Date: 311207
Planet: Lok/Naboo
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Korby Pascal, head of a construction company, was the victim of the latest excess of the Galactic Civil War when his wife Pyper was kidnapped. What at first appeared as a simple criminal act turned out to be the work of rebel agents when the demand for ransom turned out to be two bombers built to the specs of the latest designs of the Rebel Alliance.
The kidnapping took place on Lok, but the ships were delivered to Naboo, which recently saw heavy fighting in orbit when the Empire’s navy was driven back from its assault on Rori. According to Mr. Pascal, the one responsible for this heinous act is one Widdor Stormcrow, notorious pirate, rebel officer and general troublemaker.
It seems that some elements of the Rebel Alliance are now deviating from the ideals they are said to support, and turning to crime to finance their war. How this will effect their support among the populace, and possible internal troubles, is not yet clear. What is clear is that the war just became even more harmful to the civilian population.
The local garrison leaders on Lok had no comment on the incident, but we’re sure that they do what they can to stop this latest menace.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Pirates hijack ship, leave without booty
Date: 311207
Planet: Tatooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a strange pirate attack took place in Tatooine’s orbit. The TTC-Sunbeam, of a routine round trip from Tatooine to Naboo and then to Corellia before returning to Tatooine had just lifted off from Mos Eisley and reached orbit when it reported reactor trouble to its escorts. Shortly afterwards, the ship lost power and started to drift.
While it was not clear at the time, at this point the ship had been taken over by a gang of pirates who had infiltrated the ship posing as passengers. While they were searching the ship and subduing the crew and other passengers, the escort, an interceptor piloted by Atheu, was engaged by some unidentified ships, possibly rebel-aligned, who may have msitaken it for an attacker.
When an X-Wing starfighter started to shoot at the freighter to disable it, the pirates on board, who, accordiging to witnesses, were still searching for some disc containing data, restored the powerlines they had interrupted, and returned fire, destroying the starfighter – and then, possibly in a panic caused by plasma leak reports, abandonned ship.
The TTC-Sunbeam, with its power restored, was able to limp into port at the orbital station for much needed repairs, escorted by Atheu:
What exactly the pirates were looking for is not known. All crew members and passengers professed ignorance with regards to this topic when questioned.
Planet: Tatooine System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, a strange pirate attack took place in Tatooine’s orbit. The TTC-Sunbeam, of a routine round trip from Tatooine to Naboo and then to Corellia before returning to Tatooine had just lifted off from Mos Eisley and reached orbit when it reported reactor trouble to its escorts. Shortly afterwards, the ship lost power and started to drift.
While it was not clear at the time, at this point the ship had been taken over by a gang of pirates who had infiltrated the ship posing as passengers. While they were searching the ship and subduing the crew and other passengers, the escort, an interceptor piloted by Atheu, was engaged by some unidentified ships, possibly rebel-aligned, who may have msitaken it for an attacker.
When an X-Wing starfighter started to shoot at the freighter to disable it, the pirates on board, who, accordiging to witnesses, were still searching for some disc containing data, restored the powerlines they had interrupted, and returned fire, destroying the starfighter – and then, possibly in a panic caused by plasma leak reports, abandonned ship.
The TTC-Sunbeam, with its power restored, was able to limp into port at the orbital station for much needed repairs, escorted by Atheu:
What exactly the pirates were looking for is not known. All crew members and passengers professed ignorance with regards to this topic when questioned.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Crashed pilot rescued from Dathomir
Date: 231207
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Western Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Afafan, captain of “The Red Blade”, sent out a distress call before crashlanding on Dathomir. Despite the danger of this planet, a rescue operation led by Captain Rajha Al’Rajhiim of the “Abysmal Dream”, a YT-2400 class modified freighter, set out immediately.
While the planet was reached without incident, once on the ground the rescue operation ran into some difficulties. The escape pod captain Afafan had taken was found, but the captain was not there – a droid revealed he had been kidnapped by natives, so-called “Nightsisters”, and taken to a nearby settlement. Despite the risk, the rescue party, after calling for reinforcements, entered the village – which was under attack by a number of mercenaries and stormtroopers, providing a distraction – and searched for the missing spacer. Again, they did not find him, but got his datapad, which had recordings on it that showed that Afafan had been taken to a cave to be sacrificed.
Pressed for time, the group rushed to the cave and managed to save the seriously wounded captain before he ended up as a meal for some of the local wildlife. He was stabilised, and brought back to Tatooine on board the “Abysmal Dream”. The return was not without trouble though, and the ship came under attack by unknown, possibly pirate, forces, but managed to deal with them.
Afafan’s wounds and amnesia were treated at the med center in Mos Entha. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Planet: Dathomir
Region: Western Dathomir
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, Afafan, captain of “The Red Blade”, sent out a distress call before crashlanding on Dathomir. Despite the danger of this planet, a rescue operation led by Captain Rajha Al’Rajhiim of the “Abysmal Dream”, a YT-2400 class modified freighter, set out immediately.
While the planet was reached without incident, once on the ground the rescue operation ran into some difficulties. The escape pod captain Afafan had taken was found, but the captain was not there – a droid revealed he had been kidnapped by natives, so-called “Nightsisters”, and taken to a nearby settlement. Despite the risk, the rescue party, after calling for reinforcements, entered the village – which was under attack by a number of mercenaries and stormtroopers, providing a distraction – and searched for the missing spacer. Again, they did not find him, but got his datapad, which had recordings on it that showed that Afafan had been taken to a cave to be sacrificed.
Pressed for time, the group rushed to the cave and managed to save the seriously wounded captain before he ended up as a meal for some of the local wildlife. He was stabilised, and brought back to Tatooine on board the “Abysmal Dream”. The return was not without trouble though, and the ship came under attack by unknown, possibly pirate, forces, but managed to deal with them.
Afafan’s wounds and amnesia were treated at the med center in Mos Entha. He is expected to make a full recovery.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Blockade around Tatooine broken
Date: 201207
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Tatooine Orbit
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, ship claiming to be acting in Jabba’s name blockaded Tatooine’s orbit, stopping and searching ships arriving in the system as well as those leaving the system. True to the reputation of the Rim’s pilots, not every spacer complied with the orders though, and in several cases, fighting was reported.
The following scenes were taken by a patrol craft shortly before the freighter – the "Spinning Cloud" from what is known – refused to hand over her cargo (reported to have been bantha meat) and broke through the blockade at high speeds, distancing pursuing fighters as well as modified freighters:
From some reports, the blockading ships may have been searching for something specific, although other reports claim they were just out to plunder. The Empire did not comment on the incident yet.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Tatooine Orbit
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Four days ago, ship claiming to be acting in Jabba’s name blockaded Tatooine’s orbit, stopping and searching ships arriving in the system as well as those leaving the system. True to the reputation of the Rim’s pilots, not every spacer complied with the orders though, and in several cases, fighting was reported.
The following scenes were taken by a patrol craft shortly before the freighter – the "Spinning Cloud" from what is known – refused to hand over her cargo (reported to have been bantha meat) and broke through the blockade at high speeds, distancing pursuing fighters as well as modified freighters:
From some reports, the blockading ships may have been searching for something specific, although other reports claim they were just out to plunder. The Empire did not comment on the incident yet.
Life Day Party Sports Big Fireworks
Date: 201207
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jiwarii, famous wookiee chef and caterer, and her brother Leafbacca, noted bounty hunter, threw a life day party near Mos Eisley four days ago. The food was as excellent as has come to be expected from Jiwarri, and the guests served themselves accordingly. Among them were K’yna Mont’yr, Ramona, Nhadala and Syrehna from the Neutron Pixies, Mul-Bi and Ki’misha, Mekabukk the wookiee armorsmith, Irys and Pelique, Saj’ah the famous tailor, in the company of Ryian Coron, Tylera of the Vixens, and Dordrius, Blackthawne and Selene – who seemed to have some confuion about who was who’s date. Despite some reported tension, no violence broke out, so Leafbacca’s lightning rifle did not have to be used. Leafbacca, a well-known creature trainer, also showed his faithful companion, the Sludge Panther “Junior”.
A great firework display that illuminated the night sky for miles was the crowning conclusion of the party:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Jiwarii, famous wookiee chef and caterer, and her brother Leafbacca, noted bounty hunter, threw a life day party near Mos Eisley four days ago. The food was as excellent as has come to be expected from Jiwarri, and the guests served themselves accordingly. Among them were K’yna Mont’yr, Ramona, Nhadala and Syrehna from the Neutron Pixies, Mul-Bi and Ki’misha, Mekabukk the wookiee armorsmith, Irys and Pelique, Saj’ah the famous tailor, in the company of Ryian Coron, Tylera of the Vixens, and Dordrius, Blackthawne and Selene – who seemed to have some confuion about who was who’s date. Despite some reported tension, no violence broke out, so Leafbacca’s lightning rifle did not have to be used. Leafbacca, a well-known creature trainer, also showed his faithful companion, the Sludge Panther “Junior”.
A great firework display that illuminated the night sky for miles was the crowning conclusion of the party:
Wild Party on Talus
Date: 201207
Planet: Talus
Region: Zanarkand
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Twilight’s Vigil Cantina in Zanarkand, Talus, opened a week ago with a wild life day party hosted by the cantina’s owner, noted Mon Calamari musician Htrah. The “Vixens”, a dancing troupe of the sector, performed for the guests, displaying their skill at dancing as well as their toned bodies in life day costumes that shrunk more and more the longer they danced.
The crowd – a big part of them visiting pilots of all kinds as well as Clarissa Goldear, mayor of Farpoint Valley and manager of the Neutron Pixies, whose member Ramona joined the Vixens later on stage – went wilder the longer the party went on, and the more liquor flowed, and not even rain could dampen the spirits. A big firework was the conclusion of the event.
From what we heard more such parties are planned in the “Twilight’s Vigil”, so keep an eye and ear out for invitations, folks!
Planet: Talus
Region: Zanarkand
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Twilight’s Vigil Cantina in Zanarkand, Talus, opened a week ago with a wild life day party hosted by the cantina’s owner, noted Mon Calamari musician Htrah. The “Vixens”, a dancing troupe of the sector, performed for the guests, displaying their skill at dancing as well as their toned bodies in life day costumes that shrunk more and more the longer they danced.
The crowd – a big part of them visiting pilots of all kinds as well as Clarissa Goldear, mayor of Farpoint Valley and manager of the Neutron Pixies, whose member Ramona joined the Vixens later on stage – went wilder the longer the party went on, and the more liquor flowed, and not even rain could dampen the spirits. A big firework was the conclusion of the event.
From what we heard more such parties are planned in the “Twilight’s Vigil”, so keep an eye and ear out for invitations, folks!
Life Day festivities started on Theed
Date: 201207
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
This year’s life day festivities in Theed sport the biggest life day tree in years. Planted near the spaceport, and supported by a band, the tree is the latest attraction of Naboo’s jewel. Many visitors are not attracted by the band or the tree itself though, but by the gifts found under the tree, and the special life day treats sold there. A noted wookiee scholar complained in an interview that the spirit of the holiday was done an injustice by the materialistic focus on gifts. Nevertheless, the holiday has been embraced all over the sector, by many races and communities.
The sponsor of the gifts is not known, but rumored to be a lamp and home decor corpoation.
Planet: Naboo
Region: Theed
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
This year’s life day festivities in Theed sport the biggest life day tree in years. Planted near the spaceport, and supported by a band, the tree is the latest attraction of Naboo’s jewel. Many visitors are not attracted by the band or the tree itself though, but by the gifts found under the tree, and the special life day treats sold there. A noted wookiee scholar complained in an interview that the spirit of the holiday was done an injustice by the materialistic focus on gifts. Nevertheless, the holiday has been embraced all over the sector, by many races and communities.
The sponsor of the gifts is not known, but rumored to be a lamp and home decor corpoation.
IMC Convoy breaks through despite attacks
Date: 201207
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the latest IMC Convoy, before a life day festivity break of two weeks, reached Corellia despite massive pirate attacks in the Karthakk system, mainly thanks to its Imperial escort, courtesy of Claw Squadron and Oada.
Both freighters undertaking the trip – captain Coolo’s YT-1300, "Zephyr", and the “Eopie Runner”. A YT-2400 piloted by K’yna Mont’yr – took heavy damage, but managed in-flight repairs under fighter cover. Several attacking pirate ships were disabled, driven off, or outright destroyed. The “Zephyr”, who lost two crew members to reasons unknown, was almost crippled, and deemed a safety hazard after inspection by CorSec officials on Corellia, but managed to land safely in Coronet, and underwent repairs there.
IMC stock went up 5% following this news.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the latest IMC Convoy, before a life day festivity break of two weeks, reached Corellia despite massive pirate attacks in the Karthakk system, mainly thanks to its Imperial escort, courtesy of Claw Squadron and Oada.
Both freighters undertaking the trip – captain Coolo’s YT-1300, "Zephyr", and the “Eopie Runner”. A YT-2400 piloted by K’yna Mont’yr – took heavy damage, but managed in-flight repairs under fighter cover. Several attacking pirate ships were disabled, driven off, or outright destroyed. The “Zephyr”, who lost two crew members to reasons unknown, was almost crippled, and deemed a safety hazard after inspection by CorSec officials on Corellia, but managed to land safely in Coronet, and underwent repairs there.
IMC stock went up 5% following this news.
Smuggling Ships Reach Rebel Station
Date: 201207
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, two vessels suspected of carrying contraband reached a rebel station in Deep Space despite Imperial patrols. From what was pieced together in the time since the trip was made, the ships – a YT-1300 and a Y-8 – took a lengthy route to Deep Space, encountering some harassing pirates, before meeting up with rebel escort crafts who cleared the final approach to the Deep Space Station.
After dropping off their cargo – in all likelyhood crucial supplies, the ships, even though damaged, ran past an approaching Imperial Star Destroyer, and escaped to hyperspace. Their identity is so far unknown.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Eight days ago, two vessels suspected of carrying contraband reached a rebel station in Deep Space despite Imperial patrols. From what was pieced together in the time since the trip was made, the ships – a YT-1300 and a Y-8 – took a lengthy route to Deep Space, encountering some harassing pirates, before meeting up with rebel escort crafts who cleared the final approach to the Deep Space Station.
After dropping off their cargo – in all likelyhood crucial supplies, the ships, even though damaged, ran past an approaching Imperial Star Destroyer, and escaped to hyperspace. Their identity is so far unknown.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Rebels drive Imperials from Naboo Orbit
Date: 201207
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Twelve days ago, the Naboo system saw heavy fighting. An imperial push to secure the entire Naboo system was foiled when rebel resistance turned out to be heavier than expected. While the Imperial Navy did not comment, witnesses saw rebel ships engange and strike at several Imperial forces, and managing to cripple or kill a key ship in the planned operation.
With the alleged failure of the Imeprial ships to disrupt the rebel communication net by destroying a key relay ship, the whole operation ended in a defeat, and the imperial task force was forced to regroup after a retreat. Currently, the status of the Naboo is unclear, but in all likelyhood the grip of the Empire has lessened, and the system is more open for much-needed supply convoys to Rori, where the battle in Restuss still rages on.
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Twelve days ago, the Naboo system saw heavy fighting. An imperial push to secure the entire Naboo system was foiled when rebel resistance turned out to be heavier than expected. While the Imperial Navy did not comment, witnesses saw rebel ships engange and strike at several Imperial forces, and managing to cripple or kill a key ship in the planned operation.
With the alleged failure of the Imeprial ships to disrupt the rebel communication net by destroying a key relay ship, the whole operation ended in a defeat, and the imperial task force was forced to regroup after a retreat. Currently, the status of the Naboo is unclear, but in all likelyhood the grip of the Empire has lessened, and the system is more open for much-needed supply convoys to Rori, where the battle in Restuss still rages on.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Mon Calamari musician dies in Chalmun's
Date: 291107
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mon Calamari are not too common sight on Tatooine, due to the dry air and heat. However, a number of the amphibians manage to visit, some even live on the planet, despite the - for them - unpleasant climate. One of the frequent visitors was Viktroo, an aspiring musician.
Last night he entered Chalmun's, ordered a drink, and then started to chat with a few of his friends and acquaintances when he suddenly collapsed. Despite the efforts of a nearby twi'lek entertainer who tried to adminster first aid, the mon calamari died on the floor of the cantina. Wuher vehemently denied having tampered with the drink, and an investigation found no poison or other harmful substance in the drink's remains - at least nothing more dangerous or harmful than cheap liquor.
As it turned out, fast growing algae had choked Viktroo by clogging his lungs. From what is known the musician had been suffering from this for a few days, and thought the hot, dry air of Tatooine would help. THe speed with which he died, and the resilence of the algae caused some suspicion among the witnesses, and speculation about a possible assassination by a bioweapon circulated. This would fit with the rumor that Viktroo had been hiding and on the run in the last few days, trying to contact Thaesus Andromeda, which he left his money too as well. The reasons for his trubles, as well as the role of Andromeda in this are as of this date still unknown.
Mon Calamari visiting Tatooine may be well-advised to be careful in case this algae prove to be contagious.
Footage from Viktroo's last moments:
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Mon Calamari are not too common sight on Tatooine, due to the dry air and heat. However, a number of the amphibians manage to visit, some even live on the planet, despite the - for them - unpleasant climate. One of the frequent visitors was Viktroo, an aspiring musician.
Last night he entered Chalmun's, ordered a drink, and then started to chat with a few of his friends and acquaintances when he suddenly collapsed. Despite the efforts of a nearby twi'lek entertainer who tried to adminster first aid, the mon calamari died on the floor of the cantina. Wuher vehemently denied having tampered with the drink, and an investigation found no poison or other harmful substance in the drink's remains - at least nothing more dangerous or harmful than cheap liquor.
