sprint: "You know, I'm not really sure. I wasn't told. On-going investigation and what not."
GNA: "So, what about the rumors of your involvement with organised crime?"
Korris Sprint blinks in disbelief at you.
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "Just that, I'm afraid. Rumors. I worked for a group of moisture farmers on Tatooine for awhile. But, no, organized crime?" *chuckles* "No."
GNA: "After this misunderstanding was cleared, what business did you enter?"
Korris Sprint: "Well, for the last couple of years I worked as a Private Investigator, with some cargo transport on the side. Completely above the bar, so to speak."
GNA: "This sounds rather exotic, in wartime. What are the kind of jobs you did?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softely in response.
Korris Sprint: "Um, as a P.I I did the usual. Tracking suspect unfaithful spouses, run away children. Helped the Telos Security Forces with a kidnapping once... Anyway, couple months back, was hired on by a Private Security Firm, Blackwater Galactic."
GNA: "Mercenaries?"
Korris Sprint: "I suppose you could call them that, sure."
GNA: "Isn't this a big change again?"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Not so much as going from Naval service to Civilian life, no. It's mostly the same sort of work I did solo, but I get a regular paycheck again"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly, smiling politely.
GNA: "So, you're not entering many combat situations?"
Korris Sprint smirks.
Korris Sprint: "Oh, hells no. I try and avoid it at all costs if I can.But, sometimes, y'know? Violence erupts. I'm Corellian, I can't exactly run from it. I'm sure you understand"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
GNA: "Yes. So, you were hired by Blackwater Galactic. Who is your boss?"
Korris Sprint smirks slightly and clears his throat.
Korris Sprint: "A young man by the name of Tamman Machman is the local corporate rep. he signs the checks and makes sure all of the paperwork is in order. I just make sure the jobs get done."
GNA: "This sounds like a clerk."
Korris Sprint chuckles politely at you.
Korris Sprint: "We have other nic-names for him, but sure. I'm the one with the military experiance. But he's a fairly sharp cookie. He's got a business mind and what all"
GNA: "So, do you work well together?"
Korris Sprint quirks a small grin.
Korris Sprint: "We have our moments, let's put it that way."
GNA: "Do you like your work?"
Korris Sprint: "Love it to death, actually. I get most of the same perks as I did in uniform, and the hours are better. But, I think the major bonus for me, is that I get to help people."
GNA: "And your family?"
Korris Sprint: "Uhh, well, my son is on Leave from the Navy himself, so I've been spending more time with him as of late. My recent girlfriend and I just decided to go our own ways as well. So it's just Jaeden and I. Work keeps me plenty busy."
GNA: "You have a rather striking record as a leader. Do you plan to form your own company in the future?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat a moment and shakes his head.
Korris Sprint: "Not really, no. I'm fairly happy with the way Blackwater is treating the crew and I, so for the forseeable future I'll likely stick with them. But honestly, I can't say for sure what the future holds."
GNA: "What are you most proud of among your achievements?"
Korris Sprint considers a moment, eyes narrowing.
Korris Sprint: "Y'know, I could say it was the time with the Navy, and all of the criminals, pirates and so forth I helped weed out. But I'd have to say it's raising my son. He's a good young man, in my opinion. I can't think of anything, or anyone that means more to me than he does."
GNA: "If you could do one thing undone that you did, change one action or decision you took, what would it be?"
Korris Sprint blinks at that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "if I could go back and undo something? Oyi, just one?"
GNA: "Yes."
Korris Sprint chuckles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Hrmm. Damn, y'know, I'd have to say it would be the spice addiction. The poo-doo ruins your life. I was lucky that Treble and Jaeden were there to help pull me out of it."
GNA: "To conclude this interview, Mister Sprint, is there anything you'd like to tell our readers?"
Korris Sprint considers that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "Sure, don't harass the Storm Troopers. Poor men and women of this mighty Empire are just trying to do their jobs, and they have it tough as it is. Shame the way some folks treat them."
GNA: "Mr. Sprint, we thank you for this interview."
Korris Sprint: "Quite welcome Ma'am. Always happy to speak with the media."
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Sila Synergy, Galactic News Agency
GNA: "Greetings, Mister Sprint."
Korris Sprint: "Evening, Ma'am."
Korris Sprint smiles at you.
