Date: 230907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just about every resident of the Outer Rim’s seedier regions is familiar with Zess. This mohawk-wearing, foul-mouthed spicehead has clashed with law enforcement agencies, criminals and good fashion taste all over the galaxy. However, no matter what trouble he got in, what beating he took, he always bounced back, as angry as before, and often getting even with whoever took him down before.
Not this time though. No one has seen Zess for says by now. No reports of a mugging, no loud screaming at troopers or security, no demands for spice. The last that was heard of Zess was some quarrell on Lok a few days ago. Since then – nothing.
Even close friends of Zess – Borombo and Cpike, to name them – do not seem to know what happened to the thug. So, people are asking themselves: What happened to Zess? Was he killed? Deported? Eaten by a Kimogila? Captured for experiments of an unspeakable nature? Overdosed on spice? Saw the light and changed his ways?
Time will tell. Or not.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
An Interview with Corrent Gilo
Date: 230907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Hera Lightdust, Galactic News Agency
GNA: You are the CEO and president of the Viper Sands corporation, known for its landspeeder business.
Corrent Gilo: Yes
GNA: Is it a public corporation, or is the stock not traded at the stock exchange?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, I tend to keep the stocks inbetween me and my employees, prevents any, hostile take overs, or people getting information they shouldn't.
GNA: Are you worried about industrial espionage? Or are there other reasons you fear leaks?
Corrent Gilo: I could say both.
GNA: What other reasons are there?
Corrent Gilo: Lets just say there are certain aspects of our company the public should not know about
GNA: Aha. Before we touch those matters... what's the current line of speeder models of your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Currently we are still doing all our custom models on demand, but we are now constructing a factory, on lok, that will be making larger quantitys of our Sand Viper Swoop.
GNA: Are you focussing on any special area? Such as bikes, racing speeders, transport speeders, or luxury vehicles?
Corrent Gilo: That is the beauty of custom speeders, what ever the client wants, we design and make it from our variety of base models, so technicaly any of the above can be made, to the clients specifications.
GNA: Would you call your prices low, average, or high?
Corrent Gilo: For the speeders, it all depends what you are comparing them to, our custom speeders are an average price compared to other custom speeders, but of course are very expensive compared to mass produced ones, of course our new factory should take care of that.
GNA: What made you pick Lok for the new factory? The planet has a well-deserved reputation of being a pirate haven.
Corrent Gilo: Well we do operate throughout the galaxy but I would like to keep it closer to home if you know what I mean, and Nym has a cheaper pay off then Jabba, along with him being a personal friend.
GNA: Ah. So, does this friendship extend to protection as well, or do you retain or hire your own guards?
Corrent Gilo: I hire my own, although im sure if I would need more assistance I could ask him for a price, but I do have employees for this reason.
GNA: You mentioned information that was not destined for the public. Is the recent cantina opening - a business area not close to speeder manufacturing - part of this?
Corrent Gilo lets out a slight chuckle and nods slowly.
GNA: What made you decide to open a cantina/club?
Corrent Gilo: It gives many of my employees a place to relax along with gaining more attention from the public, and not so public eye.
GNA: Trying to gain more attention seems to run counter to your desire to keep your secrets.
Corrent Gilo: I didnt neccessarily want the public eye, but it seems information spreads fast. So if they enjoy the club, I still profit off of it.
GNA: I would say advertising publically for the club contributed greatly to getting attention form the public.
Corrent Gilo chuckles.
Corrent Gilo: I suppose, but if they are looking for secrets they wont find them there.
GNA: However, you also caught attention in a few incidents, most notably an attack on you a bit ago by what observers called organised crime. Would you care to detail this?
Corrent Gilo: Ah, the incident with Skocha's men?
GNA: Yes.
Corrent Gilo: Not sure exactly what they were doing on Tatooine ... but Skocha has been dealt with by many organizations, so that is no longer a concern.
GNA: Indeed. But more recently, at your cantina's opening in fact, another incident made the news - from what is reported, there was a slave auction inside the club, backed by both Tatooine criminals as well as Lokian ones. Are those business partners of yours?
Corrent Gilo: That was not neccessarily on the agenda, but yes they are associates of mine and its rude not to accept a gift, expecially when they could have a hand in killing me if they wanted to, its never a good idea to upset a doshan. So yes three slaves were sold, luckily from what im aware of they are being freed.
GNA: In other words - you are forced to do their bidding?
Corrent Gilo: Not neccessarily, I just dont not accept gifts, its rude. If I chose I did not want to sell them, I could have kicked the doshans out, I had more then enough gaurds there at the time. I do partialy regret auctioning them, but its the past now.
GNA: An attitude well-suited to doing business on the Outer Rim. Traditionally, Ithorians are known for their talents with plants. What made you enter the speeder market?
Corrent Gilo: Oh I am very much in tune with nature, as you can see I have my fair share of creatures here in my estate, as I tame them, but as a young boy my father was the one who worked on the herdship shuttles, guess I just always had an interest and skill, in anything that moves
GNA: You are rather prominent as the CEO/president of your corporation. Are there any employees or business partners that you attribute part of the success of your enterprise to?
Corrent Gilo: Well I started alone, and was very small then it was just recently after the empire came into power, had to end my old job. But my Executive, Thaesus Andromeda. Hmmm Nym helped me with some aspects, and then there are many more but no major assistants, Oh and a jawa helped us find the location of our headquarters
GNA: A Jawa? that's very surprising. Do you work with the native population often?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, I've always found native species interesting, and not just on this planet, I once did a study on the dantari. But yes, this one actualy had an interesting story although I have not talked to him in a while.
GNA: Interesting?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, he didnt have a tribe.
GNA: Ah. An exile?
Corrent Gilo: Some what. He was once a slave.
GNA: So... you mentioned the slaves that were sold being freed. How so, and who is involved there?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, all but one I believe, but she is in good hands, one has been reunited with her husband, the other was freed but that is all I know.
GNA: Freed by whom?
Corrent Gilo: The one that returned to her husband involved the buyers who were a ithorian and a bothan
Corrent Gilo: Im sorry I can't recall the name, the doshans managed the exchange.
GNA: Aha. Apart from those mentioned, do your employees include people with a shady past?
Corrent Gilo: Hph, some, yes.
GNA: Is this a concern for you?
Corrent Gilo: Not really, what they are doing suits them you could say.
GNA: Would you care to elaborate on this statement?
Corrent Gilo: Not preferably, like I said certain information the public should not know.
GNA: Now for some personal questions, for our readers. You wear a rather striking amulet. What is it exactly?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this, black sun medaillon, not one of our closest friends in the corporation. They decided to steal some of our supplies, we stole their l- well lets just say this is just a memorabilia to scare off the others.0
GNA: And this staff?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this. Beautiful, isn't it? It's a relic from a planet most would not know to exist.
GNA: What planet?
Corrent Gilo: Kamino, nothing there any more.
Corrent Gilo rubs the end of the staff slightly and it lets out a high pitch echo.
GNA: The cloner planet?
Corrent Gilo nods.
Corrent Gilo: Although none being made there any more.
GNA: Does this mean you have some ties to Kamino? Or even knowledge?
Corrent Gilo nods.
GNA: Cloning?
Corrent Gilo: I have knoledge of many planets from my past. Not to much on the cloning aspect, but a bit on genetic modification.
GNA: A new market for your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, doubt it, just helps with my breeding hobby.
GNA: You breed animals as a hobby?
Corrent Gilo: Have for the longest time.
GNA: There have been fortunes made in the bioengineered animal market. Were you never tempted to enter it?
Corrent Gilo: Slightly long ago, but I have my money.
GNA: Do you have a family?
Corrent Gilo: Long ago, I dont know what happened. I was exiled from the herdship at the age of 16, kept contact for a long time until the herdship moved and I dont know the new location. But as of recent no, no kids.
GNA: Why were you exiled?
Corrent Gilo: Because if you wish to go down to the surface of ithor you need a schedualed time, which of course at my age was impossible to get, my parents would go down and study but I wouldnt be allowed, so I stole a ship and headed down.It didnt go over well with the priestess.
GNA: A rather harsh fate. Do you carry a grudge?
Corrent Gilo: My life would not be what it was if I stayed there, no, I thank them, I couldnt live confined like that.
GNA: A wise view. Do you have anything you wish to say to our readers?
Corrent Gilo: hmmm, Follow what comes to you and dreams come true.
GNA: GNA thanks you for this interview, Mister Gilo.
Corrent Gilo: You're most very welcome.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Hera Lightdust, Galactic News Agency
GNA: You are the CEO and president of the Viper Sands corporation, known for its landspeeder business.
Corrent Gilo: Yes
GNA: Is it a public corporation, or is the stock not traded at the stock exchange?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, I tend to keep the stocks inbetween me and my employees, prevents any, hostile take overs, or people getting information they shouldn't.
GNA: Are you worried about industrial espionage? Or are there other reasons you fear leaks?
Corrent Gilo: I could say both.
GNA: What other reasons are there?
Corrent Gilo: Lets just say there are certain aspects of our company the public should not know about
GNA: Aha. Before we touch those matters... what's the current line of speeder models of your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Currently we are still doing all our custom models on demand, but we are now constructing a factory, on lok, that will be making larger quantitys of our Sand Viper Swoop.
GNA: Are you focussing on any special area? Such as bikes, racing speeders, transport speeders, or luxury vehicles?
Corrent Gilo: That is the beauty of custom speeders, what ever the client wants, we design and make it from our variety of base models, so technicaly any of the above can be made, to the clients specifications.
GNA: Would you call your prices low, average, or high?
Corrent Gilo: For the speeders, it all depends what you are comparing them to, our custom speeders are an average price compared to other custom speeders, but of course are very expensive compared to mass produced ones, of course our new factory should take care of that.
GNA: What made you pick Lok for the new factory? The planet has a well-deserved reputation of being a pirate haven.
Corrent Gilo: Well we do operate throughout the galaxy but I would like to keep it closer to home if you know what I mean, and Nym has a cheaper pay off then Jabba, along with him being a personal friend.
GNA: Ah. So, does this friendship extend to protection as well, or do you retain or hire your own guards?
Corrent Gilo: I hire my own, although im sure if I would need more assistance I could ask him for a price, but I do have employees for this reason.
GNA: You mentioned information that was not destined for the public. Is the recent cantina opening - a business area not close to speeder manufacturing - part of this?
Corrent Gilo lets out a slight chuckle and nods slowly.
GNA: What made you decide to open a cantina/club?
Corrent Gilo: It gives many of my employees a place to relax along with gaining more attention from the public, and not so public eye.
GNA: Trying to gain more attention seems to run counter to your desire to keep your secrets.
Corrent Gilo: I didnt neccessarily want the public eye, but it seems information spreads fast. So if they enjoy the club, I still profit off of it.
GNA: I would say advertising publically for the club contributed greatly to getting attention form the public.
Corrent Gilo chuckles.
Corrent Gilo: I suppose, but if they are looking for secrets they wont find them there.
GNA: However, you also caught attention in a few incidents, most notably an attack on you a bit ago by what observers called organised crime. Would you care to detail this?
Corrent Gilo: Ah, the incident with Skocha's men?
GNA: Yes.
Corrent Gilo: Not sure exactly what they were doing on Tatooine ... but Skocha has been dealt with by many organizations, so that is no longer a concern.
GNA: Indeed. But more recently, at your cantina's opening in fact, another incident made the news - from what is reported, there was a slave auction inside the club, backed by both Tatooine criminals as well as Lokian ones. Are those business partners of yours?
Corrent Gilo: That was not neccessarily on the agenda, but yes they are associates of mine and its rude not to accept a gift, expecially when they could have a hand in killing me if they wanted to, its never a good idea to upset a doshan. So yes three slaves were sold, luckily from what im aware of they are being freed.
GNA: In other words - you are forced to do their bidding?
Corrent Gilo: Not neccessarily, I just dont not accept gifts, its rude. If I chose I did not want to sell them, I could have kicked the doshans out, I had more then enough gaurds there at the time. I do partialy regret auctioning them, but its the past now.
GNA: An attitude well-suited to doing business on the Outer Rim. Traditionally, Ithorians are known for their talents with plants. What made you enter the speeder market?
Corrent Gilo: Oh I am very much in tune with nature, as you can see I have my fair share of creatures here in my estate, as I tame them, but as a young boy my father was the one who worked on the herdship shuttles, guess I just always had an interest and skill, in anything that moves
GNA: You are rather prominent as the CEO/president of your corporation. Are there any employees or business partners that you attribute part of the success of your enterprise to?
Corrent Gilo: Well I started alone, and was very small then it was just recently after the empire came into power, had to end my old job. But my Executive, Thaesus Andromeda. Hmmm Nym helped me with some aspects, and then there are many more but no major assistants, Oh and a jawa helped us find the location of our headquarters
GNA: A Jawa? that's very surprising. Do you work with the native population often?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, I've always found native species interesting, and not just on this planet, I once did a study on the dantari. But yes, this one actualy had an interesting story although I have not talked to him in a while.
GNA: Interesting?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, he didnt have a tribe.
GNA: Ah. An exile?
Corrent Gilo: Some what. He was once a slave.
GNA: So... you mentioned the slaves that were sold being freed. How so, and who is involved there?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, all but one I believe, but she is in good hands, one has been reunited with her husband, the other was freed but that is all I know.
GNA: Freed by whom?
Corrent Gilo: The one that returned to her husband involved the buyers who were a ithorian and a bothan
Corrent Gilo: Im sorry I can't recall the name, the doshans managed the exchange.
GNA: Aha. Apart from those mentioned, do your employees include people with a shady past?
Corrent Gilo: Hph, some, yes.
GNA: Is this a concern for you?
Corrent Gilo: Not really, what they are doing suits them you could say.
GNA: Would you care to elaborate on this statement?
Corrent Gilo: Not preferably, like I said certain information the public should not know.
GNA: Now for some personal questions, for our readers. You wear a rather striking amulet. What is it exactly?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this, black sun medaillon, not one of our closest friends in the corporation. They decided to steal some of our supplies, we stole their l- well lets just say this is just a memorabilia to scare off the others.0
GNA: And this staff?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this. Beautiful, isn't it? It's a relic from a planet most would not know to exist.
GNA: What planet?
Corrent Gilo: Kamino, nothing there any more.
Corrent Gilo rubs the end of the staff slightly and it lets out a high pitch echo.
GNA: The cloner planet?
Corrent Gilo nods.
Corrent Gilo: Although none being made there any more.
GNA: Does this mean you have some ties to Kamino? Or even knowledge?
Corrent Gilo nods.
GNA: Cloning?
Corrent Gilo: I have knoledge of many planets from my past. Not to much on the cloning aspect, but a bit on genetic modification.
GNA: A new market for your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, doubt it, just helps with my breeding hobby.
GNA: You breed animals as a hobby?
Corrent Gilo: Have for the longest time.
GNA: There have been fortunes made in the bioengineered animal market. Were you never tempted to enter it?
Corrent Gilo: Slightly long ago, but I have my money.
GNA: Do you have a family?
Corrent Gilo: Long ago, I dont know what happened. I was exiled from the herdship at the age of 16, kept contact for a long time until the herdship moved and I dont know the new location. But as of recent no, no kids.
GNA: Why were you exiled?
Corrent Gilo: Because if you wish to go down to the surface of ithor you need a schedualed time, which of course at my age was impossible to get, my parents would go down and study but I wouldnt be allowed, so I stole a ship and headed down.It didnt go over well with the priestess.
GNA: A rather harsh fate. Do you carry a grudge?
Corrent Gilo: My life would not be what it was if I stayed there, no, I thank them, I couldnt live confined like that.
GNA: A wise view. Do you have anything you wish to say to our readers?
Corrent Gilo: hmmm, Follow what comes to you and dreams come true.
GNA: GNA thanks you for this interview, Mister Gilo.
Corrent Gilo: You're most very welcome.
Imperial task force operating in the Corellia system
Date: 220907
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy announced tonight in a press release that a task force from the sector fleet had completed a sweep of the Corellia system today. Units from Claw, Omega, and Crimson Squadron as well as Dark Flight and Onyx Squadron were ordered to clear the system of any pirates, rebels or other threats to space lanes and shipping after several incidents as well as a major battle against rebel forces had occurred there.
Starting from CorSec Wing, the task force first secured the hyperspace jump point Trifecta Star, destroying about a dozen enemy ships and suffering minimal losses. A surprise attack at the staging area set the operation back a bit, and caused serious losses as well as allowed some pirate or insurgent ships to escape through Corellia’s Own while that point was not secured. The imperial counter attack cleared the area around Corsec Wing though, as well as Binayre Razorcat.
After this, Corellia’s orbital station came under attack by fast rebel interceptors, and the remaining ships of the task force headed there, taking slower moving rebel strike fighters in the flank before finishing the rebel interceptor crafts around the station. Again, minimal losses were suffered by the Imperial ships, but the station suffered some damage by blaster bolts that missed the target. It is expected that repairs will not take long.
The Diktat has not yet commented on the operation, but according to anonymous sources, Imperial pressure on the Corellian government to take more action against insurgent and pirate forces may increase.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy announced tonight in a press release that a task force from the sector fleet had completed a sweep of the Corellia system today. Units from Claw, Omega, and Crimson Squadron as well as Dark Flight and Onyx Squadron were ordered to clear the system of any pirates, rebels or other threats to space lanes and shipping after several incidents as well as a major battle against rebel forces had occurred there.
Starting from CorSec Wing, the task force first secured the hyperspace jump point Trifecta Star, destroying about a dozen enemy ships and suffering minimal losses. A surprise attack at the staging area set the operation back a bit, and caused serious losses as well as allowed some pirate or insurgent ships to escape through Corellia’s Own while that point was not secured. The imperial counter attack cleared the area around Corsec Wing though, as well as Binayre Razorcat.
After this, Corellia’s orbital station came under attack by fast rebel interceptors, and the remaining ships of the task force headed there, taking slower moving rebel strike fighters in the flank before finishing the rebel interceptor crafts around the station. Again, minimal losses were suffered by the Imperial ships, but the station suffered some damage by blaster bolts that missed the target. It is expected that repairs will not take long.
The Diktat has not yet commented on the operation, but according to anonymous sources, Imperial pressure on the Corellian government to take more action against insurgent and pirate forces may increase.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Club opening as a cover for slave auction?
Date: 220907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The "The Sands Oasis", a cantina and club, opened last night for the public. Sporting 2 VIP rooms and a stage for entertainment as well as a bar, the club is run by the Viper Sands Corporation. In the advertising, "all night entertainment, an Auction, Free drinks! and more" was mentioned - and as was to be expected, the event drew in people from the whole Outer Rim. How many were there for the free drinks, and how many for othe reasons is not known.