As it turned out, fast growing algae had choked Viktroo by clogging his lungs. From what is known the musician had been suffering from this for a few days, and thought the hot, dry air of Tatooine would help. THe speed with which he died, and the resilence of the algae caused some suspicion among the witnesses, and speculation about a possible assassination by a bioweapon circulated. This would fit with the rumor that Viktroo had been hiding and on the run in the last few days, trying to contact Thaesus Andromeda, which he left his money too as well. The reasons for his trubles, as well as the role of Andromeda in this are as of this date still unknown.
Mon Calamari visiting Tatooine may be well-advised to be careful in case this algae prove to be contagious.
Footage from Viktroo's last moments:
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Azure Sands Cantina and Spa opens in Azure Hills
Date: 211107
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Azure Hills
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dantooine, mostly known for its agrarian economy, and the recent influx of hunters of all kinds in its northern regions, also has other attractions. One of the most recent is the Azure Sands cantina and Spa, in the aptly named Azure Hills.
The venue opened today with a party hosted by Tylera, life day themed - early by a month, but a good way to show that the clichee of "quiet, slightly behind the times" Dantooine may be passing. The cantina offers a luxurious spa, and a large dancing area, as well as tables to eat and VIP rooms.
The town itself has no official shuttleport yet, but a provisional landing was installed to allow easier access, which worked out well - apart from some unfortunate incident when a shuttle was mistaken by a marauding Graul for a food delivery.
As the small clip shows, the party went on though:
Here at Holonews, we'll be watching the location for more such events - it could turn out to be the next hotspot.
Planet: Dantooine
Region: Azure Hills
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Dantooine, mostly known for its agrarian economy, and the recent influx of hunters of all kinds in its northern regions, also has other attractions. One of the most recent is the Azure Sands cantina and Spa, in the aptly named Azure Hills.
The venue opened today with a party hosted by Tylera, life day themed - early by a month, but a good way to show that the clichee of "quiet, slightly behind the times" Dantooine may be passing. The cantina offers a luxurious spa, and a large dancing area, as well as tables to eat and VIP rooms.
The town itself has no official shuttleport yet, but a provisional landing was installed to allow easier access, which worked out well - apart from some unfortunate incident when a shuttle was mistaken by a marauding Graul for a food delivery.
As the small clip shows, the party went on though:
Here at Holonews, we'll be watching the location for more such events - it could turn out to be the next hotspot.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Pirate activity intensifies
Date: 211107
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Lok Space Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After last week's pirate troubles, this week's convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, received increased security. However, the convoy consisting of Captain Splenda Sugar's "Splenda's Pride" and the "Alarris Vengeance" of Captain Halcyon, both Nova Courier-class ships, was off to a bad start when a contracted Vaksai heavy fighter suffered engine troubles and had to drop out, reducing the number of escorts to one starfighter, a heavy Scyk.
The convoy continued the scheduled trip despite this, but was ambushed in the Karthakk system by two Incom T-65 X-Wing starfighters, one of which was destroyed by the escort, the other by the turret gunners of "Splenda's Pride", which suffered minor armor damage during the fight in an asteroid field. Another two pirates were dealt with at the Trade Federation Refueling station by the escort, before the convoy hypered out to Corellia.
Even there, another pirate attacked near Corellia's Orbit, damaging the escorting fighter as well as the "Alarris Vengeance". Both managed to make landfall safely however, and the cargo was delivered in its entirety.
IMC shares rose 6 % at the Coronet stock exchange. Analysts remain doubtful however, if the company found a remedy against the troubles with pirates.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Lok Space Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After last week's pirate troubles, this week's convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, received increased security. However, the convoy consisting of Captain Splenda Sugar's "Splenda's Pride" and the "Alarris Vengeance" of Captain Halcyon, both Nova Courier-class ships, was off to a bad start when a contracted Vaksai heavy fighter suffered engine troubles and had to drop out, reducing the number of escorts to one starfighter, a heavy Scyk.
The convoy continued the scheduled trip despite this, but was ambushed in the Karthakk system by two Incom T-65 X-Wing starfighters, one of which was destroyed by the escort, the other by the turret gunners of "Splenda's Pride", which suffered minor armor damage during the fight in an asteroid field. Another two pirates were dealt with at the Trade Federation Refueling station by the escort, before the convoy hypered out to Corellia.
Even there, another pirate attacked near Corellia's Orbit, damaging the escorting fighter as well as the "Alarris Vengeance". Both managed to make landfall safely however, and the cargo was delivered in its entirety.
IMC shares rose 6 % at the Coronet stock exchange. Analysts remain doubtful however, if the company found a remedy against the troubles with pirates.
Clash in Deep Space
Date: 211107
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the sector command of the Imperial Fleet confirmed reports stating that four days ago there were extensive combat in Deep Space. While the statement did not go into details, it also named units involved - the 121st Onyx Squadron, Claw Squadron, and elements from RID.
Since the press release did not contain any information about the outcome of the fighting, and no claims of victory have come forth from the usual channels with ties to the Rebel Alliance, the consensus among experts is that the battles ended inconclusive. Some speculate that this may be the start of further, similar operations designed to bring the Rebel Alliance down through atrition, but so far there's nothing known to support this. Others point out that Deep Space remains one of the most contested sectors in space, where rebel and imperial ships clash daily, so the operation four days ago could have just been the result of unplanned escalation of a skirmish.
Planet: Deep Space
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Today the sector command of the Imperial Fleet confirmed reports stating that four days ago there were extensive combat in Deep Space. While the statement did not go into details, it also named units involved - the 121st Onyx Squadron, Claw Squadron, and elements from RID.
Since the press release did not contain any information about the outcome of the fighting, and no claims of victory have come forth from the usual channels with ties to the Rebel Alliance, the consensus among experts is that the battles ended inconclusive. Some speculate that this may be the start of further, similar operations designed to bring the Rebel Alliance down through atrition, but so far there's nothing known to support this. Others point out that Deep Space remains one of the most contested sectors in space, where rebel and imperial ships clash daily, so the operation four days ago could have just been the result of unplanned escalation of a skirmish.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Miner camp destroyed on Mustafar
Date: 171107
Planet: Mustafar
Region: Eastern Mustafar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a miner base near Berken's flow was found devastated, its buildings shot up and the bodies of the miners strewn accross the area. Many of the bodies has been mutilated by local animals, but the buildings showed clear blaster burns.
Droid tracks and an abandonned repulsorlift, damaged, were found inside the base. The tracks led away from the camp, and nearby a search party discovered the remains of a sullustan that apparently had been killed by a Tulrus pack and whose description matched the one that had rented the repulsorlift earlier at the Mendrix Mining Facility. The whole incident remains a mystery, but early findings indicate combat droids as the most likely attackers based upon weapon signatures. There were also signs of missing crates, although no ore was found missing in the camp.
Today the dead sullustan was identified as Okowwi Emied, a manager of the Intergalactic Mining Company which had been missing for two months. He was under investigation concerning possible embezzlement. His role in this incident is not clear yet, but there are no records of him having any position in that camp.
The current manager of the Farpoint Valley office of IMC, Kimisei Bythmi, did not comment on the case, citing the need for further information before a statement could be released.
IMC stock fluctuated this week, but did not drop further.
Planet: Mustafar
Region: Eastern Mustafar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night a miner base near Berken's flow was found devastated, its buildings shot up and the bodies of the miners strewn accross the area. Many of the bodies has been mutilated by local animals, but the buildings showed clear blaster burns.
Droid tracks and an abandonned repulsorlift, damaged, were found inside the base. The tracks led away from the camp, and nearby a search party discovered the remains of a sullustan that apparently had been killed by a Tulrus pack and whose description matched the one that had rented the repulsorlift earlier at the Mendrix Mining Facility. The whole incident remains a mystery, but early findings indicate combat droids as the most likely attackers based upon weapon signatures. There were also signs of missing crates, although no ore was found missing in the camp.
Today the dead sullustan was identified as Okowwi Emied, a manager of the Intergalactic Mining Company which had been missing for two months. He was under investigation concerning possible embezzlement. His role in this incident is not clear yet, but there are no records of him having any position in that camp.
The current manager of the Farpoint Valley office of IMC, Kimisei Bythmi, did not comment on the case, citing the need for further information before a statement could be released.
IMC stock fluctuated this week, but did not drop further.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
An interview with Zess
Date: 151107
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Kereiu Blackduster, Galactic News Agency
GNA: So, Mister... Zess? Borombo? Accounts differ about your name. Nevertheless, GNA thanks you for giving us an interview…
Zess: It's just Zess man.....who told you to call me Borombo?
GNA: Just a rumor.
*Zess slouches back in the seat.*
Zess: Alright...well make with questions then.
GNA: In any case - you are quite famous, or infamous on Tatooine and even other planets on the Outer Rim. What exactly do you attribute this notority to?
Zess: I'd say it'd be my gang life....I've got a neck at bringin out the worst in people...
GNA: Would you care to elaborate?
Zess: Whats there to elaborate? I laugh at the expense of other people on a daily basis and I guess they never seem to forget.....would you forget the person who set your anger off like a time bomb?
GNA: I did not met many such. Why exactly do you set people off?
Zess: It's fun.
GNA: Isn't it dangerous?
Zess: I can take a punch, bro...see these scars?
*Zess points to his face.*
GNA: Yes.
Zess: People need to be reminded that they're not gods... thats where I come in.
GNA: By serving as a punching bag?
Zess: These bastards are built up so huge that they think they're almost flawless and they can just stomp on anybody with a deformity. Small price to pay for the smiting of their egos.
GNA: What deformity?
Zess: Any deformity....I take care of my own...the homeless kids, the ragamuffins hangin on a limb around the streets of Eisley? Thats my posse. The only people worthy of my attention.
GNA: You seem to focus a lot of attention on those "high class" people though…
Zess: In my spare time, I give 'em shit...steal from them, then give it all back to the broken community. The more time I spend with the uppity folks, the more I have to bring back.
GNA: Isn't stealing wrong?
Zess: Stealing isn't wrong with the dick in possessions of all those worldly goods doesn't deserve 'em.
GNA: So, you'd consider yourself a social rebel?
Zess: I don't know, man.
GNA: You have been hurt often. Did you ever try to take a different approach to get to your goals than up in your face, punching?
Zess: When my bros were around it was easier. You may have heard of 'em? Tetka, Cirkof, Mallus....we always got what we want when we worked together. But now? It's just's near impossible to intimidate a prick when you're one man.
GNA: An infamous if short-lived gang. Is that the sort of life you aspire to? To terrorize people?
Zess: I went through thirty eight years of terrorization, I think they can take some of the same poison ...would do 'em good.
GNA: Do you consider your own suffering as justification to visit the same sort of violence on others?
Zess: You got it.
GNA: Do you have any friends?
Zess: No.
GNA: Anyone that sympathises with you?
Zess: The hell I don't know man. You think I can somehow magically jump into someone's head??? I'm not a micro-organism that can just walk around in some bantha spit's mind… I don't want sympathy. I'm happy with myself.
GNA: What about Cpike Morningstar?
Zess: What about him? He chooses all those other uppity shmucks over this. I can't exist in his annoying world.
GNA: Did you ever try this?
Zess: What?
GNA: Live in his circles
Zess: Yes.
GNA: When and where?
Zess: I don't remember all took place on Tatooine. When my gang dispersed I thought I needed somebody so I changed my hair, dressed up, turned into a dapper twit...even went into Imperial service work. But it was the same page...the same dry, snide looks...
GNA: How long did you try?
Zess: Three weeks at the least. Nobody's going to accept me no matter how I look, act, smell or whatever constitutes as a person of value. So why bother acting like they want me to when I can do the exact opposite?
GNA: Apart from your old friends?
Zess: Ya apart from them. But they're a dying everywhere I go it's the same tourists, the same high collar crime syndicates, the same cops and imperial zealots....
GNA: So, you and Cpike broke up?
Zess: The hell do you mean "Break up?! We weren't a god damned couple!
GNA: Well, there were rumors...
Zess: Well they're NOT true!
GNA: … and you seem quite agitated…
Zess: Oh really!? Quite perceptive we are! Next flippin question...
GNA: Do you have a girlfriend?
Zess: No...
GNA: Are you single by choice?
Zess: Ya. I don't need anybody...remember? They only hold me back.
GNA: A lone wolf then?
Zess: Right.
GNA: Yet you claim you work for others, ragamuffins and street urchins. Why?
Zess: They're seen as the biggest ass boils on the face of the I was when I was..---nevermind. The point is they deserve my help...and I'm the only one capable of getting them the tools they need for survival. I don't expect anyone to understand.
GNA: But do you push them away as well when they want to get close to you?
Zess: They don't know me by face.....I disguise myself.
GNA: Why? Are you afraid of people becoming your friends?
Zess: Because I want to be anonymous...what the hell? I don't have to answer those questions.
GNA: Are those too personal?
Zess: Ya ...too personal
GNA: You seem to be a lot like the stereotypical "hard shell, soft core" man.
Zess: Look bro..I didn't ask for your opinion about me..I came for the god damned questions and the questions alone... You keep mouthin off, that skid mark of a face goes smashing into that datapad screen got it?
GNA: So, you would disagree with that statement?
Zess: Just drop it, alright? Next question...
GNA: Do you have any plans when you "sting" "high society", or do you just act randomly?
Zess: When I'm stealin something heavy...I make a game plan....anything else? I improvise.
GNA: You are said to be a heavy substance abuser, of spice in particular. Ay truth to this?
Zess: A hundred percent truth.
GNA: Did it have any negative consequences for you so far?
Zess: Besides puking, which I can take? Nah.
GNA: No personality changes?
Zess: No..
*Zess arches his brow*
GNA: Do you have anything you'd like our readers to know?
Zess: Don't bring up this interview if you see me in person.
GNA: And as a final question: Do you expect to die every day you get up?
Zess: Death is a non-issue for me.
GNA: Not for many others though, I assume - your death, that is.
GNA thanks you for the interview, Mister Zess.
Zess: Ya whatever.
*A cleaning droid appears and starts working on the seat Zess sat in*
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Kereiu Blackduster, Galactic News Agency
GNA: So, Mister... Zess? Borombo? Accounts differ about your name. Nevertheless, GNA thanks you for giving us an interview…
Zess: It's just Zess man.....who told you to call me Borombo?
GNA: Just a rumor.
*Zess slouches back in the seat.*
Zess: Alright...well make with questions then.
GNA: In any case - you are quite famous, or infamous on Tatooine and even other planets on the Outer Rim. What exactly do you attribute this notority to?
Zess: I'd say it'd be my gang life....I've got a neck at bringin out the worst in people...
GNA: Would you care to elaborate?
Zess: Whats there to elaborate? I laugh at the expense of other people on a daily basis and I guess they never seem to forget.....would you forget the person who set your anger off like a time bomb?
GNA: I did not met many such. Why exactly do you set people off?
Zess: It's fun.
GNA: Isn't it dangerous?
Zess: I can take a punch, bro...see these scars?
*Zess points to his face.*
GNA: Yes.
Zess: People need to be reminded that they're not gods... thats where I come in.
GNA: By serving as a punching bag?
Zess: These bastards are built up so huge that they think they're almost flawless and they can just stomp on anybody with a deformity. Small price to pay for the smiting of their egos.
GNA: What deformity?
Zess: Any deformity....I take care of my own...the homeless kids, the ragamuffins hangin on a limb around the streets of Eisley? Thats my posse. The only people worthy of my attention.
GNA: You seem to focus a lot of attention on those "high class" people though…
Zess: In my spare time, I give 'em shit...steal from them, then give it all back to the broken community. The more time I spend with the uppity folks, the more I have to bring back.
GNA: Isn't stealing wrong?
Zess: Stealing isn't wrong with the dick in possessions of all those worldly goods doesn't deserve 'em.
GNA: So, you'd consider yourself a social rebel?
Zess: I don't know, man.
GNA: You have been hurt often. Did you ever try to take a different approach to get to your goals than up in your face, punching?
Zess: When my bros were around it was easier. You may have heard of 'em? Tetka, Cirkof, Mallus....we always got what we want when we worked together. But now? It's just's near impossible to intimidate a prick when you're one man.
GNA: An infamous if short-lived gang. Is that the sort of life you aspire to? To terrorize people?
Zess: I went through thirty eight years of terrorization, I think they can take some of the same poison ...would do 'em good.
GNA: Do you consider your own suffering as justification to visit the same sort of violence on others?
Zess: You got it.
GNA: Do you have any friends?
Zess: No.
GNA: Anyone that sympathises with you?
Zess: The hell I don't know man. You think I can somehow magically jump into someone's head??? I'm not a micro-organism that can just walk around in some bantha spit's mind… I don't want sympathy. I'm happy with myself.
GNA: What about Cpike Morningstar?
Zess: What about him? He chooses all those other uppity shmucks over this. I can't exist in his annoying world.
GNA: Did you ever try this?
Zess: What?
GNA: Live in his circles
Zess: Yes.
GNA: When and where?
Zess: I don't remember all took place on Tatooine. When my gang dispersed I thought I needed somebody so I changed my hair, dressed up, turned into a dapper twit...even went into Imperial service work. But it was the same page...the same dry, snide looks...
GNA: How long did you try?
Zess: Three weeks at the least. Nobody's going to accept me no matter how I look, act, smell or whatever constitutes as a person of value. So why bother acting like they want me to when I can do the exact opposite?
GNA: Apart from your old friends?