GNA: "Thank you for this interview"
Korris Sprint: "My pleasure. Always happy to answer questions for the media."
GNA: "Now, you've led a very interesting life so far. A military career, and some turbulent civilian enterprises. What made you enter the military?"
Korris Sprint smirks at that as he sits back. He rubs at his jaw a moment, looking slightly amused.
Korris Sprint: "Um, well I was about sixteen when I did so. My father served in the Republic Navy... and I had a wife that was killed in a Rebel attack. So, as you can imagine I was highly motivated."
GNA: "And you rose through the ranks."
Korris Sprint nods at you.
GNA: "You led the sector fleet in a few battles, if our information is correct."
Korris Sprint: "That's correct, while in command of the I.A.S Event Horizon."
GNA: "What made you resign from service?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat slightly and quirks his lips in thought.
Korris Sprint: "Well, I had a couple of them. Primarily though, I had a family, settling down and what not. Adopted son and all. Didn't think it was appropriate anymore."
GNA: "Was it a big change, going from the military to the civilian life?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly and nods.
Korris Sprint: "Yeah, you could say that."
GNA: "What was the biggest change?"
Korris Sprint: "Hrmmm. The loss of the steady paycheck and some misunderstandings with the Imperial goverment, I think. Actually, I ended up being wanted. But, that's all been cleared up."
GNA: "Which brings us to our next question. Those misunderstandings. What exactly happened?"
Korris Sprint smiles every so softly.
Korris Sprint: "Actually, it was a bit of a mess with an ex girlfriend...."
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "They actually took a simple tailor, for a slicer."
GNA: "Who?"
Korris Sprint: "Toshiko Western. Most knew her as Treble, from Vagabond's Rest, and Soul's Peace."
GNA: "And what happened with her?"
Korris Sprint: "Oh, her and I have long sense parted ways. last I heard, she'd setup a little shop somewhere near the core worlds."
GNA: "I mean, what happened to lead to this misunderstanding which did keep a number of people busy tracking you?"
Korris Sprint: "You know, I'm not really sure. I wasn't told. On-going investigation and what not."
GNA: "So, what about the rumors of your involvement with organised crime?"
Korris Sprint blinks in disbelief at you.
Korris Sprint chuckles.
Korris Sprint: "Just that, I'm afraid. Rumors. I worked for a group of moisture farmers on Tatooine for awhile. But, no, organized crime?" *chuckles* "No."
GNA: "After this misunderstanding was cleared, what business did you enter?"
Korris Sprint: "Well, for the last couple of years I worked as a Private Investigator, with some cargo transport on the side. Completely above the bar, so to speak."
GNA: "This sounds rather exotic, in wartime. What are the kind of jobs you did?"
Korris Sprint chuckles softely in response.
Korris Sprint: "Um, as a P.I I did the usual. Tracking suspect unfaithful spouses, run away children. Helped the Telos Security Forces with a kidnapping once... Anyway, couple months back, was hired on by a Private Security Firm, Blackwater Galactic."
GNA: "Mercenaries?"
Korris Sprint: "I suppose you could call them that, sure."
GNA: "Isn't this a big change again?"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Not so much as going from Naval service to Civilian life, no. It's mostly the same sort of work I did solo, but I get a regular paycheck again"
Korris Sprint chuckles softly, smiling politely.
GNA: "So, you're not entering many combat situations?"
Korris Sprint smirks.
Korris Sprint: "Oh, hells no. I try and avoid it at all costs if I can.But, sometimes, y'know? Violence erupts. I'm Corellian, I can't exactly run from it. I'm sure you understand"
Korris Sprint smiles slightly.
GNA: "Yes. So, you were hired by Blackwater Galactic. Who is your boss?"
Korris Sprint smirks slightly and clears his throat.
Korris Sprint: "A young man by the name of Tamman Machman is the local corporate rep. he signs the checks and makes sure all of the paperwork is in order. I just make sure the jobs get done."
GNA: "This sounds like a clerk."
Korris Sprint chuckles politely at you.
Korris Sprint: "We have other nic-names for him, but sure. I'm the one with the military experiance. But he's a fairly sharp cookie. He's got a business mind and what all"
GNA: "So, do you work well together?"
Korris Sprint quirks a small grin.