What started as a normal cantina/club opening event, however, took a more sinister turn when the "auction" advertised was revealed to be a slave auction. Soon after the start, the stage was used to sell sentients like cattle, courtesy of a trandoshan slaver clan and Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, next to twi'leks of both genders, humans were being sold too, but reports differ there, with some of the audience leaving the club.
While some of the more sophisticated readers, especially those from the Core Worlds, may be appalled at this, even Tatooine residents, long used to such displays, may be concerned, since where there are a lot of slave sales, there's a lot of demand for new slaves - which are often procured in shady or outright criminal ways. Dancers and entertainers best be on their guard on Tatooine.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The "The Sands Oasis", a cantina and club, opened last night for the public. Sporting 2 VIP rooms and a stage for entertainment as well as a bar, the club is run by the Viper Sands Corporation. In the advertising, "all night entertainment, an Auction, Free drinks! and more" was mentioned - and as was to be expected, the event drew in people from the whole Outer Rim. How many were there for the free drinks, and how many for othe reasons is not known.
What started as a normal cantina/club opening event, however, took a more sinister turn when the "auction" advertised was revealed to be a slave auction. Soon after the start, the stage was used to sell sentients like cattle, courtesy of a trandoshan slaver clan and Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, next to twi'leks of both genders, humans were being sold too, but reports differ there, with some of the audience leaving the club.
While some of the more sophisticated readers, especially those from the Core Worlds, may be appalled at this, even Tatooine residents, long used to such displays, may be concerned, since where there are a lot of slave sales, there's a lot of demand for new slaves - which are often procured in shady or outright criminal ways. Dancers and entertainers best be on their guard on Tatooine.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Missing reporter found dead
Date: 210907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Almost a month ago, Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing while working on a new article about money laundering and fraud. Yesterday, her remains were discovered near Farpoint Valley and identified through a DNA scan. How the reporter died, and when is not yet known, but local authorities suspect a violent death. They stated that while the group that found the remains was attacked by Tusken raiders at the site, sand people involvement was just one possible direction the investigation was taking.
Ikiwi Obead was a native of Naboo, and started her career in journalism at an early age, volunteering at a student news service in Theed. After graduating from college she started to work as a freelance journalist for the Galactic News Agency. Her latest work, two interviews with Clarissa Goldear and Thaesus Andromeda, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Ikiwi Obead next of kin consist of her two parents and a younger brother.
The Galactic News Agency is considering putting out a bounty, should the investigation come to the conclusion that Ikiwi Obead died because of a crime.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Almost a month ago, Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing while working on a new article about money laundering and fraud. Yesterday, her remains were discovered near Farpoint Valley and identified through a DNA scan. How the reporter died, and when is not yet known, but local authorities suspect a violent death. They stated that while the group that found the remains was attacked by Tusken raiders at the site, sand people involvement was just one possible direction the investigation was taking.
Ikiwi Obead was a native of Naboo, and started her career in journalism at an early age, volunteering at a student news service in Theed. After graduating from college she started to work as a freelance journalist for the Galactic News Agency. Her latest work, two interviews with Clarissa Goldear and Thaesus Andromeda, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Ikiwi Obead next of kin consist of her two parents and a younger brother.
The Galactic News Agency is considering putting out a bounty, should the investigation come to the conclusion that Ikiwi Obead died because of a crime.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pirate attack in Coronet Starport!
Date: 190907
Planet: Corellia/Tatooine
Region: Coronet/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet last night was off to a bad start right away when the „Spinning Cloud“ captained by Ryian Coron was attacked by a YT-1300 and a Vaksai in the Tatoo system, but managed to hyper out while under fire. Unexpectedly, the following refueling operation in the Karthakk system was completed without troubles, and the trip continued towards the Corellia system.
However, right after reaching Corellia's orbit, two unidentified ships – presumably the same ships that had attacked earlier in the Tatoo system – attacked the „Spinning Cloud“ again. In the following battle, both probable pirates were destroyed or driven off, without intervention by local or Imperial forces.
The troubles were not over though, for the crew of the „Spinning Cloud“ was attacked in Coronet Starport itself in an ambush by a large number of armored assailants supported by combat droids and trained attack animals demanding the cargo – weapon-grade steel. Transit passengers and visitors scattered in fright and confusion when a firefight broke out that spilled out into the streets of Coronet itself.
From what is known, most of the freighter crew was overcome in the fight and detained by the pirates while the cargo was stolen. The pirates then broke into smaller groups and headed out, unhindered by local security. An Imperial patrol on the other hand bravely engaged the pirates in orbit, but was destroyed in the resulting engagement. Unconfirmed reports claim that a pirate was captured at the Starport shortly after the attack, but no arrest was recorded by local authorities.
The Intergalactic Mining Company has confirmed that the cargo was lost, but did declined to comment when asked about the alleged inactivity of the starport security, stating that further investigations were needed before deciding about a stance on this topic.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Corellia/Tatooine
Region: Coronet/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet last night was off to a bad start right away when the „Spinning Cloud“ captained by Ryian Coron was attacked by a YT-1300 and a Vaksai in the Tatoo system, but managed to hyper out while under fire. Unexpectedly, the following refueling operation in the Karthakk system was completed without troubles, and the trip continued towards the Corellia system.
However, right after reaching Corellia's orbit, two unidentified ships – presumably the same ships that had attacked earlier in the Tatoo system – attacked the „Spinning Cloud“ again. In the following battle, both probable pirates were destroyed or driven off, without intervention by local or Imperial forces.
The troubles were not over though, for the crew of the „Spinning Cloud“ was attacked in Coronet Starport itself in an ambush by a large number of armored assailants supported by combat droids and trained attack animals demanding the cargo – weapon-grade steel. Transit passengers and visitors scattered in fright and confusion when a firefight broke out that spilled out into the streets of Coronet itself.
From what is known, most of the freighter crew was overcome in the fight and detained by the pirates while the cargo was stolen. The pirates then broke into smaller groups and headed out, unhindered by local security. An Imperial patrol on the other hand bravely engaged the pirates in orbit, but was destroyed in the resulting engagement. Unconfirmed reports claim that a pirate was captured at the Starport shortly after the attack, but no arrest was recorded by local authorities.
The Intergalactic Mining Company has confirmed that the cargo was lost, but did declined to comment when asked about the alleged inactivity of the starport security, stating that further investigations were needed before deciding about a stance on this topic.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Fleet battle in the Corellia System – shifting Corellia’s allegiance?
Date: 170907
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, imperial and rebel space forces clashed in the Corellia system. While there are numerous witnesses to the battles – mostly civilian freighters scrambling to escape – neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance claimed victory.
From what is known, the focus of the battles was the space lane Route ID-5N. Our strategy consultants analysed the battle reports we collected, and came to the conclusion that control of this area would have been the stepping stone to an assault on the CorSec Outpost and Corellia Orbital Station. Given Corellia’s known reluctance to take part in the galactic civil war, either side could have been tempted to try to take control of the system, a goal the other side would have been forced to counter. Neither CorSec nor the Corellian Government commented on the incident so far.
At the start of the hostilities, rebel forces took control of the route first by stationing two armed freighters there, but were driven out by a decisive imperial attack. Imperial ships secured the area for some time, but several attack waves of rebel starfighters supported by Nova Couriers and YT-1300s managed to disrupt their formation and destroy or cripple their flagship, forcing the task force to rally again near Corellia’s orbit.
While skirmishing and chase scenes took part all over the system, more attempts by either side to secure the route took place, but all were foiled by the opposing forces. Numbers were, due to the widespread area of the battle, and the lack of sources, difficult to determine, but according to estimates as many as 15 ships per side took part in individual battles.
It remains to be seen if this incident will ever be cleared up, and if so, if the Corellian government will change its policy towards the galactic civil war as a reaction.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, imperial and rebel space forces clashed in the Corellia system. While there are numerous witnesses to the battles – mostly civilian freighters scrambling to escape – neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance claimed victory.
From what is known, the focus of the battles was the space lane Route ID-5N. Our strategy consultants analysed the battle reports we collected, and came to the conclusion that control of this area would have been the stepping stone to an assault on the CorSec Outpost and Corellia Orbital Station. Given Corellia’s known reluctance to take part in the galactic civil war, either side could have been tempted to try to take control of the system, a goal the other side would have been forced to counter. Neither CorSec nor the Corellian Government commented on the incident so far.
At the start of the hostilities, rebel forces took control of the route first by stationing two armed freighters there, but were driven out by a decisive imperial attack. Imperial ships secured the area for some time, but several attack waves of rebel starfighters supported by Nova Couriers and YT-1300s managed to disrupt their formation and destroy or cripple their flagship, forcing the task force to rally again near Corellia’s orbit.
While skirmishing and chase scenes took part all over the system, more attempts by either side to secure the route took place, but all were foiled by the opposing forces. Numbers were, due to the widespread area of the battle, and the lack of sources, difficult to determine, but according to estimates as many as 15 ships per side took part in individual battles.
It remains to be seen if this incident will ever be cleared up, and if so, if the Corellian government will change its policy towards the galactic civil war as a reaction.
Mos Eisley’s starport cleaned up
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For months, Mos Eisley’s starport was feared among many travellers, and even pirates and mercenaries dreaded landing there – not fort he violence common to the town, but the hordes of obnoxious salesmen assaulting every visitor with proposals of dubious value even by the standards of the Outer Rim.
The shouts and claims of half a dozen different „advertisers“ often disoriented new visitors, and prompted experienced travellers to use various means to drown out the noise, from holding their ears to running out of the starport as fast as possible.
Even more draconian means, such as imperial and rebel soldiers shooting them on various occasions, seemed not to faze the salesmen. Apparently, their business was lucrative enough so they could keep hiring new people to replace the dead and dieing. One wonders why Jabba the Hutt or Lady Valarian did not compete with them,. But it seems even a hutt draws the line somewhere.
This is the past, however, since the authorities started a new and successful campaign against such annoyances. Select agents were given the power to „silence“ such obnoxious salesmen, and used this carte blanche to great effect in the last few days.
Mos Eisley’s starport is now a location where travellers can refuel their ships in peace again, and locals can conduct their business without interruptions – relatively, that is, for Mos Eisley’s „businessmen“ are still prone to use violence to settle issues. But that’s something most are used to in the Outer Rim.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For months, Mos Eisley’s starport was feared among many travellers, and even pirates and mercenaries dreaded landing there – not fort he violence common to the town, but the hordes of obnoxious salesmen assaulting every visitor with proposals of dubious value even by the standards of the Outer Rim.
The shouts and claims of half a dozen different „advertisers“ often disoriented new visitors, and prompted experienced travellers to use various means to drown out the noise, from holding their ears to running out of the starport as fast as possible.
Even more draconian means, such as imperial and rebel soldiers shooting them on various occasions, seemed not to faze the salesmen. Apparently, their business was lucrative enough so they could keep hiring new people to replace the dead and dieing. One wonders why Jabba the Hutt or Lady Valarian did not compete with them,. But it seems even a hutt draws the line somewhere.
This is the past, however, since the authorities started a new and successful campaign against such annoyances. Select agents were given the power to „silence“ such obnoxious salesmen, and used this carte blanche to great effect in the last few days.
Mos Eisley’s starport is now a location where travellers can refuel their ships in peace again, and locals can conduct their business without interruptions – relatively, that is, for Mos Eisley’s „businessmen“ are still prone to use violence to settle issues. But that’s something most are used to in the Outer Rim.
Mos Carova Kraytfest Race won by Cpike Morningstar
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, Mos Carova’s mayor, the beautiful and talented twi’lek Candy, hosted the Annual Kraytfest. The event, boldly dedicated to the Krayt dragons which have claimed a number of visitors to the town in the past, and continue to be a concern for travellers outside the city limits as well as farmers, was by all accounts a success.
One of the most remarkable parts of the festival was the Krayt Race – a competition for the bravest (or most foolhardy) racers of the planet, since it was a foot race with the goal to lure a Krayt dragon to the city limits (and into the range of the waiting dragon hunter professionals.
Needless to say, there were not many who took part in the race, despite the prize of 1 Million credits for the winner – as the saying goes, dead people can’t spend their money anymore. Nevertheless, four brave if suicidal individuals took part in the race, and while three ended up in the emergency room (or a dragon’s intestines), Cpike Morningstar managed to survive relatively unscathed, and win the race, 1 Million credits – and probably the first place on the Tatooine Golddigger’s ranking of the most desirable bachelors, for being both rich and suicidal.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, Mos Carova’s mayor, the beautiful and talented twi’lek Candy, hosted the Annual Kraytfest. The event, boldly dedicated to the Krayt dragons which have claimed a number of visitors to the town in the past, and continue to be a concern for travellers outside the city limits as well as farmers, was by all accounts a success.
One of the most remarkable parts of the festival was the Krayt Race – a competition for the bravest (or most foolhardy) racers of the planet, since it was a foot race with the goal to lure a Krayt dragon to the city limits (and into the range of the waiting dragon hunter professionals.
Needless to say, there were not many who took part in the race, despite the prize of 1 Million credits for the winner – as the saying goes, dead people can’t spend their money anymore. Nevertheless, four brave if suicidal individuals took part in the race, and while three ended up in the emergency room (or a dragon’s intestines), Cpike Morningstar managed to survive relatively unscathed, and win the race, 1 Million credits – and probably the first place on the Tatooine Golddigger’s ranking of the most desirable bachelors, for being both rich and suicidal.
Imperial operations against Lokian pirates successful?
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the Imperial Navy sent a task force to sweep through the Karthakk system, clearing hyperspace jumppoints, asteroid belts and even Lok’s orbit from pirate and rebel craft in an effort to wipe out pirate activity in the system. Despite determinded resistance, the task force cleared the system and took temporary control of the planet’s orbit.
Two days later, the weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet reported no trouble in the Karthakk system, although there were reports of fighting near the convoy between unidentified ships. The convoy itself reached Coronet without any trouble.
It is not clear, however, if the pirates in the system were completely destroyed in the Imperial operation or if they are just laying low for a bit, until the attention of the navy is switched to another trouble zone.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet stock exchange. According to analysts, the market is not yet convinced that piracy has become a non-factor fort he cargo business.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the Imperial Navy sent a task force to sweep through the Karthakk system, clearing hyperspace jumppoints, asteroid belts and even Lok’s orbit from pirate and rebel craft in an effort to wipe out pirate activity in the system. Despite determinded resistance, the task force cleared the system and took temporary control of the planet’s orbit.
Two days later, the weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet reported no trouble in the Karthakk system, although there were reports of fighting near the convoy between unidentified ships. The convoy itself reached Coronet without any trouble.
It is not clear, however, if the pirates in the system were completely destroyed in the Imperial operation or if they are just laying low for a bit, until the attention of the navy is switched to another trouble zone.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet stock exchange. According to analysts, the market is not yet convinced that piracy has become a non-factor fort he cargo business.
Imperial Task Force saves victim of kidnapping!
Date: 070907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Wayfar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As many know, local law enforcement is often limited to their home system. So when Oliany was kidnapped in Kor Vella and ferried to Tatooine, CorSec was unable to pursue. Fortunately for the victim, they requested help from the Empire, and a squad of the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek was deployed on Tatooine to perform a search and rescue mission.
The trail led to the Wayfar area, and while no one was found there, intelligence from CorSec indicated that the criminals may have been gone to Jabba’s palace nearby. Proceeding with all due haste, the stormtroopers arrived at the building in question, spotting the kidnapped in cuffs near the gate. The troopers immediately secured the area and freed Oliany, but the kidnapper fled further into the palace.
After a formal if slightly forceful request for cooperation was honored by the residents, the palace was searched but the kidnapper had disappeared. The commander of the squad then ordered the unit to escort the recovered Oliany as well as an agent working with them to safety.
So far no official information regarding the identity of the kidnapper or the motive behind the kidnapping has been released, but if the demonstrated efficiency of the task force is any indication, agents will not be tardy in revealing this information.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Wayfar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As many know, local law enforcement is often limited to their home system. So when Oliany was kidnapped in Kor Vella and ferried to Tatooine, CorSec was unable to pursue. Fortunately for the victim, they requested help from the Empire, and a squad of the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek was deployed on Tatooine to perform a search and rescue mission.
The trail led to the Wayfar area, and while no one was found there, intelligence from CorSec indicated that the criminals may have been gone to Jabba’s palace nearby. Proceeding with all due haste, the stormtroopers arrived at the building in question, spotting the kidnapped in cuffs near the gate. The troopers immediately secured the area and freed Oliany, but the kidnapper fled further into the palace.
After a formal if slightly forceful request for cooperation was honored by the residents, the palace was searched but the kidnapper had disappeared. The commander of the squad then ordered the unit to escort the recovered Oliany as well as an agent working with them to safety.
So far no official information regarding the identity of the kidnapper or the motive behind the kidnapping has been released, but if the demonstrated efficiency of the task force is any indication, agents will not be tardy in revealing this information.
Freighters shot up, cargo lost, manager missing?
Date: 060907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet encountered serious difficulties in the Karthakk system. While details are still unclear, and IMC hasn’t released a statement yet, reports from Coronet indicate that the cargo did not arrive in the Corellia system.
IMC has not commented on the situation yet other than announcing that business will continue as usual, and the next convoy would get through safely. IMC manager Okowwi Emied, which handled the convoys, was not available for comment. In fact, unconfirmed reports claim that the sullustan has not been seen since the day of the convoy and is in fact missing. IMC did not comment on this either.
IMC shares fell 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet encountered serious difficulties in the Karthakk system. While details are still unclear, and IMC hasn’t released a statement yet, reports from Coronet indicate that the cargo did not arrive in the Corellia system.
IMC has not commented on the situation yet other than announcing that business will continue as usual, and the next convoy would get through safely. IMC manager Okowwi Emied, which handled the convoys, was not available for comment. In fact, unconfirmed reports claim that the sullustan has not been seen since the day of the convoy and is in fact missing. IMC did not comment on this either.
IMC shares fell 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Second Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley sees violent audience!
Date: 030907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As promised, here’s the report from Farpoint Valley’s second Karaoke night! Remember what I wrote about the location not leading to violence last time? Well, this time, we saw violence! But more about that later.
The Karaoke night was, as the first, held in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse bar. The small bar, in the basement of the grindhouse, was packed this evening, and the hostess of the event, Ramona from the Neutron Pixies, took care to make sure every guest was well-supplied with booze – the more smashed they are, the more likely they sing she said. And sing they did!
Chiggs Chiggly, a sullustan playboy and singer, debuted with „Aqua-Ki’Misha“ a tribute to Ki’Misha, wife of Mul-Bi and apparent love interest of the sullustan – one among many. Even during the performance, betting was started on how long the singer would live afterwards.