Zess: Ya apart from them. But they're a dying everywhere I go it's the same tourists, the same high collar crime syndicates, the same cops and imperial zealots....
GNA: So, you and Cpike broke up?
Zess: The hell do you mean "Break up?! We weren't a god damned couple!
GNA: Well, there were rumors...
Zess: Well they're NOT true!
GNA: … and you seem quite agitated…
Zess: Oh really!? Quite perceptive we are! Next flippin question...
GNA: Do you have a girlfriend?
Zess: No...
GNA: Are you single by choice?
Zess: Ya. I don't need anybody...remember? They only hold me back.
GNA: A lone wolf then?
Zess: Right.
GNA: Yet you claim you work for others, ragamuffins and street urchins. Why?
Zess: They're seen as the biggest ass boils on the face of the I was when I was..---nevermind. The point is they deserve my help...and I'm the only one capable of getting them the tools they need for survival. I don't expect anyone to understand.
GNA: But do you push them away as well when they want to get close to you?
Zess: They don't know me by face.....I disguise myself.
GNA: Why? Are you afraid of people becoming your friends?
Zess: Because I want to be anonymous...what the hell? I don't have to answer those questions.
GNA: Are those too personal?
Zess: Ya ...too personal
GNA: You seem to be a lot like the stereotypical "hard shell, soft core" man.
Zess: Look bro..I didn't ask for your opinion about me..I came for the god damned questions and the questions alone... You keep mouthin off, that skid mark of a face goes smashing into that datapad screen got it?
GNA: So, you would disagree with that statement?
Zess: Just drop it, alright? Next question...
GNA: Do you have any plans when you "sting" "high society", or do you just act randomly?
Zess: When I'm stealin something heavy...I make a game plan....anything else? I improvise.
GNA: You are said to be a heavy substance abuser, of spice in particular. Ay truth to this?
Zess: A hundred percent truth.
GNA: Did it have any negative consequences for you so far?
Zess: Besides puking, which I can take? Nah.
GNA: No personality changes?
Zess: No..
*Zess arches his brow*
GNA: Do you have anything you'd like our readers to know?
Zess: Don't bring up this interview if you see me in person.
GNA: And as a final question: Do you expect to die every day you get up?
Zess: Death is a non-issue for me.
GNA: Not for many others though, I assume - your death, that is.
GNA thanks you for the interview, Mister Zess.
Zess: Ya whatever.
*A cleaning droid appears and starts working on the seat Zess sat in*
Suspected spice smuggler shot down
Date: 141107
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Western Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tonight, a YT-2400 class freighter was intercepted while nearing Tatooine by an Imperial Patrol. When told to stop and prepare to be searched, the freighter tried to run, but was pursued and critically damaged by the TIE Interceptor above Tatooine, crashing on the planet as a result. According to the authorities, the freighter was probably carrying contraband, spice by the lack of energy signatures on a preliminary sensor scan. In order to warn off others, footage of the incident has been released:
The vessel crashed in the Western Dune Sea area on Tatooine. When a recovery team arrived at the site, they found only a burning wreck however - and burn marks of a small shuttle that took off from the site. The cargo of the ship - food crates - was found strewn and partially burned outside the ship, as well as several armored bodies.
Footage from the crash site:
The incident is still under investigation, but scavenger activity supposedly has ruined a lot of the evidence - at least if one believes official sources.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Western Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tonight, a YT-2400 class freighter was intercepted while nearing Tatooine by an Imperial Patrol. When told to stop and prepare to be searched, the freighter tried to run, but was pursued and critically damaged by the TIE Interceptor above Tatooine, crashing on the planet as a result. According to the authorities, the freighter was probably carrying contraband, spice by the lack of energy signatures on a preliminary sensor scan. In order to warn off others, footage of the incident has been released:
The vessel crashed in the Western Dune Sea area on Tatooine. When a recovery team arrived at the site, they found only a burning wreck however - and burn marks of a small shuttle that took off from the site. The cargo of the ship - food crates - was found strewn and partially burned outside the ship, as well as several armored bodies.
Footage from the crash site:
The incident is still under investigation, but scavenger activity supposedly has ruined a lot of the evidence - at least if one believes official sources.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Medical emergency leads to fighting
Date: 141107
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Lok Space Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, encountered more troubles last night when a medical emergency forced the YT-1300 class freighter "Daughter's Promise" to enter an orbit around Lok waiting to dock to deliver a collapsed crew member to a med center on the station.
The convoy, consisting of the "Daughter's Promise" and three escorting ships, was then attacked by two pirate ships, from reports a dunelizard and an Incom T-65 X-Wing. Following a swift dogfight, all escorts as well as the freighter were left drifting with shot engines. While the freighter crew stalled for time, one escorting fighter managed to jury-rig repairs, and re-engage the pirates. However, even after emergency repairs, the freighter was shot up another time, and ended up drifting again, the snubfighter of the brave pilot getting blown up as a demonstration. The Dunelizard, which had required assistance from the X-Wing to become mobile earlier, ended up disabled however.
A patrolling TIE Interceptor intervenend at this point, but was dispatched by the pirate X-Wing while the crew of the "Daughter's Promise" tried desperately to get it moving again. Despite their struggles, the recently commisioned freighter could no be repaired by them, and jettisoned the cargo - asteroid ore - after more pressure from the pirates.
However, the cargo had been mixed with detonators, and while the X-Wing, warned by droids, managed to escape, the Dunelizard was blown up while the "Daughter's Promise" ended up towed to the orbital station together with the surviving escorts.
The Intergalactic Mining Company did not comment on the affair yet, and no information concerning the collapsed crew member was released.
IMC shares fell 5,5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Lok Space Station
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, encountered more troubles last night when a medical emergency forced the YT-1300 class freighter "Daughter's Promise" to enter an orbit around Lok waiting to dock to deliver a collapsed crew member to a med center on the station.
The convoy, consisting of the "Daughter's Promise" and three escorting ships, was then attacked by two pirate ships, from reports a dunelizard and an Incom T-65 X-Wing. Following a swift dogfight, all escorts as well as the freighter were left drifting with shot engines. While the freighter crew stalled for time, one escorting fighter managed to jury-rig repairs, and re-engage the pirates. However, even after emergency repairs, the freighter was shot up another time, and ended up drifting again, the snubfighter of the brave pilot getting blown up as a demonstration. The Dunelizard, which had required assistance from the X-Wing to become mobile earlier, ended up disabled however.
A patrolling TIE Interceptor intervenend at this point, but was dispatched by the pirate X-Wing while the crew of the "Daughter's Promise" tried desperately to get it moving again. Despite their struggles, the recently commisioned freighter could no be repaired by them, and jettisoned the cargo - asteroid ore - after more pressure from the pirates.
However, the cargo had been mixed with detonators, and while the X-Wing, warned by droids, managed to escape, the Dunelizard was blown up while the "Daughter's Promise" ended up towed to the orbital station together with the surviving escorts.
The Intergalactic Mining Company did not comment on the affair yet, and no information concerning the collapsed crew member was released.
IMC shares fell 5,5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Talus Space Station under attack
Date: 121107
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
About a week after rebel forces attacked a prisoner transport in the Corellia system, more fighting erupted in the system. According to first reports, Imperial forces consisting of Claw, Onyx, Crimson and RID squadrons swept through the system, searching and destroying rebel units in the vicinity of Talus before focussing their attention on two space stations.
At first, the CorSec station near Secure Route ID-5N was in the midst of the fighting, its crew observing the destruction of multple rebel fighters and one rebel Nova Courier. Soon afterwards, the Imperial task force set course for Talus, taking control of the orbital station after fending off a last-ditch rebel assault.
Fed-Dub declined to comment on the affair, citing regulations that prohibited commenting on cases under investigation. Independent strategy experts took note that by all accounts, rebel forces were greatly outnumbered during the battle, and took this as a sign that the Empire may have achieved a successful concentration of forces in the area after several unsuccessful attempts to overwhelm the opposition in the past. How long this advantage would last was in dispute, since in the past, the Imperial Navy usually re-allocated ressources after such a victory, leading to rebel units managing to rebuild their bases and fleet units in the sector. Short-term, mercenaries may be used to fill the gaps. Unscrupulous freighter captains might also find business opportunities in supplying the reeling rebels.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
About a week after rebel forces attacked a prisoner transport in the Corellia system, more fighting erupted in the system. According to first reports, Imperial forces consisting of Claw, Onyx, Crimson and RID squadrons swept through the system, searching and destroying rebel units in the vicinity of Talus before focussing their attention on two space stations.
At first, the CorSec station near Secure Route ID-5N was in the midst of the fighting, its crew observing the destruction of multple rebel fighters and one rebel Nova Courier. Soon afterwards, the Imperial task force set course for Talus, taking control of the orbital station after fending off a last-ditch rebel assault.
Fed-Dub declined to comment on the affair, citing regulations that prohibited commenting on cases under investigation. Independent strategy experts took note that by all accounts, rebel forces were greatly outnumbered during the battle, and took this as a sign that the Empire may have achieved a successful concentration of forces in the area after several unsuccessful attempts to overwhelm the opposition in the past. How long this advantage would last was in dispute, since in the past, the Imperial Navy usually re-allocated ressources after such a victory, leading to rebel units managing to rebuild their bases and fleet units in the sector. Short-term, mercenaries may be used to fill the gaps. Unscrupulous freighter captains might also find business opportunities in supplying the reeling rebels.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Asteroid Ore business boosts IMC stock
Date: 071107
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company delivered the first cargo of asteroid ore last night to their partners on Corellia. IMC, which has had experienced troubles in the past due to pirate attacks, has recently started up an asteroid mining branch as well, to compensate for flagging planetary ore sales as well.
A large quantity of asteroid iron – over 5000 units – was transported to Corellia on board the TTC-Sunbeam, a YT-2400 class ship chartered from the Tatooine Trading Corporation. The TTC-Sunbeam had been damaged two weeks ago in the Karthakk system by pirates, but has been repaired and upgraded since. The new weapons that TTC had installed, Null-Bolts, proved their worth last night, driving off a number of uncoordinated pirate attacks around the Trade Federation Refueling Station in the Karthakk system with ease.
While the stock market reacted favorably to this, some analysts remarked that IMC’s profits may suffer once the sectors more organised pirate groups become more active again – the recent lull in pirate activity, which IMC used to transport ore without escorting ships, is not expected to endure for long, and the highly profitable asteroid ore might draw more attention to the convoys than IMC could handle.
IMC shares rose 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Intergalactic Mining Company delivered the first cargo of asteroid ore last night to their partners on Corellia. IMC, which has had experienced troubles in the past due to pirate attacks, has recently started up an asteroid mining branch as well, to compensate for flagging planetary ore sales as well.
A large quantity of asteroid iron – over 5000 units – was transported to Corellia on board the TTC-Sunbeam, a YT-2400 class ship chartered from the Tatooine Trading Corporation. The TTC-Sunbeam had been damaged two weeks ago in the Karthakk system by pirates, but has been repaired and upgraded since. The new weapons that TTC had installed, Null-Bolts, proved their worth last night, driving off a number of uncoordinated pirate attacks around the Trade Federation Refueling Station in the Karthakk system with ease.
While the stock market reacted favorably to this, some analysts remarked that IMC’s profits may suffer once the sectors more organised pirate groups become more active again – the recent lull in pirate activity, which IMC used to transport ore without escorting ships, is not expected to endure for long, and the highly profitable asteroid ore might draw more attention to the convoys than IMC could handle.
IMC shares rose 5% at the Coronet Stock Exchange.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Prisoner Transport Attacked
Date: 061107
Planet: Corellia and Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An Imperial prisoner transport was attacked two days ago in the Corellia system by strong rebel forces. According to eye witnesses, rebel starfighters jumped a convoy gathered at the talus orbital station. Despite the escorting TIE fighters decimating the attackers, the transport was disabled by fast rebel strike craft carrying anti-capital ship ordnance. However, the following attempts by rebel transports to board the craft failed when the rebels were repulsed and the prisoner – thought to be a high ranking rebel officer – was transferred to a Decimator-class patrol ship under fire, which managed to jump out of the system.
A last ditch effort in the Dathomir system by another rebel task force was foiled when the main part of the escorting interceptors engaged the rebels while the transport and a smaller group of escorts took a different route, reaching the planet unopposed.
It is assumed that the Empire will gain crucial information about the rebel forces in the sector from the interrogation of the prisoner, whose identity is not yet known, but who was supposedly captured following the battle in the Corellia system over a week ago.
Planet: Corellia and Dathomir System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
An Imperial prisoner transport was attacked two days ago in the Corellia system by strong rebel forces. According to eye witnesses, rebel starfighters jumped a convoy gathered at the talus orbital station. Despite the escorting TIE fighters decimating the attackers, the transport was disabled by fast rebel strike craft carrying anti-capital ship ordnance. However, the following attempts by rebel transports to board the craft failed when the rebels were repulsed and the prisoner – thought to be a high ranking rebel officer – was transferred to a Decimator-class patrol ship under fire, which managed to jump out of the system.
A last ditch effort in the Dathomir system by another rebel task force was foiled when the main part of the escorting interceptors engaged the rebels while the transport and a smaller group of escorts took a different route, reaching the planet unopposed.
It is assumed that the Empire will gain crucial information about the rebel forces in the sector from the interrogation of the prisoner, whose identity is not yet known, but who was supposedly captured following the battle in the Corellia system over a week ago.
Friday, November 2, 2007
„Secure Route“ becomes deathtrap
Date: 021107
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago, the Corellia system saw once again massive fighting when rebel forces tried to take control of the Route ID-5N by stationing several NOVa-class patrol ships and converted YT-class freighters there, supported by snubfighters.
The Imperial Navy scrambled fighters in response, and drove the rebel ships off, starting a series of engagements that took part all over the system. From what witnesses report, there was a veritable manhunt for a few ships that led to long chases.
During 90 minutes, several more attempts to control both Route ID-5N and the nearby CorSec Outpost happened, but neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance succeeded in securing a distinct advantage. Combattant losses are classified, and civilian losses are still under investigation, but with a main space lane becoming a battlefield and both sides using converted freighters in their fleet for transport and other missions, chances are that a number civilian freighters were mistaken for combat ships by intercepting snubfighters.
The Diktat released a statement to stress that the politics of Corellia did not undergo any change as a reaction to this battle, and that any adjustment would only be made after careful consideration.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Five days ago, the Corellia system saw once again massive fighting when rebel forces tried to take control of the Route ID-5N by stationing several NOVa-class patrol ships and converted YT-class freighters there, supported by snubfighters.
The Imperial Navy scrambled fighters in response, and drove the rebel ships off, starting a series of engagements that took part all over the system. From what witnesses report, there was a veritable manhunt for a few ships that led to long chases.
During 90 minutes, several more attempts to control both Route ID-5N and the nearby CorSec Outpost happened, but neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance succeeded in securing a distinct advantage. Combattant losses are classified, and civilian losses are still under investigation, but with a main space lane becoming a battlefield and both sides using converted freighters in their fleet for transport and other missions, chances are that a number civilian freighters were mistaken for combat ships by intercepting snubfighters.
The Diktat released a statement to stress that the politics of Corellia did not undergo any change as a reaction to this battle, and that any adjustment would only be made after careful consideration.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Engineer killed during pirate attack
Date: 251007
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk system
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just when it seemed pirate activity in the Karthakk system had lessened another freighter was attacked by those criminals. The TTC-Sunbeam, a YT-2400 class ship, had been chartered two days ago by the Intergalactic Mining Company for their weekly ore transport to Corellia. Since the Imperial navy, citing two weeks of no incident as proof that the system was secure, had deployed their patrols elsewhere, IMC had hired three freelance pilots as escorts for the trip. Unfortunately, this proved not enough faced with skilled and determinded pirates.
On the way to the refueling station, the convoy was attacked by two Vaksai heavy fighters and one so-called „Ugly“ – a rebuilt TIE craft. The escort ships attacked, but were vanquished quickly, and the TTC-Sunbeam was disabled and forced to jettison the cargo. TTC-employee Ovaon was fatally wounded during the attack when the engine she was trying to repair fractured and she got hit with plasma. Despite assistance by the rest of the crew, the rodian engineer died within minutes from severe burns.
With cargo, ships and a life lost, the question of who was responsible for the desaster is being asked by numerous people. An IMC spokesman stated that the corporation had done all it was legally required to, hiring several escort craft to replace the Imperial TIE Fighters that had protected the last convois. TTC representatives stated that the ships used as escorts were all old designs, manufactured during the clone wars, and therefore not up to the mission. Faced with rumors that the weapons of the TTC-Sunbeam itself had failed during the engagement, the representative cited regulations that prohibited stronger blasters, yet also stated that the firm’s ships would receive weapons with more firepower in the near future. The Imperial Navy released a communique to the press in which it explained that due to pressure from rebel forces in the sector, patrols had to be scaled back. It is expected, according to the communique, that once the rebel forces are beaten and the sector pacified, "the full might of the Empire will be turned upon those wretched criminals". Ovaon’s relatives are said to be looking into suing IMC, TTC and the Empire.
IMC stock dropped 5%, but recovered some when the company announced it was investing into space mining.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk system
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just when it seemed pirate activity in the Karthakk system had lessened another freighter was attacked by those criminals. The TTC-Sunbeam, a YT-2400 class ship, had been chartered two days ago by the Intergalactic Mining Company for their weekly ore transport to Corellia. Since the Imperial navy, citing two weeks of no incident as proof that the system was secure, had deployed their patrols elsewhere, IMC had hired three freelance pilots as escorts for the trip. Unfortunately, this proved not enough faced with skilled and determinded pirates.