Korris Sprint: "We have our moments, let's put it that way."
GNA: "Do you like your work?"
Korris Sprint: "Love it to death, actually. I get most of the same perks as I did in uniform, and the hours are better. But, I think the major bonus for me, is that I get to help people."
GNA: "And your family?"
Korris Sprint: "Uhh, well, my son is on Leave from the Navy himself, so I've been spending more time with him as of late. My recent girlfriend and I just decided to go our own ways as well. So it's just Jaeden and I. Work keeps me plenty busy."
GNA: "You have a rather striking record as a leader. Do you plan to form your own company in the future?"
Korris Sprint clears his throat a moment and shakes his head.
Korris Sprint: "Not really, no. I'm fairly happy with the way Blackwater is treating the crew and I, so for the forseeable future I'll likely stick with them. But honestly, I can't say for sure what the future holds."
GNA: "What are you most proud of among your achievements?"
Korris Sprint considers a moment, eyes narrowing.
Korris Sprint: "Y'know, I could say it was the time with the Navy, and all of the criminals, pirates and so forth I helped weed out. But I'd have to say it's raising my son. He's a good young man, in my opinion. I can't think of anything, or anyone that means more to me than he does."
GNA: "If you could do one thing undone that you did, change one action or decision you took, what would it be?"
Korris Sprint blinks at that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "if I could go back and undo something? Oyi, just one?"
GNA: "Yes."
Korris Sprint chuckles slightly.
Korris Sprint: "Hrmm. Damn, y'know, I'd have to say it would be the spice addiction. The poo-doo ruins your life. I was lucky that Treble and Jaeden were there to help pull me out of it."
GNA: "To conclude this interview, Mister Sprint, is there anything you'd like to tell our readers?"
Korris Sprint considers that a moment.
Korris Sprint: "Sure, don't harass the Storm Troopers. Poor men and women of this mighty Empire are just trying to do their jobs, and they have it tough as it is. Shame the way some folks treat them."
GNA: "Mr. Sprint, we thank you for this interview."
Korris Sprint: "Quite welcome Ma'am. Always happy to speak with the media."
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Politician cheating on his wife?
Date: 130808
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Viraep Cog, an upcoming politician from Coruscant, is currently on a trip to the Outer Rim "for personal reasons". Just how personal those reasons are is a question many of his peers on Coruscant are asking themselves when news reached them of the esteemed gentleman being seen with a female twi'lek in the Coronet Starport Bar. According to rumors, there even was a transaction of credits involved.
The Cog family's reputation suffered during the Clone Wars, when Viraep Cog's father, Dan Cog went missing under suspicious circumstances. No charges were made, but according to isndiers, treason was mentioned. Viraep Cog has struggled for a long time to restore his familiy's reputation, and his friends stated that it was inconceivable that he'd cheat on his wife, Marella D'Abo. They could not give a reason for his trip or clandestine meeting, however. Marella D'Abo did not comment, but has been talking with her laywer from what we hear from Coruscant.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Coronet
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Viraep Cog, an upcoming politician from Coruscant, is currently on a trip to the Outer Rim "for personal reasons". Just how personal those reasons are is a question many of his peers on Coruscant are asking themselves when news reached them of the esteemed gentleman being seen with a female twi'lek in the Coronet Starport Bar. According to rumors, there even was a transaction of credits involved.
The Cog family's reputation suffered during the Clone Wars, when Viraep Cog's father, Dan Cog went missing under suspicious circumstances. No charges were made, but according to isndiers, treason was mentioned. Viraep Cog has struggled for a long time to restore his familiy's reputation, and his friends stated that it was inconceivable that he'd cheat on his wife, Marella D'Abo. They could not give a reason for his trip or clandestine meeting, however. Marella D'Abo did not comment, but has been talking with her laywer from what we hear from Coruscant.
Visitor dies to allergic shock
Date: 130808
Planet: Naboo
Region: Moenia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Travelling, especially in those trying times of the Galactic Civil War, is dangerous. Pirates, marauding insurgents, misguided patrols, faulty maps, and failing equipment all pose dangers to travellers in the Outer Rim. However, in this age of galaxy-wide travel, there are more subtle dangers as well, as a corellian traveller found out last night in Moenia's cantina.