Jiwarri performed a local wookiee song again, in a dialect not many were familiar with. Since not many understood the lyrics, it’s safe to say it was not about violence, booze or sex.
Desian followed the wookiee, and sang an ode to his love and date, Jazmine, with the immortal line of "who's your daddy". Remarkable.
Neutron Pixie Ki’iana then took the stage, with a version of „Fallen“, the song that took the Galaxy by storm three years ago when it was voted top video.
Clarissa Goldear, Farpoint Valley’s mayor, gave another example of her singing talent with a blues song.
Now lubricated enough, Poe'kunal sang rather off-key, but with heart- or rather liver-felt passion.
'Dayla the dark zabrak then took the stage, dragging Relvan with her as background dancer for „Never gunna give you up“, right afterwards switching roles when Relvan „Howling Mad“ Ikori loudly sang about his love affair with „Innie“, and a „captain Detty“. At least we know now where the victor of the last Karaoke Night was.
Then came Cpike Morningstar (without much „help“ from a wookiee this time), and the former member of the Pikatta Pie entertainer group’s song and dance number „I could be your boytoy“ had such an impact that it knocked Poe’kunal to the floor!
Following this act was hard, but professional musician Pelique and her mandoviol did just that, with a more quiet, even sad song, paving the way for enthusiastic amateur Harve, both singing about soldiers of fortune.
Ramona brought the night to an end with „Shut up and Fly“, and the voting started.
While the votes were counted, violence came to the stage. Chiggs sang his „Aqua-Ki’misha“ again, due to the firm request from the audience, and then had to run for his life when Mul-Bi took offense to the song. So far we’re not sure i fit was the performance itself, or the lyrics which included clear designs on his wife, Chiggs’ plans to hire a hitman to deal with Mul-Bi. Last we heard, the sullustan singer almost made it out unhurt but tripped, and is now not drowning in love, but getting soaked in bacta.
Then the winner was announced - Cpike Morningstar! He won fame, and a surprise prize, an egg which hatched a strange little creature later identified as a gubbur that kept following him around – no doubt seeking shelter from those who were loudly speculating whether or not it was edible.
All in all another entertaining night in Farpoint Valley!
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As promised, here’s the report from Farpoint Valley’s second Karaoke night! Remember what I wrote about the location not leading to violence last time? Well, this time, we saw violence! But more about that later.
The Karaoke night was, as the first, held in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse bar. The small bar, in the basement of the grindhouse, was packed this evening, and the hostess of the event, Ramona from the Neutron Pixies, took care to make sure every guest was well-supplied with booze – the more smashed they are, the more likely they sing she said. And sing they did!
Chiggs Chiggly, a sullustan playboy and singer, debuted with „Aqua-Ki’Misha“ a tribute to Ki’Misha, wife of Mul-Bi and apparent love interest of the sullustan – one among many. Even during the performance, betting was started on how long the singer would live afterwards.
Jiwarri performed a local wookiee song again, in a dialect not many were familiar with. Since not many understood the lyrics, it’s safe to say it was not about violence, booze or sex.
Desian followed the wookiee, and sang an ode to his love and date, Jazmine, with the immortal line of "who's your daddy". Remarkable.
Neutron Pixie Ki’iana then took the stage, with a version of „Fallen“, the song that took the Galaxy by storm three years ago when it was voted top video.
Clarissa Goldear, Farpoint Valley’s mayor, gave another example of her singing talent with a blues song.
Now lubricated enough, Poe'kunal sang rather off-key, but with heart- or rather liver-felt passion.
'Dayla the dark zabrak then took the stage, dragging Relvan with her as background dancer for „Never gunna give you up“, right afterwards switching roles when Relvan „Howling Mad“ Ikori loudly sang about his love affair with „Innie“, and a „captain Detty“. At least we know now where the victor of the last Karaoke Night was.
Then came Cpike Morningstar (without much „help“ from a wookiee this time), and the former member of the Pikatta Pie entertainer group’s song and dance number „I could be your boytoy“ had such an impact that it knocked Poe’kunal to the floor!
Following this act was hard, but professional musician Pelique and her mandoviol did just that, with a more quiet, even sad song, paving the way for enthusiastic amateur Harve, both singing about soldiers of fortune.
Ramona brought the night to an end with „Shut up and Fly“, and the voting started.
While the votes were counted, violence came to the stage. Chiggs sang his „Aqua-Ki’misha“ again, due to the firm request from the audience, and then had to run for his life when Mul-Bi took offense to the song. So far we’re not sure i fit was the performance itself, or the lyrics which included clear designs on his wife, Chiggs’ plans to hire a hitman to deal with Mul-Bi. Last we heard, the sullustan singer almost made it out unhurt but tripped, and is now not drowning in love, but getting soaked in bacta.
Then the winner was announced - Cpike Morningstar! He won fame, and a surprise prize, an egg which hatched a strange little creature later identified as a gubbur that kept following him around – no doubt seeking shelter from those who were loudly speculating whether or not it was edible.
All in all another entertaining night in Farpoint Valley!
Rebel Blockade Runner intercepted in the Yavin system
Date: 030907
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that two days ago, a rebel blockade runner identified as „Pride of Starcider“, a corellian corvette, was disabled and boarded in the Yavin System. The Imperial Fleet sent in a task force consisting of elements from Claw, Omega and Crimson Squadron, as well as Dark Flight and RID flew cover for the 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron as the later led the boarding of the rebel vessel.
Rebel relief forces attacked, and managed to stall the boarding operations for some time, but were ultimately driven back in defeat. The press release did not go into details about the cargo the „Pride of Starcider“ carried, but according to unconfirmed rumors it was valuable data concerning rebel mining and processing facilities.
So far it is not yet known how this recent setback will affect the operations of the rebel fleet in the sector, which had been taking the offensive lately.
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that two days ago, a rebel blockade runner identified as „Pride of Starcider“, a corellian corvette, was disabled and boarded in the Yavin System. The Imperial Fleet sent in a task force consisting of elements from Claw, Omega and Crimson Squadron, as well as Dark Flight and RID flew cover for the 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron as the later led the boarding of the rebel vessel.
Rebel relief forces attacked, and managed to stall the boarding operations for some time, but were ultimately driven back in defeat. The press release did not go into details about the cargo the „Pride of Starcider“ carried, but according to unconfirmed rumors it was valuable data concerning rebel mining and processing facilities.
So far it is not yet known how this recent setback will affect the operations of the rebel fleet in the sector, which had been taking the offensive lately.
Pirates driven off, freighter lost to technical malfunction?
Date: 290807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet seemed off to a good start last night when the two YT-1300 freighters, Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, met up with four escorting starfighters above Tatooine – a wise precaution after the massive attacks on the last convoy.
The escorts were soon needed when several pirates attacked during the trip through the Karthakk system, using an asteroid field for cover. In the following dogfight, all four attackers – a patched together Decimator-class ship probably salvaged from a junkyard according to experts, a Vaksai, an Advanced X-Wing and an A-Wing - were driven off or shot down without the escorts or freighters suffering any losses more serious than some armor damage. Refueling
However, during the jump to Corellia, the „Entertainer Dream“ reported system failures and miscalculated jumping coordinates. Lt. Alvar managed to find the ship, and the freighter arrived in the Corellia system, but the ship was out of control, and blew up soon after exiting hyperspace. Captain Lightingdust fortunately was wearing an EVA suit, and could be rescued from the debris by the rest of the convoy, and was brought to Coronet Medical Center.
Her injuries were treated there while the debris of her ship was analysed. According to a preliminary report by the authorities, the freighter was lost due to a faulty reactor overload routine which stressed the reactor too much and caused a power spike that damaged the ship’s electronics and ultimately led to the destruction of the ship. Despite this, rumors of sabotage circulated.
IMC representative Okowwi Emied announced that insurance payments to Captain Lightingdust had already be made, and hoped that the experienced spacer would resume her work quickly.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet seemed off to a good start last night when the two YT-1300 freighters, Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, met up with four escorting starfighters above Tatooine – a wise precaution after the massive attacks on the last convoy.
The escorts were soon needed when several pirates attacked during the trip through the Karthakk system, using an asteroid field for cover. In the following dogfight, all four attackers – a patched together Decimator-class ship probably salvaged from a junkyard according to experts, a Vaksai, an Advanced X-Wing and an A-Wing - were driven off or shot down without the escorts or freighters suffering any losses more serious than some armor damage. Refueling
However, during the jump to Corellia, the „Entertainer Dream“ reported system failures and miscalculated jumping coordinates. Lt. Alvar managed to find the ship, and the freighter arrived in the Corellia system, but the ship was out of control, and blew up soon after exiting hyperspace. Captain Lightingdust fortunately was wearing an EVA suit, and could be rescued from the debris by the rest of the convoy, and was brought to Coronet Medical Center.
Her injuries were treated there while the debris of her ship was analysed. According to a preliminary report by the authorities, the freighter was lost due to a faulty reactor overload routine which stressed the reactor too much and caused a power spike that damaged the ship’s electronics and ultimately led to the destruction of the ship. Despite this, rumors of sabotage circulated.
IMC representative Okowwi Emied announced that insurance payments to Captain Lightingdust had already be made, and hoped that the experienced spacer would resume her work quickly.
Rebel fleet gaining strength – Empire defeated in Endor system
Date: 280807
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a period of defeats, the rebel fleet is on the offensive again. In the ongoing struggle to control space mining sites, the Imperial fleet suffered a setback in the Endor system three days ago.
While no official statement has been released to the press yet, unconfirmed sources claim that a task force ordered to secure survey sites in the Endor system was attacked by large numbers of rebel starfighters and forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties.
It remains to be seen how the Empire will react to this growing menace. From what is known, a number of veteran imperial units are currently undergoing refits and home leaves, and the command structure of the sector fleet is in the process of changing. Experts are not sure whether or not any such changes will take effect before the rebels use the current opportunity to secure their position in space.
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a period of defeats, the rebel fleet is on the offensive again. In the ongoing struggle to control space mining sites, the Imperial fleet suffered a setback in the Endor system three days ago.
While no official statement has been released to the press yet, unconfirmed sources claim that a task force ordered to secure survey sites in the Endor system was attacked by large numbers of rebel starfighters and forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties.
It remains to be seen how the Empire will react to this growing menace. From what is known, a number of veteran imperial units are currently undergoing refits and home leaves, and the command structure of the sector fleet is in the process of changing. Experts are not sure whether or not any such changes will take effect before the rebels use the current opportunity to secure their position in space.
Tensions rising on Lok
Date: 280807
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The planet Lok in the Karthakk system is a hostile, wild world. Rivers of acid and harsh deserts dominate the terrain, and the population has a long tradition of independence, even piracy.
It comes as no surprise that the planet has been attracting more than its normal share of trouble most of the time. Nym’s feud with the Bloodrazor and Canyon Corsair pirates is in company these days.
A trandoshan slaver organisation based in central Lok seems on the outs with other locals, as well as under pressure from outside criminal syndicates. While no outright hostilities have been reported, it seems just a matter of time until someone builds the right alliance and brings matters to a head.
Piracy is at an all-time high, with pirate ships becoming more daring each week, preying on freighters of all kinds. Next to Nym, pirates can count on a few spots on the planets to rest and repair or refit their ships, and the loot gotten from some freighters alone should allow them to set up extensive compounds.
And as if this was not enough already, Imperial forces operating out of the Outpost Epsilon are spreading their influence over the planet, patrolling central Lok regularly in force. From what is known, this is done with the goal to crack down on smugglers, especially those supporting the rebel alliance. House to house searches and checkpoints at chokepoints are to be expected, so travellers to and from Lok better renew the licenses for all their devices they use for self-defense – wouldn't want to have the Empire mistake your weapon collection for a cargo meant to supply the rebels.
All in all, Lok seems a powderkeg waiting for a spark.
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The planet Lok in the Karthakk system is a hostile, wild world. Rivers of acid and harsh deserts dominate the terrain, and the population has a long tradition of independence, even piracy.
It comes as no surprise that the planet has been attracting more than its normal share of trouble most of the time. Nym’s feud with the Bloodrazor and Canyon Corsair pirates is in company these days.
A trandoshan slaver organisation based in central Lok seems on the outs with other locals, as well as under pressure from outside criminal syndicates. While no outright hostilities have been reported, it seems just a matter of time until someone builds the right alliance and brings matters to a head.
Piracy is at an all-time high, with pirate ships becoming more daring each week, preying on freighters of all kinds. Next to Nym, pirates can count on a few spots on the planets to rest and repair or refit their ships, and the loot gotten from some freighters alone should allow them to set up extensive compounds.
And as if this was not enough already, Imperial forces operating out of the Outpost Epsilon are spreading their influence over the planet, patrolling central Lok regularly in force. From what is known, this is done with the goal to crack down on smugglers, especially those supporting the rebel alliance. House to house searches and checkpoints at chokepoints are to be expected, so travellers to and from Lok better renew the licenses for all their devices they use for self-defense – wouldn't want to have the Empire mistake your weapon collection for a cargo meant to supply the rebels.
All in all, Lok seems a powderkeg waiting for a spark.
Mixed news of missing people
Date: 280807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There has been a string of missing persons lately, even more than what has to be expected during war.
Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing a few days ago. The Naboo native human woman had been investigating alleged corruption and criminal ties of seemingly legit business according to GNA. Her latest work, two interviews, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Since then, GNA has received no further news other than some „I am working on something bigger“ notice, and several information requests concerning money laundering and fraud information.
(If spotted, check if she's there IC, or just oocly.)
Another tragic case is the disappearance of Ikus Agapor. The husband of the dancer Jazmine and brother of Thaesus Andromeda disappeared shortly after the birth of their son, Darron Agapor. While his fate is unknown, according to rumors Jazmine is not wearing her wedding ring anymore. If this means Ikus is presumed dead is up for speculation, but if he left his wife right after the birth of his son, he might be better off dead.
Finally, no news about the whereabouts of „businessman“ Karpasso F. Tong. Tong has been arrested during the Imperial Ball weeks ago, and has not been heard of since transferred into Imperial custody. Rumors run the gamut from him enjoying a permanent stay in the Dathomir holding facilities to the whole thing just being a cover for some internal disagreements concerning business between him and his subordinates which were solved „the traditional way“.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There has been a string of missing persons lately, even more than what has to be expected during war.
Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing a few days ago. The Naboo native human woman had been investigating alleged corruption and criminal ties of seemingly legit business according to GNA. Her latest work, two interviews, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Since then, GNA has received no further news other than some „I am working on something bigger“ notice, and several information requests concerning money laundering and fraud information.
(If spotted, check if she's there IC, or just oocly.)
Another tragic case is the disappearance of Ikus Agapor. The husband of the dancer Jazmine and brother of Thaesus Andromeda disappeared shortly after the birth of their son, Darron Agapor. While his fate is unknown, according to rumors Jazmine is not wearing her wedding ring anymore. If this means Ikus is presumed dead is up for speculation, but if he left his wife right after the birth of his son, he might be better off dead.
Finally, no news about the whereabouts of „businessman“ Karpasso F. Tong. Tong has been arrested during the Imperial Ball weeks ago, and has not been heard of since transferred into Imperial custody. Rumors run the gamut from him enjoying a permanent stay in the Dathomir holding facilities to the whole thing just being a cover for some internal disagreements concerning business between him and his subordinates which were solved „the traditional way“.
Desilijic cartel fleet blockades Lok – Underworld tensions grow?
Date: 260807
Planet: Lok
Region: Lok Spacestation
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, posted for Celox).
A large fleet of ships was reported in orbit, over Lok, yesterday night.
Lok’s starport officials state, that the fleet was positively identified to belong to Skocha the Hutt.
The GNA has obtained some exclusive holo-pictures of the fleet, taken by an auto nav buoy near Lok:

Private ships launching and arriving to Lok’s starport were detained in space, for unknown reasons.
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet has released the following statement on this matter:
“We have received some reports concerning last night activity in Lok space. Imperial patrols in this sector were not interfered, nor detained while performing their duties”.
The GNA has managed to interview one of the detained captains – Raex:
Raex: “I was hailed short after launching from the starport and instructed to power down my engines”
GNA:”Did the ship which contacted you identify?”
Raex:”Not that I recall…, though, I was surrounded by half a dozen of starfighters in a matter of seconds”
GNA:”What happened after that?”
Raex: “My cargo was subjected to a thorough inspection, and I was released unharmed”
Another eye witness, stated that two of Nym’s heavy starfighters were seen leaving Lok space, however, to his utter surprise – they were not detained by the Hutt fleet.
Why was the Desilijic cartel “turning rocks” in Lok space?
Is Skocha the Hutt stirring something with Nym?
Time will tell.
Planet: Lok
Region: Lok Spacestation
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, posted for Celox).
A large fleet of ships was reported in orbit, over Lok, yesterday night.
Lok’s starport officials state, that the fleet was positively identified to belong to Skocha the Hutt.
The GNA has obtained some exclusive holo-pictures of the fleet, taken by an auto nav buoy near Lok:
Private ships launching and arriving to Lok’s starport were detained in space, for unknown reasons.
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet has released the following statement on this matter:
“We have received some reports concerning last night activity in Lok space. Imperial patrols in this sector were not interfered, nor detained while performing their duties”.
The GNA has managed to interview one of the detained captains – Raex:
Raex: “I was hailed short after launching from the starport and instructed to power down my engines”
GNA:”Did the ship which contacted you identify?”
Raex:”Not that I recall…, though, I was surrounded by half a dozen of starfighters in a matter of seconds”
GNA:”What happened after that?”
Raex: “My cargo was subjected to a thorough inspection, and I was released unharmed”
Another eye witness, stated that two of Nym’s heavy starfighters were seen leaving Lok space, however, to his utter surprise – they were not detained by the Hutt fleet.
Why was the Desilijic cartel “turning rocks” in Lok space?
Is Skocha the Hutt stirring something with Nym?
Time will tell.
Piracy in the Corellia System – CorSec inactive?
Date: 240807
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia, a trade hub for the entire galaxy, is usually known as a safe system, especially compared to the Tatoo and Karthakk systems, thanks to diligent patrols. However, last night, the freighter „Spinning Cloud“, freshly repaired after getting damaged during the last IMC convoy, came under attack by two unmarked Y-Wings and one unmarked M-22 Krayt gunship in the Corellia system – right under the noses of local CorSec.
The freighter’s engine was quickly destroyed, but the courageous crew kept firing, holding the raiders, which identified themselves as „Zyn’thia“ at bay while sending our calls for assistance. Inexplicable, no one answered those calls, no patrol ship from CorSec, and no Imperial Navy craft, came to the freighter’s aid. Finally, the upper turret of the ship was destroyed, and two raiders docked with it.