On the way to the refueling station, the convoy was attacked by two Vaksai heavy fighters and one so-called „Ugly“ – a rebuilt TIE craft. The escort ships attacked, but were vanquished quickly, and the TTC-Sunbeam was disabled and forced to jettison the cargo. TTC-employee Ovaon was fatally wounded during the attack when the engine she was trying to repair fractured and she got hit with plasma. Despite assistance by the rest of the crew, the rodian engineer died within minutes from severe burns.
With cargo, ships and a life lost, the question of who was responsible for the desaster is being asked by numerous people. An IMC spokesman stated that the corporation had done all it was legally required to, hiring several escort craft to replace the Imperial TIE Fighters that had protected the last convois. TTC representatives stated that the ships used as escorts were all old designs, manufactured during the clone wars, and therefore not up to the mission. Faced with rumors that the weapons of the TTC-Sunbeam itself had failed during the engagement, the representative cited regulations that prohibited stronger blasters, yet also stated that the firm’s ships would receive weapons with more firepower in the near future. The Imperial Navy released a communique to the press in which it explained that due to pressure from rebel forces in the sector, patrols had to be scaled back. It is expected, according to the communique, that once the rebel forces are beaten and the sector pacified, "the full might of the Empire will be turned upon those wretched criminals". Ovaon’s relatives are said to be looking into suing IMC, TTC and the Empire.
IMC stock dropped 5%, but recovered some when the company announced it was investing into space mining.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Second swoop crash in a week kills pilot
Date: 221007
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ten days ago, Axov crashed his swoop in Farpoint Valley, suffering serious injuries. Just three days ago, he returned, and caused another accident, this time fatal.
Witnesses report that he lost control of his swoop near the shuttleport, crashing into a rock garden. Bystanders hastened to help him, but he died before medical help could arrive.
While his funeral and the damages done to the city structure were covered by a close friend of his, the authorities are investigatig the circumstances of his death. The second crash at nearly the same location within a week strongly suggest that this was no mere coincidence. So far, no further information has been released, but speculation ranges from sabotage to spice abuse as the cause of the accident.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Ten days ago, Axov crashed his swoop in Farpoint Valley, suffering serious injuries. Just three days ago, he returned, and caused another accident, this time fatal.
Witnesses report that he lost control of his swoop near the shuttleport, crashing into a rock garden. Bystanders hastened to help him, but he died before medical help could arrive.
While his funeral and the damages done to the city structure were covered by a close friend of his, the authorities are investigatig the circumstances of his death. The second crash at nearly the same location within a week strongly suggest that this was no mere coincidence. So far, no further information has been released, but speculation ranges from sabotage to spice abuse as the cause of the accident.
IMC Victim of Embezzlement?
Date: 221007
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tthe Intergalactic Mining Company based in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, has been in the news numerous times due to pirate attacks on its convoys. While those attacks have lessened due to direct CorSec involvement and increased patrols by the Imperial Navy, the company is now facing other troubles.
Persistent rumors claim that missing IMC manager Okowwi Emied, who hasn’t been seen in over a month, embezzled a large amount of money during his time in IMC. IMC itself did not comment on this, stating that this was a missing person case, which would be handled by the proper authorities.
Analysts are not yet sure what effect this will have on the stock of the company. While the latest convoy, headed by the „Corellia’s Sun“ captained by Jascyn Siltar, encountered no trouble whatsoever, losses due to embezzlement could be a sign of structural problems of the company, and reduce its profits significantly.
IMC stock dropped 1% this week.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Tthe Intergalactic Mining Company based in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine, has been in the news numerous times due to pirate attacks on its convoys. While those attacks have lessened due to direct CorSec involvement and increased patrols by the Imperial Navy, the company is now facing other troubles.
Persistent rumors claim that missing IMC manager Okowwi Emied, who hasn’t been seen in over a month, embezzled a large amount of money during his time in IMC. IMC itself did not comment on this, stating that this was a missing person case, which would be handled by the proper authorities.
Analysts are not yet sure what effect this will have on the stock of the company. While the latest convoy, headed by the „Corellia’s Sun“ captained by Jascyn Siltar, encountered no trouble whatsoever, losses due to embezzlement could be a sign of structural problems of the company, and reduce its profits significantly.
IMC stock dropped 1% this week.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Imperial Navy drives Rebels out of the Kashyyyk system
Date: 141007
Planet: Kashyyyk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Kashyyyk system is rife with military and para-military outposts in addition to the civilian orbital station controlling traffic to and from the planet. Next to the Empire, the rebel alliance as well as various organisations have a presence in the system, and space travel outside the heavily patrolled neutral sector is dangerous for just about every faction.
With commitments all over the sector, the Imperial Navy had not been able to muster enough forces in the Kashyyyk system to pacify it for some time, but yesterday, a combined task force of Claw Squadron and RID, together with elements from Dark Flight, conducted extensive operations in the entire system, hunting down rebel forces and securing various outposts.
In an early phase, the Imperial ships took control of a rodian station, then, after a short rally at the Imperial Outpost, moved on to secure the Avatar station, an operation foiled by a rebel strike with a single, almost suicidal vessel right before the task force could land a marine detachment on the station.
Despite this setback, and despite the loss of a command ship afterwards, the Imperial forces rallied, and denied the rebels control of three independent outposts as well as striking repeatedly at the rebel outpost until, after more than one hour of intense fighting, a crucial rebel scout ship was hunted down, crippling rebel command structure, and allowing the Navy to quickly secure the independent outposts, followed by the Avatar station.
Independent experts are a of yet unsure how long the Navy will remain in control of those areas, but for the immediate future, rebel presence in the Kashyyyk system has been decimated.
Planet: Kashyyyk System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Kashyyyk system is rife with military and para-military outposts in addition to the civilian orbital station controlling traffic to and from the planet. Next to the Empire, the rebel alliance as well as various organisations have a presence in the system, and space travel outside the heavily patrolled neutral sector is dangerous for just about every faction.
With commitments all over the sector, the Imperial Navy had not been able to muster enough forces in the Kashyyyk system to pacify it for some time, but yesterday, a combined task force of Claw Squadron and RID, together with elements from Dark Flight, conducted extensive operations in the entire system, hunting down rebel forces and securing various outposts.
In an early phase, the Imperial ships took control of a rodian station, then, after a short rally at the Imperial Outpost, moved on to secure the Avatar station, an operation foiled by a rebel strike with a single, almost suicidal vessel right before the task force could land a marine detachment on the station.
Despite this setback, and despite the loss of a command ship afterwards, the Imperial forces rallied, and denied the rebels control of three independent outposts as well as striking repeatedly at the rebel outpost until, after more than one hour of intense fighting, a crucial rebel scout ship was hunted down, crippling rebel command structure, and allowing the Navy to quickly secure the independent outposts, followed by the Avatar station.
Independent experts are a of yet unsure how long the Navy will remain in control of those areas, but for the immediate future, rebel presence in the Kashyyyk system has been decimated.
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Swoop crashes into building in Farpoint Valley
Date: 131007
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, residents of Farpoint Valley were shaken up when a swoop crashed into a building near Jailbirds. The swoop was piloted by a patron just leaving Jailbirds, and the vehicle was seen to swerve wildly before the collision, leading to the assumption that the pilot lost control of it right after starting it. The building suffered only superficial damage, but the swoop was seriously damaged and the pilot injured.
The reason for the accident are not yet known. Neither a technical malfunction nor driving under the influence of mind-altering substances can be discarded as the cause of the accident as of yet. From what is known, the pilot lost consciousness twice while visiting the club, and the staff was in the process of calling in medical assistance when the pilot left.
Soon afterwards, a shuttle landed on site and took the injured and bleeding driver away while a medic treated his wounds. City officials did not comment on the incident yet, citing that an investigation was under way.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Last night, residents of Farpoint Valley were shaken up when a swoop crashed into a building near Jailbirds. The swoop was piloted by a patron just leaving Jailbirds, and the vehicle was seen to swerve wildly before the collision, leading to the assumption that the pilot lost control of it right after starting it. The building suffered only superficial damage, but the swoop was seriously damaged and the pilot injured.
The reason for the accident are not yet known. Neither a technical malfunction nor driving under the influence of mind-altering substances can be discarded as the cause of the accident as of yet. From what is known, the pilot lost consciousness twice while visiting the club, and the staff was in the process of calling in medical assistance when the pilot left.
Soon afterwards, a shuttle landed on site and took the injured and bleeding driver away while a medic treated his wounds. City officials did not comment on the incident yet, citing that an investigation was under way.
Technical problems do not stop convoy
Date: 131007
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoys of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, saw a lot of pirate attacks in the past. As a reaction, IMC has stepped up security. This week’s convoy was escorted by two ships from the Imperial Navy as well as a freelancer in an Incom T-65 “X-Wing”.
Under their cover, the freighter in the convoy - the YT-1300 class freighter "Corellia's Sun", a CorSec ship captained by Jascyn Siltar, together with the YT-1300 class "Exodus", flown by Wint Risden – made the trip through the pirate-infested Karthakk system without any trouble.
However, upon reaching the Corellia system, the “Exodus” suffered a communication failure, caused as far as is known by a collision with a smaller asteroid. Fearing a possible hijack, the “Corellia’s Sun” was sent ahead while the “Exodus” was guarded. The “Corellia’s Sun” landed safely at Coronet Starport, shortly afterwards followed by the “Exodus” after the problem was solved
IMC rose 7 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Corellia System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoys of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, saw a lot of pirate attacks in the past. As a reaction, IMC has stepped up security. This week’s convoy was escorted by two ships from the Imperial Navy as well as a freelancer in an Incom T-65 “X-Wing”.
Under their cover, the freighter in the convoy - the YT-1300 class freighter "Corellia's Sun", a CorSec ship captained by Jascyn Siltar, together with the YT-1300 class "Exodus", flown by Wint Risden – made the trip through the pirate-infested Karthakk system without any trouble.
However, upon reaching the Corellia system, the “Exodus” suffered a communication failure, caused as far as is known by a collision with a smaller asteroid. Fearing a possible hijack, the “Corellia’s Sun” was sent ahead while the “Exodus” was guarded. The “Corellia’s Sun” landed safely at Coronet Starport, shortly afterwards followed by the “Exodus” after the problem was solved
IMC rose 7 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Third Karaoke Night won by Syrehna Armmi
Date: 131007
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The third Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse Bar saw a wide range of performance six days ago. Jeric sang a rather unconventional song centered on pants – which he was wearing, for those wondering if he was performing in hot pants. Dayla made a lasting impression with „Zabrak Bomb“, a song fitting the wild woman and was received with enthusiasm, followed by Mul-Bi with a spontaneous love song. Kayet, in her first performance in Farpoint Valley, sang „Dancing Queen“, to the enjoyment of the audience. Syrehna Armii, the final performer of the night, won the Karaoke Night with her „Smuggler’s Blues“.
The young entertainer received a surprize prize, which turned out to be an egg that hatched a red-skinned Baby Tulrus. To the disappointement of at least one among the people present, the animal was not turned into a protein drink, but adopted as a pet by Syrehna.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The third Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse Bar saw a wide range of performance six days ago. Jeric sang a rather unconventional song centered on pants – which he was wearing, for those wondering if he was performing in hot pants. Dayla made a lasting impression with „Zabrak Bomb“, a song fitting the wild woman and was received with enthusiasm, followed by Mul-Bi with a spontaneous love song. Kayet, in her first performance in Farpoint Valley, sang „Dancing Queen“, to the enjoyment of the audience. Syrehna Armii, the final performer of the night, won the Karaoke Night with her „Smuggler’s Blues“.
The young entertainer received a surprize prize, which turned out to be an egg that hatched a red-skinned Baby Tulrus. To the disappointement of at least one among the people present, the animal was not turned into a protein drink, but adopted as a pet by Syrehna.
Space Battle in the Naboo System
Date: 121007
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After on going battles in the Corellia system, another trade hub, the Naboo system, saw intense fighting a week ago. From what is known, the focus of the battle was Rori’s orbit.
This is not surprising. Rori, more quite, more rural than sophisticated Naboo, has been rumored to be a hotbed of rebel activity even before the city of Restuss was reduced to rubble following a week-long battle between rebel and imperial forces, and while the exact location of suspected rebel bases may not have been known, their existence was not doubted in many circles – especially not seeing that even after the destruction of the city, ground forces kept clashing there.
So, in order to cut off the rebel supplies, the Imperial Navy was sent ahead to take control of the orbit of Rori. As was to be expected, strong rebel forces opposed them. A first clash occured when the two forces met halfway between Naboo and Rori, during which the rebel attackers were wiped. A second group of rebels, massing near an asteroid for a flank attack, was spotted later and dealt with, before a straight high-speed attack caught and destroyed rebel forces in the process of fleeing from Rori.
The Imperial Navy declared the system secure „for the moment“ in the aftermath of this battle.
Planet: Naboo System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After on going battles in the Corellia system, another trade hub, the Naboo system, saw intense fighting a week ago. From what is known, the focus of the battle was Rori’s orbit.
This is not surprising. Rori, more quite, more rural than sophisticated Naboo, has been rumored to be a hotbed of rebel activity even before the city of Restuss was reduced to rubble following a week-long battle between rebel and imperial forces, and while the exact location of suspected rebel bases may not have been known, their existence was not doubted in many circles – especially not seeing that even after the destruction of the city, ground forces kept clashing there.
So, in order to cut off the rebel supplies, the Imperial Navy was sent ahead to take control of the orbit of Rori. As was to be expected, strong rebel forces opposed them. A first clash occured when the two forces met halfway between Naboo and Rori, during which the rebel attackers were wiped. A second group of rebels, massing near an asteroid for a flank attack, was spotted later and dealt with, before a straight high-speed attack caught and destroyed rebel forces in the process of fleeing from Rori.
The Imperial Navy declared the system secure „for the moment“ in the aftermath of this battle.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Another convoy lost!
Date: 031007
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Voria's Ember
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, remains one of the more dangerous contracts for spacers in the Outer Rim. The YT-1300 class freighter "Corellia's Sun", together with the YT-2400 class "TTC-Racing Sky", lifted off Tatooine last night. While the refueling operation in the Karthakk system - apparently the YT-2400 was acting as a tanker - was completed without trouble, the small convoy was jumped by several pirates on the way out of system.
In the following fight, both ships were disabled, with the crew of the "TTC-Racing Sky" abandonning the ship after attempts to repair the reactor failed. The "Corellia's Sun", according to reports suffering from an electronic malfunction, was disabled and her cargo destroyed, but was towed to Lok.
While the fate of the TTC-Racing Sky is not known, it is assumed the ship was destroyed, since its structural integrity had been suffering from several crashes and damage taken in the past. The Tatooine Trading Corporation did not comment on it other than announcing that there were more, newer ships at their disposal.
The Intergalactic Mining Company did not comment on rumors that insufficient escort numbers were the cause of the recent loss.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley/Voria's Ember
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet, Corellia, remains one of the more dangerous contracts for spacers in the Outer Rim. The YT-1300 class freighter "Corellia's Sun", together with the YT-2400 class "TTC-Racing Sky", lifted off Tatooine last night. While the refueling operation in the Karthakk system - apparently the YT-2400 was acting as a tanker - was completed without trouble, the small convoy was jumped by several pirates on the way out of system.
In the following fight, both ships were disabled, with the crew of the "TTC-Racing Sky" abandonning the ship after attempts to repair the reactor failed. The "Corellia's Sun", according to reports suffering from an electronic malfunction, was disabled and her cargo destroyed, but was towed to Lok.
While the fate of the TTC-Racing Sky is not known, it is assumed the ship was destroyed, since its structural integrity had been suffering from several crashes and damage taken in the past. The Tatooine Trading Corporation did not comment on it other than announcing that there were more, newer ships at their disposal.
The Intergalactic Mining Company did not comment on rumors that insufficient escort numbers were the cause of the recent loss.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Winterfest Party in Outpost Epsilon Under Attack
Date: 031007
Planet: Lok
Region: Outpost Epsilon
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The relatively new Outpost Epsilon on Lok, guarded by the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek, is not just an Imperial base, but also a trade outpost with a substantial number of civlian settlers. Three days ago, troopers and civilians together celebrated the Winterfest, a traditional holiday in the Outer Rim. Unfortunately, another tradition was held on too - an attack during the celebration.
When the guests and residents, escorted by imperial stormtroopers, arrived at the "Dusty Pauldron", a new cantina in the Outpost, they found it occupied by a lrage number of so-called nightsisters - force wielding, rancor riding savages native to Dathomir. The raiders quickly attacked, and the guests - with a few exceptions - scattered, seeking refuge in a nearby theatre while brave troopers held the attackers and their huge beasts at bay.
After a few tense minutes, enough troopers were rallied to counter attack, and in a lengthy battle the attackers were driven back, routed and decimated, although not without losses among troopers and civilians alike. Fortunately, several medics and doctors were at hand, to save a number of the casualties.
Footage from the attack:
But despite the violent start, the festivities continued, and soon the celebration was in full swing, helped along by free drinks and the entertainment. The Neutron Pixies started on stage, followed by a surprise performance of Myxie and Ronin'Jekknai' dancing underwater on stage, and a costume contest. First prize, 3'000'000 credits, was won by Iwoci in her stormtrooper dancer costume.
So while the attack remains mysterious - how exactly those Nightsisters arrived on Lok is not known, nor the reason for the attack - the party itself was a clear success.