Afebrie Bron, 60 years old, was on a short trip to Naboo "for personal reasons", as his family stated, and meeting a pair of acquaintances in Moenia while sampling the local specialities when he suddenly started to cough, lose his breath, and then died shortly afterwards, causing a short panic and rumors about poisoning.
As the autopsy revealed the cause of death was not poison, but an allergic shock to a local fruit used in his drink. Born and living on Tralus, Bron was not familiar with it, and didn't know he was allergic, much less with this severity.
The Moenia tourist office announced that they will update their visitor's guide to include a new warning, but also stated that this was the first such case in decades. Nevertheless, travellers are advised to always read up on guides before exploring new planets, and to be careful when sampling local cuisine.
Both the Bron family as well as the Moenia cantina, who suffered a loss of income and reputation, have announced lawsuits against each other.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Moenia
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Travelling, especially in those trying times of the Galactic Civil War, is dangerous. Pirates, marauding insurgents, misguided patrols, faulty maps, and failing equipment all pose dangers to travellers in the Outer Rim. However, in this age of galaxy-wide travel, there are more subtle dangers as well, as a corellian traveller found out last night in Moenia's cantina.
Afebrie Bron, 60 years old, was on a short trip to Naboo "for personal reasons", as his family stated, and meeting a pair of acquaintances in Moenia while sampling the local specialities when he suddenly started to cough, lose his breath, and then died shortly afterwards, causing a short panic and rumors about poisoning.
As the autopsy revealed the cause of death was not poison, but an allergic shock to a local fruit used in his drink. Born and living on Tralus, Bron was not familiar with it, and didn't know he was allergic, much less with this severity.
The Moenia tourist office announced that they will update their visitor's guide to include a new warning, but also stated that this was the first such case in decades. Nevertheless, travellers are advised to always read up on guides before exploring new planets, and to be careful when sampling local cuisine.
Both the Bron family as well as the Moenia cantina, who suffered a loss of income and reputation, have announced lawsuits against each other.
"TTC Nova Sun" lost in Naboo system
Date: 130808
Planet: Naboo system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Tatooine Trading Company, commonly known as TTC, announced today that last night, they lost their new YT-2400 class freighter "TTC Nova Sun" to a pirate attack in the Naboo system. The ship, chartered by Dr. Votin Serkual of the Theed University for an extended archeological expedition, arrived at the hyperspace jumppoint "Royal Way" on schedule, but then was waylaid by a pirate ship. According to the last comm transcriptions of the "Nova Sun", the attacker was a Nova Courier using Corellian Beamrail cannons. Despite resistance, the freighter was disabled and boarded. A patrolling TIE Oppressor reacted to the distress call, but arrived too late to stop the pirates from getting away.
The YT-2400 was damaged beyond repair during the attack. The bodies of three of the four crew members - captain Dal Sunstar, burned to death due to a plasma leak in the cockpit with crewman Leli Fiore, and crewman J'zk Fren, suffocated in the dorsal turret after a hull breach, were recovered - but the fourth crewmember, Klus Egata, as well as the passenger, Dr. Votin Serkual, are still missing, their fates unknown.
Dr. Votin Serkual, a historian, recently published his latest work, "Memories of a spacer in the war", based on the diary of Jun Helok from the Clone Wars, and is poised to get a tenure as professor after his next research project. The Theed University announced the hope of the entire faculty that Dr. Serkual will be found alive and unhurt, but fears the worst.
Planet: Naboo system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Tatooine Trading Company, commonly known as TTC, announced today that last night, they lost their new YT-2400 class freighter "TTC Nova Sun" to a pirate attack in the Naboo system. The ship, chartered by Dr. Votin Serkual of the Theed University for an extended archeological expedition, arrived at the hyperspace jumppoint "Royal Way" on schedule, but then was waylaid by a pirate ship. According to the last comm transcriptions of the "Nova Sun", the attacker was a Nova Courier using Corellian Beamrail cannons. Despite resistance, the freighter was disabled and boarded. A patrolling TIE Oppressor reacted to the distress call, but arrived too late to stop the pirates from getting away.
The YT-2400 was damaged beyond repair during the attack. The bodies of three of the four crew members - captain Dal Sunstar, burned to death due to a plasma leak in the cockpit with crewman Leli Fiore, and crewman J'zk Fren, suffocated in the dorsal turret after a hull breach, were recovered - but the fourth crewmember, Klus Egata, as well as the passenger, Dr. Votin Serkual, are still missing, their fates unknown.