Even after the raiders had vacated the area, the ship was left drifting, no assistance from sector forces being rendered until the „Eopie Runner“, en route from Tatooine, appeared in system, reacted to the distress calls, and towed the „Spinning Cloud“ to Talus Orbital Station.
It is not known if the crew suffered any casualties, but the ship’s captain, Ryian Coron, complained forcefully with CorSec and Navy officials. According to rumors, CorSec’s lack of assistance was due to internal struggles about competences. The Sector Command of the Imperial navy stated that the Galactic Civil War and growing pirate threats in the Karthakk system had tied up the majority of its forces, but pending the completion of the Karthakk system operations against smugglers and pirates, patrols in the Corellia system would be taken up again „until CorSec manages to guarantee the safety of space lanes crucial for the economy of a major part of the Galaxy“.
The Spinning Cloud was being chartered by noted arms manufacturer Gelphee, starting from Naboo with Corellia as its destination. No information concerning its cargo was made public so far.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia, a trade hub for the entire galaxy, is usually known as a safe system, especially compared to the Tatoo and Karthakk systems, thanks to diligent patrols. However, last night, the freighter „Spinning Cloud“, freshly repaired after getting damaged during the last IMC convoy, came under attack by two unmarked Y-Wings and one unmarked M-22 Krayt gunship in the Corellia system – right under the noses of local CorSec.
The freighter’s engine was quickly destroyed, but the courageous crew kept firing, holding the raiders, which identified themselves as „Zyn’thia“ at bay while sending our calls for assistance. Inexplicable, no one answered those calls, no patrol ship from CorSec, and no Imperial Navy craft, came to the freighter’s aid. Finally, the upper turret of the ship was destroyed, and two raiders docked with it.
Even after the raiders had vacated the area, the ship was left drifting, no assistance from sector forces being rendered until the „Eopie Runner“, en route from Tatooine, appeared in system, reacted to the distress calls, and towed the „Spinning Cloud“ to Talus Orbital Station.
It is not known if the crew suffered any casualties, but the ship’s captain, Ryian Coron, complained forcefully with CorSec and Navy officials. According to rumors, CorSec’s lack of assistance was due to internal struggles about competences. The Sector Command of the Imperial navy stated that the Galactic Civil War and growing pirate threats in the Karthakk system had tied up the majority of its forces, but pending the completion of the Karthakk system operations against smugglers and pirates, patrols in the Corellia system would be taken up again „until CorSec manages to guarantee the safety of space lanes crucial for the economy of a major part of the Galaxy“.
The Spinning Cloud was being chartered by noted arms manufacturer Gelphee, starting from Naboo with Corellia as its destination. No information concerning its cargo was made public so far.
Freighter convoy runs into serious trouble
Date: 220807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ressource business must be profitable, if only because almost every convoy the Intergalactic Mining Company runs from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Core worlds seems to attract pirates. Last night, a three-ship convoy formed of Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“, Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, both YT-1300 class ships, as well as H’oshi QaVam’s „Raven’s Claw“, a more modern YT-2400 class ship, escorted by Choronzon in a Vaksai heavy fighter, was attacked in the Karthakk system.
Choronzon, scouting ahead, encountered four pirates which opened fire at once – two Advanced X-Wings and two Vaksais. Choronzon was forced to eject from his heavily damaged fighter while still warning the convoy, who came under attack right afterward. In the following engagement, the „Spinning Cloud“ was disabled while the „Entertainer Dream“ and the „Raven’s Claw“ managed to escape through hyperspace – the damaged reactor of the „Entertainer Dream“ giving out soon after arriving.
Despite this almost miraculous escape, the crew of the „Entertainer Dream“ conducted jury-rigged repairs at once, then returned with the „Raven’s Claw“ to assist the „Spinning Cloud“; which at this point was being forced to jettison her cargo. The „Raven’s Claw“ then attacked, surprising the pirates, and disabled a Vaksai fighter before heading off again, pursued by the remaining pirates. During the following chase, she managed to draw the pirates away from the Spinning Cloud, enabling the „Entertainer Dream“ to return and tow the „Spinning Cloud“ to Lok’s orbital station. Unfortunately, the „Raven’s Claw“ received crippling damages in the process, but was recovered later as well.
While the „Spinning Cloud“ had to be landed on Lok for repairs, both the „Entertainer Dream“ as well as the „Raven’s Claw“ reached Corellia after repairs, bringing about 2/3 of the total cargo of the convoy to its destination.
Imperial patrols are expected to pick up in the Karthakk system in the next few days following this attack.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ressource business must be profitable, if only because almost every convoy the Intergalactic Mining Company runs from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Core worlds seems to attract pirates. Last night, a three-ship convoy formed of Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“, Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, both YT-1300 class ships, as well as H’oshi QaVam’s „Raven’s Claw“, a more modern YT-2400 class ship, escorted by Choronzon in a Vaksai heavy fighter, was attacked in the Karthakk system.
Choronzon, scouting ahead, encountered four pirates which opened fire at once – two Advanced X-Wings and two Vaksais. Choronzon was forced to eject from his heavily damaged fighter while still warning the convoy, who came under attack right afterward. In the following engagement, the „Spinning Cloud“ was disabled while the „Entertainer Dream“ and the „Raven’s Claw“ managed to escape through hyperspace – the damaged reactor of the „Entertainer Dream“ giving out soon after arriving.
Despite this almost miraculous escape, the crew of the „Entertainer Dream“ conducted jury-rigged repairs at once, then returned with the „Raven’s Claw“ to assist the „Spinning Cloud“; which at this point was being forced to jettison her cargo. The „Raven’s Claw“ then attacked, surprising the pirates, and disabled a Vaksai fighter before heading off again, pursued by the remaining pirates. During the following chase, she managed to draw the pirates away from the Spinning Cloud, enabling the „Entertainer Dream“ to return and tow the „Spinning Cloud“ to Lok’s orbital station. Unfortunately, the „Raven’s Claw“ received crippling damages in the process, but was recovered later as well.
While the „Spinning Cloud“ had to be landed on Lok for repairs, both the „Entertainer Dream“ as well as the „Raven’s Claw“ reached Corellia after repairs, bringing about 2/3 of the total cargo of the convoy to its destination.
Imperial patrols are expected to pick up in the Karthakk system in the next few days following this attack.
Violence erupts on Tatooine – gang war in the making?
Date: 200807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Eisley is a violent town, as many regular visitors can attest to. Last night was no exception, and a number of regulars in Chalmun’s didn’t bat an eye when a difference of opinion between a trandoshan slaver and a group of twi’leks over whether twi’leks were smelly but made good slaves or not was settled with blasterfire. The trandoshan’s arguments proved less compelling, and he ended up gunned down in the middle of the cantina.
This would have been considered business as usual in Mos Eisley if two twi’leks involved in this were not spotted later in Farpoint Valley under similar circumstances. While the information available is still sketchy, from what is known, an Ithorian was shot there by a group of people, among them the two twi’leks mentioned earlier, when he was trying to reach the shuttle after jumping down from Jailbirds’ balcony.
Fragments of conversation reported prior to the shooting as well as general behaviour leave the impression that this was an organised move by a gang trying to get rid of the Ithorian and his employees – maybe a gang trying to grab more of Tatooine’s business world, or trying to get rid of competition, seeing as how closely related business and crime are on Tatooine.
Seen under this light, the gunning down of the slaver in Mos Eisley by the same people might not be a personal issue as much as another „statement“, this time to the Lokian slaving organisation the trandoshan belongs to.
Given how both Tatooine and Lok’s population likes to settle disputes, a gang war seems not that unlikely. Mercenaries looking for employment might do well taking a look at Tatooine - odds are, a number of people are looking to beef up their security.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mos Eisley is a violent town, as many regular visitors can attest to. Last night was no exception, and a number of regulars in Chalmun’s didn’t bat an eye when a difference of opinion between a trandoshan slaver and a group of twi’leks over whether twi’leks were smelly but made good slaves or not was settled with blasterfire. The trandoshan’s arguments proved less compelling, and he ended up gunned down in the middle of the cantina.
This would have been considered business as usual in Mos Eisley if two twi’leks involved in this were not spotted later in Farpoint Valley under similar circumstances. While the information available is still sketchy, from what is known, an Ithorian was shot there by a group of people, among them the two twi’leks mentioned earlier, when he was trying to reach the shuttle after jumping down from Jailbirds’ balcony.
Fragments of conversation reported prior to the shooting as well as general behaviour leave the impression that this was an organised move by a gang trying to get rid of the Ithorian and his employees – maybe a gang trying to grab more of Tatooine’s business world, or trying to get rid of competition, seeing as how closely related business and crime are on Tatooine.
Seen under this light, the gunning down of the slaver in Mos Eisley by the same people might not be a personal issue as much as another „statement“, this time to the Lokian slaving organisation the trandoshan belongs to.
Given how both Tatooine and Lok’s population likes to settle disputes, a gang war seems not that unlikely. Mercenaries looking for employment might do well taking a look at Tatooine - odds are, a number of people are looking to beef up their security.
Imperial mining operation in Deep Space successful
Date: 190807
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet released a press bulletin according to which last night rebel forces attacked a mining operation in Deep Space. A task force led by commander Ibeti was scrambled immediately and sent to intercept the rebel ships, then counter attack and secure the area. Commander Kalien, from the veteran 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron, took command of the mining operation personally, to reduce the risk of civilian personell, while TIE fighters destroyed a rebel base in the area.
Despite a setback when rebel forces damaged the mining ship to the point of forcing it to retreat for repairs, the imperial pilots – a combined force of Claw and Crimson Squadron and RID naval personell, with members of other units attached – held the line and forced the rebels into defensive operations, foiling their attempts to mine themselves.
The reasons fort he operations are not yet known, although rumors circulate that claim there was ore to be mined from asteroids which was crucial for future ship development.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet released a press bulletin according to which last night rebel forces attacked a mining operation in Deep Space. A task force led by commander Ibeti was scrambled immediately and sent to intercept the rebel ships, then counter attack and secure the area. Commander Kalien, from the veteran 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron, took command of the mining operation personally, to reduce the risk of civilian personell, while TIE fighters destroyed a rebel base in the area.
Despite a setback when rebel forces damaged the mining ship to the point of forcing it to retreat for repairs, the imperial pilots – a combined force of Claw and Crimson Squadron and RID naval personell, with members of other units attached – held the line and forced the rebels into defensive operations, foiling their attempts to mine themselves.
The reasons fort he operations are not yet known, although rumors circulate that claim there was ore to be mined from asteroids which was crucial for future ship development.
Dacks Vauve wins Farpoint Valley's first swoop race of the season
Date: 180807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the first swoop race of the season was held in Farpoint Valley by H'oshi QaVam. The course was an innovative course with only two 180 degree turns, challenging the racers and the two officials - Ryian Coron and Ikedo Wolf - during the three lap race.
A total of nine racers and two teams started. The race itself saw no incident, but there were claims of an attempted bribery of an official, and during prepararions for the race a swoop blew up. No violence however was reported, and no shots were fired, rendering the heavy armor worn by some racers and spectators not needed.
Dacks Vauve, veteran pilot, showed that he could not just fly a freighter, but also ride a swoop, and took the 1M grand prize. (He took it straight to the bank, folks, so the more larcenous-minded among you can bury the plans to mug him.) Second place went to Arktik Xicov of the Hutt team, third place went to Coreena Telios, former swoop race champion, recently returned to the sport, of the "Three Suns Team". The "Three Suns" team also won the team competition, winning the three racers Dyllin Junden, Coreena Telios and K'yna Mont'yr - himself a race champion as well - 500K in prize money.
All in all an exciting and sportive event, and a good opener for the race season.
Here are the official results:
Racers Results
1. Dacks Vauve - 1mil
2. Arktik Xicov - 100k
3. Coreena Telios - 50k
4. K'yna Mon'tyr - 25k
5. Dyllin Junden - 10k
6. Banol Jensa'rai - 6k
7. Istes Irust
8. Korvask
9. Poe'Kunal
Team Results
1. Three Suns Racers (21pts) - 500k
¬ Coreena Telios (8pts)
¬ Dyllin Junden (6pts)
¬ K'yna Mon'tyr (7pts)
2. Skocha the Hutt Team (16pts) - 100k
¬ Arktik Xicov (9pts)
¬ Istes Irust (4pts)
¬ Korvask (3pts)
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, the first swoop race of the season was held in Farpoint Valley by H'oshi QaVam. The course was an innovative course with only two 180 degree turns, challenging the racers and the two officials - Ryian Coron and Ikedo Wolf - during the three lap race.
A total of nine racers and two teams started. The race itself saw no incident, but there were claims of an attempted bribery of an official, and during prepararions for the race a swoop blew up. No violence however was reported, and no shots were fired, rendering the heavy armor worn by some racers and spectators not needed.
Dacks Vauve, veteran pilot, showed that he could not just fly a freighter, but also ride a swoop, and took the 1M grand prize. (He took it straight to the bank, folks, so the more larcenous-minded among you can bury the plans to mug him.) Second place went to Arktik Xicov of the Hutt team, third place went to Coreena Telios, former swoop race champion, recently returned to the sport, of the "Three Suns Team". The "Three Suns" team also won the team competition, winning the three racers Dyllin Junden, Coreena Telios and K'yna Mont'yr - himself a race champion as well - 500K in prize money.
All in all an exciting and sportive event, and a good opener for the race season.
Here are the official results:
Racers Results
1. Dacks Vauve - 1mil
2. Arktik Xicov - 100k
3. Coreena Telios - 50k
4. K'yna Mon'tyr - 25k
5. Dyllin Junden - 10k
6. Banol Jensa'rai - 6k
7. Istes Irust
8. Korvask
9. Poe'Kunal
Team Results
1. Three Suns Racers (21pts) - 500k
¬ Coreena Telios (8pts)
¬ Dyllin Junden (6pts)
¬ K'yna Mon'tyr (7pts)
2. Skocha the Hutt Team (16pts) - 100k
¬ Arktik Xicov (9pts)
¬ Istes Irust (4pts)
¬ Korvask (3pts)
An Interview with Thaesus Andromeda
Date: 180807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Ikiwi Obead, Galactic News Services
GNS: „Miss Andromeda... can I call you Thaesus?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes of course"
GNS: „Ok, Thaesus, we're in your restaurant, the Twin Suns."
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Mmhmm. I have had this place for two years"
GNS: „It was opened a time ago then closed after an incident, which was never cleared I believe. What happened?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aah yes. Well some pesky bothans who I will keep their names out decided to blow up part of the building. As you know its a high risk keeping such a nice restaurant here on Tatooine, but I have complete faith in Clarissa, the mayor of the city to secure and keep everything in order."
GNS: „Did the repairs take that long?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „It wasn't just the repairs. I have had some personal issues back home on Coruscant I had to take care of."
GNS: „Issues? Would you care to go into details?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well I had to secure my late husbands estate for good."
GNS: „My condolences. How did he die?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „he died of brain rot"
GNS: „Brain rot?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „It ran in his family.”
GNS: „how long ago was that?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „hmmm. I'd say... 13 years ago? Yes its been awhile. His....mistress made it complicated…"
GNS: „And you haven't married since?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „aah..I have a boyfriend currently.."
GNS: „His mistress?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „lets not go into much detail about the past"
GNS: „What about your present boyfriend then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „What about him"
GNS: „What's his name? where is he from? where did you meet?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „His Name is Eceas and we met... about a year ago on Lok."
GNS: „Do you plan to remarry?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully one day"
GNS: „One day? There are rumors you are with child. Those are wrong then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmm they are true. I am currently pregnant. It hasn't been too long"
GNS: „You will be having your child out of wedlock then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully. Shall we return the subject of my restaurant?"
GNS: „What made you return to Tatooine?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well Tatooine has awlays been full of promise, I have alot of memories here"
GNS: „what about your other businesses?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh, I am currently in a close partnership with the Home Time Contractors. They will help me expand and grow my Entertainment Venues."
GNS: „Where are those venues?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will be building one in Riva Dorata, The Viper Room and I am currently investigating a bar up in Mos Carova. Opening a bar I mean.”
GNS: „This must take a lot of staff"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aaah yes. I just recently put out a ad in the holonet looking for staff."
GNS: „Did you have much success yet?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „No not yet. I am surprised I am generous when it comes to credits."
GNS: „Do you think others pay more?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I just think that there aren't enough interested"
GNS: „So, between those three venues, which venue has priority?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „The Twin Suns of course. It will always have a place in my heart"
GNS: „Do you plan to recruit locally mainly? Or subcontract areas such as bookkeping and security?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh I will be contracting security of course bookkeeping of course"
GNS: „What company do you have in mind?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well of course Xizor Transport Systems. I have always had a close connection with them. Also the HTC will help with bookkeeping and security some"
GNS: „ XTS moved off Tatooine months ago."
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes I know."
GNS: „Do you plan to open the restaurant more frequently than in the past?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh yes of course. It’s just been hard without staff"
GNS: „There have been rumors about slave trading on both Lok and Tatooine for some time. Do you think this might be a cause for the lack of available staff?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmmm yes that could contribute. I dont think it would effect the restaurant business too much"
GNS: „Do you have other business plans than those three bars and restaurants?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Right now my main concern is my venues"
GNS: „In the past, the twin suns were rumored to be claimed by a crime syndicate as turf. Do you expect similar troubles?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh no that was a very brief period where I was not aware"
GNS: „So, do you plan to shuffle staff from one venue to the other? Does that mean you will be in need of regular transportation?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Of course. Galactic technology has yet to create an instant teleporter.”
GNS: „Do you have already secured transportation? And do you expect trouble from bandits or pirates?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „This is Tatooine dear. Most of the time I won’t have simultaneous events in one night, it’s just… too much. There will be a separate crew though to clean and prepare.”
GNS: „And between Corellia and Tatooine?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will probably be looking for a contractor to take my staff from planet to planet, of course.”
GNS: „Thaesus, do you have anything you’d like to add?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I would like to add that Andromeda Entertainment will be sponsoring more and more events as we grow and prosper once again, and hopefully with enough support from the communities arund the galaxy we will become a galactic-class corporation.”
GNS: „GNS thanks you for this interview.”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „And thank you! I hope to be in many more.”
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Ikiwi Obead, Galactic News Services
GNS: „Miss Andromeda... can I call you Thaesus?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes of course"
GNS: „Ok, Thaesus, we're in your restaurant, the Twin Suns."