Planet: Lok
Region: Outpost Epsilon
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The relatively new Outpost Epsilon on Lok, guarded by the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek, is not just an Imperial base, but also a trade outpost with a substantial number of civlian settlers. Three days ago, troopers and civilians together celebrated the Winterfest, a traditional holiday in the Outer Rim. Unfortunately, another tradition was held on too - an attack during the celebration.
When the guests and residents, escorted by imperial stormtroopers, arrived at the "Dusty Pauldron", a new cantina in the Outpost, they found it occupied by a lrage number of so-called nightsisters - force wielding, rancor riding savages native to Dathomir. The raiders quickly attacked, and the guests - with a few exceptions - scattered, seeking refuge in a nearby theatre while brave troopers held the attackers and their huge beasts at bay.
After a few tense minutes, enough troopers were rallied to counter attack, and in a lengthy battle the attackers were driven back, routed and decimated, although not without losses among troopers and civilians alike. Fortunately, several medics and doctors were at hand, to save a number of the casualties.
Footage from the attack:
But despite the violent start, the festivities continued, and soon the celebration was in full swing, helped along by free drinks and the entertainment. The Neutron Pixies started on stage, followed by a surprise performance of Myxie and Ronin'Jekknai' dancing underwater on stage, and a costume contest. First prize, 3'000'000 credits, was won by Iwoci in her stormtrooper dancer costume.
So while the attack remains mysterious - how exactly those Nightsisters arrived on Lok is not known, nor the reason for the attack - the party itself was a clear success.
Monday, October 1, 2007
More Fighting in the Corellia System
Date: 011007
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The battles in the Corellia System do not seem to end. A major engagement between a task force of the Imperial Navy and elements from the Rebel Alliance happened in the system two days ago, the third within a month.
From what is known, the battle centered around a Decimator from the Onyx Squadron and three strike groups from the Claw and Crimson Squadron, first engaging in a hunt for a rebel traitor, then focussing on driving out rebel forces from the system and taking control of the not-so-secure Route ID-5N. Despite being outnumbered, the insurgents held their ground, launching several almost suicidal attacks on the imperial forces and foiling the imperial units deployments repeatedly. The core of the rebel forces was an armed Nova Courier and a converted YT-1300 class freighter, supported by several heavy strike fighters of the Vaksai class.
While the outcome was not decisisive, atrition was visible among rebel forces in the final phases of the fighting, and the Imperial Navy claimed to have completed two of their core objectives during the battle. They did not comment on how many objectives they had in total, citing security reasons.
The effects of such prolonged fighting on the trade lanes are still in dispute. While the Empire maintains that only the presence of experienced Imperial pilots keeps pirates and insurgents at bay and provides safety for legitimate trade, there are reports of pirates attacking a Decimator in Corellia’s orbit only hours before the last battle. While the Decimator managed to shoot down one attacker before breaking contact, it is a sure sign that the system is not as secure as the Empire claims.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The battles in the Corellia System do not seem to end. A major engagement between a task force of the Imperial Navy and elements from the Rebel Alliance happened in the system two days ago, the third within a month.
From what is known, the battle centered around a Decimator from the Onyx Squadron and three strike groups from the Claw and Crimson Squadron, first engaging in a hunt for a rebel traitor, then focussing on driving out rebel forces from the system and taking control of the not-so-secure Route ID-5N. Despite being outnumbered, the insurgents held their ground, launching several almost suicidal attacks on the imperial forces and foiling the imperial units deployments repeatedly. The core of the rebel forces was an armed Nova Courier and a converted YT-1300 class freighter, supported by several heavy strike fighters of the Vaksai class.
While the outcome was not decisisive, atrition was visible among rebel forces in the final phases of the fighting, and the Imperial Navy claimed to have completed two of their core objectives during the battle. They did not comment on how many objectives they had in total, citing security reasons.
The effects of such prolonged fighting on the trade lanes are still in dispute. While the Empire maintains that only the presence of experienced Imperial pilots keeps pirates and insurgents at bay and provides safety for legitimate trade, there are reports of pirates attacking a Decimator in Corellia’s orbit only hours before the last battle. While the Decimator managed to shoot down one attacker before breaking contact, it is a sure sign that the system is not as secure as the Empire claims.
Swoop gang race sees surprise winner
Date: 011007
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While not an occasion that was well-advertised in the Royal Times of Naboo, or the Coruscant Times, most residents of Tatooine were aware of the swoop race and up and coming swoop gang held near Mos Eisley two days ago. Not only is swoop racing a popular activity both among the law-abiding and less law-abiding sentients in the area, but it was part of a bigger party, and as anyone knows, drinks draw crowds, no matter the host.
That said, the swoop race saw a surprise winner: Not a swooper or veteran swoop racer, but a newcomer to the racing scene, a lady named Alico, won the competition. It remains to be seen if she will continue to leave her mark on the legal and illegal racing scene, but from what is known, she was a refreshing change from the usual rough and tough racers.
Og course, on Tatooine, a certain toughness is required, as was evident when two bounty hunters crashed the party to capture a mark, succeeding by what was reported. Given the nature of many of the people present at the party, it is not surprising that there are few details known about this incident, but anyone attending the next such race would be well advised to take some precautions.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
While not an occasion that was well-advertised in the Royal Times of Naboo, or the Coruscant Times, most residents of Tatooine were aware of the swoop race and up and coming swoop gang held near Mos Eisley two days ago. Not only is swoop racing a popular activity both among the law-abiding and less law-abiding sentients in the area, but it was part of a bigger party, and as anyone knows, drinks draw crowds, no matter the host.
That said, the swoop race saw a surprise winner: Not a swooper or veteran swoop racer, but a newcomer to the racing scene, a lady named Alico, won the competition. It remains to be seen if she will continue to leave her mark on the legal and illegal racing scene, but from what is known, she was a refreshing change from the usual rough and tough racers.
Og course, on Tatooine, a certain toughness is required, as was evident when two bounty hunters crashed the party to capture a mark, succeeding by what was reported. Given the nature of many of the people present at the party, it is not surprising that there are few details known about this incident, but anyone attending the next such race would be well advised to take some precautions.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Zess missing?
Date: 230907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just about every resident of the Outer Rim’s seedier regions is familiar with Zess. This mohawk-wearing, foul-mouthed spicehead has clashed with law enforcement agencies, criminals and good fashion taste all over the galaxy. However, no matter what trouble he got in, what beating he took, he always bounced back, as angry as before, and often getting even with whoever took him down before.
Not this time though. No one has seen Zess for says by now. No reports of a mugging, no loud screaming at troopers or security, no demands for spice. The last that was heard of Zess was some quarrell on Lok a few days ago. Since then – nothing.
Even close friends of Zess – Borombo and Cpike, to name them – do not seem to know what happened to the thug. So, people are asking themselves: What happened to Zess? Was he killed? Deported? Eaten by a Kimogila? Captured for experiments of an unspeakable nature? Overdosed on spice? Saw the light and changed his ways?
Time will tell. Or not.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Just about every resident of the Outer Rim’s seedier regions is familiar with Zess. This mohawk-wearing, foul-mouthed spicehead has clashed with law enforcement agencies, criminals and good fashion taste all over the galaxy. However, no matter what trouble he got in, what beating he took, he always bounced back, as angry as before, and often getting even with whoever took him down before.
Not this time though. No one has seen Zess for says by now. No reports of a mugging, no loud screaming at troopers or security, no demands for spice. The last that was heard of Zess was some quarrell on Lok a few days ago. Since then – nothing.
Even close friends of Zess – Borombo and Cpike, to name them – do not seem to know what happened to the thug. So, people are asking themselves: What happened to Zess? Was he killed? Deported? Eaten by a Kimogila? Captured for experiments of an unspeakable nature? Overdosed on spice? Saw the light and changed his ways?
Time will tell. Or not.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
An Interview with Corrent Gilo
Date: 230907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Hera Lightdust, Galactic News Agency
GNA: You are the CEO and president of the Viper Sands corporation, known for its landspeeder business.
Corrent Gilo: Yes
GNA: Is it a public corporation, or is the stock not traded at the stock exchange?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, I tend to keep the stocks inbetween me and my employees, prevents any, hostile take overs, or people getting information they shouldn't.
GNA: Are you worried about industrial espionage? Or are there other reasons you fear leaks?
Corrent Gilo: I could say both.
GNA: What other reasons are there?
Corrent Gilo: Lets just say there are certain aspects of our company the public should not know about
GNA: Aha. Before we touch those matters... what's the current line of speeder models of your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Currently we are still doing all our custom models on demand, but we are now constructing a factory, on lok, that will be making larger quantitys of our Sand Viper Swoop.
GNA: Are you focussing on any special area? Such as bikes, racing speeders, transport speeders, or luxury vehicles?
Corrent Gilo: That is the beauty of custom speeders, what ever the client wants, we design and make it from our variety of base models, so technicaly any of the above can be made, to the clients specifications.
GNA: Would you call your prices low, average, or high?
Corrent Gilo: For the speeders, it all depends what you are comparing them to, our custom speeders are an average price compared to other custom speeders, but of course are very expensive compared to mass produced ones, of course our new factory should take care of that.
GNA: What made you pick Lok for the new factory? The planet has a well-deserved reputation of being a pirate haven.
Corrent Gilo: Well we do operate throughout the galaxy but I would like to keep it closer to home if you know what I mean, and Nym has a cheaper pay off then Jabba, along with him being a personal friend.
GNA: Ah. So, does this friendship extend to protection as well, or do you retain or hire your own guards?
Corrent Gilo: I hire my own, although im sure if I would need more assistance I could ask him for a price, but I do have employees for this reason.
GNA: You mentioned information that was not destined for the public. Is the recent cantina opening - a business area not close to speeder manufacturing - part of this?
Corrent Gilo lets out a slight chuckle and nods slowly.
GNA: What made you decide to open a cantina/club?
Corrent Gilo: It gives many of my employees a place to relax along with gaining more attention from the public, and not so public eye.
GNA: Trying to gain more attention seems to run counter to your desire to keep your secrets.
Corrent Gilo: I didnt neccessarily want the public eye, but it seems information spreads fast. So if they enjoy the club, I still profit off of it.
GNA: I would say advertising publically for the club contributed greatly to getting attention form the public.
Corrent Gilo chuckles.
Corrent Gilo: I suppose, but if they are looking for secrets they wont find them there.
GNA: However, you also caught attention in a few incidents, most notably an attack on you a bit ago by what observers called organised crime. Would you care to detail this?
Corrent Gilo: Ah, the incident with Skocha's men?
GNA: Yes.
Corrent Gilo: Not sure exactly what they were doing on Tatooine ... but Skocha has been dealt with by many organizations, so that is no longer a concern.
GNA: Indeed. But more recently, at your cantina's opening in fact, another incident made the news - from what is reported, there was a slave auction inside the club, backed by both Tatooine criminals as well as Lokian ones. Are those business partners of yours?
Corrent Gilo: That was not neccessarily on the agenda, but yes they are associates of mine and its rude not to accept a gift, expecially when they could have a hand in killing me if they wanted to, its never a good idea to upset a doshan. So yes three slaves were sold, luckily from what im aware of they are being freed.
GNA: In other words - you are forced to do their bidding?
Corrent Gilo: Not neccessarily, I just dont not accept gifts, its rude. If I chose I did not want to sell them, I could have kicked the doshans out, I had more then enough gaurds there at the time. I do partialy regret auctioning them, but its the past now.
GNA: An attitude well-suited to doing business on the Outer Rim. Traditionally, Ithorians are known for their talents with plants. What made you enter the speeder market?
Corrent Gilo: Oh I am very much in tune with nature, as you can see I have my fair share of creatures here in my estate, as I tame them, but as a young boy my father was the one who worked on the herdship shuttles, guess I just always had an interest and skill, in anything that moves
GNA: You are rather prominent as the CEO/president of your corporation. Are there any employees or business partners that you attribute part of the success of your enterprise to?
Corrent Gilo: Well I started alone, and was very small then it was just recently after the empire came into power, had to end my old job. But my Executive, Thaesus Andromeda. Hmmm Nym helped me with some aspects, and then there are many more but no major assistants, Oh and a jawa helped us find the location of our headquarters
GNA: A Jawa? that's very surprising. Do you work with the native population often?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, I've always found native species interesting, and not just on this planet, I once did a study on the dantari. But yes, this one actualy had an interesting story although I have not talked to him in a while.
GNA: Interesting?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, he didnt have a tribe.
GNA: Ah. An exile?
Corrent Gilo: Some what. He was once a slave.
GNA: So... you mentioned the slaves that were sold being freed. How so, and who is involved there?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, all but one I believe, but she is in good hands, one has been reunited with her husband, the other was freed but that is all I know.
GNA: Freed by whom?
Corrent Gilo: The one that returned to her husband involved the buyers who were a ithorian and a bothan
Corrent Gilo: Im sorry I can't recall the name, the doshans managed the exchange.
GNA: Aha. Apart from those mentioned, do your employees include people with a shady past?
Corrent Gilo: Hph, some, yes.
GNA: Is this a concern for you?
Corrent Gilo: Not really, what they are doing suits them you could say.
GNA: Would you care to elaborate on this statement?
Corrent Gilo: Not preferably, like I said certain information the public should not know.
GNA: Now for some personal questions, for our readers. You wear a rather striking amulet. What is it exactly?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this, black sun medaillon, not one of our closest friends in the corporation. They decided to steal some of our supplies, we stole their l- well lets just say this is just a memorabilia to scare off the others.0
GNA: And this staff?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this. Beautiful, isn't it? It's a relic from a planet most would not know to exist.
GNA: What planet?
Corrent Gilo: Kamino, nothing there any more.
Corrent Gilo rubs the end of the staff slightly and it lets out a high pitch echo.
GNA: The cloner planet?
Corrent Gilo nods.
Corrent Gilo: Although none being made there any more.
GNA: Does this mean you have some ties to Kamino? Or even knowledge?
Corrent Gilo nods.
GNA: Cloning?
Corrent Gilo: I have knoledge of many planets from my past. Not to much on the cloning aspect, but a bit on genetic modification.
GNA: A new market for your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, doubt it, just helps with my breeding hobby.
GNA: You breed animals as a hobby?
Corrent Gilo: Have for the longest time.
GNA: There have been fortunes made in the bioengineered animal market. Were you never tempted to enter it?
Corrent Gilo: Slightly long ago, but I have my money.
GNA: Do you have a family?
Corrent Gilo: Long ago, I dont know what happened. I was exiled from the herdship at the age of 16, kept contact for a long time until the herdship moved and I dont know the new location. But as of recent no, no kids.
GNA: Why were you exiled?
Corrent Gilo: Because if you wish to go down to the surface of ithor you need a schedualed time, which of course at my age was impossible to get, my parents would go down and study but I wouldnt be allowed, so I stole a ship and headed down.It didnt go over well with the priestess.
GNA: A rather harsh fate. Do you carry a grudge?
Corrent Gilo: My life would not be what it was if I stayed there, no, I thank them, I couldnt live confined like that.
GNA: A wise view. Do you have anything you wish to say to our readers?
Corrent Gilo: hmmm, Follow what comes to you and dreams come true.
GNA: GNA thanks you for this interview, Mister Gilo.
Corrent Gilo: You're most very welcome.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
By Hera Lightdust, Galactic News Agency
GNA: You are the CEO and president of the Viper Sands corporation, known for its landspeeder business.
Corrent Gilo: Yes
GNA: Is it a public corporation, or is the stock not traded at the stock exchange?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, I tend to keep the stocks inbetween me and my employees, prevents any, hostile take overs, or people getting information they shouldn't.
GNA: Are you worried about industrial espionage? Or are there other reasons you fear leaks?
Corrent Gilo: I could say both.
GNA: What other reasons are there?
Corrent Gilo: Lets just say there are certain aspects of our company the public should not know about
GNA: Aha. Before we touch those matters... what's the current line of speeder models of your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Currently we are still doing all our custom models on demand, but we are now constructing a factory, on lok, that will be making larger quantitys of our Sand Viper Swoop.
GNA: Are you focussing on any special area? Such as bikes, racing speeders, transport speeders, or luxury vehicles?
Corrent Gilo: That is the beauty of custom speeders, what ever the client wants, we design and make it from our variety of base models, so technicaly any of the above can be made, to the clients specifications.
GNA: Would you call your prices low, average, or high?
Corrent Gilo: For the speeders, it all depends what you are comparing them to, our custom speeders are an average price compared to other custom speeders, but of course are very expensive compared to mass produced ones, of course our new factory should take care of that.
GNA: What made you pick Lok for the new factory? The planet has a well-deserved reputation of being a pirate haven.
Corrent Gilo: Well we do operate throughout the galaxy but I would like to keep it closer to home if you know what I mean, and Nym has a cheaper pay off then Jabba, along with him being a personal friend.
GNA: Ah. So, does this friendship extend to protection as well, or do you retain or hire your own guards?
Corrent Gilo: I hire my own, although im sure if I would need more assistance I could ask him for a price, but I do have employees for this reason.
GNA: You mentioned information that was not destined for the public. Is the recent cantina opening - a business area not close to speeder manufacturing - part of this?
Corrent Gilo lets out a slight chuckle and nods slowly.
GNA: What made you decide to open a cantina/club?
Corrent Gilo: It gives many of my employees a place to relax along with gaining more attention from the public, and not so public eye.
GNA: Trying to gain more attention seems to run counter to your desire to keep your secrets.
Corrent Gilo: I didnt neccessarily want the public eye, but it seems information spreads fast. So if they enjoy the club, I still profit off of it.
GNA: I would say advertising publically for the club contributed greatly to getting attention form the public.
Corrent Gilo chuckles.