Dr. Votin Serkual, a historian, recently published his latest work, "Memories of a spacer in the war", based on the diary of Jun Helok from the Clone Wars, and is poised to get a tenure as professor after his next research project. The Theed University announced the hope of the entire faculty that Dr. Serkual will be found alive and unhurt, but fears the worst.
Lucky at the gambling table, unlucky in life
Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Gamblers often risk more than they can afford to lose when caught in a game, and people addicted to gambling are a common sight in many casinos. However, most gamblers adhere to the myth that luck comes in streaks - at some evenings, some lucky man cannot lose, and seems to be on a run. Many gamblers hope for such a lucky streak, even if they lose most of the time.
Last night, one gambler seemed to have hit on such a streak when he started to win several times in a row at the Jubilee table in Mos Eisley's Lucky Despot. However, his jubilant yells were suddenly interrupted when a figure in mandalorian armor approached him from behind, held a blaster to his head and, after a short exchange of words, shot the gambler, later identified as Kim Nova, 25 years old, dead.
Authorities investigating the death stated that there had been a bounty put on Nova, who had been wanted for running out on his gambling debts in several systems. The case is considered closed.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Gamblers often risk more than they can afford to lose when caught in a game, and people addicted to gambling are a common sight in many casinos. However, most gamblers adhere to the myth that luck comes in streaks - at some evenings, some lucky man cannot lose, and seems to be on a run. Many gamblers hope for such a lucky streak, even if they lose most of the time.
Last night, one gambler seemed to have hit on such a streak when he started to win several times in a row at the Jubilee table in Mos Eisley's Lucky Despot. However, his jubilant yells were suddenly interrupted when a figure in mandalorian armor approached him from behind, held a blaster to his head and, after a short exchange of words, shot the gambler, later identified as Kim Nova, 25 years old, dead.
Authorities investigating the death stated that there had been a bounty put on Nova, who had been wanted for running out on his gambling debts in several systems. The case is considered closed.
Ord Mantell becoming even more dangerous
Date: 130808
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC convoy has been getting better at evading pirate attacks in the Naboo system, but this seems to have driven the pirates to operate in less patrolled systems - such as the Ord Mantell system, the usual destination of the cargo IMC is shipping. Yesterday, Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" and Captain Ahi's Vigo-class freighter "Kom'rk", without a fighter escort, passed through the Naboo system without incident, but then were ambushed at the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell by an ARC-170 recon craft and a ship identified as a stolen TIE Bomber.
The following footage was taken from the flight recorder of the ARC-170, which was recovered after the attack:
The "Kom'rk" took armor damage, but no internal damage despite several torpedo and space bomb attacks, and the "Spinning Cloud" took no damage at all, and the cargo was delivered without significant delay.
A representative of the Nova Orion Station declined to comment on the questions why pirate ships could hide inside the station's hangar, referring to "ongoing investigations".
IMC stock was a bit volatile at the Coronet stock exchange, but closed with a slight plus.
Planet: Tatooine/Naboo System/Ord Mantell
Region: Farpoint Valley/Nova Orion Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly IMC convoy has been getting better at evading pirate attacks in the Naboo system, but this seems to have driven the pirates to operate in less patrolled systems - such as the Ord Mantell system, the usual destination of the cargo IMC is shipping. Yesterday, Captain Ryian Coron's YT-1300 "Spinning Cloud" and Captain Ahi's Vigo-class freighter "Kom'rk", without a fighter escort, passed through the Naboo system without incident, but then were ambushed at the Nova Orion Station in Ord Mantell by an ARC-170 recon craft and a ship identified as a stolen TIE Bomber.
The following footage was taken from the flight recorder of the ARC-170, which was recovered after the attack:
The "Kom'rk" took armor damage, but no internal damage despite several torpedo and space bomb attacks, and the "Spinning Cloud" took no damage at all, and the cargo was delivered without significant delay.
A representative of the Nova Orion Station declined to comment on the questions why pirate ships could hide inside the station's hangar, referring to "ongoing investigations".
IMC stock was a bit volatile at the Coronet stock exchange, but closed with a slight plus.
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