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Mmhmm. I have had this place for two years"
GNS: „It was opened a time ago then closed after an incident, which was never cleared I believe. What happened?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aah yes. Well some pesky bothans who I will keep their names out decided to blow up part of the building. As you know its a high risk keeping such a nice restaurant here on Tatooine, but I have complete faith in Clarissa, the mayor of the city to secure and keep everything in order."
GNS: „Did the repairs take that long?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „It wasn't just the repairs. I have had some personal issues back home on Coruscant I had to take care of."
GNS: „Issues? Would you care to go into details?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well I had to secure my late husbands estate for good."
GNS: „My condolences. How did he die?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „he died of brain rot"
GNS: „Brain rot?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „It ran in his family.”
GNS: „how long ago was that?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „hmmm. I'd say... 13 years ago? Yes its been awhile. His....mistress made it complicated…"
GNS: „And you haven't married since?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „aah..I have a boyfriend currently.."
GNS: „His mistress?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „lets not go into much detail about the past"
GNS: „What about your present boyfriend then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „What about him"
GNS: „What's his name? where is he from? where did you meet?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „His Name is Eceas and we met... about a year ago on Lok."
GNS: „Do you plan to remarry?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully one day"
GNS: „One day? There are rumors you are with child. Those are wrong then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmm they are true. I am currently pregnant. It hasn't been too long"
GNS: „You will be having your child out of wedlock then?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes hopefully. Shall we return the subject of my restaurant?"
GNS: „What made you return to Tatooine?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well Tatooine has awlays been full of promise, I have alot of memories here"
GNS: „what about your other businesses?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh, I am currently in a close partnership with the Home Time Contractors. They will help me expand and grow my Entertainment Venues."
GNS: „Where are those venues?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will be building one in Riva Dorata, The Viper Room and I am currently investigating a bar up in Mos Carova. Opening a bar I mean.”
GNS: „This must take a lot of staff"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Aaah yes. I just recently put out a ad in the holonet looking for staff."
GNS: „Did you have much success yet?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „No not yet. I am surprised I am generous when it comes to credits."
GNS: „Do you think others pay more?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I just think that there aren't enough interested"
GNS: „So, between those three venues, which venue has priority?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „The Twin Suns of course. It will always have a place in my heart"
GNS: „Do you plan to recruit locally mainly? Or subcontract areas such as bookkeping and security?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh I will be contracting security of course bookkeeping of course"
GNS: „What company do you have in mind?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Well of course Xizor Transport Systems. I have always had a close connection with them. Also the HTC will help with bookkeeping and security some"
GNS: „ XTS moved off Tatooine months ago."
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Yes I know."
GNS: „Do you plan to open the restaurant more frequently than in the past?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh yes of course. It’s just been hard without staff"
GNS: „There have been rumors about slave trading on both Lok and Tatooine for some time. Do you think this might be a cause for the lack of available staff?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Hmmm yes that could contribute. I dont think it would effect the restaurant business too much"
GNS: „Do you have other business plans than those three bars and restaurants?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Right now my main concern is my venues"
GNS: „In the past, the twin suns were rumored to be claimed by a crime syndicate as turf. Do you expect similar troubles?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Oh no that was a very brief period where I was not aware"
GNS: „So, do you plan to shuffle staff from one venue to the other? Does that mean you will be in need of regular transportation?"
Thaesus Andromeda says: „Of course. Galactic technology has yet to create an instant teleporter.”
GNS: „Do you have already secured transportation? And do you expect trouble from bandits or pirates?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „This is Tatooine dear. Most of the time I won’t have simultaneous events in one night, it’s just… too much. There will be a separate crew though to clean and prepare.”
GNS: „And between Corellia and Tatooine?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I will probably be looking for a contractor to take my staff from planet to planet, of course.”
GNS: „Thaesus, do you have anything you’d like to add?”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „I would like to add that Andromeda Entertainment will be sponsoring more and more events as we grow and prosper once again, and hopefully with enough support from the communities arund the galaxy we will become a galactic-class corporation.”
GNS: „GNS thanks you for this interview.”
Thaesus Andromeda says: „And thank you! I hope to be in many more.”
Freighter „Constitution“ goes missing during IMC convoy
Date: 150807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fifth convoy carrying ore from the Intergalactic Mining Company to Corellia was run last night. Next to the experienced captains Ryian Coron in his „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust in her „Entertainer Dream“, the Captain Wells in his YT-2400 class freighter „Constitution“ was a new addition. Due to the massive pirate activity last week, Captain Dacks was flying escort in his Vaksai fighter, and all ships were manned.
After passing through a check by an RID patrol craft, the convoy entered hyperspace at Deep Sea in Tatooine towards Lok, but the „Constitution“ never arrived at Nym’s Hovel, and was declared missing after attempts to contact her failed.
IMC spokesperson Okowwi Emied announced that there was a reward of 25'000 credits for information that would be crucial to clear the disappearance of the freighter up. From what is known, the course the ship plotted to enter hyperspace differed from those of the rest of the convoy, but the reasons for this are still unknown. No technical problems were reported, so speculations center on either crew incompetence or deliberate action.
Okowwi Emied was quoted that until other information came to light, the company assumed an accident happened and feared the worst for the safety of the crew and cargo.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The fifth convoy carrying ore from the Intergalactic Mining Company to Corellia was run last night. Next to the experienced captains Ryian Coron in his „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust in her „Entertainer Dream“, the Captain Wells in his YT-2400 class freighter „Constitution“ was a new addition. Due to the massive pirate activity last week, Captain Dacks was flying escort in his Vaksai fighter, and all ships were manned.
After passing through a check by an RID patrol craft, the convoy entered hyperspace at Deep Sea in Tatooine towards Lok, but the „Constitution“ never arrived at Nym’s Hovel, and was declared missing after attempts to contact her failed.
IMC spokesperson Okowwi Emied announced that there was a reward of 25'000 credits for information that would be crucial to clear the disappearance of the freighter up. From what is known, the course the ship plotted to enter hyperspace differed from those of the rest of the convoy, but the reasons for this are still unknown. No technical problems were reported, so speculations center on either crew incompetence or deliberate action.
Okowwi Emied was quoted that until other information came to light, the company assumed an accident happened and feared the worst for the safety of the crew and cargo.
Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley hits off!
Date: 130807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse is best known for the Fight Nights held there, but it also sports a bar and a spa in the basement. This bar was the location of Farpoint Valley’s first Karaoke Night. Contrary to some fears, the location did not lead to violence, no matter the performance, although rumor has it, one performer had to be escorted to the microphone by a wookiee. Nerves, no doubt, but nothing overcomes stage fright as quickly as the helpful grip of a wookiee, or the threat of getting tickled by an Ithorian.
The Karaoke night opened with Jiwarri’s rendition of a wookiee song. A very nice song by all accounts, but since it was sung in a dialect even those familiar with the main wookiee idiom were hard pressed to understand, the actual lyrics remain a mystery still.
This ethnic performance was followed up by Iprom, who performed a song about his time on a herdship, and how Ithorians make great friends. Loud friends too.
Irys and Ek’efe, noted performers, disappointed the audience by not performing and restricting their stage time to about 10 seconds.
Pelique though saved the reputation of professional entertainers by not only singing, but playing the mandoviol too – a great performance, although a tad intimidating for some amateurs who had to follow her act.
Detrais though, rodian without fear, took the stage in a storm, and without the prodding some performers required by Ramona, who ran the event (and sang too, but not as part of the competition), and his „Draka Nut Jelly Time“ turned heads in the bar – and not in the direction of the exit.
Following him was Nhadala’s „Dancer“; sung in Ryl. The woman was nervous at the start, but nothing a drink did not cure.
Free drinks to performers, and several rounds of sunburn and brandy „on the house“ also started to have an effect on some members of the audience who had refused to sing until then, and to the surprise of many, including his ship’s doctor, Ryian Coron took the stage with „Jabba knows me“, a very touching song to many of those listening who had similar experiences with this noted businessman on Tatooine.
Not to be outdone, Cpike Morningstar, after a case of stage fright cured by the intervention of several friends (rumor has, they caught him in the elevator trying to flee), sang „Tatooine Girl“, another hit.
Samdari, Ryian's crewmate, performed „White Queen“, a sad but touching song. From the looks of it, Ryian too had had no knowledge of her musical talents.
The night’s performances ended with Tooblee covering „Lapti Nek“ from Sy Snootles. The rodian, already „well-lubricated“, was escorted home by his friend Jeryk after accosting first Irys and then Pelique, and mistaking Cpike for a drink.
After Ramona had sung „Misfire“, the voting started, and after a few minutes, Detrais was the happy recipient of the surprise prize. He was asked to open it outside the building for security reasons, so we’re not actually sure what exactly he won, but last we heard he was still alive.
All in all an entertaining night, and an opportunity for many to see and hear their friends and acquaintances like they have not been seen or heard before - which is half the entertainment, of course!
Count on seeing this correspondent covering the next Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley too.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse is best known for the Fight Nights held there, but it also sports a bar and a spa in the basement. This bar was the location of Farpoint Valley’s first Karaoke Night. Contrary to some fears, the location did not lead to violence, no matter the performance, although rumor has it, one performer had to be escorted to the microphone by a wookiee. Nerves, no doubt, but nothing overcomes stage fright as quickly as the helpful grip of a wookiee, or the threat of getting tickled by an Ithorian.
The Karaoke night opened with Jiwarri’s rendition of a wookiee song. A very nice song by all accounts, but since it was sung in a dialect even those familiar with the main wookiee idiom were hard pressed to understand, the actual lyrics remain a mystery still.
This ethnic performance was followed up by Iprom, who performed a song about his time on a herdship, and how Ithorians make great friends. Loud friends too.
Irys and Ek’efe, noted performers, disappointed the audience by not performing and restricting their stage time to about 10 seconds.
Pelique though saved the reputation of professional entertainers by not only singing, but playing the mandoviol too – a great performance, although a tad intimidating for some amateurs who had to follow her act.
Detrais though, rodian without fear, took the stage in a storm, and without the prodding some performers required by Ramona, who ran the event (and sang too, but not as part of the competition), and his „Draka Nut Jelly Time“ turned heads in the bar – and not in the direction of the exit.
Following him was Nhadala’s „Dancer“; sung in Ryl. The woman was nervous at the start, but nothing a drink did not cure.
Free drinks to performers, and several rounds of sunburn and brandy „on the house“ also started to have an effect on some members of the audience who had refused to sing until then, and to the surprise of many, including his ship’s doctor, Ryian Coron took the stage with „Jabba knows me“, a very touching song to many of those listening who had similar experiences with this noted businessman on Tatooine.
Not to be outdone, Cpike Morningstar, after a case of stage fright cured by the intervention of several friends (rumor has, they caught him in the elevator trying to flee), sang „Tatooine Girl“, another hit.
Samdari, Ryian's crewmate, performed „White Queen“, a sad but touching song. From the looks of it, Ryian too had had no knowledge of her musical talents.
The night’s performances ended with Tooblee covering „Lapti Nek“ from Sy Snootles. The rodian, already „well-lubricated“, was escorted home by his friend Jeryk after accosting first Irys and then Pelique, and mistaking Cpike for a drink.
After Ramona had sung „Misfire“, the voting started, and after a few minutes, Detrais was the happy recipient of the surprise prize. He was asked to open it outside the building for security reasons, so we’re not actually sure what exactly he won, but last we heard he was still alive.
All in all an entertaining night, and an opportunity for many to see and hear their friends and acquaintances like they have not been seen or heard before - which is half the entertainment, of course!
Count on seeing this correspondent covering the next Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley too.
Massive Battle over Tatooine
Date: 130807
Planet: Tatoo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Tatoo system was the location of a massive space battle that ran for over two hours. While neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance has yet released a statement detailing the events, eye witnesses reported that there was extensive fighting at Black Venom Sea, Narella’s Mining Field and the Station Star-1.
From what is known, the fighting started when two task forces clashed at Deep Sea, apparently jumping in at the same time. In the following close quarters fighting, the rebel forces were routed, but rallied and struck back mere minutes later. For the next two hours, more and more fighters were fed into the battle, and ships were battling all over the system, leaving debris and escape pods in their wake. Decimator patrol ships as well as converted freighters and a nova courier were reported to take part in the battle as well, next to the regular starfighter forces.
The apparent goal of both sides was the control of the aforementioned stations, but to what purpose is not known yet. Since not official statements have been released yet, rumors claim that the operations are not terminated yet, and may resume in the near future.
Planet: Tatoo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, the Tatoo system was the location of a massive space battle that ran for over two hours. While neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance has yet released a statement detailing the events, eye witnesses reported that there was extensive fighting at Black Venom Sea, Narella’s Mining Field and the Station Star-1.
From what is known, the fighting started when two task forces clashed at Deep Sea, apparently jumping in at the same time. In the following close quarters fighting, the rebel forces were routed, but rallied and struck back mere minutes later. For the next two hours, more and more fighters were fed into the battle, and ships were battling all over the system, leaving debris and escape pods in their wake. Decimator patrol ships as well as converted freighters and a nova courier were reported to take part in the battle as well, next to the regular starfighter forces.
The apparent goal of both sides was the control of the aforementioned stations, but to what purpose is not known yet. Since not official statements have been released yet, rumors claim that the operations are not terminated yet, and may resume in the near future.
IMC convoy under heavy attack
Date: 090807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly ore transport chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company ran into serious difficulties last night. As spokesperson Okowwi Emied detailed today, the YT-class transports “Recreant Sun” under Captain Amillo and “Spinning Cloud” captained by Ryian Coron, with the YT-1300 „Entertainer Dream“ piloted by Captain Selenes Lightingdust acting as decoy, and escorted by Til’mar in his fighter were attacked by more than half a dozen pirate ships while nearing the refuel station.
In the following fight, Til’mar was forced to crashland on Lok while both „Entertainer Dream“ as well as „Recreant Sun“ suffered disabling damage. The „Spinning Cloud“, under heavy fire and losing most armor plating, managed to deal with the remaining pirates and tow the two other transports to the orbital station for emergency repairs.
After the resulting delays, the trip was continued, and all three ships safely reached Coronet Starport, where further repairs took place after the cargo, which was not damaged, was unloaded before the crews of the ships involved took off to celebrate.
Okowwi Emied was quoted as being „content that the damages suffered remained within the limits covered by our insurance“, and stated that the last they had heard of Til’mar was that he was alive and well, and not in need of assistance on Lok.
IMC further announced that the company was looking to hire more mercenaries as protection against further pirate attacks.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly ore transport chartered by the Intergalactic Mining Company ran into serious difficulties last night. As spokesperson Okowwi Emied detailed today, the YT-class transports “Recreant Sun” under Captain Amillo and “Spinning Cloud” captained by Ryian Coron, with the YT-1300 „Entertainer Dream“ piloted by Captain Selenes Lightingdust acting as decoy, and escorted by Til’mar in his fighter were attacked by more than half a dozen pirate ships while nearing the refuel station.
In the following fight, Til’mar was forced to crashland on Lok while both „Entertainer Dream“ as well as „Recreant Sun“ suffered disabling damage. The „Spinning Cloud“, under heavy fire and losing most armor plating, managed to deal with the remaining pirates and tow the two other transports to the orbital station for emergency repairs.
After the resulting delays, the trip was continued, and all three ships safely reached Coronet Starport, where further repairs took place after the cargo, which was not damaged, was unloaded before the crews of the ships involved took off to celebrate.
Okowwi Emied was quoted as being „content that the damages suffered remained within the limits covered by our insurance“, and stated that the last they had heard of Til’mar was that he was alive and well, and not in need of assistance on Lok.
IMC further announced that the company was looking to hire more mercenaries as protection against further pirate attacks.
Clarissa Goldear returns to Farpoint Valley's City Hall
Date: 050807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, Clarissa Goldear was elected as mayor in Farpoint Valley, after a campaign of three weeks, and with the support of mayor Hel'mut Yovel. Clarissa is not new to the office, in fact, just as she succeeded Hel'mut, he himself had succeeded her a year ago, when she stepped down from office for a sabbatical. So, the town, which had been hit a bit by a recent purge of abandonned buildings, is in experienced hands.
The newly elected gave out the following message to the citizens of the town:
*an image appears as you play the message, a red-haired female in an orange dress bowing*
Dear Citizens of Farpoint Valley
The current votin' period is over and once again, I have taken over a position of great responsibility. I am very aware o' that and wanted to thank everyone who voted for me, your faith is greatly appreciated.
Now, to give you a heads up on whats goin' on at the moment:
- The Farpoint Valley Swoop Race will be held in 'bout two weeks, try to be there ! (August 17th - 4pm/5pm EST).
- I am currently tryin' to get us a Sheriff to deal with any law enforcement issues. Imperial laws still apply here, just like before, and I'd like to have someone capable of upholdin' them.
- The second thingie, I'm still lookin' for somebody who'd like to run the local Cantina. I already have two people who showed interest in doin' so, but I still got to talk to them as well. Just like the post of Sheriff, I'd like to have someone capable for this job.
- Any other openings n' similar will be published on our new Holonet (see below).
I will try to inform y'all regularly on whats happenin' in town. As said in the past, I am always glad 'bout input or feedback from your side just as well. Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely
Clarissa Goldear
Mayor of Farpoint Valley
As you can see, the new mayor is already busy. With two active clubs, and several businesses, the town has made both positive and negative headlines lately, so stay tuned for more news from Tatooine.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, Clarissa Goldear was elected as mayor in Farpoint Valley, after a campaign of three weeks, and with the support of mayor Hel'mut Yovel. Clarissa is not new to the office, in fact, just as she succeeded Hel'mut, he himself had succeeded her a year ago, when she stepped down from office for a sabbatical. So, the town, which had been hit a bit by a recent purge of abandonned buildings, is in experienced hands.
The newly elected gave out the following message to the citizens of the town:
*an image appears as you play the message, a red-haired female in an orange dress bowing*
Dear Citizens of Farpoint Valley
The current votin' period is over and once again, I have taken over a position of great responsibility. I am very aware o' that and wanted to thank everyone who voted for me, your faith is greatly appreciated.
Now, to give you a heads up on whats goin' on at the moment:
- The Farpoint Valley Swoop Race will be held in 'bout two weeks, try to be there ! (August 17th - 4pm/5pm EST).
- I am currently tryin' to get us a Sheriff to deal with any law enforcement issues. Imperial laws still apply here, just like before, and I'd like to have someone capable of upholdin' them.
- The second thingie, I'm still lookin' for somebody who'd like to run the local Cantina. I already have two people who showed interest in doin' so, but I still got to talk to them as well. Just like the post of Sheriff, I'd like to have someone capable for this job.
- Any other openings n' similar will be published on our new Holonet (see below).