Corrent Gilo: I suppose, but if they are looking for secrets they wont find them there.
GNA: However, you also caught attention in a few incidents, most notably an attack on you a bit ago by what observers called organised crime. Would you care to detail this?
Corrent Gilo: Ah, the incident with Skocha's men?
GNA: Yes.
Corrent Gilo: Not sure exactly what they were doing on Tatooine ... but Skocha has been dealt with by many organizations, so that is no longer a concern.
GNA: Indeed. But more recently, at your cantina's opening in fact, another incident made the news - from what is reported, there was a slave auction inside the club, backed by both Tatooine criminals as well as Lokian ones. Are those business partners of yours?
Corrent Gilo: That was not neccessarily on the agenda, but yes they are associates of mine and its rude not to accept a gift, expecially when they could have a hand in killing me if they wanted to, its never a good idea to upset a doshan. So yes three slaves were sold, luckily from what im aware of they are being freed.
GNA: In other words - you are forced to do their bidding?
Corrent Gilo: Not neccessarily, I just dont not accept gifts, its rude. If I chose I did not want to sell them, I could have kicked the doshans out, I had more then enough gaurds there at the time. I do partialy regret auctioning them, but its the past now.
GNA: An attitude well-suited to doing business on the Outer Rim. Traditionally, Ithorians are known for their talents with plants. What made you enter the speeder market?
Corrent Gilo: Oh I am very much in tune with nature, as you can see I have my fair share of creatures here in my estate, as I tame them, but as a young boy my father was the one who worked on the herdship shuttles, guess I just always had an interest and skill, in anything that moves
GNA: You are rather prominent as the CEO/president of your corporation. Are there any employees or business partners that you attribute part of the success of your enterprise to?
Corrent Gilo: Well I started alone, and was very small then it was just recently after the empire came into power, had to end my old job. But my Executive, Thaesus Andromeda. Hmmm Nym helped me with some aspects, and then there are many more but no major assistants, Oh and a jawa helped us find the location of our headquarters
GNA: A Jawa? that's very surprising. Do you work with the native population often?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, I've always found native species interesting, and not just on this planet, I once did a study on the dantari. But yes, this one actualy had an interesting story although I have not talked to him in a while.
GNA: Interesting?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, he didnt have a tribe.
GNA: Ah. An exile?
Corrent Gilo: Some what. He was once a slave.
GNA: So... you mentioned the slaves that were sold being freed. How so, and who is involved there?
Corrent Gilo: Yes, all but one I believe, but she is in good hands, one has been reunited with her husband, the other was freed but that is all I know.
GNA: Freed by whom?
Corrent Gilo: The one that returned to her husband involved the buyers who were a ithorian and a bothan
Corrent Gilo: Im sorry I can't recall the name, the doshans managed the exchange.
GNA: Aha. Apart from those mentioned, do your employees include people with a shady past?
Corrent Gilo: Hph, some, yes.
GNA: Is this a concern for you?
Corrent Gilo: Not really, what they are doing suits them you could say.
GNA: Would you care to elaborate on this statement?
Corrent Gilo: Not preferably, like I said certain information the public should not know.
GNA: Now for some personal questions, for our readers. You wear a rather striking amulet. What is it exactly?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this, black sun medaillon, not one of our closest friends in the corporation. They decided to steal some of our supplies, we stole their l- well lets just say this is just a memorabilia to scare off the others.0
GNA: And this staff?
Corrent Gilo: Ah this. Beautiful, isn't it? It's a relic from a planet most would not know to exist.
GNA: What planet?
Corrent Gilo: Kamino, nothing there any more.
Corrent Gilo rubs the end of the staff slightly and it lets out a high pitch echo.
GNA: The cloner planet?
Corrent Gilo nods.
Corrent Gilo: Although none being made there any more.
GNA: Does this mean you have some ties to Kamino? Or even knowledge?
Corrent Gilo nods.
GNA: Cloning?
Corrent Gilo: I have knoledge of many planets from my past. Not to much on the cloning aspect, but a bit on genetic modification.
GNA: A new market for your corporation?
Corrent Gilo: Heh, doubt it, just helps with my breeding hobby.
GNA: You breed animals as a hobby?
Corrent Gilo: Have for the longest time.
GNA: There have been fortunes made in the bioengineered animal market. Were you never tempted to enter it?
Corrent Gilo: Slightly long ago, but I have my money.
GNA: Do you have a family?
Corrent Gilo: Long ago, I dont know what happened. I was exiled from the herdship at the age of 16, kept contact for a long time until the herdship moved and I dont know the new location. But as of recent no, no kids.
GNA: Why were you exiled?
Corrent Gilo: Because if you wish to go down to the surface of ithor you need a schedualed time, which of course at my age was impossible to get, my parents would go down and study but I wouldnt be allowed, so I stole a ship and headed down.It didnt go over well with the priestess.
GNA: A rather harsh fate. Do you carry a grudge?
Corrent Gilo: My life would not be what it was if I stayed there, no, I thank them, I couldnt live confined like that.
GNA: A wise view. Do you have anything you wish to say to our readers?
Corrent Gilo: hmmm, Follow what comes to you and dreams come true.
GNA: GNA thanks you for this interview, Mister Gilo.
Corrent Gilo: You're most very welcome.
Imperial task force operating in the Corellia system
Date: 220907
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy announced tonight in a press release that a task force from the sector fleet had completed a sweep of the Corellia system today. Units from Claw, Omega, and Crimson Squadron as well as Dark Flight and Onyx Squadron were ordered to clear the system of any pirates, rebels or other threats to space lanes and shipping after several incidents as well as a major battle against rebel forces had occurred there.
Starting from CorSec Wing, the task force first secured the hyperspace jump point Trifecta Star, destroying about a dozen enemy ships and suffering minimal losses. A surprise attack at the staging area set the operation back a bit, and caused serious losses as well as allowed some pirate or insurgent ships to escape through Corellia’s Own while that point was not secured. The imperial counter attack cleared the area around Corsec Wing though, as well as Binayre Razorcat.
After this, Corellia’s orbital station came under attack by fast rebel interceptors, and the remaining ships of the task force headed there, taking slower moving rebel strike fighters in the flank before finishing the rebel interceptor crafts around the station. Again, minimal losses were suffered by the Imperial ships, but the station suffered some damage by blaster bolts that missed the target. It is expected that repairs will not take long.
The Diktat has not yet commented on the operation, but according to anonymous sources, Imperial pressure on the Corellian government to take more action against insurgent and pirate forces may increase.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The Imperial Navy announced tonight in a press release that a task force from the sector fleet had completed a sweep of the Corellia system today. Units from Claw, Omega, and Crimson Squadron as well as Dark Flight and Onyx Squadron were ordered to clear the system of any pirates, rebels or other threats to space lanes and shipping after several incidents as well as a major battle against rebel forces had occurred there.
Starting from CorSec Wing, the task force first secured the hyperspace jump point Trifecta Star, destroying about a dozen enemy ships and suffering minimal losses. A surprise attack at the staging area set the operation back a bit, and caused serious losses as well as allowed some pirate or insurgent ships to escape through Corellia’s Own while that point was not secured. The imperial counter attack cleared the area around Corsec Wing though, as well as Binayre Razorcat.
After this, Corellia’s orbital station came under attack by fast rebel interceptors, and the remaining ships of the task force headed there, taking slower moving rebel strike fighters in the flank before finishing the rebel interceptor crafts around the station. Again, minimal losses were suffered by the Imperial ships, but the station suffered some damage by blaster bolts that missed the target. It is expected that repairs will not take long.
The Diktat has not yet commented on the operation, but according to anonymous sources, Imperial pressure on the Corellian government to take more action against insurgent and pirate forces may increase.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Club opening as a cover for slave auction?
Date: 220907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The "The Sands Oasis", a cantina and club, opened last night for the public. Sporting 2 VIP rooms and a stage for entertainment as well as a bar, the club is run by the Viper Sands Corporation. In the advertising, "all night entertainment, an Auction, Free drinks! and more" was mentioned - and as was to be expected, the event drew in people from the whole Outer Rim. How many were there for the free drinks, and how many for othe reasons is not known.
What started as a normal cantina/club opening event, however, took a more sinister turn when the "auction" advertised was revealed to be a slave auction. Soon after the start, the stage was used to sell sentients like cattle, courtesy of a trandoshan slaver clan and Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, next to twi'leks of both genders, humans were being sold too, but reports differ there, with some of the audience leaving the club.
While some of the more sophisticated readers, especially those from the Core Worlds, may be appalled at this, even Tatooine residents, long used to such displays, may be concerned, since where there are a lot of slave sales, there's a lot of demand for new slaves - which are often procured in shady or outright criminal ways. Dancers and entertainers best be on their guard on Tatooine.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Dune Sea
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The "The Sands Oasis", a cantina and club, opened last night for the public. Sporting 2 VIP rooms and a stage for entertainment as well as a bar, the club is run by the Viper Sands Corporation. In the advertising, "all night entertainment, an Auction, Free drinks! and more" was mentioned - and as was to be expected, the event drew in people from the whole Outer Rim. How many were there for the free drinks, and how many for othe reasons is not known.
What started as a normal cantina/club opening event, however, took a more sinister turn when the "auction" advertised was revealed to be a slave auction. Soon after the start, the stage was used to sell sentients like cattle, courtesy of a trandoshan slaver clan and Jabba the Hutt. Apparently, next to twi'leks of both genders, humans were being sold too, but reports differ there, with some of the audience leaving the club.
While some of the more sophisticated readers, especially those from the Core Worlds, may be appalled at this, even Tatooine residents, long used to such displays, may be concerned, since where there are a lot of slave sales, there's a lot of demand for new slaves - which are often procured in shady or outright criminal ways. Dancers and entertainers best be on their guard on Tatooine.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Missing reporter found dead
Date: 210907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Almost a month ago, Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing while working on a new article about money laundering and fraud. Yesterday, her remains were discovered near Farpoint Valley and identified through a DNA scan. How the reporter died, and when is not yet known, but local authorities suspect a violent death. They stated that while the group that found the remains was attacked by Tusken raiders at the site, sand people involvement was just one possible direction the investigation was taking.
Ikiwi Obead was a native of Naboo, and started her career in journalism at an early age, volunteering at a student news service in Theed. After graduating from college she started to work as a freelance journalist for the Galactic News Agency. Her latest work, two interviews with Clarissa Goldear and Thaesus Andromeda, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Ikiwi Obead next of kin consist of her two parents and a younger brother.
The Galactic News Agency is considering putting out a bounty, should the investigation come to the conclusion that Ikiwi Obead died because of a crime.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Almost a month ago, Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing while working on a new article about money laundering and fraud. Yesterday, her remains were discovered near Farpoint Valley and identified through a DNA scan. How the reporter died, and when is not yet known, but local authorities suspect a violent death. They stated that while the group that found the remains was attacked by Tusken raiders at the site, sand people involvement was just one possible direction the investigation was taking.
Ikiwi Obead was a native of Naboo, and started her career in journalism at an early age, volunteering at a student news service in Theed. After graduating from college she started to work as a freelance journalist for the Galactic News Agency. Her latest work, two interviews with Clarissa Goldear and Thaesus Andromeda, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Ikiwi Obead next of kin consist of her two parents and a younger brother.
The Galactic News Agency is considering putting out a bounty, should the investigation come to the conclusion that Ikiwi Obead died because of a crime.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Pirate attack in Coronet Starport!
Date: 190907
Planet: Corellia/Tatooine
Region: Coronet/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet last night was off to a bad start right away when the „Spinning Cloud“ captained by Ryian Coron was attacked by a YT-1300 and a Vaksai in the Tatoo system, but managed to hyper out while under fire. Unexpectedly, the following refueling operation in the Karthakk system was completed without troubles, and the trip continued towards the Corellia system.
However, right after reaching Corellia's orbit, two unidentified ships – presumably the same ships that had attacked earlier in the Tatoo system – attacked the „Spinning Cloud“ again. In the following battle, both probable pirates were destroyed or driven off, without intervention by local or Imperial forces.
The troubles were not over though, for the crew of the „Spinning Cloud“ was attacked in Coronet Starport itself in an ambush by a large number of armored assailants supported by combat droids and trained attack animals demanding the cargo – weapon-grade steel. Transit passengers and visitors scattered in fright and confusion when a firefight broke out that spilled out into the streets of Coronet itself.
From what is known, most of the freighter crew was overcome in the fight and detained by the pirates while the cargo was stolen. The pirates then broke into smaller groups and headed out, unhindered by local security. An Imperial patrol on the other hand bravely engaged the pirates in orbit, but was destroyed in the resulting engagement. Unconfirmed reports claim that a pirate was captured at the Starport shortly after the attack, but no arrest was recorded by local authorities.
The Intergalactic Mining Company has confirmed that the cargo was lost, but did declined to comment when asked about the alleged inactivity of the starport security, stating that further investigations were needed before deciding about a stance on this topic.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Corellia/Tatooine
Region: Coronet/Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet last night was off to a bad start right away when the „Spinning Cloud“ captained by Ryian Coron was attacked by a YT-1300 and a Vaksai in the Tatoo system, but managed to hyper out while under fire. Unexpectedly, the following refueling operation in the Karthakk system was completed without troubles, and the trip continued towards the Corellia system.
However, right after reaching Corellia's orbit, two unidentified ships – presumably the same ships that had attacked earlier in the Tatoo system – attacked the „Spinning Cloud“ again. In the following battle, both probable pirates were destroyed or driven off, without intervention by local or Imperial forces.
The troubles were not over though, for the crew of the „Spinning Cloud“ was attacked in Coronet Starport itself in an ambush by a large number of armored assailants supported by combat droids and trained attack animals demanding the cargo – weapon-grade steel. Transit passengers and visitors scattered in fright and confusion when a firefight broke out that spilled out into the streets of Coronet itself.
From what is known, most of the freighter crew was overcome in the fight and detained by the pirates while the cargo was stolen. The pirates then broke into smaller groups and headed out, unhindered by local security. An Imperial patrol on the other hand bravely engaged the pirates in orbit, but was destroyed in the resulting engagement. Unconfirmed reports claim that a pirate was captured at the Starport shortly after the attack, but no arrest was recorded by local authorities.
The Intergalactic Mining Company has confirmed that the cargo was lost, but did declined to comment when asked about the alleged inactivity of the starport security, stating that further investigations were needed before deciding about a stance on this topic.
IMC shares fell 5 % at the Coronet stock exchange.
Fleet battle in the Corellia System – shifting Corellia’s allegiance?
Date: 170907
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, imperial and rebel space forces clashed in the Corellia system. While there are numerous witnesses to the battles – mostly civilian freighters scrambling to escape – neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance claimed victory.
From what is known, the focus of the battles was the space lane Route ID-5N. Our strategy consultants analysed the battle reports we collected, and came to the conclusion that control of this area would have been the stepping stone to an assault on the CorSec Outpost and Corellia Orbital Station. Given Corellia’s known reluctance to take part in the galactic civil war, either side could have been tempted to try to take control of the system, a goal the other side would have been forced to counter. Neither CorSec nor the Corellian Government commented on the incident so far.
At the start of the hostilities, rebel forces took control of the route first by stationing two armed freighters there, but were driven out by a decisive imperial attack. Imperial ships secured the area for some time, but several attack waves of rebel starfighters supported by Nova Couriers and YT-1300s managed to disrupt their formation and destroy or cripple their flagship, forcing the task force to rally again near Corellia’s orbit.
While skirmishing and chase scenes took part all over the system, more attempts by either side to secure the route took place, but all were foiled by the opposing forces. Numbers were, due to the widespread area of the battle, and the lack of sources, difficult to determine, but according to estimates as many as 15 ships per side took part in individual battles.
It remains to be seen if this incident will ever be cleared up, and if so, if the Corellian government will change its policy towards the galactic civil war as a reaction.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Two days ago, imperial and rebel space forces clashed in the Corellia system. While there are numerous witnesses to the battles – mostly civilian freighters scrambling to escape – neither the Empire nor the Rebel Alliance claimed victory.
From what is known, the focus of the battles was the space lane Route ID-5N. Our strategy consultants analysed the battle reports we collected, and came to the conclusion that control of this area would have been the stepping stone to an assault on the CorSec Outpost and Corellia Orbital Station. Given Corellia’s known reluctance to take part in the galactic civil war, either side could have been tempted to try to take control of the system, a goal the other side would have been forced to counter. Neither CorSec nor the Corellian Government commented on the incident so far.
At the start of the hostilities, rebel forces took control of the route first by stationing two armed freighters there, but were driven out by a decisive imperial attack. Imperial ships secured the area for some time, but several attack waves of rebel starfighters supported by Nova Couriers and YT-1300s managed to disrupt their formation and destroy or cripple their flagship, forcing the task force to rally again near Corellia’s orbit.
While skirmishing and chase scenes took part all over the system, more attempts by either side to secure the route took place, but all were foiled by the opposing forces. Numbers were, due to the widespread area of the battle, and the lack of sources, difficult to determine, but according to estimates as many as 15 ships per side took part in individual battles.
It remains to be seen if this incident will ever be cleared up, and if so, if the Corellian government will change its policy towards the galactic civil war as a reaction.
Mos Eisley’s starport cleaned up
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For months, Mos Eisley’s starport was feared among many travellers, and even pirates and mercenaries dreaded landing there – not fort he violence common to the town, but the hordes of obnoxious salesmen assaulting every visitor with proposals of dubious value even by the standards of the Outer Rim.
The shouts and claims of half a dozen different „advertisers“ often disoriented new visitors, and prompted experienced travellers to use various means to drown out the noise, from holding their ears to running out of the starport as fast as possible.