I will try to inform y'all regularly on whats happenin' in town. As said in the past, I am always glad 'bout input or feedback from your side just as well. Thank you for your time.
Yours sincerely
Clarissa Goldear
Mayor of Farpoint Valley
As you can see, the new mayor is already busy. With two active clubs, and several businesses, the town has made both positive and negative headlines lately, so stay tuned for more news from Tatooine.
Escorting TIE Interceptor saves freighter
Date: 020807
Planet: Lok
Region: Outpost Epsilon
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lok remains a hotbed of pirate activity. A Y-8 class freighter carrying supplies from Bestine to the new Outpost Epsilon almost fell victim to daring pirates. When the ship was nearing Lok’s Orbit, it was attacked by a YT-2400, a Vaksai and an X-Wing, and quickly disabled. Only through the courageous actions of the single escort, a TIE Interceptor, who shot down the two starfighters and managed to hold off the YT-2400 long enough for the Y-8 to be towed off was the cargo and crew of the freighter saved.
The ship, after emergency repairs in Lok’s orbit, transferred its cargo to the Outpost Epsilon, where the supplies were received. The outpost itself was busy, shuttles taking off and landing in rapid succession, guarded by a large number of troopers, as can be seen on the following news clip.
Despite the success of the delivery mission, future supply runs are expected to be provided more escorts given the recent pirate activity. The fact that twice freighters carrying supplies for the Imperial Outpost were attacked despite the presence of an escort also caused speculations that the so-called pirates were in reality rebel operatives.
Planet: Lok
Region: Outpost Epsilon
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Lok remains a hotbed of pirate activity. A Y-8 class freighter carrying supplies from Bestine to the new Outpost Epsilon almost fell victim to daring pirates. When the ship was nearing Lok’s Orbit, it was attacked by a YT-2400, a Vaksai and an X-Wing, and quickly disabled. Only through the courageous actions of the single escort, a TIE Interceptor, who shot down the two starfighters and managed to hold off the YT-2400 long enough for the Y-8 to be towed off was the cargo and crew of the freighter saved.
The ship, after emergency repairs in Lok’s orbit, transferred its cargo to the Outpost Epsilon, where the supplies were received. The outpost itself was busy, shuttles taking off and landing in rapid succession, guarded by a large number of troopers, as can be seen on the following news clip.
Despite the success of the delivery mission, future supply runs are expected to be provided more escorts given the recent pirate activity. The fact that twice freighters carrying supplies for the Imperial Outpost were attacked despite the presence of an escort also caused speculations that the so-called pirates were in reality rebel operatives.
TTC Freighter crashes on Tatooine
Date: 020807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley/Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tatooine Trading Corporations YT-2400 class freighter “TTC-Racing Sky” crashed on Tatooine last night, near Bestine, following a pirate attack. While exact details are yet unclear, eye witnesses reported that the freighter, carrying supplies for a new Imperial Outpost on Lok, suffered engine failure soon after launching, barely clearing Tatooine’s orbit. At that point, pirates attacked, but were driven off by the escorting TIE Interceptor.
However, despite the pirates being driven off, the freighter itself suffered more damage and after most of the crew used the escape pods, the freighter crashed near Bestine. According to a statement from TTC, both the engine failure as well as the following explosion were caused by sabotage, although other reports state that a crew member threw a plasma grenade inside the ship in an attempt to deal with the saboteur.
Most if not all experienced spacers would not even contemplate such a course of action though, so the veracity of this rumor is to be doubted. The fate of the cargo is unknown as well, but investigations are under way.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley/Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tatooine Trading Corporations YT-2400 class freighter “TTC-Racing Sky” crashed on Tatooine last night, near Bestine, following a pirate attack. While exact details are yet unclear, eye witnesses reported that the freighter, carrying supplies for a new Imperial Outpost on Lok, suffered engine failure soon after launching, barely clearing Tatooine’s orbit. At that point, pirates attacked, but were driven off by the escorting TIE Interceptor.
However, despite the pirates being driven off, the freighter itself suffered more damage and after most of the crew used the escape pods, the freighter crashed near Bestine. According to a statement from TTC, both the engine failure as well as the following explosion were caused by sabotage, although other reports state that a crew member threw a plasma grenade inside the ship in an attempt to deal with the saboteur.
Most if not all experienced spacers would not even contemplate such a course of action though, so the veracity of this rumor is to be doubted. The fate of the cargo is unknown as well, but investigations are under way.
IMC transports reach Coronet despite pirate attacks
Date: 010807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Intergalactic Mining Company spokesperson Okowwi Emied announced today that last night, the weekly ore transport from IMC safely reached Coronet, Corellia. The two transports, YT-1300 class freighters “Recreant Sun” under Captain Amillo and “Spinning Cloud” captained by Ryian Coron, with Fiwa as a single escort, set out from Farpoint Valley, and reached Corellia without reporting any trouble.
Asked why they succeeded where others failed, Captain Coron gave the following statement:
"We got some little helpers. The government may call them "terrorists", but since it seems like the gentlemen of the Imperial navy can't be bothered to do anything about the spreading pirate plague, I am glad there is someone out there who cares about us civilians. Makes you wonder really."
IMC stated that they had no knowledge of any such involvement, and that IMC had not hired any escorts other than Fiwa. The IMC board is said to be currently debating whether or not to pay out the bounties for the six pirates shot down under those circumstances.
The commander of the sector fleet of the Empire announced that there would be an investigation of this transport, with a focus on possible conspiracies between recent “escorts” and earlier “pirate attacks”.
IMC stock rose 5% following the successful transport, but fell again following the news that the Empire would look into this affair.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Intergalactic Mining Company spokesperson Okowwi Emied announced today that last night, the weekly ore transport from IMC safely reached Coronet, Corellia. The two transports, YT-1300 class freighters “Recreant Sun” under Captain Amillo and “Spinning Cloud” captained by Ryian Coron, with Fiwa as a single escort, set out from Farpoint Valley, and reached Corellia without reporting any trouble.
Asked why they succeeded where others failed, Captain Coron gave the following statement:
"We got some little helpers. The government may call them "terrorists", but since it seems like the gentlemen of the Imperial navy can't be bothered to do anything about the spreading pirate plague, I am glad there is someone out there who cares about us civilians. Makes you wonder really."
IMC stated that they had no knowledge of any such involvement, and that IMC had not hired any escorts other than Fiwa. The IMC board is said to be currently debating whether or not to pay out the bounties for the six pirates shot down under those circumstances.
The commander of the sector fleet of the Empire announced that there would be an investigation of this transport, with a focus on possible conspiracies between recent “escorts” and earlier “pirate attacks”.
IMC stock rose 5% following the successful transport, but fell again following the news that the Empire would look into this affair.
Quenkers spotted on Tatooine
Date: 290707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Quenkers, large, dangerous vermin, are native to Dantooine, where they are considered a plague. They are especially infamous for their acid-spitting abilities, which has caused a number of inexperienced hunters who thought themselves safe at range to die. Dantooine residents know usually not to take them lightly.
However, a few days ago, a pack of them was spotted on Tatooine, near a havaried sandcrawler, trapping the jawas inside until help arrived from the nearby town Farpoint Valley. By using a high-powered rifle, bait, and explosives, the quenkers and the obstacle holding the sandcrawler up were dealt with, and the Sandcrawler was able to make it to Farpoint Valley, where the jawas repaired it and conducted several trades.
Since then all quenkers remaining in the area have been shot, or so local hunters claim, but their origin remains a mystery.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Quenkers, large, dangerous vermin, are native to Dantooine, where they are considered a plague. They are especially infamous for their acid-spitting abilities, which has caused a number of inexperienced hunters who thought themselves safe at range to die. Dantooine residents know usually not to take them lightly.
However, a few days ago, a pack of them was spotted on Tatooine, near a havaried sandcrawler, trapping the jawas inside until help arrived from the nearby town Farpoint Valley. By using a high-powered rifle, bait, and explosives, the quenkers and the obstacle holding the sandcrawler up were dealt with, and the Sandcrawler was able to make it to Farpoint Valley, where the jawas repaired it and conducted several trades.
Since then all quenkers remaining in the area have been shot, or so local hunters claim, but their origin remains a mystery.
Binary Pulsar Corporation bought up
Date: 290707
Planet: Nar Shadda
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Binary Pulsar Corporation, a well-known corporation based on Nar Shadda, changed hands recently. Though it is yet unclear who the buyer is, current rumours are suggesting that it may have been businessman Karpasso Tong who is well renowned for his shadier business projects. What is certain is that the two cousins who previously owned Pulsar, Kaline Lessiah and H'oshi QaVam, did sell their shares in exchange for an undisclosed sum of imperial credits and various ventures, shares and bonds.
Binary Pulsar Corporation was just recently revived and restructured by H’oshi QaVam after undergoing some troubles during the last year and had just reopened a new nightclub in Farpoint Valley, the "Black Hole". It is not yet known how this sale will affect the daily operations and long-term prospects of the corporation, and if H'oshi QaVam will be staying as CEO.
Planet: Nar Shadda
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Binary Pulsar Corporation, a well-known corporation based on Nar Shadda, changed hands recently. Though it is yet unclear who the buyer is, current rumours are suggesting that it may have been businessman Karpasso Tong who is well renowned for his shadier business projects. What is certain is that the two cousins who previously owned Pulsar, Kaline Lessiah and H'oshi QaVam, did sell their shares in exchange for an undisclosed sum of imperial credits and various ventures, shares and bonds.
Binary Pulsar Corporation was just recently revived and restructured by H’oshi QaVam after undergoing some troubles during the last year and had just reopened a new nightclub in Farpoint Valley, the "Black Hole". It is not yet known how this sale will affect the daily operations and long-term prospects of the corporation, and if H'oshi QaVam will be staying as CEO.
Imperial Fleet defends scientists against rebel attackers
Date: 290707
Planet: Karthakk system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that yesterday, two space stations housing several scientists conducting research on starship reactor improvements were attacked by rebel forces in an attempt to kidnap them.
For their own safety, the Imperial Fleet units in system took the scientists into custody and defended the stations for over an hour during the evacuation against determinded rebel attacks. During the last minutes before the scientists were moved from the station, a massive rebel attack almost overwhelmed the defending forces at a station near the Trade Federation Outpost, and units from the Solar Phoenix area were moved in as reinforcements, driving the rebels back.
The scientists are at this time safely in the hand of the Empire, which will soon assign them to more secure reseach facilities.
Planet: Karthakk system
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that yesterday, two space stations housing several scientists conducting research on starship reactor improvements were attacked by rebel forces in an attempt to kidnap them.
For their own safety, the Imperial Fleet units in system took the scientists into custody and defended the stations for over an hour during the evacuation against determinded rebel attacks. During the last minutes before the scientists were moved from the station, a massive rebel attack almost overwhelmed the defending forces at a station near the Trade Federation Outpost, and units from the Solar Phoenix area were moved in as reinforcements, driving the rebels back.
The scientists are at this time safely in the hand of the Empire, which will soon assign them to more secure reseach facilities.
Pirates board and wreck luxury yacht
Date: 290707
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The “Neptune’s Hoard”, a SoroSuub3000-class luxury yacht, was attacked and boarded by a pirate gang allegedly calling themselves the “Black Nova Pirates” two days ago during a cruise in the Endor system.
The yacht, flying unescorted, was easy prey for the pirates, although the boarding party met stiff resistance from crew and some guests, according to some accounts. During the fighting, several guests disappeared, among them noted Ithorian barkeeper and orphanage keeper Irpom. His fate is not known so far, but it is believed he took an escape pod.
The yacht itself was wrecked with charges, probably to make an example for future ships not to resist, and the crew and remaining passengers were stranded on Endor’s forest moon by the pirates. No deaths were reported during the boarding and fighting, but the fate of some of the stranded remains a mystery.
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The “Neptune’s Hoard”, a SoroSuub3000-class luxury yacht, was attacked and boarded by a pirate gang allegedly calling themselves the “Black Nova Pirates” two days ago during a cruise in the Endor system.
The yacht, flying unescorted, was easy prey for the pirates, although the boarding party met stiff resistance from crew and some guests, according to some accounts. During the fighting, several guests disappeared, among them noted Ithorian barkeeper and orphanage keeper Irpom. His fate is not known so far, but it is believed he took an escape pod.
The yacht itself was wrecked with charges, probably to make an example for future ships not to resist, and the crew and remaining passengers were stranded on Endor’s forest moon by the pirates. No deaths were reported during the boarding and fighting, but the fate of some of the stranded remains a mystery.
Empire Day Festivities open with a troop parade
Date: 260707
Planet: Talus
Region: Flame’s Hold
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Flame’s Hold, a peaceful and orderly city on Talus, is the focus of the sector’s Empire Day festivities this year. To celebrate the occasion, and to demonstrate the might and resolve of the Empire, a troop parade was held in town.
Numerous citizens and visitors watched as row upon row of stormtroopers, officers and pilots paraded in front of them, flanked by walkers and speeders, past the audience and several shuttles and other military craft. Several of the most famous imperial units from the sector were in attendance, showing their allegiance, pride and discipline.
When the parade finished, a speech was held by Captain Thrawn.
"Loyal Imperials!
The celebration of Empire Day serves to reinforce the commitment each of you has made to the Emperor and to the Empire. When tomorrow arrives do not let your resolve diminish. Let it be strengthened. While gatherings such as this are pleasant diversions, the difficult task of ridding the galaxy for the Rebellion cannot be completed around a banquet table. Use this time to strengthen alliances and complete strategies.
I expect each of you to leave here tonight planning to take action, not just to pay annual homage. The Rebellion is a dying cause, but their rhetoric still has the power to sway. If you are able to fight, then fight. If you are able to speak, then speak. Against the combined might of those who are loyal, the Rebels will fail.
It is during these times of galactic celebration that the Rebels will choose to undermine all that the Emperor has sacrificed to achieve. I know that the Rebels are trying to fill the minds of our citizens with lies and propaganda. It is the duty of each and every one of you here to spread the truth. Bring the doubters into the fold. Law and order must prevail and with your continued support we will overcome the illegal actions of the so-called Alliance.
It is forces such as this that will bring the Rebellion to its knees. It is this pride and honor that the Rebels lack. This is what Empire Day is about. We must not let them forget our dedication to the Emperor. I know today is a day of celebration. We must have these diversions of the moment to remind us of what we are fighting for. I appreciate your attention and your dedication.
You are what makes the Empire strong. Never forget that.
A happy Empire Day to you all.
Long Live The Emperor!"
After the speech, Captain Thrawn departed, and the festivities continued with a party. Famous max Rebo played for the dancing crowd, while a number of officers and troops used the occasion to hone their skills in a series of sparring matches.
A memorable occasion indeed.
Planet: Talus
Region: Flame’s Hold
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Flame’s Hold, a peaceful and orderly city on Talus, is the focus of the sector’s Empire Day festivities this year. To celebrate the occasion, and to demonstrate the might and resolve of the Empire, a troop parade was held in town.
Numerous citizens and visitors watched as row upon row of stormtroopers, officers and pilots paraded in front of them, flanked by walkers and speeders, past the audience and several shuttles and other military craft. Several of the most famous imperial units from the sector were in attendance, showing their allegiance, pride and discipline.
When the parade finished, a speech was held by Captain Thrawn.
"Loyal Imperials!
The celebration of Empire Day serves to reinforce the commitment each of you has made to the Emperor and to the Empire. When tomorrow arrives do not let your resolve diminish. Let it be strengthened. While gatherings such as this are pleasant diversions, the difficult task of ridding the galaxy for the Rebellion cannot be completed around a banquet table. Use this time to strengthen alliances and complete strategies.
I expect each of you to leave here tonight planning to take action, not just to pay annual homage. The Rebellion is a dying cause, but their rhetoric still has the power to sway. If you are able to fight, then fight. If you are able to speak, then speak. Against the combined might of those who are loyal, the Rebels will fail.
It is during these times of galactic celebration that the Rebels will choose to undermine all that the Emperor has sacrificed to achieve. I know that the Rebels are trying to fill the minds of our citizens with lies and propaganda. It is the duty of each and every one of you here to spread the truth. Bring the doubters into the fold. Law and order must prevail and with your continued support we will overcome the illegal actions of the so-called Alliance.
It is forces such as this that will bring the Rebellion to its knees. It is this pride and honor that the Rebels lack. This is what Empire Day is about. We must not let them forget our dedication to the Emperor. I know today is a day of celebration. We must have these diversions of the moment to remind us of what we are fighting for. I appreciate your attention and your dedication.
You are what makes the Empire strong. Never forget that.
A happy Empire Day to you all.
Long Live The Emperor!"
After the speech, Captain Thrawn departed, and the festivities continued with a party. Famous max Rebo played for the dancing crowd, while a number of officers and troops used the occasion to hone their skills in a series of sparring matches.
A memorable occasion indeed.
Pirates raid ore transport - route betrayed?
Date: 250707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company announced today that last night another ore transport fell victim to pirates in the Karthakk system. The “Raven’s Claw”, a chartered YT-2400 freighter, and its two escorts were jumped by a converted YT-2400, the “Vengeful Pharple” near the refueling station. The two escorts were dispatched quickly, and after a short chase, the “Raven’s Claw” was disabled and forced to jettison the cargo. An X-Wing tried to intercept the pirate at this stage, but was shot down as well.
IMC spokesperson Okowwi Emied, when questioned if security measures taken after the first attack last week had been sufficient, stated that escorting ships had been doubled, but that the company had received information that among the hired escorts was a mole for the pirates. The pilot, whose identity had not yet been made public until further proof was gathered, had been involved in last week’s transport too, and was probably responsible for the pirates’ success back then as well.
Even without such ploys, the Karthakk system remains a pirate haven. A few days ago, the “Eopie Runner” carrying liquor and snack food to Tatooine, was attacked above Lok as well, but managed to shoot down two pirates and drive off a third before making landfall. Freighter captains passing through are advised to be on their guard, and to watch who they hire as escorts.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company announced today that last night another ore transport fell victim to pirates in the Karthakk system. The “Raven’s Claw”, a chartered YT-2400 freighter, and its two escorts were jumped by a converted YT-2400, the “Vengeful Pharple” near the refueling station. The two escorts were dispatched quickly, and after a short chase, the “Raven’s Claw” was disabled and forced to jettison the cargo. An X-Wing tried to intercept the pirate at this stage, but was shot down as well.
IMC spokesperson Okowwi Emied, when questioned if security measures taken after the first attack last week had been sufficient, stated that escorting ships had been doubled, but that the company had received information that among the hired escorts was a mole for the pirates. The pilot, whose identity had not yet been made public until further proof was gathered, had been involved in last week’s transport too, and was probably responsible for the pirates’ success back then as well.