Even more draconian means, such as imperial and rebel soldiers shooting them on various occasions, seemed not to faze the salesmen. Apparently, their business was lucrative enough so they could keep hiring new people to replace the dead and dieing. One wonders why Jabba the Hutt or Lady Valarian did not compete with them,. But it seems even a hutt draws the line somewhere.
This is the past, however, since the authorities started a new and successful campaign against such annoyances. Select agents were given the power to „silence“ such obnoxious salesmen, and used this carte blanche to great effect in the last few days.
Mos Eisley’s starport is now a location where travellers can refuel their ships in peace again, and locals can conduct their business without interruptions – relatively, that is, for Mos Eisley’s „businessmen“ are still prone to use violence to settle issues. But that’s something most are used to in the Outer Rim.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Eisley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
For months, Mos Eisley’s starport was feared among many travellers, and even pirates and mercenaries dreaded landing there – not fort he violence common to the town, but the hordes of obnoxious salesmen assaulting every visitor with proposals of dubious value even by the standards of the Outer Rim.
The shouts and claims of half a dozen different „advertisers“ often disoriented new visitors, and prompted experienced travellers to use various means to drown out the noise, from holding their ears to running out of the starport as fast as possible.
Even more draconian means, such as imperial and rebel soldiers shooting them on various occasions, seemed not to faze the salesmen. Apparently, their business was lucrative enough so they could keep hiring new people to replace the dead and dieing. One wonders why Jabba the Hutt or Lady Valarian did not compete with them,. But it seems even a hutt draws the line somewhere.
This is the past, however, since the authorities started a new and successful campaign against such annoyances. Select agents were given the power to „silence“ such obnoxious salesmen, and used this carte blanche to great effect in the last few days.
Mos Eisley’s starport is now a location where travellers can refuel their ships in peace again, and locals can conduct their business without interruptions – relatively, that is, for Mos Eisley’s „businessmen“ are still prone to use violence to settle issues. But that’s something most are used to in the Outer Rim.
Mos Carova Kraytfest Race won by Cpike Morningstar
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, Mos Carova’s mayor, the beautiful and talented twi’lek Candy, hosted the Annual Kraytfest. The event, boldly dedicated to the Krayt dragons which have claimed a number of visitors to the town in the past, and continue to be a concern for travellers outside the city limits as well as farmers, was by all accounts a success.
One of the most remarkable parts of the festival was the Krayt Race – a competition for the bravest (or most foolhardy) racers of the planet, since it was a foot race with the goal to lure a Krayt dragon to the city limits (and into the range of the waiting dragon hunter professionals.
Needless to say, there were not many who took part in the race, despite the prize of 1 Million credits for the winner – as the saying goes, dead people can’t spend their money anymore. Nevertheless, four brave if suicidal individuals took part in the race, and while three ended up in the emergency room (or a dragon’s intestines), Cpike Morningstar managed to survive relatively unscathed, and win the race, 1 Million credits – and probably the first place on the Tatooine Golddigger’s ranking of the most desirable bachelors, for being both rich and suicidal.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Mos Carova
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, Mos Carova’s mayor, the beautiful and talented twi’lek Candy, hosted the Annual Kraytfest. The event, boldly dedicated to the Krayt dragons which have claimed a number of visitors to the town in the past, and continue to be a concern for travellers outside the city limits as well as farmers, was by all accounts a success.
One of the most remarkable parts of the festival was the Krayt Race – a competition for the bravest (or most foolhardy) racers of the planet, since it was a foot race with the goal to lure a Krayt dragon to the city limits (and into the range of the waiting dragon hunter professionals.
Needless to say, there were not many who took part in the race, despite the prize of 1 Million credits for the winner – as the saying goes, dead people can’t spend their money anymore. Nevertheless, four brave if suicidal individuals took part in the race, and while three ended up in the emergency room (or a dragon’s intestines), Cpike Morningstar managed to survive relatively unscathed, and win the race, 1 Million credits – and probably the first place on the Tatooine Golddigger’s ranking of the most desirable bachelors, for being both rich and suicidal.
Imperial operations against Lokian pirates successful?
Date: 170907
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the Imperial Navy sent a task force to sweep through the Karthakk system, clearing hyperspace jumppoints, asteroid belts and even Lok’s orbit from pirate and rebel craft in an effort to wipe out pirate activity in the system. Despite determinded resistance, the task force cleared the system and took temporary control of the planet’s orbit.
Two days later, the weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet reported no trouble in the Karthakk system, although there were reports of fighting near the convoy between unidentified ships. The convoy itself reached Coronet without any trouble.
It is not clear, however, if the pirates in the system were completely destroyed in the Imperial operation or if they are just laying low for a bit, until the attention of the navy is switched to another trouble zone.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet stock exchange. According to analysts, the market is not yet convinced that piracy has become a non-factor fort he cargo business.
Planet: Tatooine/Karthakk System
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
One week ago, the Imperial Navy sent a task force to sweep through the Karthakk system, clearing hyperspace jumppoints, asteroid belts and even Lok’s orbit from pirate and rebel craft in an effort to wipe out pirate activity in the system. Despite determinded resistance, the task force cleared the system and took temporary control of the planet’s orbit.
Two days later, the weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet reported no trouble in the Karthakk system, although there were reports of fighting near the convoy between unidentified ships. The convoy itself reached Coronet without any trouble.
It is not clear, however, if the pirates in the system were completely destroyed in the Imperial operation or if they are just laying low for a bit, until the attention of the navy is switched to another trouble zone.
IMC shares rose 1% at the Coronet stock exchange. According to analysts, the market is not yet convinced that piracy has become a non-factor fort he cargo business.
Imperial Task Force saves victim of kidnapping!
Date: 070907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Wayfar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As many know, local law enforcement is often limited to their home system. So when Oliany was kidnapped in Kor Vella and ferried to Tatooine, CorSec was unable to pursue. Fortunately for the victim, they requested help from the Empire, and a squad of the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek was deployed on Tatooine to perform a search and rescue mission.
The trail led to the Wayfar area, and while no one was found there, intelligence from CorSec indicated that the criminals may have been gone to Jabba’s palace nearby. Proceeding with all due haste, the stormtroopers arrived at the building in question, spotting the kidnapped in cuffs near the gate. The troopers immediately secured the area and freed Oliany, but the kidnapper fled further into the palace.
After a formal if slightly forceful request for cooperation was honored by the residents, the palace was searched but the kidnapper had disappeared. The commander of the squad then ordered the unit to escort the recovered Oliany as well as an agent working with them to safety.
So far no official information regarding the identity of the kidnapper or the motive behind the kidnapping has been released, but if the demonstrated efficiency of the task force is any indication, agents will not be tardy in revealing this information.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Wayfar
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As many know, local law enforcement is often limited to their home system. So when Oliany was kidnapped in Kor Vella and ferried to Tatooine, CorSec was unable to pursue. Fortunately for the victim, they requested help from the Empire, and a squad of the 121st Imperial Task Force Aurek was deployed on Tatooine to perform a search and rescue mission.
The trail led to the Wayfar area, and while no one was found there, intelligence from CorSec indicated that the criminals may have been gone to Jabba’s palace nearby. Proceeding with all due haste, the stormtroopers arrived at the building in question, spotting the kidnapped in cuffs near the gate. The troopers immediately secured the area and freed Oliany, but the kidnapper fled further into the palace.
After a formal if slightly forceful request for cooperation was honored by the residents, the palace was searched but the kidnapper had disappeared. The commander of the squad then ordered the unit to escort the recovered Oliany as well as an agent working with them to safety.
So far no official information regarding the identity of the kidnapper or the motive behind the kidnapping has been released, but if the demonstrated efficiency of the task force is any indication, agents will not be tardy in revealing this information.
Freighters shot up, cargo lost, manager missing?
Date: 060907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet encountered serious difficulties in the Karthakk system. While details are still unclear, and IMC hasn’t released a statement yet, reports from Coronet indicate that the cargo did not arrive in the Corellia system.
IMC has not commented on the situation yet other than announcing that business will continue as usual, and the next convoy would get through safely. IMC manager Okowwi Emied, which handled the convoys, was not available for comment. In fact, unconfirmed reports claim that the sullustan has not been seen since the day of the convoy and is in fact missing. IMC did not comment on this either.
IMC shares fell 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet encountered serious difficulties in the Karthakk system. While details are still unclear, and IMC hasn’t released a statement yet, reports from Coronet indicate that the cargo did not arrive in the Corellia system.
IMC has not commented on the situation yet other than announcing that business will continue as usual, and the next convoy would get through safely. IMC manager Okowwi Emied, which handled the convoys, was not available for comment. In fact, unconfirmed reports claim that the sullustan has not been seen since the day of the convoy and is in fact missing. IMC did not comment on this either.
IMC shares fell 5% at the Coronet stock exchange.
Second Karaoke Night in Farpoint Valley sees violent audience!
Date: 030907
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As promised, here’s the report from Farpoint Valley’s second Karaoke night! Remember what I wrote about the location not leading to violence last time? Well, this time, we saw violence! But more about that later.
The Karaoke night was, as the first, held in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse bar. The small bar, in the basement of the grindhouse, was packed this evening, and the hostess of the event, Ramona from the Neutron Pixies, took care to make sure every guest was well-supplied with booze – the more smashed they are, the more likely they sing she said. And sing they did!
Chiggs Chiggly, a sullustan playboy and singer, debuted with „Aqua-Ki’Misha“ a tribute to Ki’Misha, wife of Mul-Bi and apparent love interest of the sullustan – one among many. Even during the performance, betting was started on how long the singer would live afterwards.
Jiwarri performed a local wookiee song again, in a dialect not many were familiar with. Since not many understood the lyrics, it’s safe to say it was not about violence, booze or sex.
Desian followed the wookiee, and sang an ode to his love and date, Jazmine, with the immortal line of "who's your daddy". Remarkable.
Neutron Pixie Ki’iana then took the stage, with a version of „Fallen“, the song that took the Galaxy by storm three years ago when it was voted top video.
Clarissa Goldear, Farpoint Valley’s mayor, gave another example of her singing talent with a blues song.
Now lubricated enough, Poe'kunal sang rather off-key, but with heart- or rather liver-felt passion.
'Dayla the dark zabrak then took the stage, dragging Relvan with her as background dancer for „Never gunna give you up“, right afterwards switching roles when Relvan „Howling Mad“ Ikori loudly sang about his love affair with „Innie“, and a „captain Detty“. At least we know now where the victor of the last Karaoke Night was.
Then came Cpike Morningstar (without much „help“ from a wookiee this time), and the former member of the Pikatta Pie entertainer group’s song and dance number „I could be your boytoy“ had such an impact that it knocked Poe’kunal to the floor!
Following this act was hard, but professional musician Pelique and her mandoviol did just that, with a more quiet, even sad song, paving the way for enthusiastic amateur Harve, both singing about soldiers of fortune.
Ramona brought the night to an end with „Shut up and Fly“, and the voting started.
While the votes were counted, violence came to the stage. Chiggs sang his „Aqua-Ki’misha“ again, due to the firm request from the audience, and then had to run for his life when Mul-Bi took offense to the song. So far we’re not sure i fit was the performance itself, or the lyrics which included clear designs on his wife, Chiggs’ plans to hire a hitman to deal with Mul-Bi. Last we heard, the sullustan singer almost made it out unhurt but tripped, and is now not drowning in love, but getting soaked in bacta.
Then the winner was announced - Cpike Morningstar! He won fame, and a surprise prize, an egg which hatched a strange little creature later identified as a gubbur that kept following him around – no doubt seeking shelter from those who were loudly speculating whether or not it was edible.
All in all another entertaining night in Farpoint Valley!
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
As promised, here’s the report from Farpoint Valley’s second Karaoke night! Remember what I wrote about the location not leading to violence last time? Well, this time, we saw violence! But more about that later.
The Karaoke night was, as the first, held in Farpoint Valley’s Grindhouse bar. The small bar, in the basement of the grindhouse, was packed this evening, and the hostess of the event, Ramona from the Neutron Pixies, took care to make sure every guest was well-supplied with booze – the more smashed they are, the more likely they sing she said. And sing they did!
Chiggs Chiggly, a sullustan playboy and singer, debuted with „Aqua-Ki’Misha“ a tribute to Ki’Misha, wife of Mul-Bi and apparent love interest of the sullustan – one among many. Even during the performance, betting was started on how long the singer would live afterwards.
Jiwarri performed a local wookiee song again, in a dialect not many were familiar with. Since not many understood the lyrics, it’s safe to say it was not about violence, booze or sex.
Desian followed the wookiee, and sang an ode to his love and date, Jazmine, with the immortal line of "who's your daddy". Remarkable.
Neutron Pixie Ki’iana then took the stage, with a version of „Fallen“, the song that took the Galaxy by storm three years ago when it was voted top video.
Clarissa Goldear, Farpoint Valley’s mayor, gave another example of her singing talent with a blues song.
Now lubricated enough, Poe'kunal sang rather off-key, but with heart- or rather liver-felt passion.
'Dayla the dark zabrak then took the stage, dragging Relvan with her as background dancer for „Never gunna give you up“, right afterwards switching roles when Relvan „Howling Mad“ Ikori loudly sang about his love affair with „Innie“, and a „captain Detty“. At least we know now where the victor of the last Karaoke Night was.
Then came Cpike Morningstar (without much „help“ from a wookiee this time), and the former member of the Pikatta Pie entertainer group’s song and dance number „I could be your boytoy“ had such an impact that it knocked Poe’kunal to the floor!
Following this act was hard, but professional musician Pelique and her mandoviol did just that, with a more quiet, even sad song, paving the way for enthusiastic amateur Harve, both singing about soldiers of fortune.
Ramona brought the night to an end with „Shut up and Fly“, and the voting started.
While the votes were counted, violence came to the stage. Chiggs sang his „Aqua-Ki’misha“ again, due to the firm request from the audience, and then had to run for his life when Mul-Bi took offense to the song. So far we’re not sure i fit was the performance itself, or the lyrics which included clear designs on his wife, Chiggs’ plans to hire a hitman to deal with Mul-Bi. Last we heard, the sullustan singer almost made it out unhurt but tripped, and is now not drowning in love, but getting soaked in bacta.
Then the winner was announced - Cpike Morningstar! He won fame, and a surprise prize, an egg which hatched a strange little creature later identified as a gubbur that kept following him around – no doubt seeking shelter from those who were loudly speculating whether or not it was edible.
All in all another entertaining night in Farpoint Valley!
Rebel Blockade Runner intercepted in the Yavin system
Date: 030907
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that two days ago, a rebel blockade runner identified as „Pride of Starcider“, a corellian corvette, was disabled and boarded in the Yavin System. The Imperial Fleet sent in a task force consisting of elements from Claw, Omega and Crimson Squadron, as well as Dark Flight and RID flew cover for the 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron as the later led the boarding of the rebel vessel.
Rebel relief forces attacked, and managed to stall the boarding operations for some time, but were ultimately driven back in defeat. The press release did not go into details about the cargo the „Pride of Starcider“ carried, but according to unconfirmed rumors it was valuable data concerning rebel mining and processing facilities.
So far it is not yet known how this recent setback will affect the operations of the rebel fleet in the sector, which had been taking the offensive lately.
Planet: Yavin System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The sector command of the Imperial Fleet announced today that two days ago, a rebel blockade runner identified as „Pride of Starcider“, a corellian corvette, was disabled and boarded in the Yavin System. The Imperial Fleet sent in a task force consisting of elements from Claw, Omega and Crimson Squadron, as well as Dark Flight and RID flew cover for the 101st "Onyx" decimator squadron as the later led the boarding of the rebel vessel.
Rebel relief forces attacked, and managed to stall the boarding operations for some time, but were ultimately driven back in defeat. The press release did not go into details about the cargo the „Pride of Starcider“ carried, but according to unconfirmed rumors it was valuable data concerning rebel mining and processing facilities.
So far it is not yet known how this recent setback will affect the operations of the rebel fleet in the sector, which had been taking the offensive lately.
Pirates driven off, freighter lost to technical malfunction?
Date: 290807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet seemed off to a good start last night when the two YT-1300 freighters, Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, met up with four escorting starfighters above Tatooine – a wise precaution after the massive attacks on the last convoy.
The escorts were soon needed when several pirates attacked during the trip through the Karthakk system, using an asteroid field for cover. In the following dogfight, all four attackers – a patched together Decimator-class ship probably salvaged from a junkyard according to experts, a Vaksai, an Advanced X-Wing and an A-Wing - were driven off or shot down without the escorts or freighters suffering any losses more serious than some armor damage. Refueling
However, during the jump to Corellia, the „Entertainer Dream“ reported system failures and miscalculated jumping coordinates. Lt. Alvar managed to find the ship, and the freighter arrived in the Corellia system, but the ship was out of control, and blew up soon after exiting hyperspace. Captain Lightingdust fortunately was wearing an EVA suit, and could be rescued from the debris by the rest of the convoy, and was brought to Coronet Medical Center.
Her injuries were treated there while the debris of her ship was analysed. According to a preliminary report by the authorities, the freighter was lost due to a faulty reactor overload routine which stressed the reactor too much and caused a power spike that damaged the ship’s electronics and ultimately led to the destruction of the ship. Despite this, rumors of sabotage circulated.
IMC representative Okowwi Emied announced that insurance payments to Captain Lightingdust had already be made, and hoped that the experienced spacer would resume her work quickly.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The weekly convoy of the Intergalactic Mining Company from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to Coronet seemed off to a good start last night when the two YT-1300 freighters, Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“ and Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, met up with four escorting starfighters above Tatooine – a wise precaution after the massive attacks on the last convoy.
The escorts were soon needed when several pirates attacked during the trip through the Karthakk system, using an asteroid field for cover. In the following dogfight, all four attackers – a patched together Decimator-class ship probably salvaged from a junkyard according to experts, a Vaksai, an Advanced X-Wing and an A-Wing - were driven off or shot down without the escorts or freighters suffering any losses more serious than some armor damage. Refueling
However, during the jump to Corellia, the „Entertainer Dream“ reported system failures and miscalculated jumping coordinates. Lt. Alvar managed to find the ship, and the freighter arrived in the Corellia system, but the ship was out of control, and blew up soon after exiting hyperspace. Captain Lightingdust fortunately was wearing an EVA suit, and could be rescued from the debris by the rest of the convoy, and was brought to Coronet Medical Center.
Her injuries were treated there while the debris of her ship was analysed. According to a preliminary report by the authorities, the freighter was lost due to a faulty reactor overload routine which stressed the reactor too much and caused a power spike that damaged the ship’s electronics and ultimately led to the destruction of the ship. Despite this, rumors of sabotage circulated.
IMC representative Okowwi Emied announced that insurance payments to Captain Lightingdust had already be made, and hoped that the experienced spacer would resume her work quickly.
Rebel fleet gaining strength – Empire defeated in Endor system
Date: 280807
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a period of defeats, the rebel fleet is on the offensive again. In the ongoing struggle to control space mining sites, the Imperial fleet suffered a setback in the Endor system three days ago.
While no official statement has been released to the press yet, unconfirmed sources claim that a task force ordered to secure survey sites in the Endor system was attacked by large numbers of rebel starfighters and forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties.
It remains to be seen how the Empire will react to this growing menace. From what is known, a number of veteran imperial units are currently undergoing refits and home leaves, and the command structure of the sector fleet is in the process of changing. Experts are not sure whether or not any such changes will take effect before the rebels use the current opportunity to secure their position in space.
Planet: Endor System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
After a period of defeats, the rebel fleet is on the offensive again. In the ongoing struggle to control space mining sites, the Imperial fleet suffered a setback in the Endor system three days ago.
While no official statement has been released to the press yet, unconfirmed sources claim that a task force ordered to secure survey sites in the Endor system was attacked by large numbers of rebel starfighters and forced to withdraw after suffering heavy casualties.
It remains to be seen how the Empire will react to this growing menace. From what is known, a number of veteran imperial units are currently undergoing refits and home leaves, and the command structure of the sector fleet is in the process of changing. Experts are not sure whether or not any such changes will take effect before the rebels use the current opportunity to secure their position in space.
Tensions rising on Lok
Date: 280807
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The planet Lok in the Karthakk system is a hostile, wild world. Rivers of acid and harsh deserts dominate the terrain, and the population has a long tradition of independence, even piracy.
It comes as no surprise that the planet has been attracting more than its normal share of trouble most of the time. Nym’s feud with the Bloodrazor and Canyon Corsair pirates is in company these days.
A trandoshan slaver organisation based in central Lok seems on the outs with other locals, as well as under pressure from outside criminal syndicates. While no outright hostilities have been reported, it seems just a matter of time until someone builds the right alliance and brings matters to a head.
Piracy is at an all-time high, with pirate ships becoming more daring each week, preying on freighters of all kinds. Next to Nym, pirates can count on a few spots on the planets to rest and repair or refit their ships, and the loot gotten from some freighters alone should allow them to set up extensive compounds.
And as if this was not enough already, Imperial forces operating out of the Outpost Epsilon are spreading their influence over the planet, patrolling central Lok regularly in force. From what is known, this is done with the goal to crack down on smugglers, especially those supporting the rebel alliance. House to house searches and checkpoints at chokepoints are to be expected, so travellers to and from Lok better renew the licenses for all their devices they use for self-defense – wouldn't want to have the Empire mistake your weapon collection for a cargo meant to supply the rebels.
All in all, Lok seems a powderkeg waiting for a spark.
Planet: Lok
Region: Central Lok
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The planet Lok in the Karthakk system is a hostile, wild world. Rivers of acid and harsh deserts dominate the terrain, and the population has a long tradition of independence, even piracy.
It comes as no surprise that the planet has been attracting more than its normal share of trouble most of the time. Nym’s feud with the Bloodrazor and Canyon Corsair pirates is in company these days.
A trandoshan slaver organisation based in central Lok seems on the outs with other locals, as well as under pressure from outside criminal syndicates. While no outright hostilities have been reported, it seems just a matter of time until someone builds the right alliance and brings matters to a head.
Piracy is at an all-time high, with pirate ships becoming more daring each week, preying on freighters of all kinds. Next to Nym, pirates can count on a few spots on the planets to rest and repair or refit their ships, and the loot gotten from some freighters alone should allow them to set up extensive compounds.
And as if this was not enough already, Imperial forces operating out of the Outpost Epsilon are spreading their influence over the planet, patrolling central Lok regularly in force. From what is known, this is done with the goal to crack down on smugglers, especially those supporting the rebel alliance. House to house searches and checkpoints at chokepoints are to be expected, so travellers to and from Lok better renew the licenses for all their devices they use for self-defense – wouldn't want to have the Empire mistake your weapon collection for a cargo meant to supply the rebels.
All in all, Lok seems a powderkeg waiting for a spark.
Mixed news of missing people
Date: 280807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There has been a string of missing persons lately, even more than what has to be expected during war.
Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing a few days ago. The Naboo native human woman had been investigating alleged corruption and criminal ties of seemingly legit business according to GNA. Her latest work, two interviews, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Since then, GNA has received no further news other than some „I am working on something bigger“ notice, and several information requests concerning money laundering and fraud information.
(If spotted, check if she's there IC, or just oocly.)
Another tragic case is the disappearance of Ikus Agapor. The husband of the dancer Jazmine and brother of Thaesus Andromeda disappeared shortly after the birth of their son, Darron Agapor. While his fate is unknown, according to rumors Jazmine is not wearing her wedding ring anymore. If this means Ikus is presumed dead is up for speculation, but if he left his wife right after the birth of his son, he might be better off dead.
Finally, no news about the whereabouts of „businessman“ Karpasso F. Tong. Tong has been arrested during the Imperial Ball weeks ago, and has not been heard of since transferred into Imperial custody. Rumors run the gamut from him enjoying a permanent stay in the Dathomir holding facilities to the whole thing just being a cover for some internal disagreements concerning business between him and his subordinates which were solved „the traditional way“.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
There has been a string of missing persons lately, even more than what has to be expected during war.
Ikiwi Obead, freelance reporter for the Galactic News Agency, went missing a few days ago. The Naboo native human woman had been investigating alleged corruption and criminal ties of seemingly legit business according to GNA. Her latest work, two interviews, were made in Farpoint Valley, Tatooine. Since then, GNA has received no further news other than some „I am working on something bigger“ notice, and several information requests concerning money laundering and fraud information.
(If spotted, check if she's there IC, or just oocly.)
Another tragic case is the disappearance of Ikus Agapor. The husband of the dancer Jazmine and brother of Thaesus Andromeda disappeared shortly after the birth of their son, Darron Agapor. While his fate is unknown, according to rumors Jazmine is not wearing her wedding ring anymore. If this means Ikus is presumed dead is up for speculation, but if he left his wife right after the birth of his son, he might be better off dead.
Finally, no news about the whereabouts of „businessman“ Karpasso F. Tong. Tong has been arrested during the Imperial Ball weeks ago, and has not been heard of since transferred into Imperial custody. Rumors run the gamut from him enjoying a permanent stay in the Dathomir holding facilities to the whole thing just being a cover for some internal disagreements concerning business between him and his subordinates which were solved „the traditional way“.
Desilijic cartel fleet blockades Lok – Underworld tensions grow?
Date: 260807
Planet: Lok
Region: Lok Spacestation
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, posted for Celox).
A large fleet of ships was reported in orbit, over Lok, yesterday night.
Lok’s starport officials state, that the fleet was positively identified to belong to Skocha the Hutt.
The GNA has obtained some exclusive holo-pictures of the fleet, taken by an auto nav buoy near Lok:

Private ships launching and arriving to Lok’s starport were detained in space, for unknown reasons.
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet has released the following statement on this matter:
“We have received some reports concerning last night activity in Lok space. Imperial patrols in this sector were not interfered, nor detained while performing their duties”.
The GNA has managed to interview one of the detained captains – Raex:
Raex: “I was hailed short after launching from the starport and instructed to power down my engines”
GNA:”Did the ship which contacted you identify?”
Raex:”Not that I recall…, though, I was surrounded by half a dozen of starfighters in a matter of seconds”
GNA:”What happened after that?”
Raex: “My cargo was subjected to a thorough inspection, and I was released unharmed”
Another eye witness, stated that two of Nym’s heavy starfighters were seen leaving Lok space, however, to his utter surprise – they were not detained by the Hutt fleet.
Why was the Desilijic cartel “turning rocks” in Lok space?
Is Skocha the Hutt stirring something with Nym?
Time will tell.
Planet: Lok
Region: Lok Spacestation
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, posted for Celox).
A large fleet of ships was reported in orbit, over Lok, yesterday night.
Lok’s starport officials state, that the fleet was positively identified to belong to Skocha the Hutt.
The GNA has obtained some exclusive holo-pictures of the fleet, taken by an auto nav buoy near Lok:
Private ships launching and arriving to Lok’s starport were detained in space, for unknown reasons.
The local Sector Command of the Imperial Fleet has released the following statement on this matter:
“We have received some reports concerning last night activity in Lok space. Imperial patrols in this sector were not interfered, nor detained while performing their duties”.
The GNA has managed to interview one of the detained captains – Raex:
Raex: “I was hailed short after launching from the starport and instructed to power down my engines”
GNA:”Did the ship which contacted you identify?”
Raex:”Not that I recall…, though, I was surrounded by half a dozen of starfighters in a matter of seconds”
GNA:”What happened after that?”
Raex: “My cargo was subjected to a thorough inspection, and I was released unharmed”
Another eye witness, stated that two of Nym’s heavy starfighters were seen leaving Lok space, however, to his utter surprise – they were not detained by the Hutt fleet.
Why was the Desilijic cartel “turning rocks” in Lok space?
Is Skocha the Hutt stirring something with Nym?
Time will tell.
Piracy in the Corellia System – CorSec inactive?
Date: 240807
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia, a trade hub for the entire galaxy, is usually known as a safe system, especially compared to the Tatoo and Karthakk systems, thanks to diligent patrols. However, last night, the freighter „Spinning Cloud“, freshly repaired after getting damaged during the last IMC convoy, came under attack by two unmarked Y-Wings and one unmarked M-22 Krayt gunship in the Corellia system – right under the noses of local CorSec.
The freighter’s engine was quickly destroyed, but the courageous crew kept firing, holding the raiders, which identified themselves as „Zyn’thia“ at bay while sending our calls for assistance. Inexplicable, no one answered those calls, no patrol ship from CorSec, and no Imperial Navy craft, came to the freighter’s aid. Finally, the upper turret of the ship was destroyed, and two raiders docked with it.
Even after the raiders had vacated the area, the ship was left drifting, no assistance from sector forces being rendered until the „Eopie Runner“, en route from Tatooine, appeared in system, reacted to the distress calls, and towed the „Spinning Cloud“ to Talus Orbital Station.
It is not known if the crew suffered any casualties, but the ship’s captain, Ryian Coron, complained forcefully with CorSec and Navy officials. According to rumors, CorSec’s lack of assistance was due to internal struggles about competences. The Sector Command of the Imperial navy stated that the Galactic Civil War and growing pirate threats in the Karthakk system had tied up the majority of its forces, but pending the completion of the Karthakk system operations against smugglers and pirates, patrols in the Corellia system would be taken up again „until CorSec manages to guarantee the safety of space lanes crucial for the economy of a major part of the Galaxy“.
The Spinning Cloud was being chartered by noted arms manufacturer Gelphee, starting from Naboo with Corellia as its destination. No information concerning its cargo was made public so far.
Planet: Corellia System
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
Corellia, a trade hub for the entire galaxy, is usually known as a safe system, especially compared to the Tatoo and Karthakk systems, thanks to diligent patrols. However, last night, the freighter „Spinning Cloud“, freshly repaired after getting damaged during the last IMC convoy, came under attack by two unmarked Y-Wings and one unmarked M-22 Krayt gunship in the Corellia system – right under the noses of local CorSec.
The freighter’s engine was quickly destroyed, but the courageous crew kept firing, holding the raiders, which identified themselves as „Zyn’thia“ at bay while sending our calls for assistance. Inexplicable, no one answered those calls, no patrol ship from CorSec, and no Imperial Navy craft, came to the freighter’s aid. Finally, the upper turret of the ship was destroyed, and two raiders docked with it.
Even after the raiders had vacated the area, the ship was left drifting, no assistance from sector forces being rendered until the „Eopie Runner“, en route from Tatooine, appeared in system, reacted to the distress calls, and towed the „Spinning Cloud“ to Talus Orbital Station.
It is not known if the crew suffered any casualties, but the ship’s captain, Ryian Coron, complained forcefully with CorSec and Navy officials. According to rumors, CorSec’s lack of assistance was due to internal struggles about competences. The Sector Command of the Imperial navy stated that the Galactic Civil War and growing pirate threats in the Karthakk system had tied up the majority of its forces, but pending the completion of the Karthakk system operations against smugglers and pirates, patrols in the Corellia system would be taken up again „until CorSec manages to guarantee the safety of space lanes crucial for the economy of a major part of the Galaxy“.
The Spinning Cloud was being chartered by noted arms manufacturer Gelphee, starting from Naboo with Corellia as its destination. No information concerning its cargo was made public so far.
Freighter convoy runs into serious trouble
Date: 220807
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ressource business must be profitable, if only because almost every convoy the Intergalactic Mining Company runs from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Core worlds seems to attract pirates. Last night, a three-ship convoy formed of Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“, Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, both YT-1300 class ships, as well as H’oshi QaVam’s „Raven’s Claw“, a more modern YT-2400 class ship, escorted by Choronzon in a Vaksai heavy fighter, was attacked in the Karthakk system.
Choronzon, scouting ahead, encountered four pirates which opened fire at once – two Advanced X-Wings and two Vaksais. Choronzon was forced to eject from his heavily damaged fighter while still warning the convoy, who came under attack right afterward. In the following engagement, the „Spinning Cloud“ was disabled while the „Entertainer Dream“ and the „Raven’s Claw“ managed to escape through hyperspace – the damaged reactor of the „Entertainer Dream“ giving out soon after arriving.
Despite this almost miraculous escape, the crew of the „Entertainer Dream“ conducted jury-rigged repairs at once, then returned with the „Raven’s Claw“ to assist the „Spinning Cloud“; which at this point was being forced to jettison her cargo. The „Raven’s Claw“ then attacked, surprising the pirates, and disabled a Vaksai fighter before heading off again, pursued by the remaining pirates. During the following chase, she managed to draw the pirates away from the Spinning Cloud, enabling the „Entertainer Dream“ to return and tow the „Spinning Cloud“ to Lok’s orbital station. Unfortunately, the „Raven’s Claw“ received crippling damages in the process, but was recovered later as well.
While the „Spinning Cloud“ had to be landed on Lok for repairs, both the „Entertainer Dream“ as well as the „Raven’s Claw“ reached Corellia after repairs, bringing about 2/3 of the total cargo of the convoy to its destination.
Imperial patrols are expected to pick up in the Karthakk system in the next few days following this attack.
Planet: Tatooine
Region: Farpoint Valley
Story: (Written by the Galactic News Agency, Ramona doesn't write IC).
The ressource business must be profitable, if only because almost every convoy the Intergalactic Mining Company runs from Farpoint Valley, Tatooine to the Core worlds seems to attract pirates. Last night, a three-ship convoy formed of Ryian Coron’s „Spinning Cloud“, Selenes Lightingdust’s „Entertainer Dream“, both YT-1300 class ships, as well as H’oshi QaVam’s „Raven’s Claw“, a more modern YT-2400 class ship, escorted by Choronzon in a Vaksai heavy fighter, was attacked in the Karthakk system.
Choronzon, scouting ahead, encountered four pirates which opened fire at once – two Advanced X-Wings and two Vaksais. Choronzon was forced to eject from his heavily damaged fighter while still warning the convoy, who came under attack right afterward. In the following engagement, the „Spinning Cloud“ was disabled while the „Entertainer Dream“ and the „Raven’s Claw“ managed to escape through hyperspace – the damaged reactor of the „Entertainer Dream“ giving out soon after arriving.
Despite this almost miraculous escape, the crew of the „Entertainer Dream“ conducted jury-rigged repairs at once, then returned with the „Raven’s Claw“ to assist the „Spinning Cloud“; which at this point was being forced to jettison her cargo. The „Raven’s Claw“ then attacked, surprising the pirates, and disabled a Vaksai fighter before heading off again, pursued by the remaining pirates. During the following chase, she managed to draw the pirates away from the Spinning Cloud, enabling the „Entertainer Dream“ to return and tow the „Spinning Cloud“ to Lok’s orbital station. Unfortunately, the „Raven’s Claw“ received crippling damages in the process, but was recovered later as well.
While the „Spinning Cloud“ had to be landed on Lok for repairs, both the „Entertainer Dream“ as well as the „Raven’s Claw“ reached Corellia after repairs, bringing about 2/3 of the total cargo of the convoy to its destination.
Imperial patrols are expected to pick up in the Karthakk system in the next few days following this attack.
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