Even without such ploys, the Karthakk system remains a pirate haven. A few days ago, the “Eopie Runner” carrying liquor and snack food to Tatooine, was attacked above Lok as well, but managed to shoot down two pirates and drive off a third before making landfall. Freighter captains passing through are advised to be on their guard, and to watch who they hire as escorts.
Lokian Flu spreading!
Date: 250707
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Lokian Flu, a dangerous disease that affects most known species, is spreading through the sector, and has reached Tatooine. The infection is transmitted from infected beings through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus. It can also be be transmitted through contact with saliva, nasal secretions, blood and other bodily fluids of contaminated persons. It is not always fatal, but can be fatal if not treated.
The disease rapidly advances, going through distinctive stages.
1-3 hours after infection coughing starts.
3-6 hours after infection headaches and pains in the limbs are noticed.
6-10 hours after infection come strange behavioural changes. Infected start to laugh, giggle and joke, even dance.
11-17 hours after the infection starts vomitting, more giggling, followed by unconsciousness – at this stage, death is likely unless Neo-hydrine is administered.
Usually contained to Lok, increasing uncontrolled travel has allowed the disease to spread, threatening entire populations on other planets. Cases were already reported on Tatooine already, and infected people are being isolated to prevent the infection from spreading. Concerned medical personell also has asked for a quarantine to be ordered from travellers from Lok, but differences with local authorities so far prevent effective measures to be taken.
In the absence of official measures, individuals have started to wear air filters to protect themselves. Infected people are advised to stay in bed, drink plenty – not that Tatooine’s residents would not do this anyway – and watch their temperature.
So, watch out for coughing persons, and be on your guard.
Planet: Tatooine/Lok
Region: Farpoint Valley/Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Lokian Flu, a dangerous disease that affects most known species, is spreading through the sector, and has reached Tatooine. The infection is transmitted from infected beings through the air by coughs or sneezes, creating aerosols containing the virus. It can also be be transmitted through contact with saliva, nasal secretions, blood and other bodily fluids of contaminated persons. It is not always fatal, but can be fatal if not treated.
The disease rapidly advances, going through distinctive stages.
1-3 hours after infection coughing starts.
3-6 hours after infection headaches and pains in the limbs are noticed.
6-10 hours after infection come strange behavioural changes. Infected start to laugh, giggle and joke, even dance.
11-17 hours after the infection starts vomitting, more giggling, followed by unconsciousness – at this stage, death is likely unless Neo-hydrine is administered.
Usually contained to Lok, increasing uncontrolled travel has allowed the disease to spread, threatening entire populations on other planets. Cases were already reported on Tatooine already, and infected people are being isolated to prevent the infection from spreading. Concerned medical personell also has asked for a quarantine to be ordered from travellers from Lok, but differences with local authorities so far prevent effective measures to be taken.
In the absence of official measures, individuals have started to wear air filters to protect themselves. Infected people are advised to stay in bed, drink plenty – not that Tatooine’s residents would not do this anyway – and watch their temperature.
So, watch out for coughing persons, and be on your guard.
Landsend leveled by explosion
Date: 250707
Planet: Naboo
Region: Landsend
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Landsend, a peaceful town in central Naboo, was levelled a few days ago by a massive explosion and completely destroyed. Rescuers rushing to the scene from the countryside and shuttled in with scrambled shuttles and spaceships found a field of rubble around a massive crater – and the remains of dead people everywhere. Among the victims are Ti'ana and Talic Annis, well known archaeologists with the university of Theed, recently returned from an expedition.
*A small holoclip appears showing a grey female twi’lek digging through the rubble of what once was a large house, crying out for her parents.*
While desperate relatives and rescue workers dug through the rubble in an attempt to find survivors, RSF launched an investigation. It soon became clear that the freighter “Far Runner”, loaded with hyperdrive fuel, was responsible for the explosion. Comm contact with the freighter was lost shortly after it lifted off Keren and sent out a distress signal before crashing on the town and going up in a devastating fireball when the fuel ignited.
RSF investigators did not comment on whether this was an accident or a terrorist attack, stating that the investigation was still underway.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Landsend
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Landsend, a peaceful town in central Naboo, was levelled a few days ago by a massive explosion and completely destroyed. Rescuers rushing to the scene from the countryside and shuttled in with scrambled shuttles and spaceships found a field of rubble around a massive crater – and the remains of dead people everywhere. Among the victims are Ti'ana and Talic Annis, well known archaeologists with the university of Theed, recently returned from an expedition.
*A small holoclip appears showing a grey female twi’lek digging through the rubble of what once was a large house, crying out for her parents.*
While desperate relatives and rescue workers dug through the rubble in an attempt to find survivors, RSF launched an investigation. It soon became clear that the freighter “Far Runner”, loaded with hyperdrive fuel, was responsible for the explosion. Comm contact with the freighter was lost shortly after it lifted off Keren and sent out a distress signal before crashing on the town and going up in a devastating fireball when the fuel ignited.
RSF investigators did not comment on whether this was an accident or a terrorist attack, stating that the investigation was still underway.
Fight Night opens in the Grindhouse!
Date: 220707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Fight Night, the traditional pit fighting contest/tournament of Tatooine recently revived in Farpoint Valley, was held again last night, this time in the new “Grindhouse”, a massive hall built for combat events of all kinds.
Clarissa Goldear, mayoral candidate for Farpoint Valley, ran the event again, arbitrating the different fights. As before, a grand prize of 1’000’000 credits awaited the winner, this time sponsored by Doctor Rapture Antross. Again the event drew a large crowd, including the champion of the last Fight Night, Melkin Antross.
After 90 minutes of fighting, Zrian Vranic was declared the victor and received the prize money. The prize for second place, 200’000 credits sponsored by the Neutron Pixies, went to Oulyrai. Third place was a tie between Vlane, Bristol and Ramona.
Betting was handled by rodian businessman Tooblee, with the profits of the betting going to a charity fund for the orphans of Alderaan.
Despite the at times savage fighting, no serious injuries were reported, and no violence occurred outside the fighting areas.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Fight Night, the traditional pit fighting contest/tournament of Tatooine recently revived in Farpoint Valley, was held again last night, this time in the new “Grindhouse”, a massive hall built for combat events of all kinds.
Clarissa Goldear, mayoral candidate for Farpoint Valley, ran the event again, arbitrating the different fights. As before, a grand prize of 1’000’000 credits awaited the winner, this time sponsored by Doctor Rapture Antross. Again the event drew a large crowd, including the champion of the last Fight Night, Melkin Antross.
After 90 minutes of fighting, Zrian Vranic was declared the victor and received the prize money. The prize for second place, 200’000 credits sponsored by the Neutron Pixies, went to Oulyrai. Third place was a tie between Vlane, Bristol and Ramona.
Betting was handled by rodian businessman Tooblee, with the profits of the betting going to a charity fund for the orphans of Alderaan.
Despite the at times savage fighting, no serious injuries were reported, and no violence occurred outside the fighting areas.
Imperial Navy defeated in Naboo
Date: 220707
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Naboo and especially Rori, where the rubble that remains of Restuss are still contested, remains a rebel stronghold. The Imperial Navy attempted to clear the system of rebel forces, but despite early successes, rebel reinforcements managed to beat the imperial task force’s followup attacks back, inflicting heavy casualties.
It seems as if the Rebel Alliance has abandoned Deep Space for the time being, and is concentrating on holding on to their bases in more settled systems, especially Rori. So far Naboo itself remains safe, but considering the recent events, the planet itself may be at risk if the rebel buildup continues.
Local recruiters were ordered to step up their efforts for both the stormtrooper corps as well as the navy in order to counter the growing rebel numbers.
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Naboo and especially Rori, where the rubble that remains of Restuss are still contested, remains a rebel stronghold. The Imperial Navy attempted to clear the system of rebel forces, but despite early successes, rebel reinforcements managed to beat the imperial task force’s followup attacks back, inflicting heavy casualties.
It seems as if the Rebel Alliance has abandoned Deep Space for the time being, and is concentrating on holding on to their bases in more settled systems, especially Rori. So far Naboo itself remains safe, but considering the recent events, the planet itself may be at risk if the rebel buildup continues.
Local recruiters were ordered to step up their efforts for both the stormtrooper corps as well as the navy in order to counter the growing rebel numbers.
Ryatte Ardell attempted to murder X’lain
Date: 220707
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ryatte Ardell, former imperial officer, is wanted by the Empire for questioning related to the recent death of a stormtrooper in Mos Eisley. According to the information given, the stormtrooper was found dead after trying to run an ID check on Ardell in the Mos Eisley cantina.
An operative named X’lain found Ryatte in Red Sands, and tried to take him in, which led to a fight. During the course of the fight, X'lain was thrown into the local acid river, suffering horrible burns, before being shot three times into the back by Ryatte Ardell when he managed to pull himself out.
Apparently, the still alive X’lain was left in front of the cantina until a member of his own group picked him up. Released information stated that X’lain’s body suffered 100 percent third degree acid burns. X'lain now is in a Med-bay under life support, his survival is questionable.
Ryatte Ardell is considered armed and dangerous, and citizens are advised to stay away from him and inform the authorities upon sighting him.
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ryatte Ardell, former imperial officer, is wanted by the Empire for questioning related to the recent death of a stormtrooper in Mos Eisley. According to the information given, the stormtrooper was found dead after trying to run an ID check on Ardell in the Mos Eisley cantina.
An operative named X’lain found Ryatte in Red Sands, and tried to take him in, which led to a fight. During the course of the fight, X'lain was thrown into the local acid river, suffering horrible burns, before being shot three times into the back by Ryatte Ardell when he managed to pull himself out.
Apparently, the still alive X’lain was left in front of the cantina until a member of his own group picked him up. Released information stated that X’lain’s body suffered 100 percent third degree acid burns. X'lain now is in a Med-bay under life support, his survival is questionable.
Ryatte Ardell is considered armed and dangerous, and citizens are advised to stay away from him and inform the authorities upon sighting him.
High Stakes at the Black Hole
Date: 210707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
By Society Correspondent
The Black Hole, Binary Pulsar Corporation’s trendy night club in Farpoint Valley, saw some memorable scenes last night – and we’re not talking of memorable as in “highest body count ever” or “most collateral damage inside a room”, as some of our older readers may think of when they read “Tatooine” and “memorable” in one sentence.
No, we are talking with another tradition of Tatooine, high stakes gambling! A few gentlemen and ladies with enough spare cash and guts to take a gamble played Blind Man’s Sabacc in the Black Hole’s gambling room, and bet, won and lost millions of credits.
Not just the stakes were memorable, but also the fact that no violence was reported afterwards, despite the stakes. Either Tatooine is becoming more civilised lately, or those people really had the cash to spare, and could afford the losses. To not tempt some of our more larcenous-minded readers, the names of the gamblers won’t be revealed though – it’s for their own good as well, whoever can afford to lose a million or two at the gambling table without becoming mad can afford to hire the best security too, so we’re just looking out for our readers, really.
Apart from the gambling, the Club saw bartop dancing by Ramona, alcohol testing by a number of customers not afraid of blindly tasting what H’oshi dug up, and even a dance-off between noted dancer (and wife of the club’s owner, H’oshi QaVam) Rhyse’ra and the up and coming dance star Rocks!
Ryhse’ra won the dance-off with one vote difference, but one can see that Tatooine’s dance scene will become even more interesting with the new blood!
Speaking of new blood in the entertainment scene – Mon Calamari sensation Tekab, who is forming his own band “Industrial Toast”, also appeared on stage at the Black Hole, in a memorable jamming session with Cpike, later joined by Pelique as well! Pelique, while at first acting reluctant, soon proved that she has lost none of her musical skills, and none of her beauty as well, taking to the stage as if she had never left it.
Cpike himself was acting his usual flashy self, undaunted by the amount of “purple” he imbibed – which was not surprising, seeing as the stuff contains no alcohol (No, we’re not talking about Rhyse’ra, she just uses the stuff to lighten her skin, or so her husband let slip).
Between Jailbirds and the Black Hole, Farpoint Valley’s nightclub scene looks promising. You can be sure that we’ll be there for the next night!
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
By Society Correspondent
The Black Hole, Binary Pulsar Corporation’s trendy night club in Farpoint Valley, saw some memorable scenes last night – and we’re not talking of memorable as in “highest body count ever” or “most collateral damage inside a room”, as some of our older readers may think of when they read “Tatooine” and “memorable” in one sentence.
No, we are talking with another tradition of Tatooine, high stakes gambling! A few gentlemen and ladies with enough spare cash and guts to take a gamble played Blind Man’s Sabacc in the Black Hole’s gambling room, and bet, won and lost millions of credits.
Not just the stakes were memorable, but also the fact that no violence was reported afterwards, despite the stakes. Either Tatooine is becoming more civilised lately, or those people really had the cash to spare, and could afford the losses. To not tempt some of our more larcenous-minded readers, the names of the gamblers won’t be revealed though – it’s for their own good as well, whoever can afford to lose a million or two at the gambling table without becoming mad can afford to hire the best security too, so we’re just looking out for our readers, really.
Apart from the gambling, the Club saw bartop dancing by Ramona, alcohol testing by a number of customers not afraid of blindly tasting what H’oshi dug up, and even a dance-off between noted dancer (and wife of the club’s owner, H’oshi QaVam) Rhyse’ra and the up and coming dance star Rocks!
Ryhse’ra won the dance-off with one vote difference, but one can see that Tatooine’s dance scene will become even more interesting with the new blood!
Speaking of new blood in the entertainment scene – Mon Calamari sensation Tekab, who is forming his own band “Industrial Toast”, also appeared on stage at the Black Hole, in a memorable jamming session with Cpike, later joined by Pelique as well! Pelique, while at first acting reluctant, soon proved that she has lost none of her musical skills, and none of her beauty as well, taking to the stage as if she had never left it.
Cpike himself was acting his usual flashy self, undaunted by the amount of “purple” he imbibed – which was not surprising, seeing as the stuff contains no alcohol (No, we’re not talking about Rhyse’ra, she just uses the stuff to lighten her skin, or so her husband let slip).
Between Jailbirds and the Black Hole, Farpoint Valley’s nightclub scene looks promising. You can be sure that we’ll be there for the next night!
Rancor wanders into Farpoint Valley
Date: 210707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last afternoon, residents of Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, were shaken up by a loud, unnerving and unusual roar that sent the more skittish jawa traders which have come to frequent the place scrambling for their sandcrawler, buttoning up, and startled the people. Experienced hunters recognised the roar as coming from a rancor, yet at the same were startled to hear it on Tatooine, where those predators are not native.
All doubts were removed though when soon afterwards, a rancor was spotted heading toward the center of the town, where the “Eopie Runner” had just unloaded a food and beverage delivery for Jailbirds. The beast lost no time and charged right for the food crates. The following footage was taken by two security droids:
When the first droid was destroyed, the people present, having armed themselves in the meantime, engaged and killed the rancor in a short fight. Upon closer examination, before the carcass was sold to aforementioned jawa traders who are planning to turn it into pet food, the rancor was found to have some unusual aspects.
More puzzling however is the origin of the beast. No notice of a specimen being lost by a animal trader or game hunter is known, and it is doubtful a predator of this size and not adapted to desert conditions could survive for any length of time on Tatooine. People in the know already stated that this rancor did not belong to Jabba the Hutt, citing several differences.
Anyone with information concerning this incident, please contact the local authorities.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last afternoon, residents of Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, were shaken up by a loud, unnerving and unusual roar that sent the more skittish jawa traders which have come to frequent the place scrambling for their sandcrawler, buttoning up, and startled the people. Experienced hunters recognised the roar as coming from a rancor, yet at the same were startled to hear it on Tatooine, where those predators are not native.
All doubts were removed though when soon afterwards, a rancor was spotted heading toward the center of the town, where the “Eopie Runner” had just unloaded a food and beverage delivery for Jailbirds. The beast lost no time and charged right for the food crates. The following footage was taken by two security droids:
When the first droid was destroyed, the people present, having armed themselves in the meantime, engaged and killed the rancor in a short fight. Upon closer examination, before the carcass was sold to aforementioned jawa traders who are planning to turn it into pet food, the rancor was found to have some unusual aspects.
More puzzling however is the origin of the beast. No notice of a specimen being lost by a animal trader or game hunter is known, and it is doubtful a predator of this size and not adapted to desert conditions could survive for any length of time on Tatooine. People in the know already stated that this rancor did not belong to Jabba the Hutt, citing several differences.
Anyone with information concerning this incident, please contact the local authorities.
Melkin and Issele Antross renew their vows
Date: 200707
Planet: Corellia
Region: Riva Dorata
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, Melkin and Issele Antross celebrated the first anniversary of their marriage by renewing their vows in a small ceremony led by Karpasso F. Tong in Riva Dorata, Corellia, and surrounded by their closest friends, relatives and acquaintances.
The ceremony was part of a party in the local cantina, and CorSec was present in force. Not surprising - cynics would say that with so many former and suspected current criminals attending, the rest of the planet or even the sector would lacking enough of an underworld to jaywalk even.
Despite the audience’s colorful past and clothes (and probably due to the numerous CorSec personell present), the ceremony itself went off without a hitch, the married couple exchanging declarations of love and their vows in an outdoor pavilion in front of the local cantina.
The ceremony was topped off with a firework display by rodian businessman and rumored droid engineer Tooblee.
The fact that the marriage between Melkin and Issele held for one year was, as Melkin himself commented, a surprise for many, probably including the happy couple itself. Many expected that, given Melkin’s and Issele’s various risky pasttimes and occupations, death to have parted them long ago. A not much smaller number would have expected a divorce for reasons we won’t go into here.
Melkin and Issele however proved both groups of sceptics wrong, as demonstrated last night, and hopefully will inspire others to follow their example and marry their love.
Planet: Corellia
Region: Riva Dorata
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Yesterday, Melkin and Issele Antross celebrated the first anniversary of their marriage by renewing their vows in a small ceremony led by Karpasso F. Tong in Riva Dorata, Corellia, and surrounded by their closest friends, relatives and acquaintances.
The ceremony was part of a party in the local cantina, and CorSec was present in force. Not surprising - cynics would say that with so many former and suspected current criminals attending, the rest of the planet or even the sector would lacking enough of an underworld to jaywalk even.
Despite the audience’s colorful past and clothes (and probably due to the numerous CorSec personell present), the ceremony itself went off without a hitch, the married couple exchanging declarations of love and their vows in an outdoor pavilion in front of the local cantina.
The ceremony was topped off with a firework display by rodian businessman and rumored droid engineer Tooblee.
The fact that the marriage between Melkin and Issele held for one year was, as Melkin himself commented, a surprise for many, probably including the happy couple itself. Many expected that, given Melkin’s and Issele’s various risky pasttimes and occupations, death to have parted them long ago. A not much smaller number would have expected a divorce for reasons we won’t go into here.
Melkin and Issele however proved both groups of sceptics wrong, as demonstrated last night, and hopefully will inspire others to follow their example and marry their love.
Imperial Deserter Febo Teatin Found and Executed on Lok
Date: 200707
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An Imperial patrol on the outskirts of Red Sands came across the fugitive “Febo Teatin”. Despite her reputation as armed and dangerous, she gave no intentions of fighting and was quickly subdued with quick action once her identity was exposed.
Febo Teatin was wanted for desertion since two years, and has been linked to the recent killing of a small squad of stormtroopers accompanied by a commanding officer in the Corellian mountain range, where a hastily abandoned bunker that probably served as Teatin’s hideout had been found. The troopers had been investigating the scene when, judging from the evidence left, the woman attacked and killed them.
As a safety precaution due to the incident on Corellia, the patrol was given orders to execute the woman soon after so as not to risk the death of more imperial troopers or civilians.
One imperial officer on scene commented:
"With her death, the people of the Empire can rest now knowing that a threat to their lives have been eliminated. And it gives those that think of desertion something else to think about: That eventually, no matter where you are or what you do, the Empire will bring your crimes to justice."
Planet: Lok
Region: Red Sands
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An Imperial patrol on the outskirts of Red Sands came across the fugitive “Febo Teatin”. Despite her reputation as armed and dangerous, she gave no intentions of fighting and was quickly subdued with quick action once her identity was exposed.
Febo Teatin was wanted for desertion since two years, and has been linked to the recent killing of a small squad of stormtroopers accompanied by a commanding officer in the Corellian mountain range, where a hastily abandoned bunker that probably served as Teatin’s hideout had been found. The troopers had been investigating the scene when, judging from the evidence left, the woman attacked and killed them.
As a safety precaution due to the incident on Corellia, the patrol was given orders to execute the woman soon after so as not to risk the death of more imperial troopers or civilians.
One imperial officer on scene commented:
"With her death, the people of the Empire can rest now knowing that a threat to their lives have been eliminated. And it gives those that think of desertion something else to think about: That eventually, no matter where you are or what you do, the Empire will bring your crimes to justice."
Imperial Navy overwhelms rebels in Deep Space
Date: 200707
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Imperial starfighters engaged rebel forces in Deep Space. As sector command announced today, the imperial task force sweeping the system encountered an early set back when tenacious rebel forces beat the vanguard of the Imperial taskforce back, inflicting heavy casualties.
When the main force arrived, however, rebel resistance was crushed in record time, their ships scattered despite brave if futile efforts, then hunted down and destroyed while their Deep Space installations were engaged and destroyed by several fighter groups. According to some reports, rebels were outnumbered 5 to 1 and simply overwhelmed.
As the spokesperson of the fleet announced, rebels were completely driven from Deep Space, and operations would be continued to secure the inhabitated systems too, making the spacelanes safe for civilian traffic.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Imperial starfighters engaged rebel forces in Deep Space. As sector command announced today, the imperial task force sweeping the system encountered an early set back when tenacious rebel forces beat the vanguard of the Imperial taskforce back, inflicting heavy casualties.
When the main force arrived, however, rebel resistance was crushed in record time, their ships scattered despite brave if futile efforts, then hunted down and destroyed while their Deep Space installations were engaged and destroyed by several fighter groups. According to some reports, rebels were outnumbered 5 to 1 and simply overwhelmed.
As the spokesperson of the fleet announced, rebels were completely driven from Deep Space, and operations would be continued to secure the inhabitated systems too, making the spacelanes safe for civilian traffic.
Pirates raid IMC Transport
Date: 180707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Intergalactic Mining Company spokesperson Okowwi Emied stated that the weekly transport that carried ore from Tatooine to Corellia had been intercepted by pirates in the Karthakk system.
According to the crew of the YT-1300 class freighter “Twilight Run” and the escorting “Caritas”, an ARC-170 fighter, a modified YT-1300 attacked them on the way to the refueling station, quickly disabling both ships and forcing them to jettison the cargo – valuable ship chassis-grade aluminium from a recently discovered vein on Tatooine.
The pirate captain was called “Daggor” according to witnesses, and his ship supposedly named “Mobeus”, but this is as of yet unconfirmed. IMC has placed a reward of 25’000 credits for information that leads to the capture of the pirates responsible for this raid.
Mister Emied also stated that for next week’s transport, IMC was looking to hire more ships, especially escorts. Interested pilots and crews can contact him at his office in Farpoint Valley.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Intergalactic Mining Company spokesperson Okowwi Emied stated that the weekly transport that carried ore from Tatooine to Corellia had been intercepted by pirates in the Karthakk system.
According to the crew of the YT-1300 class freighter “Twilight Run” and the escorting “Caritas”, an ARC-170 fighter, a modified YT-1300 attacked them on the way to the refueling station, quickly disabling both ships and forcing them to jettison the cargo – valuable ship chassis-grade aluminium from a recently discovered vein on Tatooine.
The pirate captain was called “Daggor” according to witnesses, and his ship supposedly named “Mobeus”, but this is as of yet unconfirmed. IMC has placed a reward of 25’000 credits for information that leads to the capture of the pirates responsible for this raid.
Mister Emied also stated that for next week’s transport, IMC was looking to hire more ships, especially escorts. Interested pilots and crews can contact him at his office in Farpoint Valley.
Imperial Deserter Executed
Date: 170707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Bedell Tener, formerly a captain in the Imperial Navy, was executed by firing squad today on Tatooine following his capture several weeks ago during an anti-piracy opertaion. In his trial, Bedell Tener was found guilty of desertion, treason, piracy, multiple counts of murder and slavery as well as sabotage.
Footage released today:
Bedell Tener, as was released, deserted following an investigation into his squadron's alleged pillaging of civilian property under the guise of military operations, and was last reported to have joined the Rebel Alliance, conducting raids and other forms of piracy in the Outer Rim. He was captured during a strike on his base on Yavin IV after a two weeks investigation following a raid on a military base on Tatooine.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Bestine
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Bedell Tener, formerly a captain in the Imperial Navy, was executed by firing squad today on Tatooine following his capture several weeks ago during an anti-piracy opertaion. In his trial, Bedell Tener was found guilty of desertion, treason, piracy, multiple counts of murder and slavery as well as sabotage.
Footage released today:
Bedell Tener, as was released, deserted following an investigation into his squadron's alleged pillaging of civilian property under the guise of military operations, and was last reported to have joined the Rebel Alliance, conducting raids and other forms of piracy in the Outer Rim. He was captured during a strike on his base on Yavin IV after a two weeks investigation following a raid on a military base on Tatooine.
An Interview with Clarissa Goldear
Date: 150707
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Ikiwi Obead, Galactic News Services
GNS: "Miss Goldear, GNS thanks you for giving us this interview despite your surely busy schedule."
Clarissa Goldear: "No problem at all, public relations are an important aspect of it, I always make time for the press."
GNS: "Now... as it is known, you were mayor of this town before, what made you return to politics?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I have been pursuing another thingie or two durin' the past year and returned back to Tatooine 'bout 4 months ago. I noticed the city had become...or better put...stayed as quiet as when I had left. I thought somebody should change that"
GNS: "So, there are no personal reasons for you wanting to become mayor again, just a concern for the city and its citizen?"
Clarissa Goldear: "You could say it is in my personal interest to get this city goin' once more, I have felt at home 'round here for a while now and don't want this place to end up like former Mayor Sidious' sister city nearby"
GNS: "And what are your plans for preventing this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I got several ideas for business ventures in town, I am plannin' on bringing more merchants into town. I've always been on good terms with a couple Jawa tribes, they are glad 'bout havin' a place on this side o' the desert as well to do business n' rest from their trips. The most important task however will be to find somebody capable of runnin' the local cantina"
GNS: "There have been reports of jawas bothering local droids. What do you make of this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I believe people are often just overreactin' to them. The involved tribes know exactly they should be behavin'. On a side note, nobody reported anythin' of the like to me personally, if the situation would be as bad as rumors claim, I'm sure I would have been sought out personally already."
GNS: "You speak of boosting trade and business in the town. Tatooine has a reputation for rather shady if not outright criminal business dominating its economy. What is your stance on this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I want people to conduct business in town, within a nice n' quiet environment and without fear of what you named. No matter if the people called "criminals", or honest merchants and traders, everybody should realize and see the value of such a place and I wouldn't tolerate any form of...organized crime, if y'want to call it like that."
GNS: "Even under mayor Inoxi, rumors of organised crime having influence in town persisted. What if people try to use this place to trade illict goods, or even supplies for illegal movements?"
Clarissa Goldear: "Well first, there are always rumors, I prefer hard facts and thought GNS had a similar stance, so the question somewhat confuses me..."
GNS: "Of course, this is a more hypothetical question."
Clarissa Goldear: "We will have a Sheriff who will enforce Imperial laws, which will include preventing your examples just as well."
GNS: "The region has had a very violent past, with numerous battles between Imperial and rebel forces wreaking havoc. In the last year however, peace has reigned. Do you see a possible threat to this peace if through increased trade and commerce the area becomes attractive to the warring factions again?"
Clarissa Goldear: "No, absolutely not. I quite frankly never really understood either factions interest in a remote planet such as Tatooine, let alone a city way off the larger places like Mos Espa, -Entha or -Eisley, for example."
GNS: "Do you have received any feedback from the citizens, and more importantly, the merchants yet?"
Clarissa Goldear: "The whole process has just begun 'bout two days ago, but the citizens and merchants I have been talkin' to seem to be glad 'bout whats happenin'."
GNS: "You mentioned the cantina as a crucial task for the revival of the city. Care to elaborate?"
Clarissa Goldear: "The cantina is an important place to socialize n' do what you might call networkin', it is a major source of drawin' people to a place. The task of runnin' one will be a very important one, as it will require a degree of dedication to the city, very similar to my own."
GNS: "Indeed. What problems are you encountering then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "None so far, I am aware o' the fact that findin' such a person isn't somethin' you can accomplish in a matter of hours or days."
GNS: "Do you have any candidates for running the cantina in mind? You are the manager of a dance troupe, and run a club of your own, so did you ever consider running it yourself?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I would see that as a possibility should I not manage to find anyone else within the next couple weeks. But like you said, I'm already havin' a similar thingie runnin' here, as well as becomin' Mayor once more. I believe takin' on another like responsibility would be worse than better for the overall situation."
GNS: "Speaking of responsibilities, is there a candidate for the sheriff already chosen?"
Clarissa Goldear: "There is a name bein' discussed, but for the moment it will depend on the person in question to decide wether to take the job or not."
GNS: "Will you have a delegate for trade and commece as well, or will you handle this core aspect of your campaign personally?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I am handlin' that part by myself for now, assuming for now that people will trade usin' common sense. Should there be too many disputes n' the like to handle, I might be tryin' to find someone willing to handle it."
GNS: "So, one could say you have two main causes, the ecomony and security, which you will be focussing on?"
Clarissa Goldear: "No, my only cause is the city, Farpoint Valley, includin' everything I was talkin' about."
GNS: "Yes. I meant, you consider the economy of the town, and the security of the citizens as the most important things to ensure?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I will focus on whatever is demandin' such, and I consider everything to be important."
GNS: "what other areas come to mind then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "Please explain what you mean."
GNS: "Do you see other concern you might have to react to? There have been reports of trandoshan slavers being seen in town lately."
Clarissa Goldear: "Everybody is welcome in this city, as long as they behave and abide to our laws. I don't see any problems to react to, in that concern"
GNS: "Now, after politics, some personal questions. You are married, inf fact, your wedding was a major event in Farpoint a few years ago. But your husband has not been seen for quite some time. Do you still have contact with him?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I have filed a divorce a while ago. After not hearin' of him for two years or more, I have to either assume that he is missin' or dead."
GNS: "So, you are single again?"
Clarissa Goldear: "That question isn't relevant, let alone affectin' my intentions and plans on gettin' this city up from its knees once more."
Clarissa Goldear: "If the rest of them are similar, you might as well just skip them"
GNS: "Our readers are interested in the person behnd the candidate as well. You intend to strictly separate your private life from your office and keep it private then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "you are catchin' on quickly."
GNS: "In this case, do you have anything to add to the interview? A statement?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I can tell you one personal thingie, should I ever marry again, it will be in the city hall right here"
GNS: "You seem to be a born politician, Miss Goldear."
Clarissa Goldear: "Perhaps so, the future will tell. Things will be easier for sure now that the Empire has issued its latest law concernin' abandoned buildings."
GNS: "GNS thanks you for the interview, miss Goldear."
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
By Ikiwi Obead, Galactic News Services
GNS: "Miss Goldear, GNS thanks you for giving us this interview despite your surely busy schedule."
Clarissa Goldear: "No problem at all, public relations are an important aspect of it, I always make time for the press."
GNS: "Now... as it is known, you were mayor of this town before, what made you return to politics?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I have been pursuing another thingie or two durin' the past year and returned back to Tatooine 'bout 4 months ago. I noticed the city had become...or better put...stayed as quiet as when I had left. I thought somebody should change that"
GNS: "So, there are no personal reasons for you wanting to become mayor again, just a concern for the city and its citizen?"
Clarissa Goldear: "You could say it is in my personal interest to get this city goin' once more, I have felt at home 'round here for a while now and don't want this place to end up like former Mayor Sidious' sister city nearby"
GNS: "And what are your plans for preventing this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I got several ideas for business ventures in town, I am plannin' on bringing more merchants into town. I've always been on good terms with a couple Jawa tribes, they are glad 'bout havin' a place on this side o' the desert as well to do business n' rest from their trips. The most important task however will be to find somebody capable of runnin' the local cantina"
GNS: "There have been reports of jawas bothering local droids. What do you make of this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I believe people are often just overreactin' to them. The involved tribes know exactly they should be behavin'. On a side note, nobody reported anythin' of the like to me personally, if the situation would be as bad as rumors claim, I'm sure I would have been sought out personally already."
GNS: "You speak of boosting trade and business in the town. Tatooine has a reputation for rather shady if not outright criminal business dominating its economy. What is your stance on this?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I want people to conduct business in town, within a nice n' quiet environment and without fear of what you named. No matter if the people called "criminals", or honest merchants and traders, everybody should realize and see the value of such a place and I wouldn't tolerate any form of...organized crime, if y'want to call it like that."
GNS: "Even under mayor Inoxi, rumors of organised crime having influence in town persisted. What if people try to use this place to trade illict goods, or even supplies for illegal movements?"
Clarissa Goldear: "Well first, there are always rumors, I prefer hard facts and thought GNS had a similar stance, so the question somewhat confuses me..."
GNS: "Of course, this is a more hypothetical question."
Clarissa Goldear: "We will have a Sheriff who will enforce Imperial laws, which will include preventing your examples just as well."
GNS: "The region has had a very violent past, with numerous battles between Imperial and rebel forces wreaking havoc. In the last year however, peace has reigned. Do you see a possible threat to this peace if through increased trade and commerce the area becomes attractive to the warring factions again?"
Clarissa Goldear: "No, absolutely not. I quite frankly never really understood either factions interest in a remote planet such as Tatooine, let alone a city way off the larger places like Mos Espa, -Entha or -Eisley, for example."
GNS: "Do you have received any feedback from the citizens, and more importantly, the merchants yet?"
Clarissa Goldear: "The whole process has just begun 'bout two days ago, but the citizens and merchants I have been talkin' to seem to be glad 'bout whats happenin'."
GNS: "You mentioned the cantina as a crucial task for the revival of the city. Care to elaborate?"
Clarissa Goldear: "The cantina is an important place to socialize n' do what you might call networkin', it is a major source of drawin' people to a place. The task of runnin' one will be a very important one, as it will require a degree of dedication to the city, very similar to my own."
GNS: "Indeed. What problems are you encountering then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "None so far, I am aware o' the fact that findin' such a person isn't somethin' you can accomplish in a matter of hours or days."
GNS: "Do you have any candidates for running the cantina in mind? You are the manager of a dance troupe, and run a club of your own, so did you ever consider running it yourself?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I would see that as a possibility should I not manage to find anyone else within the next couple weeks. But like you said, I'm already havin' a similar thingie runnin' here, as well as becomin' Mayor once more. I believe takin' on another like responsibility would be worse than better for the overall situation."
GNS: "Speaking of responsibilities, is there a candidate for the sheriff already chosen?"
Clarissa Goldear: "There is a name bein' discussed, but for the moment it will depend on the person in question to decide wether to take the job or not."
GNS: "Will you have a delegate for trade and commece as well, or will you handle this core aspect of your campaign personally?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I am handlin' that part by myself for now, assuming for now that people will trade usin' common sense. Should there be too many disputes n' the like to handle, I might be tryin' to find someone willing to handle it."
GNS: "So, one could say you have two main causes, the ecomony and security, which you will be focussing on?"
Clarissa Goldear: "No, my only cause is the city, Farpoint Valley, includin' everything I was talkin' about."
GNS: "Yes. I meant, you consider the economy of the town, and the security of the citizens as the most important things to ensure?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I will focus on whatever is demandin' such, and I consider everything to be important."
GNS: "what other areas come to mind then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "Please explain what you mean."
GNS: "Do you see other concern you might have to react to? There have been reports of trandoshan slavers being seen in town lately."
Clarissa Goldear: "Everybody is welcome in this city, as long as they behave and abide to our laws. I don't see any problems to react to, in that concern"
GNS: "Now, after politics, some personal questions. You are married, inf fact, your wedding was a major event in Farpoint a few years ago. But your husband has not been seen for quite some time. Do you still have contact with him?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I have filed a divorce a while ago. After not hearin' of him for two years or more, I have to either assume that he is missin' or dead."
GNS: "So, you are single again?"
Clarissa Goldear: "That question isn't relevant, let alone affectin' my intentions and plans on gettin' this city up from its knees once more."
Clarissa Goldear: "If the rest of them are similar, you might as well just skip them"
GNS: "Our readers are interested in the person behnd the candidate as well. You intend to strictly separate your private life from your office and keep it private then?"
Clarissa Goldear: "you are catchin' on quickly."
GNS: "In this case, do you have anything to add to the interview? A statement?"
Clarissa Goldear: "I can tell you one personal thingie, should I ever marry again, it will be in the city hall right here"
GNS: "You seem to be a born politician, Miss Goldear."
Clarissa Goldear: "Perhaps so, the future will tell. Things will be easier for sure now that the Empire has issued its latest law concernin' abandoned buildings."
GNS: "GNS thanks you for the interview, miss Goldear."
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